Doors (2021)
blee 5 points 3 years ago.

ok so they almost had something but the middle school levels of trying too hard to be really, really deep, the too many cooks situation with where the plot should go and the super short and not at all imo satisfying place they go with the story just really made me not enjoy this. Maybe if you took out all the moments of “omg just get to it already”, structured what is here better and added another hr of movie to actually go somewhere with the concept it wouldnt be bad. It’s a great basis/concept that really makes u want to invest some time and attention to it but it really fell flat for me and just felt super over stylized and kitsch to the point of being annoying and almost patronizing. Like “we know u like this and want to see where it goes but we arent going to do that at all”….again this is just all just my personal opinion. I am overjoyed that others saw something here but i did not. 1/5 dont read this and decide against watching because it IS interesting but dont say i didnt warn you! :P