Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
greyfur 9 points 3 years ago.

Normally it’s hard for me to sit through something this long, but not this time. Was rooted to the chair. This was a vast improvement over the first version, and answered a lot of questions I was left with after watching the first one. Seems to me Joss Whedon might want to find a different career, as he’s really messing these movies up, he had a lot of good stuff to work with, and just left it on the cutting room floor instead of using it.

This was more what a movie should be, at least as far as a Superhero movie goes, at least as far as I’m concerned anyway. Well worth the time invested to watch this, and hoping that Zack Snider can come back and make a sequel of some kind. Too bad he couldn’t have actually have finished the movie the first time around,would have made a mint!

firedove10 1 points 3 years ago.

Indeed, this was a great movie. Watched it on HBOMAX. I even sat through it twice, because I missed 1/3 of the film the first time lol. The Joss version was just trash.