Resident Alien (2021) S1 E10
wferreira 1 points 3 years ago.

I like them short. Long long seasons make it hard for them to keep it interesting. I guess they run out of ideas really. just check The Flash, Supergirl, etc etc
Short seasons keeps the audiences longing for more!

Xsile 2 points 3 years ago*.

Never got past the first season of supergirl that show is awful imo. The flash was good up until hawkgirl so I gave up on it. I still liked it when shows had long season like TNG, Voyager, DS9, Andromida, StarGate sg1 all of which I feel kept everything interesting. TNG 7 seasons at a average of 26 episodes per season. IMO it boils down to lack of imagination with today’s writers who more often then not resort to the same old formulas and tropes.