Big Brother Canada (2013) S9 E28
TheAbsintheFairey 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Awwww gutted! But, he needed a miracle at that point. No miracles served today

UGuess 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Danggg I kind da hoped Tierra was stupid enough to keep him only because he was my number one. But for game reasons only, that was the smartest play. Tye (annoying fake tears,ugghhh) lied when he said he skated by because dude worked harder than all of them in this game so hopefully he win Canada’s favorite. I hope she does win and she realizes she is the lonelinest she’s ever been. Brandon does’nt deserve it. Tye has just really irked during the 2nd half of this game, if that hadn’t happened..I’d prob be rooting for him.