Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021) S1 E2
ezl88 5 points 3 years ago.

Dave Filoni, you brilliant SOB. The guy knows how to tell a compelling story in the SW universe and after just 2 episodes it’s apparent that the quality here will be on par with Clone Wars, if not better. The only reasons I can understand for someone not enjoying the show are because they write it off immediately after seeing it’s animated or just don’t like SW. The connotation of animation being just for kids has been around in the West for over 40 years now. I didn’t watch Clone Wars myself as a kid and that was a mistake; the storytelling in animation is almost always superior to live action as a creator/writer’s imagination can go wild without an effects budget, poor actor performance, etc. I think anyone will be able to just pick this up and start watching it without having seen Clone Wars, but you really owe it to yourself to go back and watch it anyway.