Big Brother (2001) S13 E11
TheAbsintheFairey 2 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Is he really a part of it tho? I see him as a floater tbh. It’s Kate and Jesse tight like Nick and Dan were. Well I thought was Dan who freaked more hahaha ;) I want him gone but he is now the David in this David and Goliath story. I think BB giving him an advantage was purely strategic cos he makes great TV lololol :)))
PS, my money is firmly on Tilly ;) ♥

craigerzz 2 points 3 years ago*.

what are you talking about bb has bent dan over the barrel so much in this game. It disgusts me how much they have involved themselves and single handedly destroyed and blew up his game. As if it wasnt going to be hard enouph for him not only with his personality but his age. I hated him right off the jump but he impressed the hell out of me by some how surviving. And not only that but getting people onside and thriving thats playing the game. Just to have producers involve themselves and make it impossible for him to win. This AU format of BB is not BB or what it used to or should be were strategic players win. This format dosent allow that whoever could or does win this is purely 90% luck and 10% gameplay. I dont know if the au BB is always like this but its ultimately aggravating frustrating to watch i stopped watching two Ep. ago. And seriously after danny and nick are gone if not already besides tilly who the hell is going to sit around and watch katie and her sheep. Anyways so very sorry for my rant I had some pent up frustration from when i watched this show I dislike this BB its not BB to me … Sorry