The Crow (1994)
ivannavatch 6 points 3 years ago.

Pretty jaded view. when i was a kid this movie blew us all away. I rewatched it and it’s still awesome. I don’t agree with your Tim Burton equasion either, The Crow is not whimsical at all. Plus I for one celebrate my birthday every year. 27 was an awesome one and none of the guys was wearing flannel or eyeliner ;)

tapwater 3 points 3 years ago*.

I like the movie people, I just have a another perspective on it. 3/5 stars is high marks for me

I have no idea what that last sentence is supposed to mean but I literally knew people that changed their ‘style’ from grunge to goth almost overnight because of this film.

A birthday is quite different than the anniversary of a movie, give it 3 years and buy the 16K commemorative edition along with much better movies like The Professional, Shawshank, Pulp Fiction, Shallow Grave, and Lion King that came out same year

I don’t think he intentionally ripped anybody off but aesthetically, the directors’ eyes for color are quite similar. Proyas wasn’t original was the point of that statement. Where is he now and who cares? ‘Dark City’ is even more visually inventive than this but no one talks about it today. If it was led by someone half as charismatic as Brandon, we might be especially if said person died while filming is a further point. Last point is that Proyas, while having a good eye, has no idea how to tell a story; he even ruined ‘I, Robot’ which is an adaptation of a compilation of 9 or 10 stories by one of the greatest Sci-Fi authors ever, Isaac Asimov.