Top Chef (2006) S18 E8
ObserverMI -3 points 3 years ago.

Again, I think this show has seen it’s best days and dropping fast. Too predictable. If I could bet on it, I’d make a ton of dough.
The judges are really getting on my nerves, from the same ol comments to in this episode, they were more upset about not being paid attention too in the ‘service’ than the food itself. How shallow. If it doesn’t make some changes, as an 18 season vet, I’m outta here.
Tom, I appreciate him and he gives really good honest feedback. Padma…I’m more than ready for a change.

Make some updates and changes and keep the SJW out of it and FOCUS on the food and chefs and you’ll keep those legs under you. If not….it’s on it’s way out.