Kingdom (2019)
ShadowWolf 3 points 3 years ago.

Freddy was my nightmare as a kid! I’d lay there in the hot summer trying to go to sleep with the covers pulled up to my chin, sweating to death, too afraid to call out for my mom. I was paralyzed with fear that he’d get me if I called out or took them off!!lol, it was awful! I mean c’mon its about a child molester that can enter and manipulate your dreams.🤯😱 Wtf! Taking control, he manifests your worst fears, making them your reality, hunting and toying with you until he finally kills you and you die in the physical world! Which basically is all metaphorical for someone being assaulted in that manner…. some really dark and twisted sh¡z! Why! Who gets financed for that idea! “You wanted horror… Hear you go!” 🤪🤑😈

UGuess 2 points 3 years ago*.

LMBCO LMBCO what an interpretation!! Dude I feel so bad for you. Are you okay?! PTSD from Fred??? I’m still won’t do him and I’m in my 40s’s. But Dang your reply should be say spoiler alert-I can’t even explain verbalize why. I just don’t I’m probably gonna read it five more times and laugh about it all weekend.