Lucifer (2016) S5 E10
ssjkvzhen88 -1 points 2 years ago.

Lmaooo, no real fans of the show in this comment section, just a bunch of randoms complaining about an episode they “didn’t know about”… even though the whole segment of “Another One Bites the Dust” was used as a teaser for this episode during DC Fandome in September. The real fanbase knew it was coming and complained about it back then. Anyone who does it now in these comments is 8 months too late.

Someone even actually called it “unexpected” 😂😂 It was very expected since it was announced last year, and considering the fact that Tom Ellis sings or plays piano multiple times per season.

Stupidest thing is that people are treating it like the entire 60 minutes were done to music. 8 songs, that’s 24 minutes at the most, since not all the songs were done in their entirety.

Jhigh03 4 points 2 years ago.

imagine gatekeeping a fandom so hard you get triggered when others dont stalk every aspect of a show that you feel the need to commit this 4 times saying the same thing each time. Oh, and the ep. totally sucked.