Hell's Kitchen (2005) S20 E1
Katreena 2 points 3 years ago*.


There’s 2 or 3 that show possibilities. Then the usual mishmash of over-inflated egos .. starry eyes .. etc. I genuinely feel for the girl with panic disorder. If she has the real thing, I’m rooting for her to find her steel backbone. She’s going to have to, to survive.

UGuess 2 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I think Ramsey was soft so far, which I’ve never seen him before on this show. But these cloud nine babies are in for a quick reality check. I agree with your 2 or 3 assessment too. I legit held back my own ters along with the anxiety cook-I get it. I laughed at the preview where the dude said it hurts but he couldn’t explain (LMBCO), man I wish this was on daily. I wish the first eps was longer but I guess they have to prolong it as much as they could these days and I don’t blame them SB: Wonder why people are so attracted to Ramsey, think it’s his $$ but they really don’t know it. SMH