The Mosquito Coast (2021) S1 E7
DownrightDebonaire 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

from last episode it seems that the NSA told her they were kidnapped by the parents. I don’t know if it’s both or just the son. He’s too immature for me. but that might be intentional….like later we will find out he is younger that he thinks because they lied about his age when they kidnapped him? Or maybe that’s all made up to flush out the family?

UGuess 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

at first I thought it had to do with father’s job/invention but then mom said it was her fault or hinted at her being the reason…then the son with the crab, idk maybe he’s just freaking out with all these changes. I just don’t think we’re too much anywhere in the story and in the back of my head I’m also thinking about Blacklist. So perhaps I’m a bit tainted (LOL)