Marvel's Jessica Jones (2015)
Canuckian -2 points 5 years ago.

I was under the impression that Netflix had cancelled their entire extended universe shows ie. Iron fist, Luke Cage, Daredevil and Jessica Jones…i think they even cancelled Daredevil though why they would do that is beyind me…Dardevil just got better each season, Iron Fist not so much..Daredevil and Jessica Jones were the two i liked best. 2nd season of Iron fist was weak AF, Punisher was alright though a bit drawn out imo..

greyfur 0 points 4 years ago.

They did, pretty sure they already had most of the 3rd season done already. would seem that Disney bought the rights out from under ‘flix for the Marvel stuff, and will be doing their own productions. Seems they are coming out with their own streaming site soon, have o idea if they will be bringing back any of these shows though.
Saw a few articles where they were saying ‘flix was really deep in debt, and struggling to stay solvent. Might be when Disney comes out with their new site,they put ‘flix out of business.