Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation (2019)
Canuckian 4 points 4 years ago.

I simply don’t understand people who think that we are ALONE in the Universe…I mean, to put it simply, shouldn’t the very fact that WE as Humans exist here on Earth prove that life exists in the Universe and that considering how Large the Universe is, is it REALLY that difficult to believe that there are other life forms out there? Not saying they visit us or anything, i think it is quite possible that other life in the Universe may simply be too far away to ever come to Earth, but then again, if they are thousands of years ahead of us, why wouldn’t they maybe have some form of space travel that would allow them to jump between galaxies and planets etc. The thing about Space is that it is ripe for speculation…quite literally, ANYTHING is possible…we here on Earth and even Earth itself is not even a speck of a speck of dust on the back of a grain of sand located on a beach somewhere LOL..that is how small and insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things…I enjoy watching these shows because i am NOT looking for any kind of “truth” to justify what i believe or anything nor do i enjoy these kinds of shows to disprove anything..i enjoy these kinds of programs because i LOVE to speculate..i love the whole “What If…” factor involved..that is what hooks me and is what i am open too…i am not naive enough to believe we are alone in the universe and that we have it all figured out here…and sometimes it is nice to watch shows where there are people who think/believe the same thing i do without judgement.