Catch and Kill: The Podcast Tapes (2021)
YELLOWbird 7 points 2 years ago.

Ronan Farrow was obviously very vulnerable himself throughout this whole process, which is a testament to his commitment to the story. He and Rich McHugh certainly deserve the accolades they received. This is riveting stuff about power, ego, entitlement and venality.

OliverPRIME 1 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

He is indeed quite a strong confidant young man. He had the chance to make another powerful documentary about his sister and Woody Allen, had he not been afraid to upset his family at the time..but I hear he has been a powerhouse in investigating this story further with a friend ..and hoping to expose Allen in the coming years. Allen v. Farrow (2021)is another compelling investigation ..but I dont believe a word Dylan says.