Don't Breathe 2 (2021)
Kid Kryptonite 10 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The whole movie was made to redeem Norman from the first film and they tried too hard. Not as good as original, but the violence was brutal and it’s cool to see him in action. They upped the stakes with the antagonists making them a military trained meth gang instead of young bumbling home invaders. It was a stretch since they came fully prepared not even knowing Norman’s background. Plus, it was too convenient how they just so happened to find this girl. The twist made this more unbelievable and not going to spoil it, but they could’ve found a better way to continue their drug business. You even see how the people involved think it’s wrong. I mean, he did kinda redeem himself, but at the end of the day there’s no taking back his sick turkey basting ways. If anything it showed he’s too obsessed with being a father.