The Wheel of Time (2021)
kerfy 8 points 2 years ago.

Jordan had said early on in the series that he could finish them at any time because he had his notes for the whole story.. Sadly he did not.. He sorta milked it and slowed down about the time the video game came out.. I was very dissapointed when he died.. I think the wheel of time is probly the best of the genre.. Very similar to the belgariad series.. :)

Canuckian 7 points 2 years ago.

ooh The Belgariad quintet of books was FANTASTIC! Don’t forget the subsequent Malloreon quintet as well which is a direct continuation of the events in Belgariad..There is also the Elenium Trilogy which follows the Malloreon but I have never had the opportunity to read it but i’m sure it is just as amazing It was actually the first High Fantasy series I ever read (that wasn’t Forgotten Realms or Dragonlance lol). I had actually forgotten all about those series of books! David Eddings is an AMAZING writer! Think I might have to go out and re-buy the entire series for my collection!Did you say there is a WoT Video Game they came out with? Why have I never heard of this? lol..geez I only recently learned that they came out with one season of a show based on the Sword of Truth books a bunch of years ago soon as I learned this I went and gave a couple episodes a watch and I just couldn’t do it. The acting was terrible and the only similarity to the books was the names of the characters and places lol..I wasn’t going to ruin the enjoyment I experienced after just finishing the SoT series by watching any more lol. Anyways, Thanks for reminding me of one of my fave series of books which I haven’t read in over 25 yrs! Very much looking forward to revisiting those books! Cheers kerfy!