White Cannibal Queen (1980)
grasshopper rex 1 points 2 years ago.

Cannibal sexploitation at it’s best/worst.

syndromezed 0 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This one qualifies as worst by a lot.

This one has one mostly-SFW sex scene and less boobs than the panty raid scene in Revenge of the Nerds…in other words, there’s very little exploitation of anyone, cannibals or women. :( The only positive is that the so-called “Cannibal Queen” is pretty hot. Oh, and her father handles a high-powered hunting rifle with one arm like John McClane handles a pistol at the end of Die Hard - so not realistic exactly, but pretty badass. Too bad we’re only talking about 2 or 3 shots total before he surrenders.

The negatives include: 1) extras that range from men with salon-quality feathered hair like David Cassidy to the guy who played Sheriff Lobo’s friend Perkins, all of whom have skin tones that go from “pasty white office worker” to “lighter-skinned Mediterranean person”. At least spring for dark makeup for your cannibal tribe extras, folks; 2) cannibal hunters who are really bad at knife fighting (that is, lame choreography); 3) a budget of about 10 cents for blood and red latex…as in, no blood after stabbings and gunshots and a couple “minimalist” scenes of supposed cannibalism with a few blood smears and a couple pieces of red latex for gore.

I’ve always wondered too, why cannibals are always depicted as eating people raw and alive? I assume it’s just for the shock value, since we have historical evidence that at least most of them killed and cooked their prey (bipedal or otherwise ;)). But there were so many holes in the plot, it’s not a question worth putting too much brain power into. :)

In short, go for Cannibal Ferox instead, or any of the purely Italian early 80s cannibal movies if you want real cannibal sexploitation. Those movies were the real definition of “mondo” s/exploitation, and just straight-up disturbing on a lot of levels.