Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S4 E2
moongoddess 4 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Lots of emotional angst in this episode. I kept thinking, Where’s Counselor Troy when ya need her. Yet, they were all able to eventually process their emotions as typical any starfleet member would. With each other. Emotions are a part of Star Trek. This episode was boiling over with them. Which is unusual to have every fleet member under turmoil at the same time. And wow, something new that has never been seen in prior Star Trek programs! What was it? Where did it come from? Where is it going? Why is it there? how did it form? Why did it form? The answers will be in future episodes all season long. This is going to be an exciting adventure this season. Glad to see Mr. Saru rejoin the Discovery Crew, even if only a temporary assist.