Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
PacificLilly 3 points 2 years ago.

Still one of my top fav films. It is such a classic. I could write a novel of a review, but better to let others decide for themselves I think. Over the years, I’ve gone back and forth, liking and not liking the different versions, (directors cut, theatrical release, special edition, etc.) But regardless of the version, it’s top notch. I’d say anyone who likes movies should at least watch it once.

WLK-MaStRKiLL3r 2 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I have to watch it a couple times a year. I like this version. It leaves you filled with wonderment. However the directors cut is pretty cool getting a glimpse of inside the ship. All and all it’s one of my favorites not to mention arguably the best alien contact film ever made. Reagan had a private viewing of this film with Spielberg and told him you don’t know how true to life this actually is. Obviously he was probably talking about the cover/spin the government puts on things they want us oblivious to but he was senile so you never know.