The Boulet Brothers' Dragula (2016) S4 E6
augusts1 2 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The thing w/Jade though is that sure she did her best look so far on this epi but the other’s looks were just so far superior that even at her best she couldn’t come close.

I’m really disappointed in Saint. She won the Resurrection competition they did last year but is so full of doubt now. Her presentations are lackluster although she’s had a few good looks. I was really rooting for her. I hope she can pull herself up which she did this epi but I think it may not be enough.

IMO Dahli is the clear front runner. He has been consistent w/amazing looks each week & has a great attitude/outlook on it all. La Zavaleta & Hoso aren’t too far behind although Hoso had a stumble last week w/that squid monster look which put her in the bottom. But Dahli’s looks have been so strong it’s obvious he will be on top.

alexisbits 2 points 2 years ago.

Well said! I agree that Dahli is looking to be this season’s winner. But you never know. Any one of them could manage to pull something amazing! Here’s hoping that Saint gets out of that funk she’s in. She did so well in “Resurrection”.