The 100 (2014)
Fangaliel 1 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

well for me it’s a 3/5: good scenario, not bad actors and very nice landscapes;

I havea big problem with the credibility of it all on the other side:

people make love, still have kids, still “marry” … so the reproductive “system” is still there…
Nothing is explained on how they got to have a 100 troubled kids, full of hormones, drop solo on earth and the young guys don’t, none of them, go for the girls without asking permission ?!

Women, in a post-apo world are “dominant” warriors … not a single “rape” not a single explaination on WHY suddendly Men don’t have the Urge to take it on women when everything is going down to shit…
Cfr. Shows like “Jerico” where humans are “humans” in all the good and BAD ways humans are.

IF you wanna make a post-apo world for humans or you give a Good reason for that Primal need of sex to not Be there at all for noone (nor skykru, nor grounders,…)though Ego, Violence and need for destruction are still there … (all as Primal)
Or you make credible scenarios where it’s part of the “game” of having a destroyed human world.
But like this well… it’s gummybear land… not credible

The biggest first “Threat” in a destroyed and so Unsecured society without laws and instutions making sure these laws are respected by all equaly, without any “restrains” on the primal beings that we are, is one Fear and Threat that only Women would have : Rape. And all the psychological and physical pain it inflicts. (With the male Ego telling Him it’s his duty to repopulate the world and share his “seed”… hum! it’s clearly the first Big threat post-apo)

This TV show made me think of World of Warcraft ; where male players mostly choose sexy female Elf avatars cause Girl’s look more sexy in Armors than guys… Cause that important threat is totally missing…

Watched all the seasons hoping that with this or that population/part of “history” it would show up (eg : when they fell on the prisoners all murderers…) or at least an explaination of where it went… but nope, nothing.