Vernon, Florida (1981)
8STORY8 1 points 4 years ago*.

7.2 IMDB score (7/26/19) and some interesting and positive reviews on IMDB of this documentary; some from those who live, or have lived, and/or still have family living in Vernon, and some whose family is in the documentary; and all confirm the accuracy of the documentary… I (who also live in Florida but don’t even know where Vernon is) may have to check it out. Decided to Google Map “Vernon”. It’s up in the Florida Panhandle right off of I-10.

8STORY8 -1 points 4 years ago*.

haha, duh, I just now noticed that the cover title is a sign, pointing to the panhandle of Florida, lolol. Alright, leave me alone, I need a nap.