Married at First Sight (2015) S9 E6
UGuess 1 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

THIS PISSES ME OFF. Celin is embarassed because she was alone so she wants to see him hurt. HALF TRUTH IS NOT THE TRUTH, IT’S A LIE! She was smirking the whole time the ladies were judging him. She is miserable & so full of herself that she does herself the most harm. Those ladies (drama lovers) who were stupid enough to side with Celine when only hearing one side will definitely look like fools when the truth comes. I don’t like the fact that they tried to force Anthony to be other than himself after he said he wanted to talk privately first. I hope Anthony doesn’t settle because he’ll be miserable if she doesn’t have a chemical change. He deserves better. I’m not sure if she really wants a husband but rather a punching bag & yes man