TisOnlyMe's comments

The Beatles: Get Back (2021)
TisOnlyMe 10 points 2 years ago.

HISTORY IN THE MAKING.. Peter Jackson has done an amazing job compiling these programmes. Seeing the Beatles at work and creating their last 2 iconic albums from scratch.. it’s like being in the room with them, hearing all their conversations and laughs. My only caveat would be, you kinda have to like the Beatles A LOT and be REALLY interested to spend this many hours watching as the new songs gradually emerge. If you’re not a big fan this might just be boring and overload; certainly this isn’t an ideal introduction to the band for newbies, this is more like the final chapter so best start at the beginning if you don’t already know them well. Myself i’m enjoying this a lot, it’s great to spend time with my childhood heroes even when it is so patchy and grumpy at times. There was still a lot of heart in that room! Well done PJ, loving it so far!! :))x

Resident Alien (2021) S1 E1
TisOnlyMe 6 points 3 years ago.

Yo.. Loved the first episode, dry humour, very funny, can’t wait for the rest.. BRILLIANT!! :))x

The Doors: Live at the Isle of Wight (2018)
snazzydetritus 3 points 2 years ago.

You lucky dog. This was Morrison’s final performance in Europe. When I watch it, I get this sense from the way he performs that he was just tired. Just ready to stop. It was as if his spirit was broken.

TisOnlyMe 6 points 2 years ago.

It was 1970, a lot of burnout after the 60s! This was also Jimi Hendrix last gig before he died. The festival itself was badly organized and there were a lot of heavy vibes around in spite of so many great acts playing, big security presence. This weekend felt like a turning-point for the whole scene, it certainly changed my Life! https://www.primewire.li/movie/253086-watch-message-to-love-the-isle-of-wight-festival

The Worlds of Philip K. Dick (2016)
glostarz999 7 points 3 years ago*.

‘Doc on Dick’ sounds like a BBC3 show that I REALLY wouldn’t want to watch. Looking forward to watching this though. Only Lovecraft could match him for sheer invention and creativity in the sci fi/ horror genre. And Lovecraft was a nutcase too. That probably isn’t a coincidence.

TisOnlyMe 6 points 3 years ago.

One key to the dark, dystopian vision is his continued use of Amphetamines. i believe Stephen King used them too, both writers of prolific weirdness. Ever take speed? It’ll lead you down some dark by-ways and of course, creativity is only a fine line away from insanity EVER. Speed also makes you paranoid, another shared ingredient in this genre. This doc made me feel sad, not a lot of happiness going on but i suppose the work, his output, is justification.. i have long believed that great art is usually the product of obsession, which leads to compromise in all other areas of a Life. Sad Life but some great stories

Cuties (2020)
James9668 2 points 3 years ago.

All of it is trash. I have talked with friends who have watched the movie. I have also read accounts of accidents happening while parachuting which educates me enough to avoid parachuting without trying it. I also I wanna know How I can I delete my account with this site ? can anyone help me with that ?

TisOnlyMe 9 points 3 years ago.

It annoys me that some people suggest banning this movie on Primewire, this story did have a culture-clash element, it was making a point and it was well-made and not at all tacky that i could see. Trouble is, once you introduce censorship where does it end? YOU might like films that i disapprove of, perhaps they too should be banned? Anything over-religious, ban it! Horror movies, not my taste, Ban them! Best policy when there’s something you don’t want to watch or disapprove of, just don’t watch it, turn it off, try something else. Because you don’t see the point of a piece of art doesn’t mean it might not have relevance to someone else. Generally speaking i’m not a fan of Netflix sponsored films, i find them overly violent and often very ‘dark’.. Hey maybe we should ban NF eh?! If you James 9668 wish to quit this site, no problem just switch off and go somewhere else, EASY..no-one’ll try to stop you.

Free Guy (2021)
TisOnlyMe 5 points 2 years ago.

I really thought i wouldn’t like “FREE GUY” at all.. but i was pleasantly surprised, it turned out to be pretty good overall, an entertaining movie with a few good laughs and an inventive story.. great effects too. Sure it reminded me of “TRUMAN SHOW” from the start, (he worked in a bank too didn’t he?) but also shades of “READY PLAYER ONE” with a dash of “WRECK IT RALPH” thrown in! So maybe it’s a bit formulaic, but at the same time i thought it was quite original.. Ryan Reynolds and Jodie Comer were fine! Yup, this flick gave me an enjoyable evening, can’t say better than that eh :))x 4/5

Resident Alien (2021) S1 E2
TisOnlyMe 5 points 3 years ago.

Oh good, been waiting for this 2nd ep to appear.. hoping this show will develop into a classic ‘fish-out-of-water’ scenario. It started well, reminds me of old B movies in it’s styling, the slightly wooden acting is i believe intentional. Dark humour, i like it. Anyway.. THANKS as usual to all the HEROIC UPLOADERS.. really appreciate you guys ! Thanks to all at Primewire :))x

Ragnarok (2020)
TisOnlyMe 5 points 3 years ago.

Ooh Goody.. a new season of RAGNAROK! I was hoping they’d continue as S1 came to an end on such a cliffhanger. Short seasons only 6 eps. Bloody good though, i really enjoyed it.. bring a blanket, lots of snow! :))x

Then Came You (2020)
TisOnlyMe 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Two wise-cracking old people, one a Scottish bloke and a cranky American lady, trading one-liner jokes like boxers trade punches, Ta-dah. ‘Badinage’ it’s called folks, Banter. Sadly after 70 minutes of it i finally pulled the plug, i was just waiting for it to be over by then. It’s a low-budget British flick, a ‘small story’. The Scottish scenery is wonderful but the soundtrack is just a peppering of perky pop songs.. the whole thing could be described as ‘Jaunty’. It’s easy to watch and certainly enjoyable if that’s the mood you’re in. It has it’s charm i suppose but i grew up with this type of humour, this sort of movie, and it failed to spark with me, i’ve seen this kind of thing done much better, even on Hallmark actually. I’d realistically give it 2 Stars for below average fare. (Too many puns and bad jokes that even the subtitles didn’t quite manage to get!)

Only Murders in the Building (2021)
TisOnlyMe 5 points 2 years ago.

Quirky and fun, good first ep, look forward to see how it develops :))x

Count Me In (2021)
TisOnlyMe 5 points 2 years ago.

Hey, i watched this a few weeks ago, brilliant little prog about drummers inc Charlie Watts (RiP) John Bonham, Ringo and others. They should’ve made a whole series on this subject, very interesting and some great performances. I really enjoyed this, worth a watch :))x

Torchy the Battery Boy (1956)
TisOnlyMe 5 points 2 years ago.

I watched this as a child. Reading the synopsis now, totally Lucy-in-the-sky, no wonder i became a hippie!! :))x

Moonshine (2021)
TisOnlyMe 5 points 2 years ago.

Quirky and fun, i enjoyed the first ep of this Canadian dramedy about a dysfunctional family.. on to ep2 now i guess! Thanks for the upload :))x

Cruella (2021)
TisOnlyMe 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Hey, i really enjoyed CRUELLA, Emma Stone is fantastic in the lead role, Emma T was also excellent here. I like Mark Strong, he’s always a good presense.. such cute dogs too!. The costumes are fabulous and the soundtrack swings along, a whole lot of fun. There’s some amazing cinematography too, eg the long sweeping shot into Liberties was awesome. Only thing that really grated for me was the littler of her 2 henchmen sounded like a bad impression of Bob Hoskins, i found him very annoying! The movie is quite long but it’s a good story so who cares.. i could watch Emma Stone all night!! A Great watch :)x

Resident Alien (2021) S1 E7
TisOnlyMe 6 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Talk about a cliff-hanger ending.. Whoops! Looking forward to the conclusion of this :))x

Prodigal Son (2019)
TisOnlyMe 6 points 4 years ago.

‘PRODIGAL SON’ has been a really enjoyable story, sadly only one more episode next week and it’ll be over :( Michael Sheen is wonderfully crazy-looking as the serial-killer Dad, Tom Payne, Lou Diamond Philips, a strong cast with interesting characters. Each ep there’s a case to investigate sure, but there’s a strong ongoing story arc continuing throughout as well. There are also at least two bangin’ surprise endings that really slam you when they happen.. There’s gentle humour happening too. I shall miss this prog when it’s over, but may well go back and watch it over again from the start, pick up on details i missed the first time.. it’s well worth a second look, ..or a first, if you like a good police/ serial-killer/ character-driven story, if you haven’t seen it yet. Recommended :))x

The Trump I Know (2020)
Contact (1997)
TisOnlyMe 7 points 4 years ago.

This is an amazing movie based on the novel CONTACT by Carl Sagan. Jodie foster is perfect as the impassioned astronomer Dr Ellie Arroway + a strong cast inc Matthew McConnaughy, Tom Skerrit, John Hurt, Angela Bassett. I find it to be a very moving film, a great reminder to keep in touch with our Humanity.. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Hi-5 Sci-Fi! :))x

The Canterville Ghost (1996)
TisOnlyMe 4 points 2 years ago.

Patrick Stewart is majestic as the ghost in this re-telling of the Oscar Wilde story. Neve Campbell is also excellent as the young American protagonist. This is a splendid film version, worth watching just to see how beautifully Sir Patrick delivers his lines. A great family movie for anyone interested :))x

The Doors: Live at the Isle of Wight (2018)
TisOnlyMe 4 points 2 years ago.

Good to see this listed here, I WAS THERE.. can’t believe it’s more than 50 years ago! Ah happy daze! :)x

Firefly Lane (2021)
TisOnlyMe 4 points 3 years ago.

A lot of people don’t seem to like KATHERINE HEIGL very much..i’m not one of them. I think she’s very talented and certainly was rather gorgeous looking.. however, she’s made some poor choices in the roles she’s accepted in the past few years and wasted her main opportunity to fill the shoes of the now ageing Jen Aniston, that other stalwart of the RomCom genre. Heigl must be getting on a bit now too so i really hope this new series she’s in does well. I haven’t watched any of the eps yet, maybe start on it later.. fingers crossed! :))x

Nine Perfect Strangers (2021) S1 E6
TisOnlyMe 4 points 2 years ago.

I’m enjoying this series meself, i quite like the slow pace.. i mean, they are supposed to be tripping out on shrooms and such, so it’s bound to be a bit spacey! Solid acting all round and good music choices, i find the whole thing quite classy. Lovely to hear Windmills of Your Mind by Dusty Springfield at eh end of this ep, what a voice.. now that’s REALLY classy!! Thanks for uploading :))x

Out of the Inkwell: The Fleischer Story (2008)
TisOnlyMe 4 points 3 years ago.

This is a really interesting documentary about the Fleischer Studios.. i used to love seeing Popeye on TV as a kid, though Betty Boop was a bit before my time! The one thing i eventually found annoying was the background trad-jazz music playing constantly beneath the commentary and interviews.. too much unnecessary music makes it hard to listen to what they’re saying. Good prog though :))x

Emily in Paris (2020) S1 E10
TisOnlyMe 4 points 3 years ago.

This is the last episode of the first series of EMILY IN PARIS and i for one am sad that it’s over, too soon, too soon! Only 10 eps isn’t enough for this stylish confection, SO many great clothes and a fun story AND it’s set in PARIS, SO beautiful! Just hope they make another series soon. THANKYOU Uploaders! :))x

Sgt Pepper's Musical Revolution with Howard Goodall (2017)
TisOnlyMe 4 points 3 years ago.

Howard Goodall, in case you haven’t come across him before, is a serious musician, keyboard player and composer. He is also a great educator and totally cool dude/ jolly interesting chap. I’ve seen this doc about the Beatles Sgt Pepper’s album before, but as i was checking out what’s been posted today, seeing it listed here, dang i decided to watch it again and glad i did, it’s a brilliant prog about a classic and pivotal music recording. Hearing all about why this album is so influential if fascinating, it was ground-breaking in it’s day. This really is an excellent explanation of the Beatles music and why this album was and is such a special record. Hope you enjoy it too :))x

Hacks (2021) S1 E10
TisOnlyMe 4 points 2 years ago.

A great final episode. I read an interview with Jean Smart the other day.. her husband died just before they filmed this last ep.. What dreadful timing, but it made her performance of this rather sober end to the series very poignant for me, knowing that. I really didn’t think i’d like this show but am glad i gave it a try as i’ve loved every minute! Jean Smart is extraordinary :))x

Hacks (2021) S1 E6
TisOnlyMe 4 points 3 years ago.

SO funny! Love this!

Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road (2003)
TisOnlyMe 4 points 2 years ago.

This youthful movie has a ‘Back to the Future’ vibe to it, maybe not surprising as Bob Gale the director of this also co-wrote that.. also there are cameos here from both Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd. The two movies are definitely related in style too.. like i said, it’s youthful, it’s fun, an enjoyable watch if you feel like something light and entertaining. I just saw this listed and re-watched it for the 3rd time i’d say, not too bad on a rainy Sunday nite in October! Cheers! :))x

The Illustrated Man (1969)
ThinMan 4 points 1 month ago.

For any Ray Bradbury fans, this is a must watch. It’s a classic and it’s captivating.

TisOnlyMe 4 points 1 month ago.

I loved his books as a teenager.. this was one of my favourites! :))x

Ladyhawke (1985)
TisOnlyMe 4 points 3 years ago.

‘LADYHAWKE’ is one of a number of movies that would have been an absolute classic except for one thing.. in this case the music soundtrack provided by ALAN PARSONS PROJECT. For those who weren’t around at the time, APP was a prog rock band from the 80s who made a few excellent albums. Sadly the soundtrack for Ladyhawke was not among their successes and the synth-led tones seriously detract from what would’ve otherwise been a brilliant movie, it IS a brilliant movie but the bloody music is so loud and invasive it really ruins the effect of the whole. So in Booger’s comment above, “What’s not to like?” Sadly that’d be the AWFUL music which UTTERLY RUINS an otherwisde great film.. Damn! Watch and weep! :((x

Marihuana (1936)
TisOnlyMe 5 points 3 years ago.

Ahhh, the sweet smell of BS.. “Light me up sweet-cheeks!” :))x

Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol (2021)
augusts1 3 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The actor playing Langdon just has no depth of skill or any heart. Made this hard to get into. I’ll give the 2nd epi a try. Hopefully it will improve.

TisOnlyMe 5 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I totally agree with that, no charisma from the lead actor. I managed to get through 2 eps of this before deciding it’s not worth the bother. In retrospect this was the only one of Dan Brown’s books i couldn’t get into, it’s all too far-fetched, so i suppose i shouldn’t be surprised at not liking the series. Disappointing though :((x

Miss Scarlet (2020)
TisOnlyMe 5 points 4 years ago.

I just watched the first episode and was impressed by the quality of this new British costume-drama. A Lady Detective in Victorian London.. makes a change! Good production values and acting, looks like the start of an entertaining series, if this is your kind of thing :))x

The Wheel of Time (2021)
TisOnlyMe 5 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Typical big-budget streaming company, spent a fortune on costume, sets, locations and effects but not enough on the script. They don’t tell you where or when it is, what planet even, just here we are suddenly in this magical story which you’ll have to pick up as it goes along.. ie if you haven’t read the books.. well after 1 ep i haven’t a clue what’s happening, not nearly enough dialogue. Still, it’s epic in the sense of budget at least and it’s fantasy and magic so i’ll give it a few eps to see if i can work out the story along the way. With such an epic tale to tell, more of a prologue would’ve helped to set the scene, i mean, i don’t even know any of their names yet.. more info would’ve helped. It looks good though! 3/5 so far :))x

A Castle for Christmas (2021)
TisOnlyMe 5 points 2 years ago.

A fine wee romance set in bonnie Scotland, in an real castle, all very scenic. Brooke Shields and Cary Elwes star with an enjoyable cameo from Drew Barrymore. Better than the average Christmas movie, perfect if you fancy some festive fare! :))x

Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael (1990)
TisOnlyMe 3 points 3 years ago.

A young Winona Rider in this coming-of-age drama about a misfit in small town America in the 80s. It’s not a bad little movie and Winona is on great form as the troubled teen Dinky Bossetti. The story wanders around a bit but is ultimately a satisfying watch, as long as you’re not in the mood for car-chases and such! An intelligent and rather thoughtful story it is also funny in a wry kind of way.. so 80s, big hair, hah! I enjoyed it :))x

ZZ Top: That Little Ol' Band from Texas (2019)
TisOnlyMe 3 points 2 years ago.

A marvellous doc about a truly great band.. RiP Dusty Hill

Spirit Untamed (2021)
TisOnlyMe 3 points 2 years ago.

A new ‘Spirit’ movie from Dreamworks. It’s really good, a ripping yarn with (yet another) young female MC. The story is slightly lacking something i can’t put my finger on but i enjoyed it overall, excellent graphics.. if you like horses you’ll surely love this! I was entertained right through, worth a watch if you like animation (and horses!) :))x

The Mysterious Benedict Society (2021)
TisOnlyMe 3 points 2 years ago.

A quirky new family show from Disney. Just watched 1st ep, very entertaining, good start! :))x

The Forbidden Kingdom (2008)
TisOnlyMe 3 points 2 years ago.

I LOVE this movie, watch it regularly, it’s one of my favourites! It’s one of those films that are pretty much perfect, you couldn’t change a scene or make a cut, it’s complete as it is. Good story, excellent cast, i mean Jackie Chan AND Jet Li together, so there are fabulous fight scenes, Wonderful costumes, sets, landscapes and music, it’s not just a GREAT movie, it’s also GREAT FUN and certainly a flick you could watch with your kids.. or not! Escape your humdrum Existence for 1h 40m and venture into a world of fantasy.. Seeya there.. Yay!! :))x

Emily in Paris (2020) S1 E1
maude52 2 points 3 years ago.

Totally hilarious! And so far all true! I am french but live in the USA. Very enjoyable, light, and easy to watch. Typical clash of cultures…

TisOnlyMe 3 points 3 years ago.

Yes i agree, pleasantly surprised by this first episode. Lily Collins is fresh and perky, Paris is beautiful , the music is fun and the script isn’t terrible. A light-hearted show, look forward to more easy entertainment :)x

Rubinrot (2013)
NordstromShawcross 2 points 3 years ago.

Hello! Just so you know, this movie is the first one of a trilogy! Check out Sapphire Blue, then Emerald Green, they’re on this site. Enjoy!

TisOnlyMe 3 points 3 years ago.

Hey NS, Aaaaaah.. Great news, i didn’t know there was more, i felt there ought to be though! Thanks for the heads-up! Actually there are no links for the Sapphire and Emerald movies posted on the site as yet. I just put in a request so maybe they’ll turn up soon.. Can’t wait, Thanks! :))x

The Show Must Go On: The Queen + Adam Lambert Story (2019)
TisOnlyMe 3 points 2 years ago.

Jeepers, if you ever loved QUEEN watch this! Didn’t think i’d enjoy it but WOW! Blew me away!! :))x

Super Cub (2021)
TisOnlyMe 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Oh, and yet another new ‘slice of Life’ anime about a lonely schoolgirl who buys a second-hand motor-bike.. that’s the story period! Nothing much happens but it’s all very scenic and Japanese, lovely art-work, scenery and nice music etc. Doesn’t sound like much but personally i like this kind of show.. Enjoy! :))x

The Will (2020)
TisOnlyMe 3 points 3 years ago.

Quite a good romance story, grittier than your average Hallmark, not bad if you like the genre :))x

Room for One More (1952)
Frac 0 points 4 years ago.

Pretty terrific 1952 movie.Love Cary Grant movies

TisOnlyMe 3 points 3 years ago.

Thanks for the recommendation, that was really sweet, enjoyed it :))x

Tell Them Anything You Want: A Portrait of Maurice Sendak (2009)
TisOnlyMe 3 points 3 years ago.

Ahh, a Doc about MAURICE SENDAK who wrote and illustrated ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ and many other classic
children’s favourites. Should be worth a watch :))x

Fringe (2008) S2 E18
fashygoy 2 points 3 years ago.

seeing comments popping up for Fringe makes me want to watch the series again.

TisOnlyMe 3 points 3 years ago.

That’s what i’ve been doing these past couple of weeks, Re-re-watching in fact, good job i’ve a terrible memory eh!.. I got tired of waiting for DEBRIS to get interesting! It’s pretty great seeing Walter, Peter and Olivia again, RECOMMENDED! :))X

Torchy the Battery Boy (1956)
tardisrider 2 points 2 years ago.

seems you may have me by a few years, my era was the later Gerry Anderson thunderbirds, stingray, and captain scarlet. still wish the original magic roundabout hadn’t been wiped!

TisOnlyMe 3 points 2 years ago.

Yeah, maybe a few older but i also watched the Gerry Anderson’s you mention.. remember Aquamarina? My hearthrob, Ha! Yeah the Magic Roundabout really was special. Another Gerry A series that just dropped here is Four Feather Falls which i also watched as a kid, it was good fun.. https://www.primewire.li/tv/187397-watch-four-feather-falls Check it out. Thanks to whoever’s posting all these historic progs btw :)x

Debris (2021) S1 E3
PonderThis 3 points 3 years ago.

I am a curious person by nature. If I see something that I can’t explain and have never seen something such as was in this episode, no way in __ am I going to walk up to it! I might take a picture of it then run like __ in the other direction for sure!

TisOnlyMe 3 points 3 years ago.

Walk up to it then throw a rock at it you mean!! :))x