dw99's comments

The Last Thing He Told Me (2023)
ThinMan 2 points 1 month ago.

That’s not why for us. Read up on what she said about her sister committing suicide. Julia Roberts should be blacklisted for blaming suicide on the victim. She’s vile.

dw99 2 points 1 month ago.

Your comment piqued my curiosity, so I googled a little. I didn’t see the type of comments you alluded to, but I read a little about what sounds like massive dysfunction in that family. It sounds as though Nancy (the sister who died by suicide) was the family scapegoat — and when those who have bullied or abused a target are called on their bad behavior, they just further blame the target. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that Roberts was cruel to her hald-sister — Roberts s a textbook example of massive ambition and minor talent, and that too is an indicator of massive family dysfunction ( = a need to be seen / heard / loved on a big scale, because tenderness and kindness and empathy are in short supply, or are nonexistent, at home).

People who speak up about being abused by either the immediate or the extended family are almost never believed and are almost always further ostracized, leading to even greater misery. Humans really s-ck sometimes.

The Marlow Murder Club (2024)
Peevee 1 points 2 months ago.

Only 2 episodes but they are 2 hour episodes apparently. PBS will totally split them into 4 episodes when they air over there.

dw99 1 points 2 months ago.

I sincerely doubt it. When PBS aired anything that ran 90 minutes or so (Lynley, Foyle’s War, George Gently, etc.), it ran the show in its entirety; I think it will run each of these eps, which run about 90+ minutes without commercials, in their entirety.

The Marlow Murder Club (2024)
dw99 1 points 2 months ago.

Badly written, loaded with implausibilities, far too slow-paced, and too many would-be attempts at gentle humor that fall flat. I generally dislike cozies — there’s an inherent illogicality in making a warm, sometimes humorous (or trying to be humorous) show about murder(s) — but I thought I’d give this a try because I like Samantha Bond’s work. Bad choice because this was a giant waste of time.

It’s by the creator of Death in Paradise , so if you like/dislike that show, let that be your guide.

Finders Keepers (2024)
Alien 1 points 4 months ago.

Brendan Coyle isn’t in the cast list on IMDb yet he’s listed above. He might have been replaced by Neil Morrissey or vice versa. Either way…

dw99 1 points 3 months ago.

IMDb, though usually accurate, isn’t always. As you probably know by now, Coyle appears in a later ep.

Finders Keepers (2024)
dw99 0 points 3 months ago.

This is an appallingly bad show, with characters doing all sorts of things that are out-of-character because the writer didn’t know how else to move the plot forward. In addition, much of the dialog stinks, and there’s at least one scene in which the crew might as well have put giant red flashing lights around an object (I won’t name it) as two characters talk about it for no reason, making clear that it will be very relevant later on.

Truly appalling. The writer ruined a good idea with lousy execution. Cannot understand why anyone sunk money into this project.

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell (2015)
dw99 2 points 4 months ago*.

This is a great mini-series, and I say this as someone who dislikes magic, fantasy, and the supernatural. The novel it’s based on is so rich and complex (and the writing for this series so good) that you can enjoy it simply as a fascinating and well-plotted story — and, if you want to go deeper, as one that raises interesting philosophical and psychological questions. The cast is superb, as are the direction, production values, and editing. Highly recommended.

Prosecuting Evil with Kelly Siegler (2023) S1 E9
ThinMan 1 points 4 months ago.

Ah ok. Well, English not being our first language … We thank you! Still not Bridges. Which are quite bigger! lol

dw99 2 points 4 months ago.

“Too big for his/her britches” means “He/she is so puffed up with a sense of self-importance that he/she no longer fits into his/her clothing.”

Kid Sister (2022)
dw99 2 points 4 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Somewhat predictable, and not quite funny or insightful enough, to my mind, tho to be fair I had overly high hopes for this one. A bit of a “insert colorful character here” and “insert funny line there” sort of show, written by someone who hasn’t quite lived long enough to have something to say.

Slow Horses (2022) S3 E6
dw99 2 points 4 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

WARNING: This ep is a lot more violent than most eps in the entire series have been.

Slow Horses (2022)
grasshopper rex 6 points 2 years ago.

A proper English spy show made for the US market? As unlikely as that sounds, this works for me. Funny, clever, intriguing and just enough action to keep me watching.

dw99 1 points 4 months ago.

Not so unlikely. For ex., the BBC and WGBH (US public TV) have been in partnership on productions since at least 1995 and probably earlier.

Slow Horses (2022)
dw99 1 points 4 months ago.

One of the few shows that deserves all the hype it has received. Great scripts + acting + direction + production values + everything.

Slow Horses (2022)
Alien 1 points 2 years ago.

What are the chances of the writer of this show is named Will Smith that also worked on Will Smith projects?

dw99 1 points 4 months ago.

This Will Smith is a British writer. There are more than 60 people named Will Smith on imdb, connected to some facet of the entertainment business, and most don’t use an initial.

Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (2023)
Piglet 2 points 6 months ago*.

I hope not! She tried and tried to tarnish Johnny Depp and it backfired on her. I never thought she was a great actress to begin with. Sure, many actors have issues and I could see him having a mean streak but come on, to make those claims was a bit much by the C*T. It was supposed to be released by in March, so maybe they had to do some editing to do then the strike happened. New release is next month.

dw99 -2 points 4 months ago.

No, she told the truth — and like far too many women she wasn’t believed AND she has been vilified ever since. Your hostility to her and the bad language are unacceptable.

Ricky Gervais: Armageddon (TV Special 2023) (2023)
Teamratt 3 points 4 months ago.

I got 7 minutes in and didn’t even crack a smile

dw99 4 points 4 months ago.

RG is grossly overrated, IMO, and his comedy is mean-spirited and full of his bloated ego.

Strife (2023)
dw99 1 points 5 months ago.

A thin, forgettable show — one I wouldn’t have stuck with had I not been ill and in need of distraction. It’s based on an ostensibly wry book by an Australian “journalist” whose claim to fame was being the editor of the Australian edition of Cosmo mag at 24; that says it all.

Mapp and Lucia (2014)
dw99 1 points 5 months ago.

Very funny, and faithful to the spirit of the books.

Hustle (2004)
dw99 1 points 2 years ago.

I’m watching this on Tubi (free, with ads). Enjoyable series, although s02e06 is completely implausible.

Taskmaster (2015) S13 E1
angiela 0 points 2 years ago.

no links? :(

dw99 0 points 2 years ago.

There aren’t going to be links for anything. Look for articles on the torrentfreak website about Primewire’s legal troubles.

Father Brown (2013) S9 E2
YgraineDance 1 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I don’t feel a bit sorry for Mrs. McCarthy; she’s a mean, spiteful old broad that gives all the rest of us old broads a bad rap. Busybody! The show Grantchester has another old witch similar to her.
I hoped they were bumping McCarthy off the series and was rooting for the perps to facilitate her “exit.” No such luck!

dw99 0 points 2 years ago*.

Hey, mean old broads need love and understanding, too. :)

ETA: I’m making it easy for the haters to downvote both of us in one spot.

Starstruck (2021)
lockdown 0 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I don’t agree on any of those points. For one the lead actress is the writer and she’s from New Zealand. So although it’s set in England I definitely get the down under vibe from it.

I really like the lead character, she’s big and bold and doesn’t hide her flaws. I also don’t think she’s significantly less attractive than her. I think she looks great and he looks a bit sickly. Also she meets him when she’s drunk so the fact she doesn’t recognise him isn’t a big deal. I also think the chemistry between them works well it’s not a stupid Hollywood sexually loaded bit it’s more of a banter that shows in their silliness and joy just being together along with a shared sense of humour, reminds me of the joy in finding someone who ‘gets you’ in amongst the millions wandering the streets.

I do agree that the list of Aussie comedies are great, most BBC fans would love as well.

dw99 0 points 2 years ago.

I know that Rose M. wrote it and stars, but that doesn’t make a difference to any of my points. I’ve read your post, and I’m respectfully disagreeing. That said, no show or person or entity will be liked by everyone. Best wishes.

Surviving R. Kelly (2019)
dw99 5 points 2 years ago.
  1. Generalizations do a lot of harm and are virtually never useful.
  2. This is one of the silliest generalizations I’ve ever encountered. R&B is a great and beautiful genre of music, with a huge range of listeners and artists — tens of millions of people who absolutely do not fit one profile or few profiles.
  3. Would you also assert that some other genre (C&W, for ex.) draws troubled people just because of a few bad apples? Or that all people in the medical profession are abusers because Dr. Larry Nassar is?
  4. No one — not even a board-certified psychologist (I’m pretty sure you aren’t one) — can tell at a glance that someone is “not quite right.”
  5. “Not quite right” isn’t a clinical term, it’s a judgment — and it’s a pretty loaded judgment at that. Dog-whistle much?
Wag the Dog (1998)
sherlockholmes221b 12 points 3 years ago.

This movie makes you wonder and question all the American invasions in the past decades. Invasion such as Afghanistan, Iraq and other middle eastern countries. Not to mention the destruction of millions of lives and properties of innocent people. It is really sad.

dw99 3 points 3 years ago.

And not just American invasions, but European colonialism. All of the above destabilized nations in the interest of grabbing, or being able to buy under favorable terms, valuable natural resources; that’s why every developed nation that interfered where it shouldn’t have has a moral and financial obligation to the refugees from those nations; anti-immigrant hardliners are wrong wrong wrong.

There have been a few exceptions, such as the fight against fascism (WWII) — and, Afghanistan is complicated, given that the 14th-century-esque theocratic Taliban has shattered the life of every girl and woman there — but for the most part, the goal in the 20th century has been to install a govt that would be favorable to US or European business interests, with disastrous results.

35 Awr (2019)
dw99 2 points 3 years ago.

Many thanks to the person(s) who found and shared links; without their help, I wouldn’t have been able to see this, and I really like TV from Wales. Thanks and best wishes.

Uncensored (2018) S3 E16
Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020) S2 E4
Lakc702 -4 points 3 years ago.

Couldnt even watch entire episode. Those kids will have no choice but to be gay! So sad but good for people that voted for sleepy joe!

dw99 2 points 3 years ago.

If sexual orientation were a choice, then no one would choose to be gay, which is still stigmatized in some countries, and which was criminalized for centuries in all countries.

If sexual orientation were a matter of mimicking those we’re exposed to, then no straight parent could possibly raise a gay child.

If being gay is wrong or unnatural, then why do so many species engage in same-sex couplings?

Starstruck (2021)
Starstruck (2021)
dw99 -1 points 3 years ago*.

This show is a major disappointment. Unlike the other commenter, I like (and have watched loads of) British comedies; I was primed to like this, but it absolutely falls flat.

The major problems are that

  • the female lead is massively unlikable (the character is an “I hide my insecurities behind my BIG PERSONALITY!” type, but she pushes it so far that she’s grating); and
  • the show relies on several implausibilities to push the plot forward, not the least of which is that

    • the man is famous enough to be accosted by fans everywhere, yet the woman — who works at a cinema! — doesn’t recognize him when they start talking; and
    • there’s no way that someone who has enough ambition and talent to make it as an actor would be drawn to someone who has no core, no spark/sparkle, no ambition, no creativity, and who is significantly less attractive (couples are almost always matched in attractiveness — an observation made by sociologists — and when they aren’t, the one without power is never the one who’s less good-looking).

I virtually always watch everything to the end, but by the start of Ep 5, I was done. If you want a comedy with quirky characters, skip this and instead try Rosehaven (whose female lead, Australian comic Celia Pacquola, does pull off big-personality-is-compensating-for-insecurities), Detectorists, The Letdown, or Fisk.

Sherlock (2010)
Trent 1 points 4 years ago.

Amazing; am I the only one who has seen this show? Pity, you really missed out!

dw99 2 points 3 years ago.

Far more likely that few people are watching it now because they saw it when it first aired (started ten yrs ago) — the reviews were great, and the viewing figures were high.

Grace (2021) S1 E1
dw99 2 points 3 years ago.

DO NOT WATCH THIS if you’re claustrophobic. I wish I’d been warned — never would have started it.

(Mods, pls don’t move this comment — it doesn’t contain a spoiler.)

Moving On (2009) S12 E1
Finding Alice (2021)
victorynus 2 points 3 years ago.

Well, that’s 6 wasted hours I’ll never get back. The lead actress will make you cringe within the first minutes and it only goes downwards from there. This was simply awful. The only thing worthwhile was the real estate features.

dw99 0 points 3 years ago.

Had to log on to concur. I think this is the only series that I stopped watching after the 1st ep — I virtually never do that (esp. during this past year of I NEED TV). Keeley Hawes is abysmal; I can’t understand why she’s so in-demand as an actress. The writing was also a disappointment, but Hawes’s outstanding dreadfuliciousness was the nail in the coffin for me.

I send condolences on your wasted time.

The Riddle of the Sands (1980)
PonderThis 0 points 3 years ago.

Thank you and yes, I’ve seen her in Spooks and have watched every season. The Brits know how to do crime dramas very well unlike the watered down crime stuff we have to put up with in the USA.

dw99 1 points 3 years ago*.

Beware of generalizations. :) I tend to watch a lot of British TV and very little American TV, but there’s quite a lot of good stuff on the US cable networks (and, some British TV is as bad as bad American TV).

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S8 E2
Alien -1 points 3 years ago.

Why do you say it’s wrongly attributed?

dw99 1 points 3 years ago.

I had read conflicting info about the au of the quote. My most recent search indicates that she did write it, but she was summarizing the views of a scholar, Marjorie Spiegel, in the intro to one of Spiegel’s books.

The Riddle of the Sands (1980)
PonderThis 1 points 3 years ago.

It took me just a few seconds to recognize the young girl in this movie. Jenny Agutter has been in the BBC series “Call the Midwife” and she is a fine actress. Was surprised to find her in this movie!

dw99 0 points 3 years ago.

Thanks for the heads-up. On the off chance that you’ve not seen her in the series Spooks (2002), I recommend it — she’s great, as always.

McDonald & Dodds (2020)
YgraineDance 1 points 4 years ago.

I’m on the fence about this one. Like one of the main characters but despise the other. Other gonna-be regs aren’t yet fleshed out in any way. I was hoping for a Scott & Bailey vibe, or maybe Happy Valley, or even Unforgotten or Endeavour—but no. Nothing of that caliber as yet. We’ll see.

dw99 0 points 3 years ago.

There’s no reason to compare this (“nothing of that caliber”) to the four somber mysteries you mentioned; it was apparent right away that this wasn’t that sort of show.

This is a cozy — a lighthearted murder mystery, like Midsomer Murders, New Tricks, Brokenwood, etc. It’s a totally different genre, so this needs to be judged by different criteria.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S8 E2
Alien 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

A good argument for vegetarianism. That killer guinea pig commercial was gold.

dw99 2 points 3 years ago*.

@Alien: Or veganism — dairy cows have miserable lives.

A quote that’s often, and wrongly, attributed to Alice Walker (I’m looking for the name of the person who actually said/wrote it): “The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men.”

Night Gallery (1969)
kochiyasanae -1 points 3 years ago.


dw99 0 points 3 years ago.

When in doubt, look for info on tvmaze dot com, where you’ll see the dates as well as the episodes; it shows, for ex., that the 1st ep aired on 11-8-69, and it had three parts, each of which is listed above as a separate ep.

If you can’t find the info there, check Wikipedia (but it’s a lousy site overall bc there is no editorial oversight, so you should never use it when you need accurate info on anything of importance — use Britannica, for ex., for important stuff).

Takeout (2021)
Royaltyguy 10 points 3 years ago.

Very informative. If people would just all listen and come all together to do something about it and not look away. The greatest threat to our planet is everyone thinking someone else will save it

dw99 4 points 3 years ago*.

But ppls aren’t getting the info they need. John Oliver, or someone like him, tracked how little time the major OTA networks spend covering the climate crisis — virtually none. And don’t forget that a shocking % of the American public tunes in to propaganda rather than actual news.

Big Biz calls all the shots, and thanks to the previous conservative Supreme Court (now an ultra-conservative super majority), corps. are people and can make massive political donations.

It’s probably too late for anything to improve in the US — rich GOPs have been working for 40 years to get GOP majorities in state legislatures, which enables them to gerrymander and thus retain a false majority in Congress, and to buy up/consolidate media so they can control the info (propaganda) shared in many area.

That said, we have to fight. Pls urge your rep. and sens. (by phone or email) to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine. Pls volunteer with groups that want to end Citizens United, and expand voting rights. Pls volunteer to elect progressive candidates who will make a positive difference. And pls urge everyone you know to do the same.

Btw, pls read (if you haven’t already) Nicholas Kristof’s May 2020 column in the NYT titled “McDonald’s Employees in Denmark Pity Us” — gives a glimpse of the kind of highly functioning, well-funded, safe, peaceful, and less inequitable democracy we should aspire to. Among other things, this piece tacitly refutes the “B-b-but … socialism!” crowd’s talking points.

Allen v. Farrow (2021)
duuuuuuuuuude 1 points 3 years ago.

It’s not what I say, it’s what Moses Farrow says. He’s an eye witness.

And Woody Allen had zero contact with Soon Yi when she was growing up.

Also, the documentary conveniently leaves out that Mia Farrow was 19 and Frank Sinatra was 50 when they started dating. That’s just about the same as Woody and Soon Yi.

dw99 4 points 3 years ago*.

Woody Allen did not have zero contact with Soon Yi. She lived with her mother, Mia, and he was in a committed relationship with Mia — he saw Soon Yi often, and she was akin to his stepdaughter.

A man who falls for (ETA: and courts) his stepdaughter is an irredeemable creep. A man who grooves on the power dynamic of himself-with-a-woman-who-is-more-than-25-years-his-junior (also the theme of whichever movie stars Mariel Hemingway — Manhattan, I think) is an irredeemable creep.

Punky Brewster (2021)
eric luschen 3 points 3 years ago.

Cute show and Soleil is Hot

dw99 -2 points 3 years ago.

It’s 2021. For more than 50 years, women have been explaining that the constant comments about their looks are unwelcome — that these comments, plus associated behaviors, affect how women feel about themselves, and cut into the energy that they have available for living the rest of their lives as fully and freely as they should be able to (as fully and freely as men do). That these comments, and associated behaviors (such as a guy-boss not promoting or not hiring a woman whose looks he deems inadequate in some way), have measurably detrimental effects on women’s lives.

Women are not here on Earth to serve men — as sex holes, as eye candy, as objects of rage to assault verbally and physically — any more than men are here to serve women. We are all here to live our lives as fully as we can, and this kind of behavior significantly reduces a woman’s ability to do that.

I hope you’ll decide to start responding to women as you want to be responded to — and to stop engaging in behaviors that limit them in life. Thanks.

Bloodlands (2021) S1 E2
yonkk 0 points 3 years ago*.

Yeah THEY keep adding more bad links

dw99 1 points 3 years ago.

When you encounter a bad link, pls report it — the “report” function is right there, for every link — so the links can be deleted, so others don’t have the same problem. Thanks.

Bloodlands (2021) S1 E2
rapscallion 0 points 3 years ago.

yeah, all links are the wrong show for episodes 2 - 4

dw99 1 points 3 years ago.

When you encounter a bad link, pls report it — the “report” function is right there, for every link — so the links can be deleted, so others don’t have the same problem. Thanks.

Bloodlands (2021) S1 E2
sanbro5 2 points 3 years ago.

Wrong show.

dw99 1 points 3 years ago.

When you encounter a bad link, pls report it — the “report” function is right there, for every link — so others don’t have the same problem. Thanks.

The Silence (2010)
VacantField42 2 points 3 years ago.

Also, what if we created a thread at Forum, that we can get other like-minded watchers of these series? Too lame or good idea? I have seen a few playlists with the EuroCrime, and it’s derivatives. “The Tunnel” is on the top of my all time list..and I am so desparate for some binge series to use as a mini- escape from my nightmare of real life, LOL!!! LMK your thoughts, Hope you are doing well and staying safe..VC42

dw99 1 points 3 years ago*.

If you’ve not seen Informer, I recommend it.

I also really liked Collateral, but it’s not purely a crime drama; interpersonal relationships are key, and overall it’s an exploration of power (politically, and to a lesser degree in relationships), of socioeconomic class, and of certain current political realities that many ppl in developed democracies take for granted.

The Silence (2010)
VacantField42 2 points 3 years ago.

He’s in Shetland, yes? I feel like aterrible person because the ratings for Shetland, are thru the roof._.And I have tried so many times to binge it, but it doesn’t give the vibes like Luther(10), or Hinterland(8). Is Shetland more of a mild crime series, or does it have that messed up factor that Iam searching for?

dw99 2 points 3 years ago.

VacantField42 : Shetland isn’t quite as dark as Hinterland, but it’s dark rather than mild, and it’s a great series. (It does spend more time on the lead’s personal life than did Hinterland, but not an excessive amount, and the cast is so good that it’s worth it).

I hope you’ll give it another shot, and if the 1st series doesn’t grab you within the 1st 20-30 min., then move on to second (anything you’ll have missed about work and personal relationships you won’t soon figure out).

The Expanse (2015) S5 E10
TheTruth 1 points 3 years ago.

What did he do to get such a meaning less ending, I didn’t even know he was X ed out till I heard other pl saying that got rid of him. There was no mention of him after that short little scene?

dw99 6 points 3 years ago.

From Screenrant:

A series of sexual misconduct allegations against Anvar began in summer 2020 after season 5 wrapped production, prompting Alcon Entertainment to launch an investigation through an independent company. That investigation has concluded with the ousting of Anvar, whose alleged behavior stands in stark contrast to the values and themes the show has promoted throughout its duration, and which many fans have praised it for.

The accusations levied against Anvar largely revolved around his presence at various sci-fi and fan conventions. Multiple women came forward with personal accounts of meeting Anvar as fans, and being ceaselessly harassed by him in person and through direct messages afterwards. The allegations claim that he aggressively pushed for sexual encounters, and that he berated women who refused to meet up with him. There are also claims of assault against Anvar from women who did meet up with him in person. Many of these accusations were supported by transcripts and screenshots of conversations where Anvar solicited and insulted the women in question.

The Rachel Maddow Show (2008)
toothpickwillie 0 points 4 years ago.

lies….. trump 2020

dw99 2 points 3 years ago.

Not quite.

The Rachel Maddow Show (2008)
MarkRowley 5 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Collusion debunked by several Obama administration staff under oath including Susan Rice which even CNN reported on and can be found online on their website, bounties still not confirmed other than a “anonymous insider” and I’m sure the pentagon has denied these claims. Nice try though but this guy Maddow is due to have his show downgraded to fictional entertainment.

dw99 5 points 3 years ago.

I’ve searched the websites of CNN and the NYT for Susan Rice + collusion + Trump — there is no mention on either of Rice saying that collusion didn’t occur. So why don’t you provide specific dates, sites, and keywords to back up your assertions?

As Tip O’Neill said, you’re welcome to your own opinions but not to your own facts. And Ms. Maddow — very bright and very well-educated — deals in facts.

Nice try, though.

PS: Your slams about her gender call into question your objectivity.

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (2015) S2021 E25
kezam -2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I read the article it still does not establish if its legal or not because it has not been done to someone already out of office just that it would come up

dw99 6 points 3 years ago.

Countless constitutional scholars / experts have asserted that this trial is legal. Most recently, Rep. Raskin — who teaches or taught constitutional law — made the excellent point that the framers didn’t create a “January exception” whereby the departing prez could do lawless things in the final days of office.

djt committed crimes in his final days in office, and he is being tried for them, as is legal — and appropriate. Or do you want the next insurrection to results in 100s dead?

Aftertaste (2021) S1 E1
dw99 2 points 3 years ago.

This was well-received by two sources I generally agree with, one of which considered it “biting satire,” but to my mind it was wearying. It tried too hard — to be clever (dialog), to be relevant (social-media trickery in the 1st few min.).

I had high hopes for it — I prefer TV from the UK, Ireland, Australia, and NZ — but I stopped watching after 12 min. or so.