BellaMia1's comments

Sins of the City (2021) S1 E1
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago.

Not bad an episode. I’d never heard of this case, so it was interesting to watch. It’s sad how heartless some people can be. And how greed can bring out the worse in humans, sometimes.

A Time to Kill (2020) S1 E1
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago.

This was an interesting episode, just like I like them. It’s definitely a keeper for me.

My True Crime Story (2021) S1 E1
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago*.

Sorry, but I couldn’t get into this episode. I didn’t see any redemption with this girl. On the contrary, all she did was brag about how much of a “bad bi**h” she was. It felt more like glamorization from her friends and the narrator. I’ll pass on this one. Ugh.

Creeped Out (2017) S1 E2
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago.

After this episode, I can safely say that I will keep watching. Mind you, this is not scary. But at least, it’s watchable.

Creeped Out (2017) S1 E1
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago.

That was not as half-bad as I thought it would be. It reminded me of old anthology series. It’s been done before, but it was watchable. Will see what the next episode holds.

Betraying the Badge (2021) S1 E1
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago.

I like this episode. Loving anything that has to do with police investigation, it’s interesting to see more about dirty cops. They are all over the world and I like to find out how they flush them out. Will keep on watching.

National Treasure (2016) S1 E2
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago.

I still can’t make up my mind bout this show. I guess I’ll keep on watching to see where the storyline goes. On to the next one.

National Treasure (2016) S1 E1
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago.

Another new one for me. But I’m not sure what to make of it yet. It does help though, that I like Robbie Coltrane. We’ll see where this goes.

Line of Duty (2012) S1 E1
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago.

Never heard of this series before and after my first episode, I’m not sure what to think yet. I will need to see more to form an idea of like or dislike. We’ll see.

Murder Made Me Famous (2015) S1 E1
BellaMia1 0 points 2 years ago.

This girl clearly didn’t think things through. And she’s exactly where she belongs.

Happy Valley (2014) S1 E2
BellaMia1 2 points 2 years ago.

I’m slowly getting into this show. The first episode was a sudden entrance into the storyline, but I’m still interested. Personally, I would’ve liked a bit more character development. But considering how much rave this series got, I’m willing to stick with it.

Hamish Macbeth (1995) S1 E2
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

It is official, this show is among my favorites. Had me laughing again at the behavior at some of the characters. Especially Robert Carlyle’s Hamish. Poor guy, I feel sorry for him sometimes. Having to deal with some of the villagers. A keeper for me.

We're Here (2017)
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago.

This was boring. Not much to say beside that.

Salt (Short 2017)
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago.

Not bad. Would’ve liked to see more of it.

Curve (Short 2016) (2016)
BellaMia1 2 points 2 years ago.

The setting for the story in this short was quite interesting. I just wish it lasted a bit longer, just so we can see more of the situation. I was actually holding on to the edge of my seat. Good watch.

Self-Assembly (2014)
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago.

This was a silly short. I can’t find any redeeming trait to it. A waste of time.

All You Can Carry (2018)
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago.

Not bad. It’s a good enough one-time watch.

The Quiet (2019)
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago.

This short did nothing for me.

Night Crawl (Short 2019) (2019)
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago.

An OK short, no more

Good Cop (2012)
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago.

It was OK for me, no more.

Good Cop (2012) S1 E4
BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago.

It took a lot of effort on my part to finish this series. I lost interest along the way. Can’t connect with any of the characters, especially the main character. Too many questions are left unanswered, too many loose ends. And to say that it started well enough.

Good Cop (2012) S1 E3
BellaMia1 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This storyline is getting redundant. It could’ve been told in 2 episodes instead of 4. The main character is mostly the problem. He is plain. He doesn’t display much emotions. Especially anger, which is what he’s supposed to show, because of what happened to his partner. Warren Brown always has the same expression on his face. Whether he’s mad or not. And he barely smile through his days. His daughter’s mum is a total bitch, who selfishly keeps his daughter from him, despite him having matured and wanting to be involve in her life. If a man wants t be in his kid’s life, a woman should accommodate him. Unless he’s a danger for the kid. I’m just saying. Ugh.

Good Cop (2012) S1 E2
BellaMia1 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

For the life of me, I don’t understand why Callum Rose was so set on provoking Sav so openly, without thinking about the consequences on his actions. The guy is a cop, for Pete’s sake. A cop who’s partner was killed by Finch’s gang. It’s just plain stupid on his part. Good episode.

Good Cop (2012) S1 E1
BellaMia1 1 points 3 years ago.

This was a good watch. Looking forward to the next episode. I wonder why Sav didn’t call for backup right away though. And I hope to find out why exactly Finch went as far as he and his gang did.

28 Weeks Later: Saturday Afternoon (2007)
BellaMia1 2 points 3 years ago.

That was just plain bad. Not worth your time, even as a short.

The Pallor (2013)
BellaMia1 2 points 3 years ago.

A boring short. Nothing scary, nothing original.

Bed Head (Short 2019) (2019)
BellaMia1 1 points 3 years ago.

Meh. OK no more. It’s been done before.

Scare Us (2021)
BellaMia1 2 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Not the worse but not the best either. The shorts were predictable and not scary, as far as I’m concerned. At least, I watched it to the end. The ending sucked though.

Five Days (2007) S1 E5
BellaMia1 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Started so well, then went downhill for me. Too many plotholes. Then were explained instead of going through the police procedures. And, there weren’t much of that part. The characters behaviors, were so uneven, uncharacteristic. Made me raised my eyebrows so may times, I almost had a cramp on my forehead. How disappointing. Maybe the next storyline will be better. We’ll see.

Five Days (2007) S1 E4
BellaMia1 2 points 3 years ago.

At first, I started to like this series. But now after 4 episodes, the opposite is starting to happen. Everybody is so unbalanced, so unlikable, makes it hard to be emotionally invested. It seems to be more about who’s sleeping with one another, than the crime itself. Or the victim. Or, the selfish tantrum of one or another. It’s frustrating. One more to go.

Five Days (2007) S1 E3
BellaMia1 1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Oh my gosh! That Sara woman! That woman is something else. Take advantage of a family’s vulnerability, for her morbid and selfish reasons. Which I still don’t get. Every time she was on screen, I wanted to smack her. And the husband. Wow again. I think the guy is plain dumb. Not realizing how, not even a month into the disappearing of his pregnant wife, he’s having another woman sleeping at his home, that it looks bad from the police and the public’s point of view. How traumatizing that must for his kids. AND for Leanne’s parents. If I was the mom, I would’ve kicked her ass. His too! This episode really got under skin. Not a lot of likable characters in this series, so far. Ugh.

Five Days (2007) S1 E2
BellaMia1 1 points 3 years ago.

This storyline has me so intrigued, so far. I can’t wait to see how it develops next. Gotta say, I don’t know who might be the culprit. yet. Although the journalists made me sick to my stomach, on how opportunistic they are, with no regard to the victims. Only thinking about their headlines and careers. As it is in real life. Pathetic, really. On to the next episode.

Five Days (2007) S1 E1
BellaMia1 1 points 3 years ago.

OK. I am intrigued after this watch. Can’t wait to see what happens next. Hope this gets even better afterward.

Cuffs (2015) S1 E2
BellaMia1 1 points 3 years ago.

After this episode, I can say that I’m starting to like this show. Although I still think that PC Vickers is too soft to be a cop. I enjoy how diverse the characters are. I wish there more than one season though.

Cuffs (2015) S1 E1
BellaMia1 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Another new one for me. And this first ep. is OK for me. Although he tends to be hard on PC Vickers (in a discriminating way as far as I’m concerned, because of his father), PC Draper is not much of a tough cop. Twice in this episode, he get overwhelmed too easily in situations he should have gotten the upper hand. Especially, in the first incident. It was laughable. As for PC Vickers, one wonders if deserves to be in the police. He’s too delicate for that. Hope he toughens up as the series goes along.

Juliet Bravo (1980) S1 E2
BellaMia1 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Wow. Just wow. How much more incompetent can a bunch of cops be? And Darbley. (sigh). You’d expect an inspector with many working for her and who are mostly men, would be tougher than she is. The way she behaved with the accomplice was baffling. I don’t care how old you are, once you decide to take part with a bunch of low-lives, you should be treated the same as they are. And once again, the storyline finishes abruptly, with no resolution. That annoys me. With this second episode, I feel like I’m watching a bad comedy than something realistic. See if I still feel this way after ep.3.

Juliet Bravo (1980) S1 E1
BellaMia1 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Well, from this episode, I can tell so far that Darbley is no Tennison. I haven’t seen how smart she is or not. Tennison works her grey cells hard in order to solve a problem before her. She’s in charge, let the men around her know it, but is not afraid to pick their brains. I didn’t feel that with Darbley. I make up my mind more as the I get along the episodes. Also, the flow of the story didn’t feel right. There was not much character development, and the acting is unemotional, stiff. Not too impressed so far.

Chasing Shadows (2014) S1 E4
BellaMia1 1 points 3 years ago.

Although this series reminds me of other in the same thread, I came to like it. Now, surely, they won’t leave us hanging with no season 2, right? I’d like to know what happened to Adele. Good watch.

Chasing Shadows (2014) S1 E2
BellaMia1 1 points 3 years ago.

An interesting storyline, with interesting characters. Especially DS Stone. I’m a bit more used to him, although I still find him somewhat irritating. But he’s smart, so that balances things for me. I will keep watching for now.

Chasing Shadows (2014) S1 E3
BellaMia1 1 points 3 years ago.

This show is really growing on me, now that I’ve gotten used to Stone. Will finish the storyline with part 2.

Chasing Shadows (2014) S1 E1
BellaMia1 2 points 3 years ago.

I’m on the fence about this first part. Mostly because of DS Sean Stone and how insensitive to others he is. I’m thinking that maybe he might be autistic. If he is, then I would be more understanding of his behavior. Otherwise, he rubs me the wrong way. Let’s see how the next episode goes.

Wire in the Blood (2002) S1 E4
BellaMia1 1 points 3 years ago.

What a fascinating episode. The crimes maybe too gruesome for some people, though. I don’t mind it. This is becoming one of my favorite show.

Wire in the Blood (2002) S1 E2
BellaMia1 1 points 3 years ago.

That was in interesting introduction to this series. Since I like Robson Green body of work, this will be a keeper for me.

Cracker (1993) S1 E5
BellaMia1 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I wasn’t too keen about this episode. Fitz’s behavior is off-putting. Now, I don’t mind a complex character. But in his case, it is caricatural. Too much immaturity. One wonders how he finished school, got a diploma and became a psychologist. And his wife is somewhat pathetic herself, in not making her mind up about him. Groveling after him after leaving him. Make up your mind woman! As the sexual between him and Penhaligon, I find it improbable. Their personalities differs too much. Will keep watching for now.

Cracker (1993) S1 E4
BellaMia1 -1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I didn’t like this episode. I still don’t understand why Sean and Tina behaved the way they did. And why the escalation. We’ll see with part 3.

Cracker (1993) S1 E3
BellaMia1 1 points 3 years ago.

Fitz is so unlikable, that he makes it hard to fully enjoy the show. But his psychological intellect is what is making me keep on watching. What a dilemma.

Traces (2019)
BellaMia1 0 points 3 years ago.

Worth a one-time watch.

Traces (2019) S1 E6
BellaMia1 0 points 3 years ago.

After the binge-watch of this series, I would say that it was good. Some characters were more interesting than others, but in general, they were mostly well played. A little slow at first, but things picked up afterward.

Traces (2019) S1 E5
BellaMia1 0 points 3 years ago.

Emma makes it REALLY hard to fully enjoy this storyline. I find it so unrealistic that someone who’s so unhinged, so unstable mentally, work at the same time at a job that demands a structured mind. It doesn’t make sense. (sigh). One more to go.

Traces (2019) S1 E4
BellaMia1 0 points 3 years ago.

Wow. That Emma, what a basket case. That girl should be in an asylum. I’m still not feeling her. Can’t wait to see where the story goes next.