grasshopper rex's comments

Mr. Monk's Last Case: A Monk Movie (2023)
grasshopper rex 0 points 5 months ago.

A bit sappy and I knew how it was done pretty early on, but still a fun trip down memory lane.

Tangerine (2015)
grasshopper rex 1 points 5 months ago.

Christmas on the wild side.

Greg the Bunny (2002)
random000 3 points 5 months ago.

This was great. Almost no one remembers it. There was an earlier show that had this same sort of vibe called The Duck Factory. It was 1984 with very nice actor from The Toy & also Johnny Carson Teresa Ganzel & early Jim Carey. Another that was fun was Andy Richter Controls The Universe.

grasshopper rex 2 points 5 months ago.

I only caught a couple of episodes when it aired, but I’m a big fan of Sean Baker’s films so I was compelled to search it out when I found out that he was involved in the creation of it. I’m still looking for the IFC stuff.

Greg the Bunny (2002)
grasshopper rex 3 points 5 months ago.

Originally created by the team of Sean Baker, Spencer Chinoy and Dan Milano for the public-access television cable show Junktape, it was picked up by FOX where Milano and Chinoy wrote and co-produced the show.

Starring Eugene Levy, Seth Green, Sarah Silverman, Bob Gunton, and Dina Waters in the live actor roles while well-known voice actors Dan Milano, Drew Massey, and Victor Yerrid did most of the “fabricated” characters.

The show lasted less than a full season on FOX with the final 2 episodes being unaired. The creators blamed the network and showrunner for it’s failure saying that although it was billed as a puppet show for adults they were constantly asked to tone down the edgier aspects of it. With the talent involved, it isn’t difficult to imagine how great it might have been if given free reign to produce the show they wanted to make.

A variation of the show aired on the IFC that used some of the puppets in a series of shorts that were mostly spoofs of well-known films. There was also a spin-off that aired on MTV that was a reality show parody starring one of the puppets, Warren the Ape.

Lost Cities Revealed with Albert Lin (2023) S1 E3
expresso 6 points 5 months ago.

This is an amazing series - half hard science and half adventure travel. I had never heard of this pre-Incan civilization that was wiped out by the Inca in a war. It’s fascinating to see them use LIDAR and other advanced technology to uncover ruins and find things that have never been mapped or catalogued.

grasshopper rex 2 points 5 months ago.

Thanks for drawing my attention to this. I just watched the 1st episode about the lost Mayan origin city and I’m hooked.

LEGO Masters (2020) S4 E11
MP8219 1 points 5 months ago.

I gotta say I’m pretty surprised by the results and I dunno how the heck they’re gonna make an actual lLego kit out of the winning design. Will be interesting to see.

grasshopper rex 1 points 5 months ago.

It will be interesting to see how closely the final product resembles their actual build.

Walden (2023)
grasshopper rex 1 points 5 months ago*.

A Dexter-like wannabe that played more like a dark comedy than it did a thriller while failing to be very good as either.

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (2024)
Piglet 2 points 5 months ago.

Thank you for the trailer and just watched it. OMG! These are not the Godzilla Kong movies of our childhood to say the least. How far they’ve come over the decades is amazing! Even though stop action movies were the hottest thing around back then, it is amazing what CGI and other computer technologies can do for a tv show/movie.

grasshopper rex 3 points 5 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

How cute was that little Kong?

Leave the World Behind (2023)
JadeEnigma 3 points 5 months ago*.

I can’t disagree with you there, but my point was that we would not as a species become animalistic and “everyone for themselves” in that situation, as every apocalyptic film seems to say we would. Most of the world doesn’t have these same issues. The majority of the world is doing well that way even now, and most countries do not have the problems you list. My point still stands.

grasshopper rex 5 points 5 months ago.

I think we can both agree that it’s best to hope that we never have to put it to the test.

Leave the World Behind (2023)
JadeEnigma 3 points 5 months ago.

You will be pleasantly surprised, I’m sure. We have proven it time and time again. The worst of us may rise for a short time, may make a lot of noise and stomping of the feet, but the best of us always rises higher and buries them.

grasshopper rex 6 points 5 months ago*.

We see the world through very different eyes. Mine see a land of plenty where half a million people are homeless and an estimated 2K of them die every year just from exposure to the elements. A country where 50K die every year due to lack of access to adequate health care or life-saving medications. If we can’t take care of our most vulnerable when times aren’t that hard what hope is there that we would do better in a post-apocalyptic world?

Leave the World Behind (2023)
JadeEnigma 1 points 5 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Barrack Obama was asked to consult, and he did, but the only advise he offered was to make the human race less likely to devolve into absolute anarchy and chaos when faced with an apocalyptic scenario such as this. He has more faith in us as a species and suggested we would, in fact, come together more than we would otherwise. I think that’s true, myself.

grasshopper rex 3 points 5 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Faith will leave one ill-prepared and vulnerable if that isn’t the case. Doubt is the best course and if I am wrong then I am pleasantly surprised, but still far better equipped for a worst case scenario. :)

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) S1 E6
grasshopper rex 1 points 5 months ago.

It’s about damned time! Now finish strong, please.

The Witcher (2019)
ThinMan 3 points 5 months ago.

It might make a difference, although they’ve probably lost Cavill altogether. The petition against Amber Heard reduced her role to the point where she isn’t even on the poster or the trailers. It’s dumb to mess with things like this. It makes no sense and pisses off a fan base enough for them to stop watching altogether and boycott the company via not watching anything they make.

grasshopper rex 3 points 5 months ago.

The script for the next season hasn’t been finished yet and fans are still really pissed off and vocal about it. I looked at the petition again earlier, just 16 hours after my initial post about it, and another 3K people has signed it. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

The Ice Storm (1997)
random000 3 points 5 months ago.

Pretty much near perfect film. Ang Lee is variable to all kinds of genres & gets good casting as well as attention to small detail & great photography. The pictures of the ice alone are lovely, but there are also boat tail Pontiacs with bubble glass, full-size GI Joes instead of those weird tiny ones, colorful modular furniture, fake rubber fruit, back-breaking water-beds, real tv sets & globes in bedrooms. Yet the cast offers a beautiful Sigourney Weaver, very cute young Cristina Ricci & Katie Holmes, Tobey & Elijah with Kevin Kline & Joan Allen. Never heard of a Key-Party going wrong, but the impossible happens here & it makes for a memorable climax.

grasshopper rex 3 points 5 months ago.

I rewatched this just last week. It’s on my annual list of dysfunctional holiday favorites.

The Witcher (2019)
random000 4 points 5 months ago*.

Oh yeah. Seeing common names in credits is no coincidence - that’s family having an advertised unfair advantage, so yeah, all that’s obvious & crazy to observe.

But the questions are just provocative & rhetorical. I mean come on. There is no meritocracy in entertainment or anywhere else. Speculation really isn’t necessary either. Follow the names, follow the money, follow the paper & it all reveals itself.

There’s just a big push to tear apart various things people love to pass the time with. Those egos you mentioned are just feeding themselves, saying “Look what I did - I de-canonized everything & ripped apart a beloved thing. That was me. I made those peasants squeal & laughed all the way to the bank doing it.”

grasshopper rex 2 points 5 months ago*.

Yep. I understand and approve of the need for representation and inclusion but leave the story alone.

The Witcher (2019)
random000 5 points 5 months ago.

This comment is very interesting & raises so many questions, but let’s focus on a singular one of importance to fans, not just of this series, but of anything in the film & entertainment world:::

Why on Earth would a showrunner, writer or otherwise work for a project they hate so much & have no respect for the source material or fans that they feel the need to lash out at it in any way, such as the written page? Part 2 of that burning question is:::: Why would anyone hire such revisionist brats to begin with??? Don’t they have a set of questions in the interview screening process to weed out these types who have an axe to grind???

grasshopper rex 3 points 5 months ago*.

There has been alot of speculation and many accusations made on REDDIT. Nepotism and cronyism run wild in Hollywood. Without acknowledgment from the players involved, not likely, none of it can be proven beyond doubt.

This was showrunner Lauren Hissrich’s 1st directing gig. Her husband is Michael Hissrich, director of West Wing and Shameless. The writer that a great deal of the fingerpointing has been directed at, Hailey Hall, is a Wittenberg grad as is Lauren Hissrich. Whether they knew each other at school is unclear, but in an interview, Hall did say that the two had attended a summer screenwriting class together and both of them worked on Power (2014).

As to why someone would take on a project they had no love or respect for? Hollywood is filled with huge egos. In this particular case, some of the accusations walk the line between having merit and being sexist. I’m going to avoid speculating there and just say that unproven talent might think it a good way to make a name for themselves by taking a product that has a large fan base and putting their own stamp on it.

Reacher (2022) S2 E1
grasshopper rex -2 points 5 months ago.

I hope the writing gets better.

28 Months Later
grasshopper rex 7 points 5 months ago*.

There has been speculation that the long-anticipated 3rd installment of this franchise could finally be happening. Danny Boyle confirmed that he and Alex Garland have had serious discussions about the project and Cillian Murphy has expressed interest in reprising his role. Given the length of time since the 2nd movie and the nature of the Rage virus, the working title will most likely be changed to 28 Years Later.

The Witcher (2019)
ThinMan 3 points 5 months ago.

It’s been in effect since he (Cavill) resigned. Over 2 years now. The show has digressed and they will be paying in viewership eventually, but then again, many do not care. Oh well. lol

grasshopper rex 1 points 5 months ago.

The petition started Oct. 30, 2022 and has recently been gaining traction again (800 signatures since I looked at it just yesterday). Do I think it will do any good? Not likely, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The Witcher (2019)
grasshopper rex 3 points 5 months ago.

If anyone is interested there is a petition on change dot org to fire the writers and bring back Cavill. It’s gotten over 324K signatures so far. I can pm a link.

The Insurrectionist Next Door (2023)
grasshopper rex 7 points 5 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

The thing that struck me is how many of these people claimed to have voted Democrat in the past and/or to have voted for Obama. Justifiably, there is a strong feeling that our government no longer works for the common person, if it ever really did. Why they thought Trump represented them or cared about them is beyond my understanding though.

Greatest Guitar Riffs (2023) S1 E1
grasshopper rex 1 points 5 months ago.

Has Tony Iommi and Brian May jamming together.

Divinity (2023)
grasshopper rex 1 points 5 months ago.

One of the strangest things I’ve watched in awhile. I’m not even sure how to rate it.

Freelance (2023)
McCainiac 0 points 5 months ago.

agreed, some people on here have the worst taste. Did you also think Slater was the bad guy and actually set him up from the start? Not as bad as the movie with Jackie Chan, though. that was somehow worse.

grasshopper rex 1 points 5 months ago.


The Million Dollar Duck (2016)
random000 2 points 5 months ago.

Someone had a problem with ducks. We don’t so thumbs up. Stamp collecting is our thing & ducks are our pals.

grasshopper rex 1 points 5 months ago.

Damned duck haters.

Bad Cat (2016)
grasshopper rex 2 points 5 months ago.

Deliciously foul. If you are looking for cute, this ain’t it.

Wednesday (2022)
Alien 1 points 5 months ago.

That’s exactly what it says.
“Now, for those wondering when Ortega might return to Wednesday: Reports indicate that filming will be moved to Ireland for the upcoming season and that filming will begin by April.”

grasshopper rex 2 points 5 months ago*.

Filming for Beetleuice 2 should be wrapping up soon so there was never a conflict in scheduling for the two projects. The title of the article is pure clickbait. js

Wednesday (2022)
Alien 2 points 5 months ago*.

It seems she’s leaving long enough to finish filming Beetlejuice 2.
insidethemagic dot net /2023/11/jenna-ortega-officially-leaves-netflix-wednesday-behind-ab1/

grasshopper rex 1 points 5 months ago.

That’s clickbait. Production on season 2 of Wednesday probably won’t start until April or so of 2024.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S10 E20
Boiler 3 points 5 months ago.

that was a wonderful ending. \m/

grasshopper rex 1 points 5 months ago.

I’d love to see a behind the scenes special on some of the great props created by his team and the lenghts they will go to for a bit. Also some of the awesome charitable acts that have sprung from pieces on the show. Their dedication is inspiring.

The Million Dollar Duck (2016)
grasshopper rex 2 points 5 months ago.

A great piece by John Oliver on this topic from 2 years ago.

Rescue Me (2004)
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (2023)
dosmundos 1 points 5 months ago.

Fast Charlie was released Friday and I just watched it here today.

grasshopper rex 1 points 5 months ago*.

You can’t compare an indie film with a limited release in select theaters with a major studio film that will open in over 1,500 locations. Yeah, we’re very likely to see a cam not too long after it is released, but a dvd quality upload is not happening anytime soon unless a screener’s copy gets leaked.

Eye of God (1997)
JadeEnigma 3 points 5 months ago.

I live in Oklahoma. The town doesn’t have to be small here to be bleak and brutal, trust me.

grasshopper rex 3 points 5 months ago.

One of my exes’ families is from OK. Lebanon, population 200 or so. No stoplights and only 2 businesses, a gas station, and a Dollar General. The best part of that divorce was never having to visit that godforsaken place again.

Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (2023)
redefender 2 points 5 months ago.

3 days before christmas

grasshopper rex 1 points 5 months ago.

That’s just the theater release date.

Eye of God (1997)
grasshopper rex 1 points 5 months ago.

Tim Blake Nelson’s directorial debut is based on his own play with the same name. Starring Hal Holbrook, Margo Martindale, Nick Stahl, Mary Kay Place, Kevin Anderson, and Martha Plimpton in what I feel is the best performance of her career. It’s a bleak and brutal tale told in a small Oklahoma town.

Godzilla Minus One (2023)
ThinMan 2 points 5 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

You are so lucky, if what you’ve written means you’ve seen it? The 1954 version is something I’ve watched a hundred plus times, although I’ve all 33 of the films in the franchise over and over.

grasshopper rex 3 points 5 months ago.

I saw it in IMAX and it is easily my favorite Godzilla movie since Godzilla vs. Destoroyah. I’ll go even further and say that for me this in some ways equals or even surpasses the original. I’m 60 and grew up watching Godzilla movies, spending countless weekends enjoying double features at the local cinema. The acting is superb, the kaiju scenes are some of the best I’ve ever seen and probably most impressive of all is that it was done with a comparatively small budget of $15 million. I can’t wait to watch it again.

Romper Stomper (2018)
grasshopper rex 2 points 5 months ago.

An interesting watch. Had little in common with the film by the same name though.

Il ritorno di Casanova (2023)
random000 2 points 5 months ago.

Certainly knew they weren’t some 6 year old kid who blew off the streets & wandered in blindly to specifically mouth off to the mods. Chat? Don’t see it, so forgot that it exists. Surely that degenerate didn’t see this flick. Casanova is worth anyone’s time. Infinitely interesting fellah.

grasshopper rex 2 points 5 months ago.

might not be 6 in physical years but…

Il ritorno di Casanova (2023)
random000 3 points 5 months ago.

You signed up yesterday, so how would you know anything about the mods unless this is a sock-puppet account for a user that has a bad history here? Not a good way to keep your account(s).

grasshopper rex 1 points 5 months ago.

yeah, they were in chat earlier acting the idiot claiming they have 50 accounts and telling other people they have no life. such sweet irony.

The Curse (2023)
grasshopper rex 0 points 5 months ago.

This has got to be the cringiest show I’ve ever watched. Love it.

Mr. Monk's Last Case: A Monk Movie (2023)
AmieWarren 1 points 5 months ago.

What is VidSrc? Am I missing something?

grasshopper rex 2 points 5 months ago.

Right below the trailer is a list of search engines. If something that has been around for awhile and has no links here, you often find a link on VidScr.

Mr. Monk's Last Case: A Monk Movie (2023)
Alien -1 points 6 months ago.

Where do you get “First movie” from?

grasshopper rex 1 points 6 months ago.

It’s just the first time Monk has been in a movie format. The title is Monk’s Last Case so… I did see an interview with Shalhoub and they asked him if it really was the last case and he said it wasn’t up to him. I interpreted that as him being onboard if this does well and the opportunity is offered to him. I think that they would consider rebooting the series if so.

Interrogation Cam (2023) S1 E8
Surly 1 points 6 months ago.

I didn’t even see that. Thank you

grasshopper rex 1 points 6 months ago.

yw. that’s the best option as the content mods don’t always see comments

Interrogation Cam (2023) S1 E8
Surly 2 points 6 months ago.

This upload is unfortunately the same as the previous.

Is this where i should post information like this, or is there specific area for it?

grasshopper rex 2 points 6 months ago.

each host version has a report link tab

Night Court (2023) S1 E1
dosmundos 1 points 6 months ago.

I think people should judge shows on their own merit rather than compare them to the original series. millions of people weren’t even born when the original aired and their opinion means the most. now run and delete my comment again guys lol

grasshopper rex -1 points 6 months ago*.

wow! you’ve been harboring that grudge for 10 months now. let it go, man. In case you forgot, I had 3 comments removed from this thread as well.

The Marvels (2023)
Mandalorian 1 points 6 months ago.

Rex is a mod? I knew it!!

grasshopper rex 3 points 6 months ago.


The Marvels (2023)
grasshopper rex 3 points 6 months ago.

if you knew how many thousands of hours of mutings I’ve accumulated over the years here you’d understand how funny that accusation is. thanks for the laugh.

The Marvels (2023)
[removed by a moderator]
grasshopper rex 3 points 6 months ago.

I’m not a mod. I can’t remove other people’s comments. :)

Fallout (2024)
grasshopper rex 0 points 6 months ago.

Based on the immensely popular video game series and brought to us by the creators of Westworld.