etim's comments

Rick and Morty (2013) S5 E7
l3m3 2 points 2 years ago.

whered this come from, what happened to five and six

etim 1 points 2 years ago.

check the dates. This one skipped ahead somehow.

El Cid (2020) S2 E1
Bloody El 1 points 2 years ago.

Damn, Love this series. But no Subs, no Dubs y yo entiendo espanol muy poquito. ay ay ay

etim 1 points 2 years ago*.

Just noticed—Doodwatch has subs. Others too, probably, didn’t check.

You can click ‘report link’ on the ones w/out subs and they’ll get fixed.

American Horror Stories (2021)
Jack Attack 1 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Holy Murder! Did they have to rehash Rubber Man? Not a good way to start a series.

etim 4 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I noticed that the first view of their new home looked awfully familiar so I guess yeah, they’re cycling back to make a sequel to season 1.

Gunpowder Milkshake (2021)
[removed by a moderator]
etim 5 points 2 years ago*.

Aw, you should check it out. The women get beat up, stabbed, shot, bloodied and generally knocked around in it. You’ll prob. love it.

Nine Films About Technology (2021) S1 E4
naya11 1 points 2 years ago.

firstly, the toilet is too big, secondly, the hole is too deep, but the most importantly why would anyone use a latrine if you have an open field AND a tree around you. I had a chuckle at least, so it was ok.

etim 2 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I’ve seen those before. They were left over from a farmhouse that burned.
They also get built where ppl gather out in the sticks. Sports clubs, campgrounds, etc…anywhere where shy ppl need to take a dump. Handy in the rain!

Nine Films About Technology (2021)
etim 1 points 2 years ago*.

These short stories will remind you a lot of Dark Mirror but they involve current tech, not scifi, with present day settings. Lots of DARK humor, irony and poetic justice. Eps sometimes have references from earlier ones but are stand-alone.
Ep 4 gets funny/tragic, should have been longer.

The White Lotus (2021)
YELLOWbird 2 points 2 years ago.

are you having a ‘grumpy’ night? ;)
watch Mr. Inbetween

etim 2 points 2 years ago.

Yeah. Started about halfway thru this drudge of a show. An ep of Rick and Morty helped— some.

The White Lotus (2021)
YELLOWbird 4 points 2 years ago.

Oh come on it has Jennifer Coolidge…
it will get funnier.

etim 3 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Funnier? It needs to just start getting a little bit funny. Or have something interesting happen. Even the resort they’re in is boring and blah. If I wanted to watch a bunch of unlikable, spoiled white ppl (the characters, not the actors) with their ‘problems’, I’ll turn on some reality shows.

The White Lotus (2021)
etim 3 points 2 years ago.

What was that?! How the hell did that make it on to HBO?? That wd have been boooring and unlikable even on NBC or Lifetime. I stuck with it expecting something decent to develop towards the end but…nothing. Yuk!

Die in a Gunfight (2021)
etim 2 points 2 years ago.

Fun movie! For a while there I didn’t know if it was gonna be any good but it all came together towards the end, turned out to be pretty durned entertaining.

Rick and Morty (2013) S5 E4
etim 2 points 2 years ago.

Kids, I hope you learned a valuable lesson from this episode.

Settlers (2021)
Olgreybush 2 points 2 years ago.

not to mention the -220 degrees on average

etim 2 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I got the impression from clues/hints thru the movie that the planet (or parts of it under domes, maybe) had been terraformed a long time beforehand— they referred to old, now-failed communities that were scattered around.
Their little settlement was under a big dome that I guess had kept it more livable for them.
Agreed, they all made dumb choices but most movies wd be short and boring w/out bad decisions.

F9: The Fast Saga (2021)
[removed by a moderator]
etim 1 points 2 years ago.

Unless a good copy is smuggled out early somehow, we normally have to wait till the DVD/Bluray/streaming version’s released to the public. Or was that a rhetorical question?

The War Next Door (2000) S1 E1
etim 1 points 2 years ago.

These are Guerra de Vencinos

(I think the youtube link’s correct tho)


The Tomorrow War (2021)
Cptcmquacken 1 points 2 years ago.

Fantastic film. Time is a strange soup, there’s a couple of “Wait, how come…” moments but overall very good movie,

etim 0 points 2 years ago*.

LOL—yeah, lots of but..but… questions from ppl. Many of ‘em get discussed deep in the spoilers posts. But there’s a lot fewer holes than you’d think— and the story fits together better with fewer paradoxes than it seems on the surface. Was a bit confusing, the ways the answers got explained piece by piece in diff. scenes in the movie, for sure.

Behind the Sightings (2021)
grubgun 2 points 2 years ago.

I spotted a clown right after watching this…in a mirror. I should’ve known better than to click “play”. 1/10

etim 1 points 2 years ago*.

That happened to a friend of mine. Was his own damned fault for passing out at the party.

The Colony (2021)
etim 2 points 2 years ago.

Good one! Sort of a German Ripley meets Waterworld setup w/out quite as much water. In English, if you were wondering. 7/10

Immortal (2020)
etim 1 points 2 years ago.

The whole thing had an old ‘made for TV’ movie feel to it but the 4 stories were good. Part 1 left me wanting more. Worth the watch.

I'm Your Man (2021)
[removed by a moderator]
etim 1 points 2 years ago.

Did you request ‘em in the right place? You’ll get better results if you do.

The Leftovers (2014) S1 E2
ShadowWolf 1 points 2 years ago.

Mmm-hmmm, I can most def watch Justin Theroux all day long! I never got into this show, never had HBO lol. It’s got my attention so far…looking forward to more.

etim 1 points 2 years ago*.

It’s an amazing ride. I’ve been tempted lately to watch again.

Marianne (2019)
Laura-GCHQ 2 points 2 years ago*.

lmao…ferrin tongues that’s a good one.
When i said i usually watch most movies in the original languages, i wasn’t implying i speak or understand many languages. Just 3 others besides English.

etim 1 points 2 years ago.

Hell, sometimes I wish my neighbors came with subs.

Marianne (2019)
Laura-GCHQ 2 points 2 years ago.

I don’t like dubbed movies either, but like you said, if the lips and audio are well synchronized, then i don’t mind. subtitles are the worst for me. You spend half the time trying to read and understand the subtitle and you end up missing important bits and pieces of the movie. It’s an no for me.
That said, bar Japanese (movies or anime) , i usually watch most movies in the original language, and if it’s not a language i understand, i just don’t bother.

etim 0 points 2 years ago.

Well, I’m a Mericun. We don’t like learnin no ferrin tongues, so when ferriners laugh at us, we don’t know or care what they’re sayin’ anyhow.

Marianne (2019)
Laura-GCHQ 2 points 2 years ago.

This show is weird and creepy in a cool way. It befogs the mind…

etim 1 points 2 years ago.

Yeah, looks real good. DLing some eps now. I think all eps are dubbed now too.
I don’t understand why so many ppl diss dubbing. I care a lot less if their lips match (as long as the translation’s accurate) than having to read subs and keep switching my focus away from being caught up in the story. IMDB—7.5

Lansky (2021)
etim 1 points 2 years ago.

Wow. Great movie. An unsung American hero. According to this anyway. Who really knows, who’s to judge?

Rick and Morty (2013) S5 E3
Ashtré 0 points 2 years ago.

Fair warning: They apparently do mid-credit scenes now. Worth the watch.

etim 2 points 2 years ago*.

They’ve done that now and again for a long while. Always worth checking.
There was even an ‘inside the episode’ with the show’s makers on some copies of ep1.

Guyane (2017)
I'll Fly Away (1991)
[removed by a moderator]
etim 1 points 2 years ago.

Scroll up, click ‘Link requests should be done in the forum.’ like you’re supposed to and maybe you’ll finally get some.

The Tomorrow War (2021)
Laura-GCHQ 6 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Oh Yvonny Yvonny Yvonny, only a few days ago i was hating your @ss for the atrocities you perpetrated in The Handmaid’s Tale but today I’m feeling bad you died a horrible death in this movie.

I’m a sucker for anything time travel. This movie was Entertaining and all but honestly they could have done better. So in the future they have the technology to create time travel but they couldn’t develop and manufacture better weapons to kill those aliens and the best they could do is still automatic assault riffles? Even in this day and age humanity still has better weapons how much more 28years in the future? Also you had the possibility to travel 30years into the past and the best plan they could come up with is to recruit those who were already dead in the future? Shouldn’t they have spent the 30years researching and developing better weapons?

etim 0 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I’m sure they DID research (and make) better weapons, and a better way to kill ‘em and into making a time machine, and as many guns and bullets as possible. But bigger guns (and all that bigger ammo) than assault rifles for all those soldiers to carry are heavy.

They had known for 30 yrs that they’d eventually build a time machine (and hopefully a better way to kill ‘em) but it took them 30 yrs to figure out how.

They knew (by looking at their future histories) the old guys they sent were less useful in the past for breeding, etc. And Pratt was specifically sent for by Yvonne.

Love Island (2015) S7 E6
htmom 2 points 2 years ago*.

This is Saturday’s episode Unseen Bits. shouldn’t be under episode number.

etim 2 points 2 years ago.

Click ‘report link’ and tell ‘em so it gets fixed

Terry Pratchett's Hogfather (2006)
etim 1 points 2 years ago.
If you prefer the whole show in a single part in 720/1080p

Maidens of the Sea (2016)
etim 1 points 2 years ago.

Slow and boooring. Might get thru it if you watch at a faster speed but still wouldn’t have a good enough story there to make it worthwhile. Had a TV movie or Lifetime feel to it.

Sector 7 (2011)
etim 1 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

If there’s no hard coded subs, click a ‘version’—> ‘subtitles’ to add ‘em yourself.

Hayflick Limit (2017)
etim 1 points 2 years ago.

Damn. This could have been a pretty good sifi thriller but everything needs to be redone on it. Bad direction, bad acting, bad script, low budget, obligatory faith-based overtones etc. etc… Disappointing.

Let Us In (2021)
etim 2 points 2 years ago.

I thot maybe this was a sequel to the ‘Let Me In/Let the Right One In’ movies. It’s not, no resemblance. Pretty blah, looks like it was made to scare youngish kids and bore grownups.

The Tomorrow War (2021)
Honest Review 3 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

No, The ship was in Russia. We learn this at the end. The first attack was in Russia which is why they thought they landed their undetected. Then within 3 years they spread and killed everyone.

etim 1 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Yeah, they shoulda thot of that. More of a bad decision on their part than a flaw in the story. Good thing they didn’t, o/wise the flick woulda sucked.

But too, the ship wasn’t the site of the 1st attack. And Russia is a big place.

The Tomorrow War (2021)
Honest Review 1 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

They knew the first attack on Russia from the very beginning when the ‘Future People” first arrived. So just with that information and bring technology and information on the Aliens. They could of just prepared with that and stopped them at the start.

etim 1 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

No, the Russia attack was just when they were 1st noticed. The bugs had dispersed around the world before that.

The Tomorrow War (2021)
Honest Review 1 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Just come back in time with coordinates and information. To stop it at it’s source. Tell them your improvements in science and weaponry so by the time 30 years past we are a more advanced species.
No we are going to send people into the future to a 70% death rate lol. I mean it’s a movie so gotta not solve it in first 10 mins I get it. They kinda went there at the end anyway with the poison. Still was enjoyable though.

etim 0 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

When the future guys first went back they brought tech and training to the past. But no one knew or found the information on the source till after Pratt and crew had gone back to the past. The toxin was only invented right before he left.

Werewolves Within (2021)
etim 2 points 2 years ago.

Fun flick. Goofy, dumb and cute. Familiar faces, well made.

The Shipment (2018)
etim 1 points 2 years ago*.

Kinda rough around the edges but a good watch, mostly. Freaky way to cop a buzz…send me one of them

The Tomorrow War (2021)
Abyss 4 points 2 years ago.

Besides the first sentence, everything else you said is just assumptions and never explained in movie. You do realize that the moment they went to past that they created an alternate timeline, so the future they were being sent to fight technically wasn’t there own. The aliens would still attack them in future and they would have to do this over again if the timeline is linear like they portrayed here. It only would make sense if they just prepared the past instead of risking lives of people from the past which would alter their future worse.

etim 0 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

What I said was ALL in the movie. And you’re assuming your version of a timeline theory is valid for this flick.

They DID prepare the past. All the changes the future ppl started by going back to the past (preparations, etc.) already HAD happened to them.

They had been busting their future butts trying to build a time machine that worked so they cd go back and warn their ancestors and start it all, so they wd at least have a better fighting chance of growing up and surviving (and time to discover the toxin)— and maybe find a way to get rid of the aliens in the past, hopefully before they multiplied and attacked.

It would all have happened over and over if Pratt and Dad hadn’t found the aliens’ source in the past and stopped it.

(Abyss—please, let’s mark all our posts on this thread as spoilers)

The Tomorrow War (2021)
Truthsayer 7 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

You won’t believe how bad it is. Imagine the cheesiest, mindless Mexican telenovelas. This movie is so bad on every level. It doesn’t make any sense from start to finish. I can’t even find the worst parts, because everything is badly executed. It deserves Razzie Awards for everybody involved.

etim 2 points 2 years ago*.

I think maybe it just didn’t make sense to you. Watch it again, pay attention this time and think about it. There’s far fewer holes and nonsensical parts than you assumed when you put all the pieces together.

The Tomorrow War (2021)
bcreed08 4 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Its even worse than that. Every single person they pull from the past exponentially decreases the population in the future. Pulling people from the past is probably the reason they have a troops shortage to begin with. Its the most idiotic plan I have ever heard. If the troops shortage was really the primary issue they should have sent people from the future to impregnate people in the past thereby increasing the future population or just sent couples back in time to have families and raise more children that would be fighting age by the time the war broke out.

etim 2 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

The ppl in the past were already gearing up manufacturing, research, breeding, etc. ever since the 1st time soldiers appeared to them on the soccer field, gave ‘em the warning AND a bunch of future tech.

They were able to check every draftee’s future to see what wd happen if they stayed. Heavy breeders likely got deferments. The ones sent to the future were all past their peak reproductive ages so better they go off to fight than get in the younger breeders’ way.

The ppl from the future were already severely shorthanded by when the time machine was built. Soldiers from the future were better used to fight rather than breed (besides, they were already the product of the past’s breeding programs—and inbreeding wd be a danger).

The younger men living in the past wd be more than happy and willing to fulfill their patriotic duties of increased breeding. No more monogamy, bang like bunnies? Sign me up, sir!

A butterfly effect? They were trying for a butterfly effect to change a future that o/wise was total annihilation.

The Tomorrow War (2021)
TX2Guns 4 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

A Bastardization of Edge of Tomorrow and Startship Troopers with a ridiculous plot that is full of holes. Typical mindless summer fun flick. 20% survival rate of the drafted civilians you send in without proper training and inferior weapons? Yeah you all deserve to be eradicted from the earth. You are all MORONS. Get to the Choppa!!

etim 1 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Then they succeeded. I’m pretty sure that a mindless summer FUN flick was exactly what they were shooting for. With all the flashes and bangs and ‘screw physics’ that comes with.

Monster (2017) S1 E5
[removed by a moderator]
etim 1 points 2 years ago*.

You didn’t look on Opensubtitles cause they’re there. That’s the site PW uses too.

Edit: they’re here on PW too. What sort of search did you do??

Sophie: A Murder in West Cork (2021)
[removed by a moderator]
etim 1 points 2 years ago.

Opensubtitles has ‘em. Use ‘Sophie: A Murder in West Cork (2021)’
If they don’t show for you for some reason, lemmie know and I’ll PM

The Handmaid's Tale (2017) S4 E10
Laura-GCHQ 3 points 2 years ago.

Lives have been lost, irreparable damages has been done to the few who managed to escape (still being done to those left behind), you can’t unring this bell or turn back the hands of that clock. At this point there’s no redemption for Aunt Lydia. I really don’t care what series of events happened in her past that made her who she became, she atleast had the option of choice back then and she could have changed her life whenever she wanted. If she was single and alone, that was her choice. If she had one too many disappointments and heartbreaks, she isn’t the first to experience those either, we all have. If her religious beliefs and sentiments cause her pain and disappointments, again that was her choice. She has no excuse.
I seriously hope Karma “wines and dines” with her with a feast meant for a thousand in Season 5.

etim 2 points 2 years ago.

I didn’t say anything at all about redemption. You can do something heroic and still not be a hero. But…we’ll see what happens. Enough on that.

Good Girls (2018) S4 E11
Alien 1 points 2 years ago.

I am not ashamed to say I am not above it.

etim 1 points 2 years ago.

I’ll admit I ‘peek in’ occasionally. Not for food but for cool junk. It’s amazing all the perfectly good, really cool stuff ppl will toss. I cd never be a garbage man. I’d be wanting to ‘rescue’ way too much.

Good Girls (2018) S4 E11
max_z 1 points 2 years ago.

Is this series really trying to promote eating garbage food from dumpsters? Seriously??

etim 1 points 2 years ago*.

People come by and do it right outside my window every day. And I live in a fairly nice neighborhood.

Folks need to be more aware of how much food they waste—and how many ppl go hungry enough to have to dumpster dive for dinner. Maybe the show’s trying to do that.

The Cleaner (2021)
etim 1 points 2 years ago.

Wrong vid. These all are ‘Heir 2021 WEBRip ION10’

Hush (Short 2020) (2020)
etim 1 points 2 years ago*.

“On May 10th, 1933 in Berlin, Germany Nazi Youth destroyed the Institute of Sexology and the famed Transgender Cabaret, the El Dorado was raided and turned into Hilter’s Nazi Headquarters.” —IMDB
run time— 01:28:39