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Toy Story 5 (2026)
hellsingfan01 1 points 28 days ago.

It’s simple it’s because of the fact that the third film made money and Disney and PIXAR got greedy and that’s really all there is to it as the third film was the perfect ending to what was a perfect trilogy of films.

Rontron25 0 points 10 days ago.

yet its not a trilogy

Star Trek: New Voyages (2004) S1 E7
random000 1 points 10 days ago.

BarBara Luna from Mirror Mirror returns a 2nd time to play a vicious enemy. Key bridge crew is changed, including Ben Tolpin who moved from playing Spock to directing, while Brandon Stacy comes in to play Spock.

random000 1 points 10 days ago.

Known for Starship Farragut & his Trek podcast on, Paul Sieber also guests along with anime voice actor Vic Micnogna also from Starship Farragut as well as Kirk on Star Trek Continues. He can be seen on the bridge of The USS Eagle with BarBara, and he did some of the directing.

The Green Girl (2014)
random000 2 points 10 days ago.

It wouldn’t be out of line to call her a bad ass. Susan Oliver was a true Renaissance lady. Known as a Star Trek green Orion slave girl, she was a versatile actress that did bios, comedy, horror, sci-fi & straight drama. Truly a multi-talented lady that was an awarded aviator, author & television director for shows such as MASH, Trapper John, Magnum PI, Simon & Simon, Freddy’s Nightmares & more.

Ginger in the Morning (1974)
random000 1 points 10 days ago.

Multi-talented versatile actress, director Susan Oliver best known for Star Trek The Cage & The Menagerie (famously appearing as a green Orion slave girl) also appeared in the Gene Krupa biography, Amelia Earhart bio, Twilight Zone, Night Gallery & with Jerry Lewis. She also directed episodes of MASH, Trapper John, Simon & Simon, Magnum PI, and more. She was also an author skilled pilot (aviator of the year 1970). RIP 1990.

Detectorists (2014) S3 E6
grasshopper rex 2 points 10 days ago.

Such a lovely ending.

Star Trek: New Voyages (2004) S1 E7
random000 1 points 10 days ago.

BarBara Luna from Mirror Mirror returns a 2nd time to play a vicious enemy. Key bridge crew is changed, including Ben Tolpin who moved from playing Spock to directing, while Brandon Stacy comes in to play Spock.

Star Trek: New Voyages (2004) S1 E2
random000 1 points 10 days ago.

This is the one with BarBara Luna who was originally in Mirror Mirror as Lt. Marlena. It also has Bill Windom who was Matt Decker in the Doomsday Machine.

Star Trek: New Voyages (2004) S1 E3
random000 1 points 10 days ago.

Walter Koenig as Chekov in this one with Mary Rapelye originally from The Way To Eden as Irina. Original show writer-producer D.C. Fontana wrote the story (rip 2019).

Star Trek: New Voyages (2004) S1 E4
random000 1 points 10 days ago.

George Takai appears as Sulu. Christina Moses plays his daughter Alana. Gene Roddenberry’s wife Majel Barrett (rip 2008) who was Nurse Chapel & also usually did most computer voices does the computer voice here too. Grace Lee Whitney is commissioned officer Janice Rand (rip 2015).

Star Trek: New Voyages (2004) S1 E1
random000 2 points 10 days ago.

This pilot features Gene Roddenberry jr. & John Winston as Captain Matthew Jefferies. In the original series he was Lt. Kyle on the bridge, then also on the Reliant in The Wrath Of Khan.

Star Trek: Horizon (2016)
Lazeistheman2 1 points 10 days ago.

Fanfilm short. Its a good 2/20. Nothing cinematic about it compared to the real thing. Decent job for what it is.

Atlas (2024)
Smeagol 1 points 10 days ago*.

OMG…i know why there is no rating yet. the AI can’t calculate one far enough below zero. 2 hours i now have to delete from my memory chip. thank god i didn’t synchronize with that

Once Were Warriors (1995)
Asiram 7 points 10 days ago*.

I first watched this in a theater in Wellington when it was released and sobbed throughout. It’s harrowing but brilliant. The film and its actors won dozens of awards around the globe and it’s still one of the best films to come out of Aotearoa. Holds it’s own 20+ years later! A cult classic. 10/10

Wonder Woman (1974)
Arcangel2020 1 points 10 days ago.

I remember watching this one as a little kid. It aired on ABC and I remember it was not a very good adaptation of the Wonder Woman comic (The 70ies era had a lot of bad TV adaptations of Comic Book Superheroes)….thankfully, a few years late the classic Lynda Carter version debuted on CBS

Lessons in Chemistry (2023) S1 E8
Lulusbay 1 points 10 days ago.

Late to the party… but how amazing is this show! I loved every bit of it. Can’t believe there hasn’t been more hype. I will tell everyone to watch, and they won’t… but their loss. Kind of wish I had read the book before seeing this (which is my usual MO) but it was just perfect.

FBI: Most Wanted (2020) S5 E13
zak2020 1 points 10 days ago.

Moral: The almighty dollar, as though she´s the only one. It´s always about money, who is he kidding!

Beacon 23 (2023) S2 E8
Alien 2 points 10 days ago.

A face only a mother could love

The Fall Guy (2024)
User67 0 points 10 days ago.

Well the Last 30minutes of the movie was its best and seeing Lee Major and Heather Locklear at the end was great

South Park: The End of Obesity (TV Special 2024) (2024)
mkmikas 1 points 10 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

ya think its mad max.. also the double injection scene, the terminator was that scene when john flicks the metal off the back of the car

Sonny Waze 1 points 10 days ago.


Atlas (2024)
suisen 2 points 10 days ago.

I liked this J-Lo main character not being able to know everything,
(until she connects with AI Smith)
most today are ‘’superheroes’’
but having to ‘’trust’’ the AI Smith, which is played /voiced superbly by Gregory James Cohan,
The AI’s humor is cool
I like the landscape, not like any I’ve seen before,
It is definitely worth a watch… 👍
I’ll give it 3.5

Gaga Chromatica Ball (2024)
yellow_rose1 1 points 10 days ago.

She’s really has the androgenous look in this tour. One thing about Lady Gaga is she has a talent for reinventing herself and surprising the audience with what she says and does. That is what an incredible performer and entertainer does.

Civil War (2024)
Sassinak 10 points 1 month ago.

Because the movie refuses to take current political sides, it really emphasizes that the real enemy is the guy(s) at the top that won’t relinquish power, and the people/corpos that support them.
POV journalists is really brilliant, forcing the audience to just ‘objectively see’ how destructive and stupid such a divide can be.

‘Divide and conquer’ is a real thing

Gnostic_Alchemist 2 points 10 days ago.

Exactly but most people are in smart enough to figure that out these are Machiavellian techniques that have worked throughout the centuries. Some would argue that even God in the Bible used Machiavellian techniques but that’s a whole nother story and no I’m not a Christian I mean it’s in my name LOL

Project Potemkin - The Last Child (2016)
greyfur 2 points 10 days ago.

Sweet. Just found this on YouTube, watched it and then subbed, it was a pretty good shot at ‘old school’ trek, so will watch some more when I get the chance. Thanks for the heads up.

random000 1 points 10 days ago.

Glad you dug it up ㋡

Fleishman is in Trouble (2022)
DoobieKeebler 3 points 10 days ago.

This is a fantastic limited series and I’d recommend it to anybody. The actors give tour de force performances and the series is really meticulous in how it’s presented. Everything is intentional (without giving anything away).

Project Potemkin - The Last Child (2016)
random000 2 points 10 days ago*.

Set in the TOS movies time - 21 shorts + 1 full length done over 6 years until CBS took over from Paramount & ordered all fan made ST stuff to cease. Of this Potemkin Project there are over 80 inclluding: Starship Tristan, Starship Deimos, Starship Endeavour, Battlecruiser Kupok, Starship Triton, Hospital Ship Marie Curie, Starship Alexander & Starship Webster.

greyfur 2 points 10 days ago.

Sweet. Just found this on YouTube, watched it and then subbed, it was a pretty good shot at ‘old school’ trek, so will watch some more when I get the chance. Thanks for the heads up.

Star Trek: Horizon (2016)
prism 4 points 10 days ago.

I never would have found this if I hadn’t seen your comment, so thank you :)

random000 3 points 10 days ago.

Good for fan stuff. This is right when cbs shut all that down, forbidding fans from creating any further projects that use Star Trek staff- not just actors, but writers, special effects, lighting, directors - everybody.

Star Trek: Horizon (2016)
random000 6 points 10 days ago*.

This takes place immediately after the series Enterprise.

prism 4 points 10 days ago.

I never would have found this if I hadn’t seen your comment, so thank you :)

South Park: The End of Obesity (TV Special 2024) (2024)
DoobieKeebler 2 points 10 days ago*.

Arguably the best of the Paramount “movies.” It has a really simple concept that makes it feel closer to a longer version of a normal episode, instead of the more forced grandiose stories (ie: Into the Panderverse; the COVID specials), which are still good but feel much different from watching an episode.

Star Trek: Horizon (2016)
random000 6 points 10 days ago*.

This takes place immediately after the series Enterprise.

Project Potemkin - The Last Child (2016)
random000 2 points 10 days ago*.

Set in the TOS movies time - 21 shorts + 1 full length done over 6 years until CBS took over from Paramount & ordered all fan made ST stuff to cease. Of this Potemkin Project there are over 80 inclluding: Starship Tristan, Starship Deimos, Starship Endeavour, Battlecruiser Kupok, Starship Triton, Hospital Ship Marie Curie, Starship Alexander & Starship Webster.

Starship Valiant: The Ties That Bind (2017)
random000 1 points 10 days ago.

There are 3 of these done over 7 years, but can’t find the newest one done in 2021.

Star Trek: Phoenix - Cloak & Dagger Part I (2010)
random000 1 points 10 days ago.

Like Star Trek Intrepid, Star Trek Phoenix is about 5 shorts + this longer format film set about half a century after TNG Nemesis.

Starship Exeter: The Tressaurian Intersection (2014)
random000 1 points 10 days ago*.

There are two Starship Exeter projects which inspired Starship Farragut & Star Trek Intrepid (which did about 17 films)

Starship Farragut Homecoming (Short 2021) (2021)
random000 1 points 10 days ago.

About 5 Starship Farraguts from the web series all set in the TOS timeline, done by the same people who worked on Star Trek Continues.

Beacon 23 (2023) S2 E8
DownrightDebonaire 2 points 11 days ago.

Just read the episode notes…Aleph? Am I the only one who didn’t read the books and thought this maniac’s name was OLIVE all season?!?!?

mkmikas 4 points 10 days ago*.

i thought it was aleph from the borges story/ great story btw.. ooh and aleph was carved into the golem to give it life, i guess that might be the ai link, or perhaps god or aleph numbers as infinite but ordered.. also it reminds me of the OA, (not to spoil the ending there…)

South Park: The End of Obesity (TV Special 2024) (2024)
Sonny Waze 1 points 11 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I’m having a brain fart here. The scene where Cartman is trying to get the cartridge on the truck hood, what film is that a parody of? Terminator 2? Mad Max? I just can’t palce it.

mkmikas 1 points 10 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

ya think its mad max.. also the double injection scene, the terminator was that scene when john flicks the metal off the back of the car

Star Trek: New Voyages (2004) S1 E6
random000 1 points 10 days ago.

2nd Blood & Fire 2 parter with Denise Crosby as Jenna Natasha Yar. (hello Gibby Haynes, Paul Leary, Jeff Pinkus & King Coffee).

Star Trek: New Voyages (2004) S1 E5
random000 1 points 10 days ago.

1st Blood & Fire 2 parter has Kims Stinger as Uhura from Star Trek Continues, taking over from Julienne Irons. Ben Tolpin taking over from Jeffery Quinn as Spock.

LaRoy, Texas (2024)
kelldivision 1 points 10 days ago.

Fantastic all around.

My Adventures with Superman (2023) S2 E1
greyfur 1 points 10 days ago.

Well, off to a good start to the second season! Thanks to everybody that uploaded links, appreciate it!

The Fable (2024)
Wizzdom 0 points 10 days ago.

One of the best anime to come out not just this season but perhaps in the last decade. A rare and much needed Seinen done right. Action, humor, and a level of ‘creepy’ sophistication reminiscent of Evangelion, without the sci-fi overtones. It’s a winner.

Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 (2024)
raven13 0 points 2 months ago.

A psychotic Bambi!? I’m so there lol

Steppenwolf71 1 points 10 days ago.

Hellllls yeah!

The Big Cigar (2024)
Vigile 1 points 10 days ago.

You would think they could find an actor with charisma to portray Newton.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024)
Steppenwolf71 1 points 11 days ago.

Hey, Warner Bros, eat a d%ck.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024)
Steppenwolf71 1 points 11 days ago.

The worst one yet! Wow!? Just when I think remakes can’t get any worse. 1/5✨ Total gobbledigook.

The American (2024)
Researcher 1 points 11 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

It’s based on a true story so I’m guessing the main points might be accurate. However, the sense of entitlement in Ryder’s portrayal of Womack was a huge turn-off for me. I marked it as “Dropped” (my message to me that the acting sucked!) about 3/4 of the way through. I disliked how she quickly resorted to a fraudulent marriage for citizenship! It’s illegal here in the US, but even if it’s not in the CIS, it’s still shameful. I was pissed at her, feeling ashamed at what it makes us look and what she did to Nikolai! Who’s to blame? The acting for trying to make a Romanesque statue with play-doh? Or the writers for trying to make Womack out to be a victim while at the same time a calculating wench and a talentless entitled brat? Not even interested in finding out about Womack, that’s how annoyed I am! I still watched to the end to make sure my despise was well deserved…it was!! 1 of 5 stars ‘cause there’s no negative star rating.

Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S5 E9
tabularascal 1 points 11 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

This week’s episode of Star Trek: Discovery includes a nifty little homage to (or total ripoff of) The Three Body Problem.

There is one other problem. Nearly falling into a black hole should have put them behind about 50 years in the race to the Macguffin. Or since this is Star Trek, thrown them back in time to 1967!

DownrightDebonaire -2 points 11 days ago.

Eh that’s a pretty big generalized leap. There’s a lot more to 3 Body Problem than what was focused on in the black hole anomalies in tonight’s episode. To say it ripped it off — it’s not like they folded a sheet of paper and stuck a pencil through it to describe folding space or time is all I’m saying.

Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S5 E9
tabularascal 1 points 11 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

This week’s episode of Star Trek: Discovery includes a nifty little homage to (or total ripoff of) The Three Body Problem.

There is one other problem. Nearly falling into a black hole should have put them behind about 50 years in the race to the Macguffin. Or since this is Star Trek, thrown them back in time to 1967!

Beacon 23 (2023) S2 E8
DownrightDebonaire 2 points 11 days ago.

Just read the episode notes…Aleph? Am I the only one who didn’t read the books and thought this maniac’s name was OLIVE all season?!?!?

Challengers (2024)
SheWatches 1 points 11 days ago.

If you are in to tennis, you might like this movie. It had all the trimmings; friendship, betrayal, exciting matches and a satisfying ending that I can’t tell you anything about other than it was good.