greyfur's comments

Star Trek: Picard (2020) S3 E1
Birdsforme 6 points 1 year ago.

Hello, all you Picard fans, of which I am one. He will be back for season 3 this coming Thursday. (16th)

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Sad to see it’s the last season, but all god things have to come to an ending, but also glad to see that they will at least let this show come to a full completion, and tie up all of the loose ends.

I’m hoping that this will have really good writing, as so far it’s been pretty decent. Will really miss this show though when it’s over.

The Last of Us (2023) S1 E5
Alien 4 points 1 year ago.

The people down-voting this comment should be ashamed of themselves.
They don’t have one drop of empathy.

I might have missed it but I have not heard covid mentioned at all in this series.
The virus began with a fungus. The pandemic is a scary thing. I’m sure millions of people have new lifestyles now that include not being able to leave their homes except for when absolutely necessary, which includes me.
And I’m never without a mask.

That being said, so far, this is a beautiful story with many moments that break your heart. At least we can still feel something.

greyfur 0 points 1 year ago.

Ah. Way it was described was a fungus, yes, that was mutated from covid, or at least the people that I know that were talking about it. Could well be that they were mistaken in that. Some of them are known for talking a bit as they watch, so could be they missed something, or maybe read that into it?

I myself never bothered with a mask or ever changed anything I did any more then I actually had to, I always figured that when my time came, it would come, and not until then. Nothing can stop it when it does. I do feel bad for all of the people that were separated from family and friends and such when they got sick and were in the hospital though, and weren’t allowed to see them or spend time with them, even or especially at the end.

I always thought that that was very cruel and unnecessary. I have since then lost all respect for the medical profession, as it seems to me they have no empathy at all for the patients in their care or their families.

Wolf Pack (2023) S1 E2
alexisbits 2 points 1 year ago.

I wasn’t sure about this show, so I gave it a second episode. It turned out to be a decent episode after all. I’ll keep watching, at least for now. Sarah Michelle Gellar is the “big draw”, and she plays her role well. But most of the cast is pretty good.

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Good to know. I have not watched this at all yet, thought about it, but have been a bit busy with a lot of other things. Really cut my watching time a while back, have quite a few I guess I’m still watching sort of sporadically, but really kind of lost interest in most of the stuff I used to watch due to a lot of the changes that have been made in the shows.

Others were either ended or cancelled, or a few may or may not be coming back, so waiting to find out. That, and truth be told there are some things I think I’m just flat burned out on..😖

Might wait a bit, let this run its course for the first season, see if people like it enough to want a second season, then check it out, and maybe see if its worthy of a good binge, have not had one of those in a good while.

I understand ‘Terminal List’ is coming back for another season, with Pratt in it, supposed to be a season that is before the events of the season they had the first time around, and that was my last really good binge. Waiting hardcore for that to come out…

The Last of Us (2023) S1 E5
greyfur -2 points 1 year ago.

Look, I have never watched an episode of this, and I know a lot of people like this; that being said, had a friend that watches this, couple of them actually, and they were talking about one of the episodes, think it was 3, and guess they were saying it takes place in 2023, and something about a zombie virus mutation from covid or something, and I immediately decided that just nope…full stop nope….

I watch very few shows anymore, and am at the point where I’m both zombied and covid’ed out to the point of exhaustion. I’m happy to see that people can watch it and that it’s good enough for others to be distracted from the world and all the BS going on by it, we need something to distract us for real.

I just can’t though. Not this one.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
Alien 3 points 1 year ago.

F that. 😏

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
Alien 2 points 1 year ago.

You must have caught flack elsewhere because there’s no evidence of that here.

greyfur 4 points 1 year ago.

I’ve seen it on other sites. Depends on the site, and what you say. There is this one site I go to watch stuff, works great, stays pretty updated, but it’s best to stay away from the comments section, those people posting are a bunch of uncontrolled jerks.

Pretty much no pleasing them, no matter what show is on, no matter what airs, and no matter what the comment…and it for the most part is allowed generally by the admins as long as the language is kept in some kind of check…

The Terminal List (2022)
greyfur 4 points 1 year ago.

Just so that everyone knows, and I would love to post a link, but am not allowed, I just spotted the fact that we are going to get a second season of this show. Not sure when it is going to air yet, but have to say that I am wicked happy about it.

Chris Pratt will be coming back as the main guy in it, James Reece, and not really sure about much else, so don’t want to jump the gun and say anything else and possibly give out any information that might turn out later to be bogus.

Either way, fact is we are going to get another season. If it’s anywhere near as good as the first one was, there will be another binge coming!😄

The Ark (2023)
expresso 4 points 1 year ago.

So. Bad. Hilariously bad.

greyfur 4 points 1 year ago.

Yeah. I tried. Not as hard as I used to try. But I did try. Think my ‘trier’ got burned out from all the trying….but I did give it a shot. I wanted to like it, need some good Science Fiction shows to pop up now and again to renew my faith, just this was not one of them sadly…

Lockwood & Co. (2023) S1 E8
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Good season, want another one, but that very last bit was just wrong..😖

Lockwood & Co. (2023)
greenguy86 5 points 1 year ago.

I was able to watch 2 episodes and I was hooked. Will get some more in tonight.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Yeah, saw the first one, wasn’t really all that sure, but gave it a chance, and was bored anyway, so watched the second one, and at that point it was just enough that I was willing to give it one more, but after that, the 3rd one had me. Still have one more to go, just have not had the time to get to it. Maybe tomorrow I will have a break at some point, maybe with dinner or something, get it in, wanting to see how it pans out. Hoping at this point they make more of these, now and again the British really do come up with some decent stuff.

Gotham Knights (2023)
Piglet 2 points 2 years ago.

Now this sound interesting and will have to remember to check back on October 25th.

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Hey Pig. Say’s March 14th now, which will be the day after my shoulder surgery. Was supposed to have happened already, but my ride got snowed out (I’m in Maine, so figures my luck would run like that..😖), had to change the date.

Since it’s the CW I’m not going to expect a lot, and from the video I just watched, I can see they changed a lot from the basic premise, but even with that I’m still gonna give it a chance as I’m a glutton for punishment, and will have about a week where my right arm will be pretty useless so I figure I will probably spend a little time with a couple new shows and maybe catch up on a few old ones.

Who knows? Working on the theory that even a blind squirrel gets a nut now and again, they (CW) might do a good job by accident..🤣

Lockwood & Co. (2023)
greyfur 3 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This is actually pretty good, all things considered. First episode I wasn’t sure, but gave it a shot, and by the third I was on a bit of a binge. I still have the last one to go, site I am using for this has the whole first season out, 8 episodes I believe. Actually pretty good.

Can’t say it’s anything exceptional on special effects, though they don’t suck either, and the sword fighting (Rapiers) aren’t what I would call expert, but there is not a lot of that, and this is not exactly a Musketeers movie, either, so there’s that…

But the writing is pretty decent, as is the acting, and the storyline isn’t all that bad either. I tend not to binge much anymore, and really don’t even watch a lot anymore, have culled a lot of shows as I just don’t have the time anymore, but would up liking this for some reason. Maybe I just needed a break and here this was…

Either way, I would suggest giving this a shot if your into this kind of thing; Supernatural it’s not, so don’t go into in expecting that, but for what it is it’s really not half bad, just give it a couple episodes and it will probably grow on you.

The Chosen (2017)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Watched the first 3 episodes of this so far, think it was, about ready to take a deeper dive into it. I like doing my Bible study, and so far I like how they are doing the background into the peoples lives. At first I wasn’t sure if I was going to like that, but they are doing a good job of that. The acting is really good, and when the guy playing Jesus was interacting with the children, I was watching that really close, and I remember thinking to myself, ‘Yeah, I can really see Him doing that…’.

I honestly have high hopes for this. hoping it pans out well doctrinally, a lot of times these things butcher it, but I have a feeling that these guys have really good intent and will make every attempt to do an accurate job.

Gonna try and watch a few more episodes tonight, this is really pretty good so far.

Godfather of Harlem (2019) S3 E1
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Glad to see this is finally coming back, missed this….

Hunters (2020)
Piglet 2 points 1 year ago.

The 2nd season starts Friday….oh, my, Friday the 13th.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Saw your post, just enough in the sidebar, and scoped my calendar. Crap, need to be out and about that day. Sure hope I run into a couple black cats, about the only thing that brings me any good luck anymore!🤣

The Chosen (2017)
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Well, just discovered this. My best streaming site does not have this, but put in a request, and they are pretty good and putting up stuff when they get requests, I did find a site that has the first 2 seasons.

I am interested to see how accurate these guys are at keeping it real. Seems you guys like this pretty good. I normally don’t watch these as Hollywood tends to muck these things up really bad, but watched the trailer and was hopeful as it was not a Hollywood production and was Crowdfunded.

I have a surgery coming up the 23rd and it’s on my shoulder, and won’t be able to write or type, as my right arm will be out of commission for a bit, so this will give me something to do for a while if it’s any good, along with catching up on a bit of reading. Really hopeful for this.

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022)
The Witcher: Blood Origin (2022) S1 E1
FillipW 2 points 1 year ago.


greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.


The Witcher: Blood Origin (2022) S1 E1
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Well, watched all 4 episodes. Can’t say I wasted my time, but can’t say I was impressed either. Ya saw it ya saw it, ya missed it, ya missed it. Was one of those I guess, but that’s my opinion. For whatever that’s worth.

The Witcher: Blood Origin (2022) S1 E1
Alien 4 points 1 year ago*.

If Henry Cavill is on screen I’ll watch him doing anything. Even building a PC. Wait. I did watch him doing that. 🤣
Thank goodness for YouTube.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.


The Witcher: Blood Origin (2022)
greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

Well, watched the first episode, was so-so. Might as well go for the second, just on account of Michelle Yeoh, see what happens next. I noticed that it said ‘ended’ when I came back to post this, so guessing there will not be a second season, so a one shot is all this will be, and just the 4 episodes it looks like.

Kind of a let down, tell the truth…

The Witcher: Blood Origin (2022)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

My jury is out. I have not read any of the Witcher stuff, so I am going into this not knowing any of the history or backstory, so there’s that. I do know that one of the reasons that Cavill left is because he’s a really big fan and he didn’t like the direction it was taking, away from the original.

I have no idea how close or far away from the original this is. Don’t look anything like the Witcher, but then it is a prequel, so it would be somewhat different. Would expect it to explain how they came into being though.

Anyway, it does look to be entirely different then witcher, but fully intend to give this a chance, might just be good.

The Witcher: Blood Origin (2022) S1 E1
RowdyRepublican 4 points 1 year ago.

From what I understand he’s in season 3 but not season 4, replaced with Liam hemsworth

greyfur 4 points 1 year ago.

Just found a really good article on Forbes that talks about this, would seem that he might have left (and this is speculation, but seems to be pretty reasonable) on account of he is a really big fan of the Witcher series as it was originally written and created, and didn’t like the directions that the writers were taking it,and wanted them to stick to the original story line.

I guess there were a lot of differences there, and would seem that even if the chance to play Superman again was there, if they had stuck to the original Witcher storyline, he might have turned that down and stayed with Witcher, but they were taking twists and turns he didn’t care for, so he left.

Seems also the Rock and several others had been pulling for him to come back as Superman with DC for a good while, which is one of the reasons that he had that appearance in the Rocks movie right there at the end credits, if you happened to see that.

Anyway, it would seem that Cavill was under the impression, as were a LOT of people that he was going to be playing superman again, might be he was told that, until Gunn pulled the rug out from under him. Pretty sure he got a raw deal on that one.

Glad to see that he got the Warhammer gig though. He’s a really good actor.

The Witcher: Blood Origin (2022) S1 E1
CaptKSKS 3 points 1 year ago.

I don’t think he was on screen in this project.

He has announced a Warhammer 40k series with Amazon.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Oh, good! Didn’t know he had that going on. From what I understood, he left this as he thought he was going to be doing the Superman gig, then he got dropped at the last minute, was a surprise to him. Everybody was surprised by that, same with the Wonderwoman thing getting axed. Glad he got the Warhammer gig though. Never watched any of that, might have to bone up.

The Witcher: Blood Origin (2022) S1 E1
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Here’s another one I’m looking forward to, but won’t be the same without Cavill in it though. Too damn bad about that. Thinking the guy got shafted. Hope this don’t get screwed up on account of it, he did a really great job in this.

The Lincoln Lawyer (2022)
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Hey, if anybody can refresh my memory…I still have about 4 episodes left in this season, but I watched the original movie, though it’s been a really good while, and can’t remember…when he was working out of his car, was it the same kind as the one he drives from time to time in this one, the big blue convertible? Man, I really like that car. Would go broke on gas driving it now, but still like it…

The Recruit (2022) S1 E8
Piglet 3 points 1 year ago.

Yes, and I just hope there is a 2nd season or we’re all going to be left wondering why……

greyfur 3 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Man, just watched the last episode. Holy smokes, really didn’t see THAT coming! GOT to have a second season now….

The Recruit (2022)
Piglet 3 points 1 year ago.

I’m surprised that you know who I am talking about. Needless to say, maybe I watch too much tv….lol……You’re very welcome……

greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

I’m 60, grew up with that show, and a lot of others, so it’s no surprise to me. We might have a lot of others in common.

The Recruit (2022)
Piglet 4 points 1 year ago.

I’ve posted many times that I’m a child of the 1960’s and one of my favorites tv shows was The Wild, Wild West. If you google the cast you will see a picture of Ross Martin who plays Artemus Gordon. Now look at Noah Centineo who plays Own Hendricks in The Recruit. I think these 2 men look like each other, especially if you look at pics of a very young Ross Martin. Martin was a fine actor who died from a heart attack at age 61. I am really enjoying this new drama a lot and hope there will be a season 2.

greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

Well, I’ll be…so THAT’S who it is that he’s been reminding me of. Been trying to figure that out for a bit now, and there it is. You just nailed it for me. Thanks for that. I would have never figured that out, but there it is.

The Recruit (2022) S1 E8
Piglet 5 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Damn, that ending was cold! WOW!

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

I have only watched the first 2 episodes so far, but am liking it pretty good. Am about to watch the third one now. I take it from your comment this is well worth watching all the way through….

The Recruit (2022)
grasshopper rex 5 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Episode 1: “I.N.A.S.I.A.L.” means “I’m Not a Spy, I’m a Lawyer”
Episode 2: “N.L.T.S.Y.P.” means “Never Let Them See You Pucker”
Episode 3: “Y.D.E.K.W.Y.D.” means “You Don’t Even Know What You Do”
Episode 4: “I.Y.D.I.A.A.C.” means “If You Do It as Anderson Cooper”
Episode 5: “T.S.L.A.Y.P.” means “That Sounds Like a You Problem” (Technically, Owen says, “Wow, sounds like a you problem.”)
Episode 6: “I.C.I.N.C.” means “I’m Clenching, I’m Not Clenching”
Episode 7: “I.M.F.T.B.S.” means “It’s My First Time Being Sexpionaged”
Episode 8: “W.T.F.I.O.H.” means “Who the F*ck Is Owen Hendricks?”

greyfur 0 points 1 year ago.

Not so sure I wanna watch that 4th episode..🤣

Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)
grasshopper rex 1 points 1 year ago.

A visual masterpiece, but very predictable and really, really long.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

I finally was able to sit and watch the whole thing. Was able to watch the first 45 minutes, then had to crash, was late and really tired, but today I was able to pick up where I left off and finish it. I really hate to say it but I was a little let down by this installment. I thought the first one was a lot better. Like you said, the visuals were great, but it really could have been shorter, thinking that was actually the problem, for a while there it was having a problem holding my attention.

Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan (2018) S3 E1
greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

Man, I have been so looking forward to this, hope they have done a good job with it.

Yellowstone (2018) S5 E6
greenguy86 1 points 1 year ago.

I like Kelly the person, Beth not so much.

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Oh, I like Beth as well. They are just very different people. Have to take them for who they are. Beth is a flat our street fighter. Have to take her that way, or not at all. I can relate to that from my younger days. She makes sense to me. She is also very protective of both her dad and the ranch, which I respect, and I think what her brother did to her early on has a lot to do with what made her that way…

Yellowstone (2018) S5 E6
greenguy86 3 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

A fantastic episode where nothing really happens. Of course we know things are happening which are out of John’s control and were already in play. I really don’t like where things are going with Jamie. Didn’t he learn his lesson before. For once, I enjoyed Kelly Reilly being herself(when they’re moving the cattle) and not Beth.

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

I decided to like Kelly early on, and with this episode I knew why, she’s just really cool deep down.

The Lincoln Lawyer (2022)
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Yeah, this was a great movie, glad someone said something, would have missed this as well! Going to have to check this out as well!

Violent Night (2022)
Boiler 2 points 1 year ago.

I’ll check this out later.

Do you think it’ll replace bad santa as the best christmas movie ever for the family to watch?

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

It just might…I don’t know if there will be a follow up though.

Violent Night (2022)
Alien 4 points 1 year ago.

Thank you for letting us know. We were very concerned. 🙃

greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.


Violent Night (2022)
greyfur 8 points 1 year ago.

Just to let everybody know, I got around to watching this, and highly advise you all to watch. This was really good. I don’t often say that, but will this time, was actually enjoyable. Not going to say a lot, but will say that this was not your average Santa. Hope that don’t make this something that causes it to list this as a spoiler, as I want everybody to see this and get interested.

Also, would not call this a horror or slasher type of flick either, but somewhere between comedy (kind of) and action. Was just a really good movie for the season. And not your average one either.

Wednesday (2022)
Boiler 4 points 1 year ago.

That is awesome. I really enjoyed this show. hope the script writers can keep it going \m/

greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

Agreed! If they can keep it going like they did with the first season, they will have one heck of a hit on their hands. I think a lot of it had to do with the lines they gave Wednesday, and the way she delivered them, the girl was just flat out awesome playing her. Flat out nailed it.

Wednesday (2022)
greyfur 6 points 1 year ago.

I don’t know if anyone is aware of this yet, but this show just topped the show ‘Stranger Things’ as the most watched series on Netflix. That pretty much clinches it for a second season. I really liked this show and pretty much binged it, so really looking forward to a second one.

Wednesday (2022)
greyfur 4 points 1 year ago.

This turned out to be really excellent all the way through. Really hope they do a second season, really deserves it.

Wednesday (2022) S1 E3
grasshopper rex 1 points 1 year ago.

Glad I stuck with it. Definately getting better.

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Yeah, just finished the 3rd episode, was really liking it from the start actually, but have to admit, it does get better as it goes, and the girl playing Wednesday is totally killing it!

Violent Night (2022)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

After watching the trailer, I’m gonna have to watch this!

Echo 3 (2022) S1 E1
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Been waiting for this to see if it’s any good, and three episodes already aired on one of my sites, so will be finding out pretty soon. Looks like it might be something from the teases I have seen so far.

Amityville in Space (2022)
michaelmyers 2 points 1 year ago.

wonder if they landed on the wicked witch of the west body !theirs no place like home !

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.


Amityville in Space (2022)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

You gotta be kidding me..🤦

Wednesday (2022) S1 E1
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

I can’t wait for this, been a long time in coming, saw the teases for it, and it really looks like it might just be the ticket!

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
greyfur 6 points 1 year ago.

Saw this, was O.k. I guess, could have been better, could have been worse. Could have knocked off about 45 minutes of this and most like would have been better for it as well. What can I say? If you watch it, you didn’t exactly waste time, but if you miss it, you didn’t really miss much either, it was kinda like that.

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023)
grasshopper rex 1 points 1 year ago.

The trailer looks awesome.

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Yup, could be right interesting…