greyfur's comments

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023)
grasshopper rex 1 points 1 year ago.

The trailer looks awesome.

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Yup, could be right interesting…

Paradise City (2022)
grasshopper rex 1 points 1 year ago.

Calling it a ‘B’ movie would be generous. lol

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Well, I haven’t seen it yet, so..🤷

Leverage: Redemption (2021) S2 E1
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Nice, we get more of this, always liked this show!

The Terminal List (2022) S1 E8
YgraineDance 4 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I think the way they get around the “dying” part is, remember, Reece never did get the biopsy the doc mentioned - he only got the diagnosis of a tumor. I guess they can say he survived an operation for a benign growth. I imagine book readers already know (but I haven’t read the books so I’m likely wrong.)

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

I know nothing of the books whatsoever, at all. Thought that the series might have been taken from one book, or maybe a trilogy. Had no idea that there was a whole slew of them. Might have to look into that….

Have to admit that Pratt did a really great job with this, and would really like to see him come back in this role again.

Titans (2018) S4 E1
greenguy86 1 points 1 year ago.

How it so far? I am way behind on all my favorite shows. I hope I can start this one soon.

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

I thought it started off pretty good myself. Always liked this one, could have done some of them better, never liked having any of my characters changed from the originals though, which they did on a few of these, but have learned to live with it. Still a decent show, and this season has done well enough so far.

Still not the original Titans as written, but for a modernized version, it’s really not that bad. Season 4 is showing promise so far, and nightwing has had at least on pretty good fight so far, this last episode. Think you will be happy with it.

The Terminal List (2022) S1 E8
Alien 2 points 1 year ago*.

You never know.

Chris Pratt has good news for fans of The Terminal List who may be wondering about a second season: “To the rabid fans of The Terminal List out there, you have nothing to worry about,” he says. “We love you and appreciate your support. It’s our life’s mission to make sure you can come back to the well. We are working away.”

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Outstanding! The way they left it, he was dying, so I figured that they were going to end it there, but he (Pratt) did such a good job in that that I was wishing that there was a way that another season could be done with it. Hopefully the same writer that did the original book can do the next one, and they can make that into the next season? Either way, if they can keep up the same momentum, it will be great!

The Terminal List (2022) S1 E8
YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

I watched this over the course of three days, and it was interesting and involving. Can’t argue with a good conspiracy-coverup-comeuppance film, even if unrealistic in many places. Pratt was restrained and serious in this role as Reece, a Navy SEAL channeling his outrage into action, single-minded and laser-focused. Unlike some reviews I’ve read elsewhere, I kind of liked the conclusion…and I have to say I suspected it would play out exactly as it did. Worth watching!

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Too bad this is a one off, would love to see a second season of this…

Yellowstone (2018) S5 E1
Birdsforme 7 points 1 year ago.

Hey everyone, I`m doing a happy dance because Yellowstone is back this coming Sunday. Two episodes!

greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

Oh, outstanding! Thanks for the heads up, seems like a really long wait for this!

SEAL Team (2017) S6 E8
YELLOWbird 3 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

OMG, That was shocking!!

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Yeah, couldn’t believe that happened either…

Wednesday (2022)
greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

Man, this has so much potential, I really hope they don’t &%*# it up….

Titans (2018)
grasshopper rex 1 points 1 year ago.

Season 4 has started.

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Just watched the first 2 episodes, started off pretty good.

SAS: Rogue Heroes (2022)
Savax 2 points 1 year ago.

Entertaining view of how the SAS started

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

I found a site that I can watch this on, and saw the first episode. It was actually pretty entertaining. I will most like as not go back for more when I get the chance. Was for sure different from a lot of the stuff out there, and really kept my attention, and was good for a few laughs as well.

DC's Stargirl (2020) S3 E9
CaptKSKS 2 points 1 year ago.

The first season had the HBO Max deal that resulted in longer, more mature episodes, the transition to full CW control led to the quality drop.

Decent series, hope it sticks the landing.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Yeah, sounds about right, anything the CW gets it’s grubby mits on…

DC's Stargirl (2020) S3 E9
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Just read where this is going to be the last season. Too bad, seems like it got off to a good start with the first season, but it did go a bit downhill with the writing after that though.

Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi (2022)
darklighter1 4 points 1 year ago.

I kept hearing bad things about this series but except for the first episode thought it was pretty fantastic. Dooku was a complex cat and really fleshed out. Plus this makes me look forward to the Ashoka series.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Yeah, always liked it myself. I just noticed they put ‘ended’ on it, sad about that, was kinda hoping there would be more, but all good things come to an end sooner or later I guess…

Wrath of Van Helsing (2022)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Not sure how far I made it in this, didn’t stop to check the time before I clicked off, but not very, was actually less then a ‘B’ movie, so really, please don’t waste your time on this one. Was actually hoping it might be worth the time, but nope. Just nope….

Wrath of Van Helsing (2022)
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Ahh, crap. Didn’t see it, face full of egg, thanks for pointing that out to me….

Wrath of Van Helsing (2022)
DC's Stargirl (2020) S3 E8
CaptKSKS 2 points 1 year ago.

Just went up locally for me.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Yeah, last I checked before posting that was 11 PM Maine time, then I crashed, actually was a bit after that, checked a couple sites. This place used to be right on top of stuff, as soon as something aired, when the show was done, someone had it on the site.

Seems like the linkers for other sites are just not as on the ball as the ones here were. I checked around 3 this morning and it still wasn’t up, but just now it was, and it’s just after 9 in the morning.

Not as reliable as this site was, but at least we still can get it…

The Winchesters (2022) S1 E3
CaptKSKS 3 points 1 year ago.

There are some third party caption sites that will allow you to download the file for use, but it seems most SAP recordings are accidental; might be worth putting a bug in a couple of ears over.

greyfur 5 points 1 year ago.

I never download anything, I just watch on site, too careful to do it, if I can’t watch something without downloading, I won’t bother with it. Never been infected with anything, and won’t ever be if I can help it. Downloading stuff is a good way to get a cold…

DC's Stargirl (2020) S3 E8
The Winchesters (2022) S1 E3
CaptKSKS 3 points 1 year ago.

Not just for the blind, but anyone with reduced visibility or other sight problems. The Secondary Audio Protocol (SAP) has long been a feature that is accessable on broadcast TV, though some SAP channels have been used to carry alternate language audio, the intent was to allow for an audio channel that provided descriptions to those who would benefit.

greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

Yeah, I didn’t know that existed. Someone on the site I was watching it on gave me an explanation like yours a bit ago, had no real clue as I never ran into it before.

I think that it’s pretty cool that it’s done for people that need it, now that I know the WHY of it. Should be required to have a like just for that maybe? Or at least sites should TRY and put one up if they could find one. A lot of vets would benefit from something like that. Older people as well….

The Winchesters (2022) S1 E3
booger 3 points 1 year ago.

That is for the seeing impaired and not present on all copies.

greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

Ummm…O.K. Didn’t know they did that. Thanks for letting me know. Now I can try and hit a different link next time. Truth be told, I honestly had no idea blind people watched shows like this, with the exception of the news. Learn something new every day.

The Winchesters (2022) S1 E3
greyfur 0 points 1 year ago.

That narration thing they did with this episode was really annoying….

Doctor Who (2005) S13 Special
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Yeah, was pretty good, but the end surprised me, didn’t see that coming. Actually, thought that wasn’t supposed to happen, not going to say anything else. Also, on the site I watched this on, they had another episode, Right after this, called ‘legend of the sea devils’ also with Jodi in it, so didn’t fit the timeline as far as the special goes, but that tends to happen with the Doctor a lot.

Anyway, just wanted to mention that extra episode in case you were unaware of it.

Black Adam (2022)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

I thought it was pretty good myself. Worth a watch.

Paradise City (2022)
GeminiSaga 1 points 1 year ago.

Bruce Willis’ B-movie career is like Jason, it just refuses to die.

greyfur 0 points 1 year ago.

I get the point, but don’t see how this one can possibly be considered a ‘B’ movie with Travolta in it.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022) S1 E9
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

I think in that conversation they were talking about the ‘big screen’ or a movie, and kevin shot that down. so according to the machine, if that is any indication, there will be no She Hulk Movie. Though I wouldn’t place any bets that there wouldn’t be an absolute no on that either, you never know. She might get a small part in one of the later movies, and it might turn into something. Lot of people kinda like her.

She seems to have pulled off a bit of a fan base, and think if they did this a bit differently, it would have picked up a bit better then it did, but yeah, really liked it myself as well. Hoping it comes back for a second season, seems that a lot of people feel that way as well.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022) S1 E9
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

I just went looking, and scanned several likely sites for answers, and none of them really knew anything, aside from the fact that there was enough of a fan base for the show to justify a second season, easily it would seem, but there was nothing from up top about what they were going to do about the cast, or the script of said second season so far, or even if they were going to actually produce one. Kinda in limbo at the moment.

Lot of the sites seemed to agree that we might have to wait until 2024 when a lot of the other Marvel stuff came out to see what we were going to see…

The Winchesters (2022) S1 E1
grasshopper rex 3 points 1 year ago.

Wasn’t horrible. If it keeps up at this pace I’ll stick around for more.

greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

Thought it was a decent first episode. Kinda missed this, so guess I was trying to like it on some level. As long as they don’t screw the writing up too bad, I’ll keep coming back, not a whole lot I really watch anymore. I have a lot listed on my TV guide, but don’t really keep up with most of it.

The Walking Dead (2010) S11 E19
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Well, finally dropped, have it on a couple of my streaming sites.

SEAL Team (2017) S6 E4
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Been some really good episodes so far, not letting me down even a little bit…

Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Friend of mine just watched this on a site somewhere, and he’s a pretty good judge of these, liked the first one, but said this was pretty ‘meh’, have not watched it myself, and won’t bother based on his opinion of it. Watched the first one, was O.K., liked it well enough, but was not my usual fare, tell the truth.

Bullet Train (2022)
GeminiSaga 3 points 1 year ago*.

It’s a fun watch but it’s certainly not a classic of modern action movies like John Wick and Deadpool. Kind of a cartoonish story and characters, especially the antagonists. Lemon and Tangerine were the most fun to watch but other than that I’m sure I’ll soon forget about it.

greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

You pretty much nailed it right there. Especially that last line..💪

The Walking Dead (2010) S11 E17
greyfur 0 points 1 year ago.

Oh, it’s back. Should I be excited? Someone tell me if I should be excited, I kinda forgot…

Reginald the Vampire (2022)
greyfur -1 points 1 year ago.

This looks like it might be interesting. Different take, and might even have some funny moments from the video short. Willing to give it a shot, starts Oct. 5th.

The Capture (2019) S2 E6
YgraineDance 1 points 1 year ago.

I’ve cut back, too. I used to follow “Walking Dead” until it just seemed to be going nowhere (maybe they’ve finally moved forward with the great reveal, I dunno). I watched “The Americans” up to the final season, which I have yet to bother with. Same with “Ray Donovan”, which I never used to skip. I got so sick of Mickey that I just wandered off. I usually ALWAYS complete a series once I’ve invested time in it, but I’ve allowed myself a divorce from that habit and find other, better things to watch, and to read.
If “La Brea” delivers, great! That one has potential. Also, I want to see if Brolin’s “Outer Range” goes anywhere (it got a little David Lynch on me last season LOL).

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Yeah, I used to get real excited for the walking dead, then it started to kinda wane, and it just kinda petered out on me. Seems to me like the only one that I still find interesting now is Daryel (sp?).

That being said, ‘The Old Man’ was pretty good, first season, hoping they do a second one. I’ve been liking ‘For All Mankind’ as well, it’s an alternate reality kind of a show as to what would it have been like if things had have turned out differently back in the NASA days when we were going to the moon and such. All I’m going to give you, but it’s pretty good.

That being said, look up something called ‘Sherlock’. Only 4 seasons so far, and have been waiting for more, have not had the time (actually forgot to look, truth be told, got a lot on my plate at the moment, so the small stuff has gone right out the window at the moment), but about 3 long episodes to each season, and it has Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock, and Rupert Graves as a really cool Watson. A bit of a different take, but if you’re anything like me you will really like this.

I pretty much binged each season. Did the first one in one sitting, then knew what I was going to do with the others, so made sure I was going to have the time to do the same with the others when I got started, snacks ready, and chilled. Really good episodes, and lots of blindsides!

The Capture (2019) S2 E6
greenguy86 2 points 1 year ago.

I use to be able to bang out a series in one sitting. Most I’ve done is 2-3 episodes recently. I am so behind on tons of stuff(but I look forward to when I I get around to them). When something is really good(rare occasion), I won’t even finish because I’ll be sad the story will end. I rarely rewatch something because I will get that painful reminder again.

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

I can still do it if I have the time, the interest, and the show is simply good enough, but mostly I wind up doing it in segments of about 2-3 at a shot, due to time constraints. Most of the stuff I have schedualed I could probably drop, won’t ever get around to it, just lost interest truth be told in a lot of stuff now, due to the content. Most stuff these days is just not worth watching anymore, and I have dropped a lot of shows that I have watched for several seasons that wound up changing and not for the better in my humble opinion, so they just went the way of the dodo…

Actually, I would up putting all the free time that that gave me to some good use, and got back into reading again, and found a few other interests that I’ve decided were a lot more productive then wasting so much lifespan sitting in front of a TV with my laptop hooked up to it.

I was actually amazed at how much of my life I was actually wasting doing that, instead of actually LIVING it! Yeah, there are a few shows out there that are still way worth the time it takes to invest in the watch, great plot, acting, and effects, but there is a lot of garbage as well, so I just decided to be a lot more discerning at this late stage in my life, and just watch the REALLY good stuff, and screw the rest of it!

Peace out man.

Star Wars: Andor (2022)
Alien 4 points 1 year ago.

The Mandalorian Season 3 will premiere in February 2023

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Excellent! Thanks for the good news!

The Capture (2019) S2 E6
YgraineDance 3 points 1 year ago.

WOW what a great season ender this was!!! Double crosses, triple crosses, intrigue on top of more intrigue right up til the very end! Season 1 was excellent, but I think season 2 might have topped it, as the enormity of the tale’s nightmare scenario is now known to and understood by viewers. This season’s arc has wrapped up nicely and I HOPE we see a third - this premise has endless possibilities still to reveal, as the tech theory in the story is very topical and shows no sign of abating. A highly recommended, edge-of-your-seat watch!

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

O.K. NOW I’m gonna have to watch it…Watched the 1st season, and it was right good, but never got around to the 2nd one. Been a bit busy, and have really cut back on a lot of my watching, have schedualed a lot of shows, but don’t really keep up on most of them. Now I’m going to have to try and scope this one out….

Star Wars: Andor (2022)
Arcangel2020 3 points 1 year ago.

So far, I have really liked both “Obi Wan” and “The Book of Boba Fett” and of “The Mandalorian” too. This one, has been a bit of a “slow burn” so far with the first couple of episodes having been released at the same time. It does seem to pick up quite a bit during Episode 3 and the way it ends. Looking forward to seeing the 9 remaining episodes left.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Agreed, was a lot of backstory in the first 2 episodes it looks like that they wanted us to have for some reason in order to get to the rest of it. Might be that some of it will be relevant later on. Or not, could be just the way it was written, and they decided to keep it when they started filming, rather then change it to make it more exciting.

Myself, I would rather see an author’s original content stay the original content as much as possible when they change it from book format to the screen. Same with a Graphic Novel, as most fans, myself included, when they read something, tend to really want to see that come to life, especially if it’s something they followed for a long time.

This of course is something new as far as I can tell, but I’m sure you understand the point I’m trying to make. Either way, I agree with your assessment, and liked the other three shows as well. Would like to see The Mandalorian come back for another season, that was really good.

The Imperfects (2022)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Well, got 8 episodes in, and am about to start the 9th, and have to admit, this has actually turned out to be pretty good. Actually got into this pretty good, have no idea how they are going to end the first season yet, but already am hoping that they have a second one. Has had me looking forward to each next episode from the end of the last so far. Really not bad. A bit different, anyway…

SEAL Team (2017) S6 E1
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Good first episode, feel bad about Clay though, really wish they didn’t do that. Kinda messed up.

SEAL Team (2017) S6 E1
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Oh, HELL YES! So glad this is back! Was a question about this ever coming back, but it looks like the fans were heard! Left us on a cliff hanger, so wondering how they are going to clean that one up, can’t wait to see how this season starts!

The Imperfects (2022)
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Not entirely horrible at all, just watched the first episode, was actually not that bad, a bit different, and kind of entertaining. Kinda like tilda, actually, just started the second episode and wanted to come here for a second and drop a comment. This might actually be worth a watch. Another episode or two will tell the tale.

DC's Stargirl (2020) S3 E1
grasshopper rex 2 points 1 year ago.

Yep, this probably tops my list of guilty pleasures that I wouldn’t admit to but for the anonymity of this site.

greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Yup, have to admit, I was really surprised by this one. Turned out to be a lot better then I expected. I haven’t had a chance to watch the episode yet, most like tonight sometime. Nice to have something on a site to look forward to for a change…

House of the Dragon (2022) S1 E2
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

O.K., I’m just going to have to say this, and it might just piss a lot of people off, but here goes. I could never get into Game. There it is. I tried, I really did, but I watched the first season, or most of it, and finally called it quits, as I just got bored to tears with it. Seriously. Nothing was happening. That being said, later down the road, at the end of the whole thing, when everybody got really mad at the ending, I was actually glad I didn’t follow the whole thing, so I didn’t get ticked off with everybody else, but truth be told, I just couldn’t get into all the court intrigue and drama that everybody else found so fascinating…

This, however, is a whole different animal! I loved this from the first 15 minutes in! This is totally different, and was captivating, the acting, the special effects, the writing, the whole thing was totally different then Game, and was so much better!

If they keep this going the way they are going now, then I believe they will have a massive following on their hands. My only complaint is that I wish that I had waited until the first season had come out until I started to watch so I could binge the whole thing, all at one shot.

This is the way this kind of show should be done, you still have all the court intrigue, but you also have adventure, blood and guts, dragons, and all of the stuff that you would expect from this kind of story that you would expect and WANT to have.

I saw none of this in what I watched in the episodes of the first season of Game, just boring dialogue and nothing else, which is why I gave up on it. This however, gives you everything you could possibly want in this kind of show, and gives it to you in spades! Highly recommend!

DC's Stargirl (2020) S3 E1
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

Glad this is back, was liking this show.

Interview with the Vampire (2022)
greyfur 1 points 1 year ago.

S’all good, let ‘em cancel away, never was scared of the PC movement,and am not about to be now. But I get what you’re saying, and sarcasm noted.

And something else that should be pointed out, someone else said this a while back here on another post about movies, and it was a great point, it seems like you can’t be just ‘meh’ about a movie anymore, you have to be totally loving it, or hating it. You can’t be just, ‘Well, it was O.K., liked it, but nothing to really brag about’, because people will go off on you. There seems to be a lot of truth in that now.

If you’re not with one crowd or the other, you hate or love it, you tend to get despised or bullied over that. Utterly ridiculous how people act sometimes over a freaking movie…

Interview with the Vampire (2022)
grasshopper rex 2 points 1 year ago.

Actually, they were. I took a screenshot of a comment on a YT movie trailer channel where someone complained about a girl being able to take down a Predator. That comment had over 600 likes and more than 450 replies where plenty of guys were whining about woke Hollywood and their agendas. You can see the trolls running rampant now on every trailer for the new LOTR show. Contempt prior to investigation is never a good look and it’s something I try to avoid. The recent remake of A League of Their Own is a great example of a remake that stands completely on its own merits. Even if a remake is not to my liking, it takes nothing away from the original. No harm, no foul.

greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

I can’t stand a lot of the woke crap myself, but the new predator flick was great, and that chick rocked. I watched that on a site that had comments, and was defending the heck out of that chick, the comments against her were totally idiotic, and most made no real sense.

She was actually the one that made the whole freaking movie as far as I was concerned, and by the time she was done, she should have been made the tribes head warrior!