mikebcarguy's comments

Harrow (2018) S1 E1
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

I just recently finished (loving), “Forever,” with this guy and Judd Hirsch (Rieger from, “Taxi”).
This may lack the whimsy of immortality, but it has even more room for emotional reactions…. Still, pathologist then, pathologist now — eh, works for me — I’m glad my Mom turned me onto this, and two seasons in the can…cool!

New Amsterdam (2008) S1 E1
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

This reminds me of a TV show…hahaha
Good romance/drama/crime show — that keeps getting remade every few years.
Glad to find it again!

El Cid (2020) S1 E1
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

Upstream link is English subbed. I really enjoyed this. Having watched, “Naruto Shipuden,” and, having enjoyed it’s message about protecting the King as subtext for protecting the children, as those who will continue and move the society forward, this struck a chord with that. And, looking up the definition of, “vassel,” I saw it was different from, “fealty.” I recommend this show, and looking up those two terms.
I probably wouldn’t have watched this, except that the one review on IMDb I read wrote that they were completely hooked, and recommended not paying attention to the other reviewers who were caught in a quagmire of political and religious differences. Hahaha
So, even if you don’t find meaning in Ruiz’s inner turmoil, if you ever enjoyed, “King Arthur,” movies you can probably enjoy this. (And, hey, “King Arthur,” wasn’t even a real person they now know.)
Don’t let it get you down if you have to pause and rewind to follow along. It’s not a complicated story, but it is worth understanding why the boy’s father was killed.

Invincible (2021) S1 E1
Leeafe 4 points 3 years ago*.

wtf just happened

mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

Yeah…I’ll watch it, but I don’t think I’ll like it…. Fock

The Gifted (2017) S2 E16
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

Happy for John…!

El Cid (2020) S1 E5
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

I really enjoyed this mini-series. Had to pause & rewind far too many times to comprehend the sub-titles, but it didn’t phase me one bit. I always had a clear idea of what and why I was watching: the building & make-up of a champion who had historical significance. I may not be able to read books about, or actually interact with the different Peoples of Spain beyond what I see in movies, and speeches by Professor Richard Wolff about Worker Self-directed Enterprises, but I do enjoy feeling like I am connected to them at some deep level (as with all my fellow Earthlings), and learning about this chapter in their history strengthens that bond in my mind.

Eugene Mirman: Vegan on His Way to the Complain Store (TV Special 2015)
mikebcarguy 1 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I was enjoying this before he mentioned being on, “Bob’s Burgers.” I love good stand-up, and don’t unless they’re a little bent. This’s some good shit…almost had me spittin’ out my whale blubber once or twice!
(2015? dayum!)

Intergalactic (2021) S1 E8
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

I’d watch another season. Looking back I can see they spent good money on the CG artwork and effects only in certain episodes, but I wasn’t bothered by the lack there of during others. Story’s okay…acting a bit better than okay. It’s not, “Lovecraft Country,” but it’s better than, “Vagrant Queen,” (which I’ll also watch if there’s another season). Of course, “Vagrant Queen’s,” campy comedy mixed with drama, and this isn’t comedy.

Justified (2010) S5 E10
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

ending’s so f’ed up…and sad

Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S3 E2
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

Really like the inclusion of, “Dot,” in the opening credits (from the, “Short Trek, Ephraim and Dot)! And, I’m feelin’ it…this and the first episode (!)

The Gifted (2018) S1 E1
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

I found this to be emotionally satisfying. I’ve often said science fiction isn’t about space ships and gear, if it’s “good” it has to be about the relationships of the characters, and their emotional reactions. Somehow I find foreign shows are better at crystallizing experiences we recognize as human. It may’ve been long-ish, but those moments were worth it.

Eden (2021) S1 E4
mikebcarguy 1 points 2 years ago.

Nice little ditty of a mini-series. Cried almost the whole way through this last episode, but with different emotions (sad, joy, triumph, regret).

Supernatural (2005) S15 E13
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

So glad I watched this again before moving on to the new episodes…. Really satisfying ending.

Lovecraft Country (2020) S1 E6
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

I used to watch, “Naruto.” His character was fused with a nine tailed fox, so, same, but different. (I’m guessing Kumiho is a much older story.)
This was very satisfying emotionally!

American Dad! (2005) S17 E8
mikebcarguy 1 points 2 years ago.

Educational T.V.

Grimm (2011) S5 E6
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

quite a mix of emotions…seeing her again, all hotness and death

Futurama (1999) S6 E7
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

This one has heart…shed a little tear.

The Friends of Eddie Coyle (1973)
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

Raylan gave this book to his co-worker, Tim Gutterson at the end of, “Justified.” He said, “If I tolld you I’d read it ten times, I’d be low.”
People on IMDB rate this movie well, even compared to the book, but it just seems to lack something at the end…guess I’ll have to read the book to “Grok” what the writers of Justified wanted to pass on…unless it was simply to say he reads at least one book outside college.

American Gods (2017) S2 E8
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago*.

Been a while…glad I watched this again before moving on to S03, but from someone else’s comment that both Shadow’s parents were gods I think I missed something (I gotta research this before moving on).
Edit: I see from reading online I did not miss something, and it’s still unsure whether they’ll follow the book about this point. whew!

Justified (2010) S1 E9
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

“Hell, I’ze allays plannin’ on given you back the hat…why d’you think I wore it in here?” Too funny.

And, Rayland seems to’ve made some new friends out of that bar fight…kind of reminds me of how Naruto used to have that same power…. Hehehe!

(I’m enjoyin’ this)

Justified (2010) S4 E9
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

Now…that’s a fitting episode description. Not like some ‘coupl’a seasons ago, which were a bit too on-the-nose.

Gotta say a heartfelt thank you to the linkers who continue to maintain availability to such an old show. Seven years old and still a link or two to dood-dot-watch — thanks for the love of the show!

Justified (2010) S1 E4
Dread Pirate Robert 3 points 4 years ago*.

What’s with the spoiler ridden summary?

mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

That IS one freakishly, “spoiler ridden summary.” Hahaha — I’m glad I don’t read them beforehand.

I was just thinking how simpleminded I am for letting the final thirty seconds influence my judgement of episodes…in this one the younger woman, thinking he’s asleep, tries on his cowboy hat…with his eyes still closed he quietly asks if it fit…it was just so touching I cried (not unto itself, but for what’d been discussed earlier, and for what he knew and how she lied — or not really lied, but….).
It was meaningfull, and I had to share that, and your comment was truly funny after reading the summary!

Grimm (2011) S6 E13
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

That last minute or so…and, I’m crying again! Very satisfying emotionally!

Wrath of Man (2021)
mikebcarguy 1 points 2 years ago.

Forget any trailer you’ve seen.

Motherland: Fort Salem (2020) S2 E1
mikebcarguy 1 points 2 years ago.

Emotionally satisfying! Your mileage may vary, haha

I’m so glad I re-watched the previous episode, to remind me of everything.

I loved how there were so many hooks, or emotional pay-offs in this episode…I felt them…even that earthquake (I’m still feelin’ it).
ps: Looking forward to Raelle & Scylla reuniting — that’s a guess, not a spoiler — but, positive thoughts, right?

Kung Fu (2021) S1 E7
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

Is this a true story?

The Rise of the Murdoch Dynasty (2020)
WeirdMonkey 1 points 3 years ago.

Him and and all men alike are papier mache, at best. You can gather as much money and material possessions as you like, as many men and women to protect you as you’d like. The more you have, the more pretentious and phony you become. Whether you like it or not, or how aware of it you are. It’s not too difficult to see through. Anywhose, this is a hard watch. Especially if you know anything about anything.

mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

I don’t think it was possible for us, here in the U.S., to see through Murdoch’s intentions when Jack Bauer’s character, in the TV show, “24,” was lying to us about how torture, “works,” to produce actionable intelligence, instead of how it’d worked historically, to gain false confession (or for us to see that that show’d been kept on the air years after the advertising sponsors had all backed out).
And, speaking as someone who used to watch Fox News because I used to watch All of the great adult cartoon content on Fox, I never noticed how their narratives were mis-informing me, and indoctrinating me to see things the way Murdoch wanted me to (Not the way he saw things either). And, until I gained some perspective through learning alternate narratives which contain more up-to-date data, and up-to-date research, I just thought the news is the news, as though it didn’t matter where I watched it, or who told the stories.
What most People don’t realize is that corporations are the bought and paid for alter egos of the very rich, which allow them to hide in plain sight, and we are encouraged to become complicit in their mis-deeds. My analysis: maybe a bit of a leap, but….that’s how I see it. And, I feel so used.
I don’t like being lied to.

Justified (2010) S3 E12
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

There hasn’t been a much emotion, for me, in the last half dozen eps., but that last scene was upsetting (character I care about).

I haven’t lost that loving feeling for all the characters…maybe I’ve just been tired. Dunno, but I hope there’s more emotional hooks in the future.

Nice, how Loretta’s story resolved though also!

Justified (2010) S3 E5
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

Oh, now that cain’t be good…make me sad, thinking he got a, “Dear John.”

His Dark Materials (2019) S2 E3
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

The new file size feature is brilliant!

Trickster (2020) S1 E3
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago.

now we’re getting more information…not that I was impatient, it’s been a nice slow-burn.

Justified (2010) S5 E11
mikebcarguy 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Does Dwayne’s sister know the truth? Really sad about Art’s getting shot, and surprised at Raylan’s revealing he himself was the target. Dwayne’s character is such a POS, hitting a woman (let alone his sister), and asking his nephew to cover his ass. I’m sad for the boy’s character also.

Vagrant Queen (2020) S1 E10
mikebcarguy 1 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Me: So sad he lost his Sister, and Alita lost her lover.
Everyone else: (No comment)

Marvel Studios: Legends (2021) S1 E1
mikebcarguy 0 points 3 years ago.

Was disappointed there’re no links, BUT, two People on Trakt wrote they were disappointed after watching it…. And, then I noticed the eight minute run-time of each episode. I’m okay now…hehe

El Cid (2020) S1 E1
expresso 1 points 3 years ago.

This looks interesting - waiting for some links with subs, my Castilian is rusty

mikebcarguy 0 points 3 years ago.

Upstream-dot-to link is English subbed

Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
mikebcarguy 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Zack did have an unfair advantage, I mean he had seen the theatrical release, so he knew what he had to beat. This I say because it is better in every way — then again, I watched only an hour a day (and waited several for the last).
I know his vision was mostly formed beforehand, but I gotta think some of the SFX were thought up more recently.
Emotionally it’s very satisfying, though Superman going dark in Batman’s dream…well, I hope that stays in the alternate universe (or just his paranoid nightmares). I’ve seen the animated movie where the Joker travels to another dimension where he died after killing Lois Lane, and that’s too horrific to contemplate).

Superman & Lois (2021) S1 E8
AnimeLord 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

General Lane was really being extra prepared to kill his son-in-law, but would he kill his grandson too? Also Louis said nothin’ wrong to her son the first time, and she didn’t have to apologize either.

mikebcarguy 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Mental Health Awareness Month…is that what I’ve heard? Anyway…I really liked how Lois and the Counselor worked together to get to the bottom of what drove her to get angry, and, then, what she chose to share with her son…. She owned her emotions, instead of making them his fault. Doctors are always telling us to talk about our emotions. I think they’re hoping if we do it enough then we’ll get better at it. I agree with you there’s nothing wrong with getting mad, but if we realize anger was masking pain (as it often does) there’s nothing wrong with sharing that with People we are intimate with ‘cuz it lets them understand us better, builds trust and keeps things clean between us. Obviously not something you have to do if they’re not a friend or relative, but, in general, we, for our own wellbeing, need to process moments of heavy conflict enough to understand our emotional reaction was the product of an equation, and the variables were our thoughts and beliefs — so, they’re OUR emotions, no one made us feel them.
When Lois shared with her son she didn’t make less of herself or what she’d felt, she let him know what drove that reaction, why it was so powerful to her, and that in understanding it better she wanted to be closer not farther apart.