mjbourquin's comments

Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams (2017) S1 E8
mjbourquin 1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Great Series and Great Episode. I’m wondering what happened with all the non anomalous robots.


They wouldn’t be human because of not having the anomaly in their programming. The ghost in the shell so to speak.

Roswell, New Mexico (2019) S1 E1
mjbourquin 1 points 5 years ago.

this is basically a remake except the timeline is shifted.

See (2019)
red2323 -1 points 4 years ago.

right..lol…for being blind they dress in unison..and put great makeup…..

mjbourquin 0 points 4 years ago.

this is true. The fashion really doesn’t make any sense, but how is the idea itself stupid? It’s a good show.

Britannia (2018)
fattytheklown -6 points 4 years ago*.

its really not the first season was so boring plus they have nothing to do with each other “see” is a post apocalyptic show this is history
and if you actually watched this and “see” you would know that “see” is WAY better

mjbourquin 0 points 4 years ago*.

if you think this is history you are completely misunderstanding what this show is. It’s a weird viewing of a sort of alternative history with supernatural elements.

Beforeigners (2019) S1 E2
mjbourquin 0 points 4 years ago.

haha, all the random troll downvotes

American Horror Story (2011) S9 E6
mjbourquin 0 points 4 years ago.

I really should wait for all the episodes. So good and I don’t want to wait for the next.

Britannia (2018) S2 E5
mjbourquin 0 points 4 years ago.

can’t get enough of this show, the warlock storyline especially. So flippin weird lol.

Astra Lost in Space (2019) S1 E8
mjbourquin 0 points 4 years ago.

Even though this is based in highschool (like most anime weirdly), I am getting pulled into this series. Good so far.

Another Life (2019)
mjbourquin 0 points 4 years ago.

Really hope this gets a second season. Wasn’t sure about it at the beginning but it’s worth it.

Silicon Valley (2014) S6 E1
mjbourquin 0 points 4 years ago.

best comedy series ever is back

Aladdin (2019)
mjbourquin 0 points 4 years ago.

This was actually really good. I put off seeing it just because I didn’t want to watch another live action remake. Will Smith was great as the genie.

For All Mankind (2019) S1 E4
jtmoustache 2 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Why would cut him… that’s bulsh*

mjbourquin 0 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

They did cut him, only from 15, he’ll be on a later flight.

For All Mankind (2019) S1 E2
kingarco66 -2 points 4 years ago.

they dont get deleted, just hidden .. dont they?
wow they are fast to mark down today
I imagine they are just hanging over the keyboard in thier basements lol

mjbourquin -2 points 4 years ago.

hidden first but with enough downvotes I think it gets the admins attention and gets deleted

For All Mankind (2019) S1 E2
kingarco66 -2 points 4 years ago*.

ha now yours too by the looks :)
its nice PW gives children something to do

mjbourquin -3 points 4 years ago.

always looking at the bright side of things king. You win

For All Mankind (2019) S1 E2
kingarco66 -3 points 4 years ago.

well its not like this comment score on PW is IMPORTANT or anything lol

mjbourquin -3 points 4 years ago.

until your comment gets deleted because of -10 points lol

Doom: Annihilation (2019)
mjbourquin -1 points 4 years ago.

this was way better than I expected thanks to all the super negative comments. Much more faithful to the game than the rock version. Really liked the main actress too. The marine martial arts were done pretty well too.

American Horror Story (2011) S9 E4
mjbourquin -1 points 4 years ago.

haha the twists in this season are so great and the 80’s backdrop is amazing.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
MissMorgue 1 points 4 years ago.

As stated, I have not seen The 100 and have no desire to see it; so my knowledge of any character in the show is entirely lacking. Including that of naming a female character with a traditionally male name.. Assuming that I was seeking a fight was incorrect and so with that I bid you goodnight and goodbye.

mjbourquin -1 points 4 years ago.

Interesting that you mentioned clark being a traditionally male name because I hadn’t even thought about it. I wouldn’t assume it was done intentionally and I actually kind of like the 100. I hate star trek discovery though for different reasons and they did the same thing with Michael’s character. The problem in that show was they really overplayed her character. IMO they didn’t in the 100. There were many main characters just as important.

Titans (2018) S2 E6
kingarco66 -1 points 4 years ago.

by Conner, I presume they mean SB

mjbourquin -1 points 4 years ago.

superboy is here

Arctic (2019)
mjbourquin -1 points 4 years ago.

why cause they didn’t all die? It was a thriller not a horror.

Midsommar (2019)
mjbourquin -4 points 4 years ago.

Well, that was really freaking weird. Crazy weird. Wow. And just a good thriller. A little drawn out maybe, but otherwise, wow.

Wild Bill (2019)
mjbourquin -2 points 4 years ago.

all these commenters trying really hard to be british lmao. These comments told me nothing about the actual show.

Hellboy (2019)
mjbourquin -2 points 4 years ago.

Well, that was boring

President Evil (2018)
mjbourquin -2 points 4 years ago.

i really can’t tell if I’m still dreaming when I see this is actually a thing

The Orville (2017) S2 E5
mjbourquin 0 points 5 years ago.

@finigan1 basic science: correlation does not imply causation. Anecdotal evidence is not evidence of anything. That book is a bunch of nonsense.

Hyperdrive (2019) S1 E1
mjbourquin 0 points 4 years ago.

wow, this is a fun watch. Some of the best reality tv ive watched,ever. And charlize theron is the executive producer, thats cool

White Lies (1998)
mjbourquin -1 points 4 years ago.

youtube link added (In Parts)

For All Mankind (2019) S1 E5
jtmoustache 0 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

They really killed the show when cutting don

mjbourquin -1 points 4 years ago.

how so

Space: 1999 (1975)
mjbourquin -1 points 4 years ago.

this is really dated but was pretty good in its time.

Titans (2018) S2 E1
mjbourquin -1 points 4 years ago.

yay, and so it begins. Season 1 was a prequel. That cgi was a liitle offputting though.

Star Trek: Picard (2020) S1 E4
Lostfear 2 points 4 years ago.

This Show is getting better and better…….best Star Trek series EVER!!!!

mjbourquin -1 points 4 years ago.

It’s good, and it’s actually star trek, but the best star trek ever. Come on now!?

The Outer Limits (1995) S2 E9
mjbourquin -1 points 4 years ago.

must see sci fi episode. Very tense scenario and very realistic.

The Man in the High Castle (2015) S4 E1
mjbourquin -1 points 4 years ago.

So happy this is here. Unfortunately all the Japanese subtitles are in German. I can read some of it but am missing about half what is said.

Witches in the Woods (2019)
BellaMia1 -4 points 4 years ago.

Man, they didn’t even try to produce something worthwhile for us the audience. Cliche and generic. I mean, these people were supposed to be “snowboarders” right? You’d think they’d know a thing or two about dressing properly, and having the right gear. Or even, some survival skills? No? No need for that. It’s tasteless, has nothing new to show that hasn’t been done before, and MUCH BETTER.

mjbourquin -1 points 4 years ago.

What are you talking about? “Snowboarders” don’t by default need to know wilderness survival skills. They usually go to ski resorts. Most of the people in the car had no idea where exactly they were going. Dressing properly. They were dressed properly. Doesn’t mean you can survive in -20F temperatures for extended periods of time. I thought it was kind of interesting that it was left so open ended.

Arctic (2019)
mjbourquin -2 points 4 years ago.

Spoiler, it had a happy ending.

Impulse (2018) S2 E10
mjbourquin -2 points 4 years ago.

Avasarala is the boss in every show shes in

White Lies (1998)
mjbourquin -2 points 4 years ago.

same problems, best decade. Amazing.

The Great Wall (2017)
mjbourquin -3 points 4 years ago.

Great one time watch action film. Nothing much to this than visual candy.

Leila (2019)
mjbourquin -3 points 4 years ago*.

Links please

Ad Astra (2019)
Rob Apples 4 points 4 years ago.

Well. This is very 2001ey. The visuals are amazing but the pace just can’t seem to gain any locomotion. The main characters are horribly robotic with little if any emotion. That said, the story is intriguing and I found myself eager to find out what’s waiting at the end. If you arent of fan of 2001 then you probably won’t like this. But if you want to see a pretty good space flick and don’t mind a slow burn then give this a shot.

mjbourquin -4 points 4 years ago.

Good review. I haven’t seen it yet but at least when I do try watching it I know what to expect.

The Spanish Princess (2019) S1 E4
Another_Witty_Username 1 points 4 years ago.

Harry was a 10 year old child when Katharine (As her name is spelled on her tombstone) was brought to Arthur and England. This show plays fast and loose with history, hence the disclaimer at the end of each episode.

mjbourquin -4 points 4 years ago.

your point was what

Ad Astra (2019)
onitsunami -4 points 4 years ago.

Perhaps with better sound, everything except the dialog was loud in my headphones. Great visuals though. It’s nice to see sci-fi that has space and planet scenes. I hate it when everything happens inside hallways that are supposed to be on a ‘spaceship’. So that’s a plus. Too bad about the gambling ads though, wtf primewire, you used to be so much better than this. At least advertise something people might actually be interested in, like ice cream! And… what about jetpacks? Those are really a thing, right? Used in space, by astronauts?

mjbourquin -6 points 4 years ago.

primewire doesn’t host the videos, bruh

Ad Astra (2019)
onitsunami -4 points 4 years ago.

Yeah, well the sentiment remains. The old PW didn’t either, bruh.

mjbourquin -6 points 4 years ago*.

you mentioned ads saying PW used to be better in some way, which PW has absolutely nothing to do with, as they don’t host videos and never did.