MarkRowley 's comments

Anne Frank Remembered (1995)
slimshadysif 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Sorry I couldn’t hear you over the screaming sound of right wingers calling women on the left femanazis.

MarkRowley -2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Women? How dare you assume their genders…cue screeching from left wing petulant children….

Anne Frank Remembered (1995)
Amy Schumer Learns to Cook (2020)
MarkRowley -1 points 3 years ago.

I find her funny, not her jokes etc…her hysterics. Same with most of the left. Their hysteria, from supreme court justice Kavanaugh…mmmmm….let me say that again….supreme court justice Kavanaugh to Tucker Carlson, I just love watching them become hate filled, bigoted and near violent in their comments and responses. It just makes me even prouder that I vote Conservative, voted Brexit and support the God Emperor Trump.

That’s why I gave porky a bit of my time, I was hoping for a meltdown of blubbering (both tears and obesity wise) proportions.

Amy Schumer Learns to Cook (2020)
random456456 2 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

amy schumer learns to fat . f**k I just had to write this 1vs1 me on twitter

MarkRowley 0 points 3 years ago.

The title had me concerned, because if she is this fat and demented without being able to cook then God help her when she can…

The Real Marigold on Tour (2016)
MarkRowley -3 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Started to give this a watch but the vile and disgusting Miriam Margolis spoiled this for me and I couldn’t get through it. A nasty woman with a left wing ideology who wishes death via coronavirus, yes literally death, on people who have different political views to herself.

I mean what kind of small minded, bigoted, hate filled “person” does that?

Trump: An American Dream (2017)
MarkRowley -3 points 3 years ago.

God Emperor Trump to use his correct term…

Bernie Blackout (2020)
MarkRowley -4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Still makes me cry with laughter knowing that 107 year old Bernie got beat fair and square by a child sniffing Alzheimers patient 🤣🤣🤣

Finding Fanny (2014)
MarkRowley 1 points 3 years ago.

If you are from Britain I sadly have to inform you that this is not an instructional guide…

The Greasy Strangler (2016)
MarkRowley 0 points 3 years ago.

One of the most bizarre and laugh out loud movies I have ever seen…a bastrd son of Napoleon dynamite crossed with Trailer park boys. The brilliantly “weird” soundtrack itself is surreal enough but the script and acting delivery is just so fantastically perfect that this is destined to be a cult classic.

Goodnight Sweetheart (1993)
tardisrider 0 points 4 years ago*.

An absolutely heart warming comedy. Quiet and understated as only the British can do. It will leave you smiling to yourself as you reach for the next episode!

MarkRowley -3 points 4 years ago.

It was an entertaining show until season four, if memory serves me, when the two main female characters were replaced (Michelle Holmes and Dervla Kirwan) and it went downhill fast.

The Conners (2018)
donjon 1 points 4 years ago.

very dumb argument brought by fox news. doesnt even make sense.

MarkRowley -3 points 4 years ago.

Send me a private message and I’ll break it down into small segments for you to understand x

Nothing But Trouble (1991)
JennyFromBlockD 2 points 4 years ago.

Very confused by this receiving only a 5 on IMDB. I remember it being a hilarious classic with crazy fantasy / scifi / horror elements to it.

MarkRowley 1 points 4 years ago.

One of my pet favourites. It was very underrated even when it first came out and nobody I know has ever heard about it, let alone having viewed it…also it is one of Dan Aykroyds best in my opinion. The cast too is an impressive line up.

The Conners (2018)
dallas_j 5 points 4 years ago.

Funny is subjective. Some find it funny, some don’t. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. What’s “right” is socially constructed, and can be socially deconstructed. Ideas of right and wrong are social constructs, constantly evolving throughout history. Did you know that 50% of cultures around the world think it’s disgusting to kiss someone on the mouth? They think it’s “wrong” for us to kiss each other on the mouth. Right and wrong are subjective, relative, and socially/culturally constructed. There’s nothing wrong with being gay. It’s natural. No human is illegal. Humans are humans. We should all have the right to travel anywhere in the world, with the exceptions of convicted violent criminals and the contagiously ill. Nationalism is a disease. We are not Caucasian Christian Americans, Latino Catholic Mexicans, or Middle Eastern Muslim Arabs. Rather, we are all Homo sapien, EARTHLINGS. All of life is political. We shouldn’t try to avoid politics, we should all be more involved in politics.

MarkRowley 0 points 4 years ago.

“We should all have the right to travel anywhere in the world…”

No, no you shouldn’t and rightly don’t, just as nobody should have the right to just enter your property. I take it you have doors, locks, fences, gates etc on your property, or do you believe in borders or controlled entry when it just concerns things you own?

Space Force (2020)
MarkRowley -9 points 4 years ago.

What I love are the desperate “orange man bad” zombies that are already voting this up despite it not even being out yet or having any decent idea if it is good or not….just basing it on being a Trump take down.

So one star voted just got the lolz 😁

What We Do in the Shadows (2019) S2 E6
MarkRowley -1 points 4 years ago.

Another great episode, series two is surprisingly better than the first.

Motherland: Fort Salem (2020)
MarkRowley -2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I managed four episodes before the left wing feminist clap trap got too much. Like most things a good concept got ruined by a political agenda.

Britain's Got Talent (2007)
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MarkRowley 0 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

With such a powerfully made point made with such intelligence with a subtle hint of Witt, well I would be suprised if you were not a politician sir.

What We Do in the Shadows (2019) S2 E3
MarkRowley -1 points 4 years ago.

Season two seems to be better than season one so far. I always get worried when great movie gets butchered for a small screen series, but this has been a success.

Never Better (2008)
MarkRowley -1 points 4 years ago.

Only just discovered this little gem about a recovering alcoholic. Very dry (pardon the pun) and witty and well written.