NoelCoyotebleu's comments

True Detective (2014) S4 E2
starphlo -2 points 4 months ago.

This is weird, gross and boring.

NoelCoyotebleu 5 points 4 months ago.

Hardly boring.

True Detective (2014) S4 E2
justtrue7 -5 points 4 months ago.

Unfortunate what’s happened to this show

NoelCoyotebleu 3 points 4 months ago.

Agree to disagree, Yes, it’s a bit different, more supernatural elements in it. However there were supernatural elements in the previous ones.

True Detective (2014) S4 E2
kronickurves 3 points 4 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

It’s trippy as!! I’m looking forward to next week episode, especially now that Navarro and Danvers have teamed up.

NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 4 months ago.

I know! I am loving this. Yep they are gonna NEED each other. lol It’s so hard to wait a whole week!

True Detective (2014) S4 E2
NoelCoyotebleu 5 points 4 months ago.

Who is watching this!!?
Holy cow! It is way way more__. than the previous seasons!

True Detective (2014) S4 E1
NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 4 months ago.

Wow!!! It’s Back! Unbelievable that was one hella long wait, So stoked! Jodi Foster! Yessss Please!

The Lobster (2015)
NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 4 months ago.

What the actual F*#5!? 30 min was way too long and I regret that time lost!

The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour (1967)
etim 4 points 5 months ago*.

S 3 Ep 27—Banned Episode (never aired)
‘The episode that got the show cancelled’

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 4 months ago.

Thanks I can see them CBS getting their panties in a twist!

Fellow Travelers (2023)
YELLOWbird 3 points 5 months ago.

Isn’t Langston Hughes lyrical and wonderful?

NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 5 months ago.

Yes he is absolutely terrific. I am surprised I never heard of his writings before.

Fellow Travelers (2023) S1 E7
Alien 0 points 5 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

That was a big jump in the story from the last episode. I can’t help but feel we missed a big chunk of it.

NoelCoyotebleu 0 points 5 months ago.

I think it will come in the next episode perhaps.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023)
Alien -1 points 5 months ago.

Apparently you don’t know what “wtfc” means.

NoelCoyotebleu -1 points 5 months ago.

wow missed some keyboard-warrior-legend-in-their-own-mind-fun lol Thumbs up to you @ThinMan

Faraway Downs (2023)
Alien 2 points 6 months ago.

That’s just so weird, Noely. I’m sorry that glitch never got resolved. I’m happy your happy!

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 5 months ago.

so weird! I had my tablet on, and I can see chat from that, but that dang thing is really impossible to do much texting lol Be Well Happy Holidays. We should do a watch party of It’s a Wonderful Life

Fellow Travelers (2023)
Alien 3 points 6 months ago.

Very well done. I love it. Hi, sweetie. I hope you’re well.

NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 6 months ago.

Hey! I just posted to you :) sending lots of love. I just got a new tv and it messed up my computer screen so everything is miniature, but I will figure it out :) The TV is awesome though, a sale from Costco.. I can SEE now! even from the kitchen. lmao

Faraway Downs (2023)
Alien 2 points 6 months ago*.

Because it’s just the movie divided into 6 episodes. As for ep. 1, nothing new has been added. Not sure if anything has been taken away. I’m trying to figure out why they did this. I might need Google’s assistance on that point. But for anyone who has watched the movie there’s nothing to see here. But it does stir up a desire to rewatch the movie. The movie is gorgeous!

NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 6 months ago.

I think this looks gorgeous, and since I didn’t see the movie, I have nothing to compare it to.. Aloha, Hope you and all else is well. Blessings for a peaceful Holiday season. I cant access chat ever, it just disappeared on me. yeah, I clicked the right buttons, asked for help etc. It’s all good because LIFE is a big BUSY machine, and I’m happy with that. :)

Fellow Travelers (2023)
NoelCoyotebleu 5 points 6 months ago.

This may not normally be a show I would watch, or quite comfortable with male sex scenes, but the story is well done. it is chilling in what gay humans went through during the witch hunts of the McCarthy Era. I can better empathize with my older gay friends, after watching this. Indeed a dark time. A show that prompts me to do web searches for more information always raises the bar for me. I learned more about Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Discovering the poetry of Langston Hughes, was the real treat. I spent half the night, after episode 2, reading his writings.

Lawmen: Bass Reeves (2023)
StarWhisper 1 points 6 months ago.

Thank you for your reply and info!

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 6 months ago.

You are most welcome :)

Lawmen: Bass Reeves (2023)
Piglet 2 points 6 months ago.

And the actor who portrays Bass Reeves is British.

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 6 months ago.

cool. I was wondering Enjoy!

Lawmen: Bass Reeves (2023)
StarWhisper 3 points 7 months ago.

A new Taylor Sheridan Western series to begin November 5th. This is a spin off from 1883. I wonder what happened to his other project, 6666?

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 6 months ago.

read below, sorry bout the typo misspelled name.

Lawmen: Bass Reeves (2023)
NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 6 months ago.

Oh yes! Yes Yes! I started watching the opening, not having heard at all about this new show. I could see Taylor Sheridan all over it, wondered if it was in the Yellowstone universe but looked up the showrunner/writer Chad Feehan Yes, produced by Sheridan but Feehan who did Ray Donovan and Banshee, was encouraged to do this by Sheridan. if you do a search thewrap, has a good article on it. It’s going to be great I’m sure. @StarWisper 6666 has been put on hold. Sheridan wants to spend more time there, to get the story right.

The Winter King (2023)
expresso 3 points 9 months ago.

I’ll put in my standard plug for Legend of the Sword here. The lighthearted Guy Ritchieness of the script distracts from the heavy handling of the legend and the swordplay which are amazing.

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 7 months ago.

cool thanks

The Winter King (2023)
YgraineDance 4 points 9 months ago.

Yes, that was a riveting production. I took my screen name from that one (I deliberately transposed a letter or two to thwart a couple of troll imitators back in the day).

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 7 months ago.

I think I will go watch that now

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon (2023) S1 E3
NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 8 months ago.

I’m really enjoying this show love the location, costumes.

The Day the '60s Died (2015)
grasshopper rex 5 points 8 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I was speaking specifically about student protests that had resulted in the murder of students. The long history of injustices and atrocities against native American Indians is another topic that deserves its own conversation.

Actually, there were 2 deaths during that incident. It should be noted that there was a great deal of public support for the Wounded Knee occupiers. The late 60’s and early 70’s were a time of increasing American Native activism and saw a more sympathetic public view towards the plight of Native Americans. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee had been published in 1970. It was received with most favorable reviews and stayed on the national bestsellers list for a year. The Black Congressional Caucus supported their cause as did several famous actors and public figures. It was during the occupation that Marlon Brandon had asked Sacheen Littlefeather to speak on his behalf at the Acedemy Awards and cited his objections to what was happening at Wounded Knee as one of the reasons he was declining the award.

I suspect that an exchange of comments we had on another show might have been misconstrued as me being misinformed and unsympathetic to the history of humiliations and atrocities suffered by Native Americans at the hands of settlers and the Federal government and I want to assure you that this isn’t the case. My mom was a hippie and was very interested in Native American history and spirituality. She had a voracious appetite for the written word, as do I, and we had many volumes on our bookshelves pertaining to these subjects. I read many of them and absorbed even more knowledge listening to her and her friends talking about them. If I am mistaken about there being some misunderstanding between us just ignore all of that and write it off as me being overly sensitive. :)

NoelCoyotebleu 3 points 8 months ago.

Thank you for these posts. I’d forgotten about Marlon Brandon

The Day the '60s Died (2015)
grasshopper rex 3 points 8 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Where are the songs and movies about the Orangeburg massacre or the Jackson State killings? Oh yeah, those were black kids. One need look no further than the Wiki pages of the 3 incidents to observe the stark difference in how little these two events impacted the national consciousness compared to Kent State. In particular, the cultural references.
EDIT: I’m not attacking you. Just making an observation. :)

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 8 months ago.

yes this is so true. :(

The Day the '60s Died (2015)
savonius 6 points 8 months ago.

I was 8 months away from finishing a 4 year enlistment when that happened. I was more than ready to get out. CSNY was one of the good things about that era, Pat Buchanan wasn’t.

NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 8 months ago*.

Exactly .CSNY and the others at that time, helped lift us out of the darkness, Thank you for your service.

The Day the '60s Died (2015)
AmieWarren 7 points 8 months ago.

That happened a week before my 18th birthday. (Yes, I’m old). I grew up during Viet Nam, and had already lost two friends killed in the war. Lost more who came home so messed up they killed themselves. We grew up with news video of them dragging bodies out of the jungle every night. We were so traumatized. That’s why they didn’t have live battle coverage of the first Iraq war, because they had promised they would never traumatize a generation like that again. Viet Nam is also why they stopped the draft. Kids who weren’t even old enough to drink (legal age even for beer was 21) were getting killed.

I remember Kent State like it was yesterday. I came in from school and it was all over the t.v. No cell phones then, no social media. I remember watching and falling on the floor screaming and crying. My mom came in and held me. She said “I meant to turn the t.v. off. I’m so sorry.” I remember the sign they hung from the dormitory windows that said “They can’t kill us all.” It was one of the worst things that ever happened in my lifetiime.

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 8 months ago.

Oh gosh. I remember that sign. same same. I was 19 yrs old.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon (2023)
Piglet 4 points 8 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

One thing I noticed straight away was the zombie are different than what we’ve seen in the USA. Burner zombies in the Walking Dead have acidic skin and blood, which makes them extremely dangerous and differentiates them from regular zombies. The origins of Burner zombies are still unclear, but it is suggested that they may be the result of either exposure to chemicals in a food processing plant or a manmade zombie experiment. Burners are just one type of variant zombie in the Walking Dead universe, and their introduction opens up the possibility for other unique and dangerous zombie types in future installments of the franchise. And glad we got a hint of how Daryl was on an upside-down boat. Anyone with an ounce of sense would know he could not have made it across the Atlantic on an upside-down boat!

NoelCoyotebleu 3 points 8 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

And glad we got a hint of how Daryl was on an upside-down boat ? I didn’t understand that actually. also doubt any boat that size would make it across the Atlantic, even right side up.

Justified: City Primeval (2023) S1 E8
kerfy 3 points 9 months ago.

alright .. a more lively bad guy.. yahoo.. lol

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 8 months ago.

oh yes! Way more ‘colorful’ lol I like bad guys with morals hahaha

Justified: City Primeval (2023) S1 E8
Alien 4 points 9 months ago.

Does that mean what I hope it means? :)

NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 8 months ago.

YESSSSSSSSS!!!! That was a great surprise yippeeee

The Peripheral (2022)
Odie 3 points 9 months ago.

Yeah quite the pitty, I really enjoyed this show. probably just the first of many getting their renewal reversed cause of the strike.

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 9 months ago.

Hey Odie! Chat doesn’t work for me. Hope you are doing okay. Aloha

The Crime of the Century (2021)
[removed by a moderator]
NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 9 months ago.

Two years ago, I didn’t see any links. Thanks to your post, now I can watch this, as I’d forgotten about this film.

The Crime of the Century (2021) S1 E1
EchotaChick 2 points 3 years ago.

Sorry about your friend, Crane. How about the new victims of the Crisis: now we have millions of people in real pain who commit suicide or just wish they were dead, all because the whole country freaked out and threw us babies out with the bath water. I.e., can’t get meds b/c other people took advantage of the system. I love this country but not nearly as much as I used to.

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 9 months ago.

this is so so true. Luckily, I already had a program, when I was hit with intractable nerve pain, because of that horrific first treatment for Hep C. Interferon/Riba. I got a myriad of secondary serious illnesses the worst being that unbearable pain, on top of it not working and making my liver worse. I took my medication as prescribed, and had good reputable pain management, until I moved, then it was hell to pay in the aftermath of this ‘epidemic’. I had to find an alternative, I weaned myself off. Definitely a struggle for those of us with legitimate severe pain. No thanks to the poison they wanted to give chronic pain sufferers that cause serious brain and other health issues.

The Crime of the Century (2021)
[removed by a moderator]
NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 9 months ago.

Thanks Rex much love.

Hijack (2023) S1 E6
Piglet 2 points 10 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I agree with Yellowbird! HOLY CRAP! I wasn’t expecting that at all…..and just who is that…..and why…..that person?

NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 10 months ago.

OMFG!! They really have all bases covered don’t they!?!

Full Circle (2023)
YELLOWbird 1 points 10 months ago*.

Not only that, but the accents are so heavy it makes it difficult to follow at times. The juxtaposition of Timothy Olyphant’s character in this and Justified: City Primeval is quite something.

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 10 months ago.

Yes I have to watch elsewhere with subtitles

Justified: City Primeval (2023)
kerfy 2 points 10 months ago.

wow 2 episodes and he hasn’t shot anyone .. lol

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 10 months ago.


Justified: City Primeval (2023)
Gnostic_Alchemist 2 points 10 months ago.

Thanks man just wanted to know if it was pizza worthy LOL

NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 10 months ago.

Absolutely Pizza/icecream/popcorn worthy!

Full Circle (2023)
NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 10 months ago.

strange but interesting story. So far, I don’t feel any empathy for any of these characters except for the husband. They are all unlikable, I love Dennis Quaid but he’s such a narcissist in this.

Hijack (2023)
NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 11 months ago.

This is excellent, and very tense. I love me some Idris Elba

Average Joe (2023)
dezznuttzz77879 2 points 11 months ago*.

YEAH THIS IS A HIT! for sure just watched the 1st 2 and got 2 be Mo careful, its good. now lets get the 10 million lmmfao. if they don’t get ya’ll 1st

NoelCoyotebleu 3 points 11 months ago.

where is this out of? yes it looks like it would be good.

Un asunto privado (2022)
Piglet 2 points 11 months ago.

Looks interesting, but subtitles are not my thing. I’m usually working on something while watching/listening and I can’t do that with subtitles……deep sigh goes here.

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 11 months ago.

I love subtitles, because of bad hearing/attention, but yup, I get that. no more sewing or making necklaces while watching

Dark Winds (2022) S2 E1
NoelCoyotebleu 4 points 11 months ago.

Yay! there’s a season 2!

Vortex (2022)
Waldo512 4 points 11 months ago.

WOW.. Likely the best time travel series I’ve ever seen. Dont let the VR time thing put you off.

NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 11 months ago*.

where did you watch? I found it Thanks :)

The Rookie (2018) S5 E22
Alien 5 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Holy crap! The writers went all out before the strike.
Who was that dickhead at the end? wth is going on?

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 1 year ago.

That’s what I want to know. who the f was that, and what is the target? One Police Plaza?

Breaking the Waves (1996)
NoelCoyotebleu 3 points 1 year ago.

Wow, Emily Watson, what an actress! Gorgeous, but heartbreaking film. That insane religious masochistic culture, would warp even the strongest soul.

Mayor of Kingstown (2021) S2 E10
Alien 3 points 1 year ago.

I really loved “Hawkeye.” I haven’t watched “Mayor of Kingstown.” Yet.

NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 1 year ago.

Ohh you gotta! I’m definitely grateful I don’t live in a ‘prison’ town.

Mayor of Kingstown (2021) S2 E10
greyfur 3 points 1 year ago*.

i’ve never watched this, as i just never had the time, but it was recommended to me by someone on account of the guy that wrote the story, tailor sheridan,and everything the guy writes turns to gold.

recently had a shoulder surgery, reason for all lower case, down a hand, so might take the time now to give this a shot. have liked everything else i have seen by the guy, and have liked everything i have seen jeremy in as well.

he is a really good actor, and from what most people around him have said, he’s a pretty decent person as well. from what i read, he got hurt trying to keep one of his relatives, a nephew i think, from getting hurt from that machine that got him when it got out of control. he wound up taking a hit in the process.

with a little luck, he will make a full recovery, and they can give everybody another season of this show. i understand a lot of people really like it. that notwithstanding, i hope he bounces back 100 percent, and has himself a happy ending.

NoelCoyotebleu 0 points 1 year ago.

Yes I hope he makes a complete recovery, and selfishly hope he continues acting, because he is one hell of an actor! This is NOT a feel good show, and even the ‘good’ guys are terribly flawed

Rabbit Hole (2023) S1 E1
etim 4 points 1 year ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Ha! Not even 5 minutes in and someone already wants to kill Kiefer.
That bartender’s ready to reach over the bar and strangle him…no doubt he’s thinking—‘’WTF, dude! You coulda told that guy to give the 5 grand to ME instead!!’’

NoelCoyotebleu 4 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I didn’t see that at all. the bartender was in on it. (well he was blackmailed into it) so maybe he did wanna kill him! lol

The Rookie (2018) S5 E18
NoelCoyotebleu 1 points 1 year ago.

weird episode.

Extrapolations (2023) S1 E1
NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 1 year ago.

I seriously don’t know if I can watch this. It is the stuff or nightmares, or should be. I definitely shouldn’t watch before bed lol. Well done first episode.