glostarz999's comments

Springfloden (2016)
bevnick 1 points 4 years ago.

I stand corrected. Imho, series 2 if off to a fantastic start!

glostarz999 2 points 4 years ago.

Sorry. Couldn’t resist! I haven’t watched series 2 yet. I watched the first series ages ago and I remember enjoying it so I will have to get around to series 2 at some point. I hope that it lives up to your expectations.

Springfloden (2016)
bevnick 1 points 4 years ago*.

Just finished series 1, so good! On to series 2.

glostarz999 1 points 4 years ago.

Surely you mean that you Swedished it?

The King: Eternal Monarch (2020)
glostarz999 -3 points 4 years ago.

I preferred the original google translate description myself before it was edited. It was a bit confusing and challenging and made no sense at all so it kept you guessing as to what this show was actually about. It made it seem a bit mysterious but now it just sounds a little pedestrian and mundane and K drama by numbers-ish; like the kind of thing that you’ve already seen a billion times before. I’ll probably give it a miss I think.

War of the Colossal Beast (1958)
glostarz999 -2 points 4 years ago*.

Oh great. We’re at war with the Colossal Beast again now too? Aren’t things bad enough already? He looks terrifying these days if that bus isn’t just a prop that’s only actually a little bit bigger than the size of my meat and two veg in real life. And what’s up with that eye? He wasn’t even that colossal when I fought him back in my youth all of those years ago and he was actually quite an attractive man back then too if I’m being a hundred percent honest. It was more like the wrestling scene with Oliver Reed in that Ken Russell adaptation of Women in Love rather than a proper scrap but he’s bigger and uglier now too by the looks of things and I’m pretty out of shape at the moment so some other bugger is just going to have to step up and deal with him this time because I’ve got dishes to wash and the dog is looking at me all funny too because he doesn’t understand why I won’t let him sniff other dog’s behinds any more when I take him for a midnight stroll because of all of this social distancing stuff.

Corona Zombies (2020)
IgorTheRinger -1 points 4 years ago.

WARNING! Do not open any link!
This is not worth of your time to watch!
(Thank me later)

glostarz999 1 points 4 years ago*.

I haven’t watched the movie and I’m not going to so I probably shouldn’t be even commenting here but I will just mention that I named my newborn Corona just six months ago because I thought that it sounded like a novel and pretty name and we’d just had a lunar eclipse and I was drinking a Corona beer after the event to celebrate too so it just seemed somehow. . . fitting, maybe?

How was I supposed to know that all of this was going to happen back then? I feel like a proper tit now and she’s got that name for life whether she likes it or not and people are going to just stare at her and seethe as soon as they hear it in the future when they remember what it signifies. What have I DONE to her? If I’d just named her Crystal Meth or Marlboro Lights instead then she wouldn’t be stuck with that stigma forever. I’m bloody hopeless when it comes to that kind of thing. You can’t take me anywhere. Well you can but I won’t find my own way home and I’ll probably just embarrass myself by peeing on a war memorial or something while I’m trying to remember where we live and then I’ll soil myself too just to piss of the police when they come to pick me up and throw me in the cells.

The Stendhal Syndrome (1996)
glostarz999 -2 points 4 years ago*.

One of my favourite Argento movies. Keep ‘em coming!

Edited edit: Just not worth it.

The Hateful Eight (2015)
booger 2 points 4 years ago.

Not everyone has seen a Tarantino movie and I was merely trying to convey the main appeal in a concise way.
Had no idea (or maybe just forgot) about the foot thingy.
No idea who Lisa watshername is.

glostarz999 1 points 4 years ago*.

I wasn’t having a pop at you there mate and apologies if you’ve genuinely never seen any of his films before. I said that I kind of agreed with you. And don’t google the Lisa Stansfield thing. Her lawyers have wiped most of it off the internet entirely by now but those of us of a certain age here in the UK won’t forget it any time soon. You seem a bit sensitive so it’s probably best to not to go down that rabbit hole right now by trying to explain it to you. If my post upset you then that was accidental and I’ll say sorry right now. I’m not here to piss people off.

The Hateful Eight (2015)
booger -1 points 4 years ago.

Good enough for at least one viewing if you don’t mind all the blood,gore and self indulgence.

glostarz999 1 points 4 years ago*.

I kind of agree with you but if you’re not looking for blood, gore and self indulgence then why are you watching a Tarantino movie? That’s kind of his thing. It’s just what he does. That and unashamedly advertising and showcasing his obsession with female feet. There’s nothing wrong with that of course. If you’re going to develop an odd sexual fetish then the whole foot thing is pretty harmless and just a bit silly compared to some of the other stuff that you often unwittingly stumble across out in the wild, isn’t it? It’s hardly Lisa Stansfield territory.

But surely if you choose to watch one of his films you know exactly what you’re going to get by now? He’s been making the bloody things for quite some time.

Better Call Saul (2015) S5 E9
glostarz999 -2 points 4 years ago*.

Leave that poor fish alone you big meanie! Pick on someone your own size and shave that thing off too because it looks ridiculous. It doesn’t make you look virile. It just makes you look like a twat. And nobody likes a bully. Well, some people do in a naughty bedroom kind of way but that’s different and you need to buy all kinds of fancy paraphernalia to really pull it off. I didn’t see that fish giving anyone it’s consent to be tormented like that though. It looked more aggressive and dominant than submissive to me and you can’t even buy PVC corsets for goldfish anyway. I just googled it and didn’t get a single hit. The show runners should be ashamed of themselves like I always am every second of my miserable life. A great episode to a great series. Lovely stuff in these difficult times.

David Copperfield (2000)
sassiebrat 0 points 4 years ago*.

It’s only dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing! Like giving money to someone or your phone number or your address or playing into someone’s nonsense. If you cross a line, then that’s the end of that!

glostarz999 -1 points 4 years ago*.

I’ll have to take your word for that and bow to your better judgement. It is a really sexy nose though. You’re really missing out but we really do have to play safe here.

David Copperfield (2000)
sassiebrat -1 points 4 years ago.

Stronger, rounded noses, huh? I wonder what he would have thought about my dear old dad with the ski slope nose! Like Bob Hope’s! I learned a long time ago that what other people think is none of my business.

glostarz999 -2 points 4 years ago*.

I was about to start describing my nose to you then but swiftly realised that it might seem like I was grooming you and stopped myself just in time. This internet lark is fraught with dangers isn’t it? I could have got myself in real trouble then if I didn’t still just about have my wits about me.

David Copperfield (2000)
sassiebrat 0 points 4 years ago*.

What others think means about as much to me as cement. It mostly means something to me if I walk on it! Plus, I realize that this is totally subjective. I love Dev Patel!

glostarz999 -1 points 4 years ago*.

That’s the spirit, ha ha ha! I like you. You’ll go far, as my dear old dad would say. I just mentioned Lovecraft. Love his work but he was as a racist anti semite who believed in all of that bollox about people who have stronger, rounder noses being more intelligent. It’s a funny old world but I wouldn’t like to have to clean it. Even my own room is filthy. That’s what happens when you just stop caring any more,

David Copperfield (2000)
sassiebrat 0 points 4 years ago.

Introducing ethnicity and race into the picture makes the prejudice and horrible treatment of David more understandable. But, David was White so makes the inhumanity more pronounced. I have not seen this version and don’t plan to after watching the trailer.

glostarz999 -2 points 4 years ago*.

I don’t blame you. You do realise that by even replying to me you’re going to get an avalanche of down votes? That’s just the way that things are around here these days but thanks all the same.

David Copperfield (2000)
sassiebrat 0 points 4 years ago*.

I love the opening of this film (the first four minutes)…and then the ending! Hugh Dancy is a perfect David; I like Maggie Smith better as Aunt Betsey although I do like Sally Field. Anthony Andrews and Eileen Atkins are perfectly cast as the evil Murdstones as well as the rest of the supporting cast! I will say that this is my favorite version but I like them all. Thanks uploaders! 5/5

glostarz999 -2 points 4 years ago*.

Better than the recent Ianucci version certainly. That bloke really showed his true colours in the last few years. I wouldn’t pee on him if he was on fire. Well, I probably would if I needed to obviously. Any port in a storm as they say but you know what I mean. I’d have to pee on him and then spend loads of time drying him out just so that I could set him ablaze again. That would take ages and I’d probably forget just what I was doing half way through and feel like a proper chump as I was just standing there with the lighter and the petrol afterwards. Again. I’ve tried to set fire to celebrities before and it never works. They just seem to be too oily but it’s a creepy H.P Lovecraft kind of oil that somehow isn’t even flammable. It’s uncanny.

Gretel & Hansel (2020)
EchotaChick 0 points 4 years ago.

hehe, glo-wey! funny! raising my hand b/c i have a badge, too. a couple of
‘em actually! =) thx for the advice. i was a bit disappointed with this version also, so I may try your suggestion.

glostarz999 -3 points 4 years ago*.

Oh, hark at little Miss TWO badges over there. Bloody show off. Hope that you enjoy that Korean movie if you do end up watching it. This film just didn’t grab me at all and I wanted to like it too so I was really disappointed with it.

Edit: Just to point out that I was just being daft and joking there EchotaChick. I don’t do emojis because I’m not twelve so people often think I’m being snarky and unfriendly on the internet when I’m really just pissing about. Don’t tell the powers that be that you can raise your hand or they’ll probably try to take those badges off you, the rotten, heartless sods. Just some friendly advice for you there. I’m speaking from experience here. My seventy three year old dad has had severe chronic illnesses that caused him to retire decades ago at fifty and the bastards once tried to claim that he was still fit for work because he admitted to being still capable of lifting a bag of flour. Sheer madness.

Gretel & Hansel (2020)
JennyFromBlockD 1 points 4 years ago.

I agree wholeheartedly with this.

glostarz999 -3 points 4 years ago.

I agree with me too. And I mean that from the heart of my bottom. Oh, wait a second. . . I got my words a bit muddled up there, didn’t I? Sorry. It’s my age. You have to make allowances. I have a special badge and everything, honestly. I’m allowed to park anywhere.

Gretel & Hansel (2020)
glostarz999 -3 points 4 years ago.

Watch the South Korean spin on Hansel and Gretel instead. It’s way better then this lukewarm turd of a movie and it is available on this site right now. Go on. You know you want to.

The Immortal (2019)
glostarz999 1 points 4 years ago*.

Hmmm. Not sure what to make of that having not watched season four yet. Seemed a bit just like a vanity project to get Marco D’amore on the directorial ladder and while it was watchable enough I’m not sure that it was absolutely necessary or added much to our understanding of the character of Ciro. Bit like that dull Breaking Bad spin off movie in that respect but at least in that we got to see Badger and Skinny Pete again and also the sadly now late Robert Forster too as the vacuum cleaner guy.RIP Robert.

Edit. Ha ha ha! Already downvoted by trolls. What on Earth was even vaguely contentious about my opinion? Nobody else has even bothered commenting on this movie. Forgive me for trying to pay scant homage to an actor I really liked. How. . . terrible of me. Downvote me more. It’s really giving me the horn.

Humanitarian: The Real Michael Jackson (2019)
yellow_rose1 -2 points 4 years ago*.

I know about that but it still isn’t proof many rich people are shaken down over trumped up charges

glostarz999 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Are you people for real? Apologists for a kiddie fiddler just because you like his music? You can separate art from the artist in your head you know. I love Roman Polanski’s movies while still recognising that the man who made them is a dreadful human being. Michael Jackson was a nonce. He groomed and buggered young boys and then he bought his way out of it. God bless the American legal system for that. And it’s laughable to suggest that his skin colour (or lack of it in his later years) had anything to do with it. He was a sick pervert. Jimmy Savile gave a lot to charity too here in the UK. That and the bribes to the police and his favours to politicians are what made him pretty much untouchable until after his death. That’s just how deviants like Savile and Jackson operate. Give yourself a cloak of respectability so that nobody will suspect you. Those defending him on this thread aren’t doing themselves any favours.

Prisoner (1979)
glostarz999 -1 points 4 years ago*.

I became disconcertingly mildly obsessed with this show when I was an insomniac adolescent about thirty odd years ago. It was on at about three in the morning on ITV here in the UK back in the days before cable and the internet so I got really in to it even though it was essentially just cheap, soapy trash. Part of me is embarrassed to confess to that and yet another part of me really wants to watch all a billion episodes back again immediately. ‘The Freak’ was an absolutely brilliant secretly vulnerable hate figure and Bea Smith was definitely not to be messed with. Those were the days. . .

Vivarium (2020)
Ditzygypsy 5 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Well that was a big, fat bunch of pointless, plotless nonsense. The disgusting chewing and the screaming kid was just gross. This is up there with the stupidity of Killing of a Sacred Deer, and any other movie you can think of that doesn’t care to draw in the viewer with an actual plausible storyline (even if it’s fantasy, it still has to make sense).

glostarz999 3 points 4 years ago.

Killing of a Sacred Dear is a brilliant film. All of Yorgos Lanthimos’s films are fantastic. For me he’s one of the most promising and exciting directors working in the world today. I love his stuff.

Bloodride (2020)
RoboPhone 2 points 4 years ago.

eff 03/13 : Brand New Netflix Horror Anthology Series with 6 Episodes.

Spoken Language is Norwegian with HC (hard-coded) English Subtitles.

See the Official Trailer HERE.

glostarz999 1 points 4 years ago*.

That first episode was so cheesy and predictable too but it was still enjoyable and I’m looking forward to the rest. I love anthology horror stuff. Thanks uploaders.

U2: Rattle and Hum (1988)
glostarz999 -2 points 4 years ago.

The worst band in the world at their most pretentious and wanky? Thanks but no thanks. Bonio should have stuck to being a dog biscuit and known his place. And some bloke deciding to call himself ‘The Edge’; seriously? An actual grown up thought that was hip and cool and mysterious rather than just identifying him immediately as being a complete tosser? The mind boggles at that kind of arrogance. I wouldn’t wipe my arse on a U2 record (It would be seriously impractical, obviously)but that’s just me. I’ll wipe it on a Coldplay record instead.

Blake's 7 (1978)
glostarz999 0 points 4 years ago.

Lovely to see links being added for this incredible series. I watched the whole lot back again a year or so ago and it was just as great as I remembered it being when I was a kid, although a fair few of the more adult themes flew right over my head back then. It’s an absolute classic.

A Serbian Film (2010)
JadeEnigma -3 points 4 years ago.

What does it mean that you are blind and put all the movies you watch here on mute? I mean, c’mon.

glostarz999 1 points 4 years ago.

Think that it just means that derekishere is a tedious troll who is best ignored.

El vecino (2019)
etim 0 points 4 years ago.

there’s good subs on VLC so prob. on Opensubtitles too.

glostarz999 0 points 4 years ago.

Cheers for that. I’ll have a scout around elsewhere and see what I can find. Happy new year!

El vecino (2019)
etim 1 points 4 years ago.

Subtitles for eps1,2 are for a different show. Dunno about the rest of ‘em.

glostarz999 1 points 4 years ago.

Oh fuck. You’re right. And I was looking forward to that as well. Bugger!

...And God Created Woman (1956)
glostarz999 1 points 4 years ago.

vshare is shite and this link doesn’t even have any subtitles anyway.

Where Is Good? (2015)
glostarz999 -3 points 4 years ago.

Just what this site needs right now. More God bothering nonsense. Cheers for that.

I Want You to Make a Disgusted Face and Show Me Your Underwear (2018)
dagon51777 -2 points 4 years ago.

or maybe…just maybe…i’m not interested in a keyboard warrior fight. real ones are much better. zzzzzzzz

glostarz999 -1 points 4 years ago.

Or maybe I don’t react well to being called a ‘keyboard warrior’ by the condescending prick who had a go at ME out of nowhere over something so innocuous? Get over yourself for fuck’s sake. You didn’t even get the typo thing right, you absolute bulb. I don’t start fights but I’m happy enough to finish them with dickheads like you.

I Want You to Make a Disgusted Face and Show Me Your Underwear (2018)
glostarz999 -4 points 4 years ago.

Or we could just go out for ice cream if you prefer?

glostarz999 -2 points 4 years ago.

Or maybe. . . just maybe. . . you might show me your. . .

I Want You to Make a Disgusted Face and Show Me Your Underwear (2018)
glostarz999 -3 points 4 years ago.

Just fuck off you anal, pedantic cunt. A typo? Seriously? You’re giving it out to me because I found the whole concept of this show ridiculous but watched that first episode out of morbid curiosity on the back of that first comment? And I thought it was funny ‘peculiar’ as they say and wondered who on Earth this stuff is made for? Is that really all you have to chuck at a complete stranger here? Bring it on fuck face if you want to pick a fight. I’ll eat you alive, you sad twat.

glostarz999 -4 points 4 years ago.

Or we could just go out for ice cream if you prefer?

I Want You to Make a Disgusted Face and Show Me Your Underwear (2018)
dagon51777 -8 points 4 years ago.

F.Y.I. funnily isn’t a word. funny enough would be more accurate. #check your webster/oxford dictionary or even a thesaraus.

glostarz999 -3 points 4 years ago.

Just fuck off you anal, pedantic cunt. A typo? Seriously? You’re giving it out to me because I found the whole concept of this show ridiculous but watched that first episode out of morbid curiosity on the back of that first comment? And I thought it was funny ‘peculiar’ as they say and wondered who on Earth this stuff is made for? Is that really all you have to chuck at a complete stranger here? Bring it on fuck face if you want to pick a fight. I’ll eat you alive, you sad twat.

I Want You to Make a Disgusted Face and Show Me Your Underwear (2018)
nowt 2 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

What strange porn. But again, no bloobies.

glostarz999 -2 points 4 years ago.

Had to watch episode 1 after reading that. Just admit it now. Once you got about four minutes in I bet you wanted to see them too, didn’t you? I know I did. A very weird sub sub sub genre of smut though, just as you said. Is it the whole shame and embarrassment thing that people (well men, obviously) who watch this stuff are getting off on? Gave me a good laugh though. Don’t think I’ll bother with episode 2 funnily enough.

Hotel del Luna (2019)
glostarz999 -2 points 4 years ago.

No links for episode 10? That’s a shame because this does look appealing.

L.I.E. (2002)
glostarz999 -2 points 4 years ago.

Well, I for one am pleased to see that this site seems to be getting over it’s recent silly and juvenile obsession with fundamentalist Christian propaganda and has decided to try turning gay today instead. That’s progress. It’s broadening it’s horizons, bless it. Let’s hope it learns from this and becomes a more inclusive and open website when it reaches full maturity.

Midsommar (2019)
glostarz999 -1 points 4 years ago.

Pretty much the exact same thing nearly happened to me the one and only time that I visited Sweden several years ago. They never mention those murderous pagan death cults in those little guide books that you buy at the airport before you go there do they? That’s probably something that needs looking in to I think. It is an almost breathtakingly beautiful place though, so there is that. . .

South Park (1997) S23 E1
glostarz999 0 points 4 years ago.

Great stuff. Back to it’s best!

Beforeigners (2019)
glostarz999 4 points 4 years ago.

This is lovely stuff so far. I’m only two episodes in but I’m loving it. Thank you to whoever is uploading this in the original subbed format rather than that horribly dubbed rubbish that made the first series of ‘Dark’ unwatchable for me when I was trying to watch it on here.

Good Omens (2019) S1 E3
glostarz999 1 points 5 years ago.

It’s a decent adaptation. I love the book and they’ve done a good job so far. Really nice stuff.