Krl246's comments

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
dagon51777 -8 points 4 years ago.

really” grammar is a thing.

Krl246 -2 points 4 years ago.

An asterisk goes before the typed correction(e.g. *really), and, quotation marks need to be opened before they can be closed(e.g. “Grammar is a thing, don’t be a Dick.”).

Doctor Who (2005) S12 E10
nikkimckelvy -2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I don’t understand. The Master has regenerated more than the Doctor. This doesn’t even come close to explaining the regeneration incongruence. How can the Master regenerate more than 15 times? Is s/he/it from the same planet at the Doctor? This was an attempt to solve a loose end, and it just created a million more. We need something more comprehensive that falls within cannon, not something wholly outside of it.

Krl246 -2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

There are a couple of Tom Baker episodes that have touched on the Masters regenerations. One is “The Deadly Assassin” and the other is “The keeper of Trakken”.

Star Trek: Picard (2020) S1 E3
Krl246 -3 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

They keep saying they need to find Bruce Maddox, that is really disturbing. That guy is a ham-fisted lame, and, there is no way he made the twins. Picard should know this he was at the trial to defend Data from his stupidity.

A Serbian Film (2010)
derekishere -7 points 4 years ago.

But you are okay with kids watching it.It is like leaving a gun lying around loaded and cocked, ready to fire. They don’t have to pick it up, maybe they do.

Krl246 -3 points 4 years ago.

That’s what is known as a ‘Strawman Argument’ or fallacy of relevance. It fails to address the proposition in question by misrepresenting the opposing position and is one of the most common of logical fallacies.

Messiah (2020)
jaypachailhail -2 points 4 years ago.

not even sure how i would use that as i am watching via this site and not dl

Krl246 4 points 4 years ago.

Depending on the link you use, the viewer has an ‘options’ button(looks like a gear wheel) when toggled that let’s you upload an ‘srt file’(download from ‘subscene’ or similar site) from PC.

Batwoman (2019)
piero -2 points 4 years ago.

Shes been a lesbian since the new 52 reboot years ago. DC comics created this character, and this show is a fairly true interpretation of the new 52 Batwoman.

Krl246 0 points 4 years ago.

I know and I said as much somewhere in this mess of butthurt comment threads. I never said she wasn’t a lesbian, just that she wasn’t always a lesbian. She’s a DC shill character, first to get the heteros in the 50’s and homos and heteros now.

Watchmen (2019) S1 E6
Krl246 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

HJ is black, I’d buy that for a dollar. The costume makes way more sense style wise, and, he never took that thing off. Good episode. I even liked the retcon, which is rare for them to make a logical connection for me.

The Walking Dead (2010) S10 E7
Krl246 1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The Whisperers poison the water supply, and instead of warning the settlement, Aaron decide to bring supplies and food to some chick. Also, what doctor doesn’t suggest boiling the wild water supply? Like he’s never been to medical school and used a microscope.

The Mandalorian (2019) S1 E1
Krl246 1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

That was a bad ass bounty droid. And Yoda baby is the cutest fucking thing ever.

The Flash (2014) S6 E5
Krl246 -1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

LOL, I think New Wells’ sensor made the Ziggy noise, when Al hits his communicator on quantum leap.

Watchmen (2019) S1 E3
kingarco66 -2 points 4 years ago.

its more related to what kinda hero he is .. i thot he was “no kills” like batman, in the comic version

Krl246 0 points 4 years ago.

Yeah, I think he was the one in the joke Laurie tells who invented things and never killed. In Flashpoint New 52 arc Dr. Manhattan sees the different versions of Batman and I believe Owl2 was an alternate version. Batman was a superior physical specimen though.

Watchmen (2019) S1 E3
kingarco66 -3 points 4 years ago.

thats an odd one .. that alley scene where he and laurie get attacked .. did they kill top knots in the comic? they did in the film .. dont remember

Krl246 0 points 4 years ago.

Yeah, Owl wasn’t as bad ass in the comic though, no teeth slobbering out like Chiclets. That part was almost the same.

Watchmen (2019) S1 E3
kingarco66 -2 points 4 years ago.

oh yeh the film has some amazing moments .. comedian attacking protesters and stuff, gold

Krl246 0 points 4 years ago.

Or, the scene where Nite Owl punches the top knot dudes teeth in, that was sick.

Watchmen (2019) S1 E3
kingarco66 -2 points 4 years ago.

yeh i think cap metropolis and hooded justice were a thing .. hard to be sure

Krl246 -2 points 4 years ago.

Yeah they were, then they vote out the lesbians, lol. So convoluted, but it made things more real. Showing how ideals fall to the wayside when life starts to happen. It’s hard for movies to not get Pollyanna-ish for consumer draw. I really liked the intro montage to the movie though, you see a lot of the comic high points there.

Watchmen (2019) S1 E3
kingarco66 -1 points 4 years ago.

i think thats because its basically impossible to cram a story like that into movie length .. apart from that, it seemed an excellent production to me .. but it needed a 12 ep miniseries, then it would have been perfect

Krl246 -1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

3 hours was plenty long, I didn’t like how Hollywood shined up a commodity for public consumption. In the comics, Owl 2 was a fat slob who couldn’t even get it up, and Comedian, Rorschach, and Hooded Justice were total sociopaths. They also gloss over the homosexual storyline that led to the group falling apart, for one, that had it caused by the Keene Act outing vigilantes. The social unrest and splits along philosophical beliefs of this series are much closer to the comics, which makes it hard for me to understand why the show gets knocked for supposed SJW content. Like half the original Minutemen crew were homosexual and not even retconned, like legitimate gay characters.

Watchmen (2019) S1 E3
kingarco66 0 points 4 years ago.

if only! tho it doesnt seem to match the films reality .. here, veidt dropped a fake alien attack, like the comic .. not a fake manhattan attack

Krl246 -1 points 4 years ago.

Yeah I was glad they didn’t use the movie version, I never liked the ending. The whole movie felt like it was too softcore actually, even with all the full frontal.

Watchmen (2019) S1 E3
Krl246 1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The joke about Laurie’s dad having a secret room in the closet was pretty good. I wonder if they will get Negan to reprise the roll of “The Comedian” for a flashback.

The Walking Dead (2010) S10 E5
Krl246 1 points 4 years ago.

I like old Negan more than I ever liked young Negan.

See (2019)
Krl246 -1 points 4 years ago.

Looks like Jason Momoa’s character from “Frontier”, but sounds like Jason Momoa from “SG Atlantis”.

Titans (2018) S2 E7
Krl246 1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

LOL, Bruce Wayne doing the Bat-tootsie.

Arrow (2012) S8 E1
Krl246 1 points 4 years ago.

That was cool.

The War of the Worlds (2019) S1 E1
greyfur 0 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Only spotted this because it was in the side bar, does not show in my schedule for some reason, but is in my ‘watch’ list? WTF? Was a good start, just wish the writers would make these people a bit smarter…

Krl246 -1 points 4 years ago.

Even the best shows can fall victim to scripted stupidity, but, it does give me pause to watch. I hate investing in a character only for idiocy to halt further interest.

Titans (2018) S2 E6
Krl246 1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Krypto, what a good boy! Super-doggie skills.

Star Trek: Short Treks (2018) S2 E2
Krl246 1 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

That was apocryphal, but, funny. H. Jon Benjamin in an actual role, and he goes sans pants. Of course he does, worst in Starfleet. Should of been naked though if it’s online release.

Are You Afraid of the Dark? (2019)
Krl246 2 points 4 years ago.

The return of “The Midnight Society”, cool.

Supernatural (2005) S15 E1
Krl246 2 points 4 years ago.

I’m going to miss this show.

Batwoman (2019)
Jhigh03 -2 points 4 years ago.

Wealthy Heiress/Circus Performer, so just as illogical as it ever was.
Truest statement I’ve read all night

Krl246 0 points 4 years ago.

Careful with this, someone might assume you’re trying to take something away from the new version and rip you a new a$$h0l3 for no reason.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
Krl246 0 points 4 years ago.

Again all apologies, for my attempt at gaining a consensus.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
Krl246 -2 points 4 years ago.

I just thought that maybe we could reach an understanding as two people, but, I think that might be an unattainable position. Forgive me for questioning your sexuality it was an attempt to make the situation a little more light hearted through humor, and it was below me as a person.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
Krl246 -1 points 4 years ago.

You have completely lost your mind haven’t you?

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
Krl246 -1 points 4 years ago.

Are you sure your a lesbian?

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
MissMorgue 0 points 4 years ago*.

The character is not a grey area of the unknown, she’s a heterosexual character. Morally grey, yes. Romantically and sexually, no. I am not angry, I want you to leave me alone and stop replying to my comments. So again GO AWAY PLEASE AND THANK YOU.

Krl246 -1 points 4 years ago.

Again that’s your perspective and I accept the differences we have. What I don’t get is why you find it acceptable to be so insulting just because of a difference of opinion.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
MissMorgue 2 points 4 years ago*.

She was heterosexual FORMER circus performer and HEIRESS - Batman is also a Heterosexual character and very much interested in sex, so again you’re wrong on that statement as well. He’s had multiple female partners from Barbra Gordon (bat girl) to Tailia Al Ghul and is married to Catwoman in some instances. He’s also been married to Harley Quinn. I am being dismissive to you and your continued insistence to be on my comments, because I personally find you to be a soapboxing troll with a need to have the last word. I’ve asked you repeatedly to cease commenting and yet here you are. Leave me alone, no further comments no passing go.

Krl246 -2 points 4 years ago.

I’m not wrong it’s just a different perspective on a character than you have. Calling me names doesn’t solidify your view any more than it detracts from mine or any writer who changes the character for their story. I’m sorry you feel so angry about this and can’t see your way to an understanding.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
MissMorgue -2 points 4 years ago*.

the character regardless of what you think/feel/say is a heterosexual character.

Krl246 -1 points 4 years ago.

That’s matter of perspective. And the quality of being a grey doesn’t mean you can’t have hetero relationships, I think think that might be the source of your anger at me, at least I hope. As a lesbian you should be more aware of that fact then most. Again this is only clarification as you seem quite intent on taking this as a personal attack, which it is not. Please stop the false accusations and name calling, it’s quite disturbing.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
MissMorgue -1 points 4 years ago*.

You have taken it upon yourself to inform EVERY SINGLE PERSON in various comments that and I will direct quote you here, “The original 1950s Katherine Kane was not a lesbian and in fact was a circus performer. She was a beard for Batman, which sucked, because it was obvious Robin is gay and batman is damaged beyond the point of loving in that way.” - That is exactly what you have said to me, when it was explained with detailed FACTS that the character you have beating about the comments is not the character that this show is based off you have continued to harass me in particular. Now then as I have proven that your soapboxing a character that does not exist in the current DCU as anything other than a mention or side note character from a non-canonical line of the series, it useless and that pointing it out to every person is a mote point can you kindly cease the replies to me because I really do not want to see a notification from you in my inbox again.

Krl246 -2 points 4 years ago.

I have at no time said anything harassing you, and only stated opinions and objective facts. Both characters are Batwoman and Katherine Kane, and originally she was a hetero circus performer. While you have demonized my personality in an attempt to gain some sort of upperhand in a nonexistent argument. You have been quite mean as a matter of fact and I am really confused as to why. I like the idea of Robin being gay so what, and I don’t think Batman is interested in a sexual relationship. That’s not so bad is it. I don’t see why this couldn’t have been a nice conversation without it breaking down into venomous name calling and assassination of my character.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
MissMorgue 0 points 4 years ago*.

First of all - I never said she did not bring anything into the role. I explained that she was given a script written by a man, based on a book that was written by a man and in the film she was directed by a man. In that portion of the Book and Film series Clarice Starling was not a sexually active character as she was a student put into a case assignment based on her performance in schooling and training. When pointed out that she is not a sexually “grey” character as you put it you’ve gone on the defence about how your opinion of her and the writer who created the character in general is far better than that of the given facts that point out that a character who was played by a lesbian actress and a hetero actress is in fact a woman of the hetero persuasion and ended up with the man she has been chasing her entire career. I am far from angry or perturbed or any other adjective you’d like to spew at me. I am simply stating facts that the strong HETEROSEXUAL character of Clarice Starling is indeed a HETEROSEXUAL character who is in the media and thus apart of the entire genre of strong independent women who for the most part needed exactly zero men to save her while maintaining her HETEROSEXUALITY and non-lesbian status. Now kindly go away.

Krl246 0 points 4 years ago.

She seems grey to me.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
MissMorgue 1 points 4 years ago*.

That isn’t how I see it, get your head out of the clouds and actually do a bit of research about the characters you’re talking about and maybe learn that this character and the one you’ve been so loving holding onto this entire time are two separate characters from two entirely different ages/eras of comic books. If they choose to make a new version of Kate Kane and she’s not a lesbian then of well, its not likely to happen given that there is a rather large following in the LGBT+ community who read about this particular character; who have had such a demand for her that what do you know she got a TV series.

Krl246 -2 points 4 years ago.

That’s how you see it, cool, I respect your opinion, I wish you could respect mine without stooping to baseless accusations on my personality though. Fact Batwoman wasn’t always a lesbian that’s all I said. You want to make it out to be more than that I don’t know why, it doesn’t take away from the newer interpretation of the role, and for you to take it as a personal attack on yourself seems like an over reaction. I’m sorry if you feel condescended towards but my comment wasn’t aimed at you or the new show, it was just that a statement of fact about Katherine Kane’s history that you yourself have agreed to being a fact.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
MissMorgue 0 points 4 years ago*.

Ted Tally is a man who wrote the screenplay. Jody Foster worked based on his writing and she was directed by another man, Jonathan Demme.

Krl246 -1 points 4 years ago.

Okay you seem overly vested in trying to change what is in essence a personal opinion. I can’t seem to find an actual point to this except anger and confrontation fro you. And now you want it to be some sort of mansplaining defense on your part. Jody Foster is a great actor I like her version and it’s the one I identify with, you do her an injustice by saying she didn’t put anything into the role. An attack on my personality based on assumption does you a disservice as well, it comes off as disingenuous. I’m glad you are lesbian female, I’m also glad homosexuality is acceptable enough that shows like this can even happen. Using that as a soap box to skew perspective on me as some anti-feminist is insulting and a logical fallacy.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
Themoo 2 points 4 years ago.

Past 50 years? Don’t be daft. The character did not even survive a decade in comics before being abandoned. The 2006 one, has the longevity and thusly the seniority. there’S a hell of a lot more out there on Kate Kane than Kathy Kane.

Krl246 -1 points 4 years ago.

Just because the character wasn’t actively being published doesn’t mean the comics that were written disappear and the characters back story is invalid. DC’s attempt to shoehorn an old defunct character into a new role as a lesbian is exactly what I would expect of a lazy money grubbing production powerhouse house. What will you do when the back story changes again instead of having a decidedly pure lesbian character that they can’t take that away from. I’m just stating she wasn’t always homosexual, which means it’s likely that can change at any time they wish. There is no real security to a character like that.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
MissMorgue 2 points 4 years ago.

There are plenty of people who are terrible writers in general, you choosing to dismiss the canonical ending of a book series because it doesn’t suit your agenda or what you believe should be done when writing women doesn’t mean you’re right. The series ends with them together. And I wasn’t talking about Jodie Foster, as she was only in the first film, Julianne Moore was the one who reprised the role of Clarice Starling in the film adaptation of Hannibal.

Krl246 -2 points 4 years ago.

I hardly think I am the only one who thinks that way, and the fact that there are other bad writers doesn’t in anyway make my thoughts on the matter invalid. The Julianne Moore interpretation was based on the movie in which Jody Foster starred due to the fact it didn’t follow the book. As for an agenda, I just think a role portrayed by a woman about a woman is better than one written by a misogynist about what he thinks a woman would do.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
MissMorgue 2 points 4 years ago.

I am well aware of Kathy Kane and her entire existence coming into play in 1956 a solid two years after the publication of a book that cause people to question if the fictional character of Batman was indeed gay or not; she was removed from the DCU in 1964 and then in the 70’s a limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths re-established that Batwoman’s existence was on an Earth separate from DC’s main continuity. Ergo the hetero-love interest of Kathy Kane is not apart of the DCU as anything but a side character. The character of Kate Kane was reintroduce in 2006 week 7 of the 52 and then after the DC Rebirth it was made apparent that she is now Bruce Wayne’s cousin and a lesbian. Yes there are random instances of mentions of Kathy in the new model of the DCU but that still does not change that fact that Kate Kane and Kathy Kane are two entirely separate characters and that the one this entire show is based off of is a lesbian.

Krl246 -1 points 4 years ago.

If that’s how you see it. But, if DC made her a lesbian they can unmake her a lesbian when it goes out of fashion. It comes off as disingenuous of DC to not distinguish the characters fully. And you can make the same argument about all DCU characters since the creation of the New 52. It’s a lazy attempt to grab viewers without developing true security in unconventional new characters.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
octoberswill -5 points 4 years ago.

bruh…do you not understand that that is exactly how comic book writers work?….this is fucking canon….she is…in recent comic book lore…lesbian…fuck you if you can’t accept this….you are being small minded.

Krl246 -1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

She’s only been gay for the past 12 years, the 50 years before that she wasn’t.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
kingarco66 -5 points 4 years ago*.

id much prefer new characters to re writing old ones .. writers who cant write an original character have no business altering a classic one, especially if the original creators are dead
if you need a bat themed gay girl vigilante for your plot .. WRITE ONE

Krl246 0 points 4 years ago.

I’ve said this before too. If you really want to be accepting of gays in comics, get gay writers to right new gay characters. Then you won’t be infringing on beloved characters that people already formed a relationship with, and the new character won’t have all this unnecessary baggage of pinkwashing. That said though, a good writer can do anything they want with a comic and it won’t matter how they change a character.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
MissMorgue -4 points 4 years ago.

Seriously have you not been paying attention to anything in the modern media, just hating on the fact we get a homosexual heroine in the DCU?? Kate Kane is a lesbian, fact. Kate Kane is a strong well trained fighter, fact. Kate Kane is Batwoman, fact. Why can’t we get a strong independent male hero whose gay/has zero love interests/is not suffering from tragic backstory so people know he has feelings?? How about you just enjoy the show and quit the complaining about the gays getting representation in the media via a strong, independent fighting female superhero.

Krl246 -1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The original 1950s Katherine Kane was not a lesbian and in fact was a circus performer. She was a beard for Batman, which sucked, because it was obvious Robin is gay and batman is damaged beyond the point of loving in that way.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
MissMorgue -2 points 4 years ago.

If you ever read the books you know that Clarice Starling (or a woman strongly suggested to beher) actually was seen with Dr Lecter after he made his escape. She went with him, and isn’t a unknown sexual character.

Krl246 -4 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Harris was a terrible writer of females and characters outside the normal sexual spectrum. In my opinion that ending is a travesty to the character and strength of Clarice Starling. While Jody Foster is a great actress who’s professionalism carried through into the role with great affect. I never read Hannibal for that very reason.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
Rob Apples 0 points 4 years ago.

The character is gay in the comics… soooo…

Krl246 1 points 4 years ago.

They made the 2006 version gay, the original was not.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
nikkimckelvy 0 points 4 years ago*.

Is anyone else P.O’ed by the stereotype that a strong, independent fighting woman has to be gay? Why can’t we have a straight, strong, independent fighting woman? I am sick of the stereotype. The few times when we have an independent, straight, fighting woman, most of the time she has to be rescued still by a man. Show a straight woman who can handle herself in a fight. Break that stereotype. I’m not against gays. I’m against stereotyping that all strong, aggressive, fighting women have to be gay.

Krl246 -5 points 4 years ago.

I really don’t care if they are or not, but, don’t hang your hat on it. Saying that someone is homosexual, and, then enrobing them in all the tropes and stereotypes of the category is offensive. Super sexy butch lesbian who gets back in the closet for her nightly vigilantism, it’s all very sophomoric.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E1
Odie 1 points 4 years ago.

Ripley from aliens, Sarah Connor from Terminator, wonderwoman, captain marvel, Clarice sterling from silence of the lambs, the Bride from kill Bill, Buffy the Vampire slayer, just a few off the top of the head, Also Batwoman is gay in the comics soo…..

Krl246 2 points 4 years ago.

Clarice Sterling, that’s debatable, she seemed like a “Grey” sexual. She wouldn’t know what to do with feelings for anyone if she had them. Also they made the 2006 Batwoman gay, the original 1950’s one was not. She was actually created to squash rumors of Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson being an item. Which just goes to show how producers will do anything to a character in order to get more viewers. Never understood how your going to have a relationship as a vigilante on that level anyway. It just ends up being camouflage for you crime fighting ways. What’s wrong with two guys who’s relationship goes beyond sex to a deeper love than any possible by normal people, or, not needing to be codependent on someone. They should of just let Robin be gay in the 50’s. Batwoman could of been another Clarice, what’s wrong with self sufficient women. Everyone is perfectly willing to let Bruce be a confirmed bachelor for life, but not Kate, what hypocritical nonsense.

Supergirl (2015) S5 E1
Krl246 -1 points 4 years ago.

Man, this show has some lazy writing, every character comes off like a “Mary Sue”. The over all arcs are cool, then they way them down with shoehorned conversations and unrealistic social dynamics. I don’t get why they can have adult themes and ideas then blow it by righting an angsty teens journal entry.

Joker (2019)
[removed by a moderator]
Krl246 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

What part of Primewire do you belong to that you go from “us viewers” to “OUR Content Team”. You are absolutely pathological about supplanting others work for yourself on this site. Where do you get off on hypocritically accusing others of an infraction that is purely based on ones perspective.