Rollin's comments

Real Time with Bill Maher (2003) S17 E11
Canuckian 4 points 5 years ago.

Well LOL, now i know what kind of person you are…you won’t even read what i said because it might BURST your little bubble of hate you are living in…there is no point in continuing with you. Enjoy your life of hate and denial. I hope your bubble never bursts for your sake because god forbid, you might actually realize there are TWO sides to every argument. Don’t bother replying, i won’t bother with you any longer…i won’t converse with close-minded people who resort to insults when their opinions are confronted and/or challenged. It is people like YOU, with your close-mindedness and UN-willingness to hear the other side of your argument that things are in the state they are in. I hope you are proud of that. YOU are part of the problem. Things will NEVER change until people from both sides can have a proper discussion..anyways, i am done with you and this thread. Buh-Bye.

Rollin -2 points 4 years ago.

You are a limited creature with no power beyond your keyboard. I save lives.

That 120k+ rapists are on the loose, and no one gives a fuck (especially those that shit on me for bringing up the FACT) maybe why you can’t get laid.

Women are scared. And you asshats shitting on the few that aren’t because we are armed, are why I will ALWAYS support gun legislation.

Get extra vertebrae and suck your own dick, fucktard.

The Twilight Zone (2019) S1 E10
Rollin 1 points 4 years ago.

Took me straight back to the reruns I grew up watching. RIP Rod.

Real Time with Bill Maher (2003) S17 E11
Canuckian 2 points 5 years ago.

sorry but this comment caught my eye..better character? really? Yes, there are more male serial killers that have been documented but it is theorized there are actually a LOT more female serial killers that are UNdocumented because people generally don’t attribute these kinds of crimes to women…also, for those women serial killers that are known, their crimes are MUCH more heinous…most of them killed people they knew, or they killed others close to them including their own children..male serial killers tend to stalk and murder total strangers…anyways, i could keep going on, but i think you get my point. Before you go putting all men in the same apple Basket like you seem to be doing here, and making comments like “better character” because there aren’t as many female SK then there are male, think about the fact that females crimes are much more heinous and personal in nature…as a woman, i am sure you have heard the phrase “Hell hath no Fury…”? That saying is there for a reason. All men aren’t the same, so it is unfair to judge us based on the actions of a small percentage…i HATE being judged for others misdeeds and i also don’t appreciate someone insinuating that men possess a lesser “character” because of the ridiculous reason you are using here. Just sayin’. Would you want to be thought of as a money grubbing gold digging shallow, stupid woman because there are so many of those TYPES of women out there? Who believe that having Beauty means never having to work and that you are better than everyone else? I don’t think you would..just like Men don’t like to be generalized either due to the actions of a few idiots like Biden. Biden is creepy AF and has no place running for POTUS, and i find it incredibly hypocritical of the Dems to allow him to represent them considering the accusations against him and how lightly he seems to be taking them (probably because he knows he can get away with it in his circle). These are the same people that tried to destroy Kavanaugh for something they alleged happened DECADES earlier! Now, i don’t know the truth, but i DO know that some of these accusers (don’t know if Ford was one of them) admitted that their claims were false, that they had never met the man and that they were “LED” by someone from the Dems!! I mean, crazy, right!? And now these same people are going to allow Biden to run for POTUS and be the possible official candidate for the Dems! Hypocrites, all of them! Anyways, my rant is over. Don’t judge all men based on the actions of a few, that is both unfair and immoral…I am sure you wouldn’t appreciate that yourself…unfortunately it seems to be ok to bash men nowadays due to our “toxic Masculinity” whatever the fuck THAT is supposed to mean… Don’t expect a MAN to apologize for BEING a MAN who enjoys getting his hands dirty or some other generally MALE thing to do like fix cars…

Rollin -2 points 5 years ago*.

Tell you what: when law enforcement actually processes the 120,000+ rape kits sitting and waiting, I, as a woman, will bother to read your comment.


With all due respect, EAT ME

Real Time with Bill Maher (2003) S17 E11
YgraineDance -5 points 5 years ago*.

What chaps my ass about Biden is, after being called on this issue, he makes explanations, statements, and what could be called almost-apologies—-THEN goes out onstage the next day at some event and TWICE shoots his dumb ass in the foot by jokingly making light with “permission was given to touch today”.

How tone-deaf can you be? One has to question not only the intellect of such a person, but also the ‘mulish-old-coot’ mindset, which is as bad as, if not worse than, stupidity. The last thing we need in the White House is ANOTHER mulish, stupid, handsy old fool.
We’s full up wit dat!

You’ll notice Bill realized he’d kind of lost that “Yeah, Biden was right to laugh” point to Castro’s sensible “No, none of it is funny” response—- and quickly moved on when the audience agreed with Castro LOL

Rollin -3 points 5 years ago.

That there are so few female serial killers, is testimony to our better character. I didn’t use to hate men, but fuck me, they are ASKING FOR IT. Sweet Jesus, are they really this stupid?

Into the Dark (2018) S1 E8
Rollin 2 points 5 years ago.

If I were his mother: he would have been put in the ground by my shovel. Fuck this episode.

If your kiddo is torturing small creatures: do the world a favor…

Real Time with Bill Maher (2003) S17 E11
Rollin -4 points 5 years ago.

After seeing Bill Maher’s comments on Biden’s perv-ness neck breathing treatment of women, I hate him. As someone who has endured the entitled-to-touch treatment of men I don’t even want to breathe my air, I have even less respect or hope for the gender.

If in any professional setting, a man behaves personally - it is disrespectful and should learn what it feels like to swallow his own teeth.
Why the fuck can’t these “men” keep their interest to their selves?

Women don’t need to have a demonstration of sexual interest. It’s a surprise when we are treated with dignity and respect.

Fuck Biden. And fuck Bill Maher

Marvel's The Punisher (2017)
Rollin -1 points 5 years ago.

Not for nothing, but are there a lot of blind people watching bootleg streaming Netflix shows on this site? Is that a niche market? WTF happens when the obscene misogyny ads that are crammed in with the content? Is that narrated??? Blind people on-line porn? Going down a very funny rabbit hole here.

Not to sound ungrateful to all the precious uploaders, but after hunting and pecking through links on 2 sites to find one for the seeing people online, I am pretty irritated and doing this instead of watching the show.