UGuess's comments

The Unicorn (2019) S2 E1
UGuess 1 points 3 years ago.

I don’t know exactly why but this is one of my favorites sitcoms. I’m so happy this has not been cancelled. I like all characters and the acting doesn’t seem forced. This episode was great was to start the day 5/5

Chicago P.D. (2014) S8 E1
UGuess 2 points 3 years ago*.

Dangggg this season is going to good. Chicago PD never ceases to disappoint. Just hope it’s all 20 plus episodes and not short like most shows have been so far

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999)
Julianna 5 points 3 years ago.

Don’t watch the new episode lol! Bring back Stabler!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UGuess 1 points 3 years ago.


Chicago Fire (2012) S9 E1
UGuess 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Yes they came back with a bang!

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999) S22 E1
UGuess 2 points 3 years ago.

I was not feeling this episode at all

Trickster (2020) S1 E6
UGuess 0 points 3 years ago.

The ending was Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Chicago Fire (2012)
UGuess 2 points 3 years ago.


Chicago Med (2015)
UGuess 1 points 3 years ago.

It’s back!!!!

Among Wolves (2010)
gsaint 3 points 3 years ago.

In 2018, at the age of 61, he claimed in an interview that he had become disappointed in human nature and longed to leave society and be returned to the mountains.

UGuess 1 points 3 years ago.

Weird, but okay

The Big Fib (2020) S1 E4
UGuess 1 points 3 years ago.

This is not good. I’m a big fan of Yvette and kudos to her for trying, but I’ve tried for four episodes and had to fast forward through all. I give it a 2/5 and I’m being generous. I thought it was going to be like ‘To Tell The Truth’ but just for kids but it’s really boring and not even a little funny.

The Lie (2020)
UGuess 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Right before the psychiatric commitment, a good spanking. For the parents too. 4/5.

The Undoing (2020) S1 E3
Julianna 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Hmmm I don’t think her husband did it. Either she did or her Father is the way I am thinking now. Anyone else have an opinion?

UGuess 4 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Def not the husbands, father is in the running and if mom did it, it will come with a twist of her not even knowing because she’ll be more crazier than the patients she’s treating and daddy knew and this wouldn’t be her first kill or she probably killed her mother..or like bcreed said, a new character…loving the series so far though

Predestination (2015)
fessologue 4 points 3 years ago.

Recommendation: try if you haven’t seen it. It’s really good.

UGuess 2 points 3 years ago.

ooooo thanks so much!! Virtual huggg coming at you

Mystery Road (2013)
Researcher 4 points 3 years ago*.

Update (11/8/20)
Finished season 1 binge. Good drama! Robust whodunit for a primary plot-line plus healthy secondary plot-lines makes for an easy binge. Enough possibilities to keep you guessing until the last episode. I enjoyed the glimpse at life in the outback; cinematography/sceneries are still kicking ass! 3.5 / 5

UGuess 2 points 3 years ago.

Thanks will check it out

The Undoing (2020) S1 E2
UGuess 2 points 3 years ago.

Started watching this out of boredorm but this has been a happy surprise. I actually wish it all came out once so I can binge or actually fast forward to know what really happen and still watch it all the way through. I really didn’t want to expect when I started watching but I am really glad I gave it a try, very intriguing. 4/5 so far

American Gods (2017) S1 E1
NLK3 -5 points 3 years ago.

What Audrey wanted to do in the cemetery sounded very tragically poetic as fuck. Her husband (Robbie) and Shadow’s wife (Laura) were cheating, died in an accident with Robbie’s dick in Laura’s mouth. Audrey wanted to fuck Shadow on their graves with Shadow’s cum in her mouth as she spits it out on Robbie’s grave. Dayamn!

UGuess 5 points 3 years ago.

way to post spoilers dudes..should preface that

Predestination (2015)
etim 11 points 3 years ago.

I think you’re a little confused on that. We thought it was so good (great, actually) because we did understand it.

UGuess 5 points 3 years ago.

LOL exactly, but hey everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Predestination (2015)
UGuess 4 points 3 years ago.

This is was great! Not too complicated where you had a headache while watching but also not simple that you already had all the answers in the middle. The ending actually made sense. Tenet was similar but a bit more complex, though I like that one too. I’d love to see more movies. I’m taking any recommendations.

The New Mutants (2020)
UGuess 4 points 3 years ago.

Pretty decent, wouldn’t mind a sequel 4/5

Top Secret Videos (2020) S1 E2
UGuess 1 points 3 years ago.

I don’t know why I tried this. Smh

Supernatural (2005) S15 E18
doow90 4 points 3 years ago.

Tears. That is all!

UGuess 3 points 3 years ago.

hugs for you, that is all

The Witches (2020)
UGuess 2 points 3 years ago.

Didn’t see the original but I enjoyed this one as a family film. It was good paced and kept my attention for the most part and I chuckled a couple of times. I think all the casting as appropriate not of the parts were not too long. I give it a 4/5 at the least.

Vampires vs. the Bronx (2020)
Kid Kryptonite 3 points 3 years ago.

A fun little horror that has just the right amount of mature comedy for family to enjoy. I like how they embraced Bronx culture and added topic of gentrification. They really stayed true to all the classic vampire tropes and used it to full potential.

UGuess 1 points 3 years ago.

Thanks for the review, Now I have to want to see

Barbaren (2020)
UGuess 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Great but really do think that Varsus really did love Ari in his own way. He wasn’t using him like the girl said and I didn’t really understand why Folkwin wanted to kill Ari at the end. Did he know they slept together? How could he?

Barbaren (2020)
UGuess 2 points 3 years ago.

Damn Damn Damn! and I don’t even cuss This was amazing!! During the narrations, I’ve done jump down so many rabbit holes. SMH Interestingly it gave me more insight into human psyche 5/5 for sure.

Unhinged (2020)
Invalid ID -2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Lesson is, don’t be an a*hole, and if you are in a moment of weakness, apologize if given the opportunity. There are crazies out there who can’t be reasoned with. That girl was a cnt, and continued to be even after given a chance to rectify it. Good on fatty dude.

UGuess 1 points 3 years ago*.

Lesson is parents should get their children therapy and/or medication at an early age before they end up like Russel Crowe (in the movie). Movie annoyed the crap out of me. I had to fast forward to end in order to keep on watching. I actually paused & started watching tiktok vids. I don’t recommend 2.5 of 5. But it may be for others

Spell (2020)
UGuess 2 points 3 years ago.

Loved it! Quite Unexpected it IMO

The War with Grandpa (2020)
UGuess 4 points 3 years ago.

This was a good family fun movie. I don’t how or why they would do it but I’d love to see a sequel 4/5 easy. I’d watch it again

Come Play (2020)
Kid Kryptonite 7 points 3 years ago*.

I always knew watching Spongebob was evil and corrupting kids!! Great horror came perfect time on Halloween night.

UGuess 2 points 3 years ago.


Come Play (2020)
UGuess 7 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I surprisingly ended up loving this. Probably mostly due to the ending. This is even with the mom getting on my nerves only a couple of times (but she redeemed herself at the end). Made me think of ‘Next’ series at times

The Call (2020)
smid 4 points 3 years ago.

now I know I love horror movies and have grown up with them and can be somewhat numb to that which would scare others. but how did it get an IMBD of 8.6!!!!! this was in no way scary or good at all to me. I give it a 3.5 of 10

UGuess 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I was going to say, I wouldn’t go that low as far as rating but you I know never really did think about the rating. I too felt the same way about the movie. It took me about 3hrs to watch and I was actually irritated at some of the parts because it’s was so generic, but I thought I was just being picky. To be honest, I did more listening than watching and after rewinding found out I didn’t miss a thing. It was disappointing.

The Craft: Legacy (2020)
thedamaged0ne 6 points 3 years ago.

I loved it, but it feels like not enough happened in this sequel compared to the original. Kinda felt like the pilot of a series, like more is going to happen, but we give you a pre-taste now. That’s what it felt to me, just not long enough. But it was good, don’t get me wrong. With a nice twist to it. I just wish they would’ve given us more

UGuess 1 points 3 years ago.


This Is Us (2016) S5 E2
UGuess 3 points 3 years ago.

This Darn Show keeps doing it to me. Didn’t expect the ending. Still 4/5

Pandora (2019)
AnAngrySalad 4 points 3 years ago.

Not bad, but damn they seemed to try sometimes. In the first season, I kid you not, half the show takes place in the on-campus bar at the Starfleet academy, and well over half of the shows story, is dedicated to the love-triangles between characters.

However, when it does get around to some sci-fi action, it’s actually fairly interesting. The effects are decent for a sci-fi show, borderline phenomenal by CW standards, and there could be a diamond in the rough in the actual main story, if they can stop distracting away from it.

A few episodes into Season 2 now, and they’ve thankfully ditched most of the campus-life activities, and the petty drama that came with it, so I’m actually pretty hopeful that this series makes a turnaround.

UGuess 3 points 3 years ago*.

Good to know. I’ve have started back watching because just because of that so thanks for your comment. I may return. Show does have potential

I Am Toxic (2019)
Dreamcrusher -2 points 3 years ago.

This was a well done post-apoc/zombie movie and it was engaging from the start. A different take on the genre… dirty and gritty, as it should be. Many thanks to the linkers and the site for making it possible to see such amazing movies from around the world.

UGuess 0 points 3 years ago.

For real??? so why only 2 stars?

The Old Guard (2020)
SheWatches 5 points 3 years ago.

Nobody told me the movie was going to be that good. Will have to watch it again and again. 5/5 for me. Of course there will be a sequel to this, you know it when you see it. Enjoy!

UGuess 1 points 3 years ago.

My bad, I’ll do better.

Supernatural (2005) S15 E16
doow90 3 points 3 years ago.

I love Supernatural and it is the best show ever. However, they are literally 4 episodes away from finishing and these are still filler episodes. Great for early and mid season episodes but, not this close to the end game.

UGuess 1 points 3 years ago.

Sadly I have to agree.

The Conners (2018) S3 E1
UGuess 1 points 3 years ago*.

So happy my shows are coming back. Though I started watching this out of boredom, it’s not too bad and like the throw back 3.5/5

Freaks (2019)
UGuess 1 points 3 years ago.

3/5 okay, not great. But glad I watched

The Mortuary Collection (2020)
UGuess 3 points 3 years ago.

Loved It, hope there’s a sequel

Helstrom (2020) S1 E10
UGuess 1 points 3 years ago.

4/5 for me though the soon the nun got on my nerves a lot.

Roadkill (2020)
UGuess -1 points 3 years ago.

This has some really great actors but for me I really couldn’t get into it. Actually was a bit let down. It is just the first episode so, this is rarely common. I’ll give it one more episode before I completely bail.

Kajillionaire (2020)
UGuess 1 points 3 years ago.

Gotta agree with the minority on this, def not a 4/5 out of 10. I think I may have smirked maybe once after falling asleep on it. I too can’t explain what I watch but really don’t want to either. Not even compared to a lifetime flick. I don’t recommend at all.

Bridezillas (2004) S13 E3
yellow_rose1 1 points 3 years ago.

the commentator is not as funny this year, imo

UGuess 2 points 3 years ago.

Really??? I enjoyed the commentator the most. That’s what keeping me watching but since you said that I’ve got to watch the previous seasons. So thanks

Fear the Walking Dead (2015) S6 E1
UGuess 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

2 Questions: Who buried my dude? Do I have to watch previous season to understand this one? I got bored and stopped watching for awhile. Great Start though

Supernatural (2005) S15 E14
Archons (2020)
jennifer3000 0 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

There’s no alien backstory, all they do is take LSD,complain,and sit in the woods….. the girl gets kidnapped and they start arguing about the guys music career, we don’t know what the aliens/monsters are using humans for, ANDDDD they didnt know what era they wanted to settle on 70’s (the Clothes and drug trips) 80’s(kids in the woods camping) 90’s (that old ass cell phone)……… There is nothing worth watching here. I may have missed some stuff but this movie sucks. then I watched 2067 it was better than this. At least the story was better.

UGuess 1 points 3 years ago.

ok thanks

You Should Have Left (2020)
UGuess 1 points 3 years ago.

Yep I should’ve left..but I chose to stick it out and umm ok. You’ll understand once you watch it.

Range Runners (2019)
Davidleefl43 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

all that for a bag LOL

UGuess 1 points 3 years ago.

you ain’t right, lol

Love Fraud (2020) S1 E4
UGuess 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Turned out to be more interesting than I expected with his delusional and narcissitc self. Shocked he basically got a slap on the wrist and will probably end up dead because he’s not going to stop.

I also didn’t feel bad for the Krab lady or for Lee. Lee cared about no one else unless it was her or her family, but Karma is a … and unfortunately her dad got hurt. That made me the angriest.