grasshopper rex's comments

Hummingbirds: Jewelled Messengers (2012)
grasshopper rex 6 points 1 month ago.

Such extraordinary creatures. Spotting one always puts a smile on my face.

The Man Who Fell to Earth (2022)
grasshopper rex 6 points 1 year ago.

Bonus points to the show for prompting me to listen to some Bowie after every episode.

Interview with the Vampire (2022)
grasshopper rex 6 points 1 year ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Releases October 2, 2022. 8 episodes in lenghth, I’ve read that the timeline has been slightly adjusted and the homophobes will have even more reason to complain about how woke it is. Like it wasn’t woke already with the portrayal of a same sex vampire couple raising a daughter. Personally. I don’t feel like this needed a remake, but it will be interesting to see how this works as a series.

The Mothership
kameljoe21 1 points 3 months ago.

This is really sad. I do wonder how many movies have been filmed yet are sitting on the shelves due to some stupid reasons and this is likely one of them.
This is where, well you know need to go in and gather up the film and edit their own movie and release it….

grasshopper rex 6 points 3 months ago.

What kills me is how Warner spent $90 million making Batgirl and decided it made more sense for them to shelve it and use it as a tax write-off. What kind of screwed up system do we have where corporations and the wealthy make billions and manipulate our tax codes so that they pay little to nothing while our infrastructure is crumbling and our schools are struggling to find the money needed to make sure that the next generation of kids aren’t complete morons?

4400 (2021) S1 E1
grasshopper rex 6 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

They lost me at the piano scene nonsense. A bunch of dazed and confused people thrust into the future would be distracted by a song and some dancing? ugh

The White Lotus (2021)
grasshopper rex 6 points 1 year ago.

The artwork shown during the intro is a metaphor for the message of the show. At first glance beautiful, a closer examination reveals a darkness that makes one reevaluate the entire piece. Even the music used for the intro sounds lovely at first, but the strange warbling distracts and leaves an unsettling feeling.

Many excellent performances here, but Jennifer Coolidge and Simona Tabasco really stand out. Tabasco is every bit as hot as her name implies.

While it might not seem like a comedy to most, you can choose to laugh at the absurdity of life or drown in your own tears.

The Sandman (2022)
grasshopper rex 6 points 1 year ago.

Bloody brilliant! Bring on season 2.

Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump (2020)
whatmywifedoesntknow 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The fact you completely unaware ( willfully I suspect ) of the actual facts surrounding kyle rittenhouse and are only spewing the same media narrative tells me you are incapable of actual thought . You arent interested in the truth . I cant post links but it would be a waste as you would just call it all some conspiracy from the right . you cant teach stupid

grasshopper rex 6 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Q, amirite? lol

Thanksgiving (2023)
grasshopper rex 6 points 7 months ago.

I do love me some holiday themed horror. Releases Nov. 17th. Trailer

The White Lotus (2021)
Alien -1 points 1 year ago.

You’re very sensitive, aren’t you?

grasshopper rex 6 points 1 year ago.

The irony of a difficult life is that it either makes you a kinder, more compassionate human being or an insensitive brute. Mock me if you will, but I’m ok with myself.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S11 E10
grasshopper rex 6 points 9 days ago.

I remember reading Fahrenheit 451 when I was a teen and thinking it was farfetched and unlikely to ever come to that. Now, I’m not so sure.

Lovecraft Country (2020) S1 E1
grasshopper rex 6 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Excellent! Real monsters and fantasy monsters. What’s not to love?

Curon (2020)
heatherzz 2 points 3 years ago*.

betya that comment was hard for u to type…my fav word was cunt-ry…carry on Sir

grasshopper rex 6 points 3 years ago.

My only defense is that I was bored and very stoned. I’ve been properly reprimanded and have vowed to modify my mischievous behavior. >.>

Leave the World Behind (2023)
AmieWarren 4 points 4 months ago.

I’ve been very interested in studying the prepper community, and they are dead serious. And you know what they collect besides the essentials? Weapons, especially guns, to protect their hoard. Prepper world is very scary.

grasshopper rex 6 points 4 months ago.

One of the most disturbing things I’ve noticed about preppers is that most of them actually seem to hope that something bad happens and that points strongly to the likelihood that they have some variety of anti-social personality disorder.

Moon Knight (2022) S1 E1
grasshopper rex 6 points 2 years ago.

Brilliant, but bittersweet as this was Gaspard’s introduction to a wider audience and with that the possibilty of him one day achieving his life’s dream of directing movies.

The Daily Show (2023)
grasshopper rex 6 points 3 months ago.

The Daily Show returns Feb. 12, 2024 with Jon Stewart guest hosting each Monday throughout the election cycle and will serve as an executive producer.

Lightyear (2022)
grasshopper rex 6 points 1 year ago.

Was ok. I think most of the hate comes from those that are just too thick to understand that this isn’t a Toy Story movie. I’ll never get why people spend so much energy hating on something for what it isn’t instead of just enjoying it for what it is.

The Beekeeper (2024)
Danz0 1 points 3 months ago*.

I know I’m stirring up a hornets nest with this (haha!) but…

I found this movie to be extremely sub-par.
No clue why all the positive reviews.
Did we not all watch the same low quality cg effects, poorly scripted, poorly acted, random excuse for action… With a series of lame and overbearing pc messages to save the world thrown in for ineffective heart?

Kids today’ll call anything entertainment.

PS: Statham’s ill fit hat irritated me to no end!

grasshopper rex 8 points 3 months ago.

I didn’t care much for the movie, but I don’t see how anyone can object to the message that scammers who prey on the elderly are trash that needs to be disposed of. That was the only aspect of it that appealed to me.

Constellation (2024)
ThinMan 0 points 3 months ago.

Thanks, GR. ╭( ・ㅂ・)و

grasshopper rex 8 points 3 months ago.

It would be nice if they dropped the whole season at once, but I do like that they do the first 3 at least so you have a chance to get a good feel for the show and decide whether it’s worth watching all of it. So often 1st episodes are a bit overwhelming with introductions to all the players and setting up the story.

The Many Lives of Martha Stewart (2024)
Abigail (2024)
trillianregina 1 points 1 month ago.

I will never get why you get down-voted for giving out these nice little pieces of relevant information.

grasshopper rex 8 points 24 days ago.

I play the long game. My haters, and I have a few, like to jump on my comments right after I make them, but as time passes they often get voted up because those without an axe to grind appreciate the contribution. People can be petty and silly.

Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement (2016)
AnyCheekiBreeki 6 points 3 years ago.

There is one already, BLM calls it racist because they themselves are racists. BLM is not about what they present themselves as, they’re a covert communist organisation that disguises itself as an anti-racist organisation that cares about black people, when in reality they are the exact opposite. everything they did up ‘till now was either racist and/or endangering the lives of black people and even causing their deaths indirectly and in some cases even directly.
They also don’t represent the black majority’s wishes. recent polls have shown that more than 80% of black people wants the same level of policing or higher, definitely not lower which is what BLM is aiming for by demanding the defunding of the police.

grasshopper rex 7 points 3 years ago*.

I found a Gallup poll that says that 88% of Black Americans say that major changes in policing need to be made which seems to belie your claim that they want the same level of policing or higher.

Sound of Freedom (2023)
expresso 9 points 10 months ago.

I see the Q’s have been busy at work on IMDB….

grasshopper rex 7 points 10 months ago.

They walk among us.

Arcadian (2024)
Akrimaya 2 points 1 month ago.

Sad how his career just went down the drain.

grasshopper rex 7 points 1 month ago.

I suspect he’ll be just fine.

The Iron Claw (2023)
hellsingfan01 -4 points 4 months ago.

Tell that to every single Olympic wrestler who has every competed in wrestling I dare you.

grasshopper rex 7 points 4 months ago.

If it’s a real sport then why do almost all state athletic commissions have either a seperate set of regulations for it or don’t regulate it at all? Name a single other sport where you wouldn’t get a fine for hitting a referee.

Fargo (2014) S5 E10
motion333 -8 points 3 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

biggest let down in a t.v. series i’ve ever seen. wasted an excellent buildup. there needed to be an epic shootout with tons of death blood guts and explosions. THATS WHY WE WATCH FARGO. not for 4 minutes of barely visible shooting and no-one important dying. and wtf was up with slow blinking black screen fades?
for fucks sake at least kill the Olmstead, Karen, Munch, Gator, the two FBI agents and some of the ranch cowboys.
this was a gutterball if i’ve ever seen one. such a shame.

grasshopper rex 7 points 3 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

That might be why you watch this series, but I do so for the storytelling. Each season, except 3, is an allegorical tale of a period in America. The deaths of none of those characters except for the cowboys, some of whom did die, would have advanced the storyline or made any sense. As unlikeable as they were, Karen and Gator were victims. Witt”s sacrifice was sufficient to serve that role in the story. Kill the sineater? His redemption and release were a perfect message of hope. If you understand how all this relates to this particular moment in time in America and the difficulties we are facing, you’ll see how perfect and necessary this story is, however doubtful it is that the ones who need this message most are likely to receive it.

Saturday Night Live (1975) S49 E11
etim 11 points 3 months ago*.

Well, makeup people’s got the neckvag down pat.

grasshopper rex 7 points 3 months ago*.

it’s that special guest that will have them frothing at the mouth

Homicide: Hours to Kill (2017)
The Many Lives of Martha Stewart (2024)
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grasshopper rex 7 points 3 months ago.

So which is it? Do I have a monkey brain or a grasshopper brain? That question will bother me all day. :)

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) S2 E2
grasshopper rex 7 points 10 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

And there it is, the liberal, progressive manifesto that Star Trek has always embraced and preached. This message is the enduring truth of the franchise and why I’ve loved it since I was a child.

Sound of Freedom (2023)
StarKissed 4 points 11 months ago.

Considering some of the elite are big supporters of boy-man love, I don’t see it as baseless.

grasshopper rex 7 points 11 months ago.

Do you have any proof of that?

Craig Ferguson: Tickle Fight (2017)
random000 4 points 4 months ago*.

His humor is on the button. Our aunts & daughters alike think he’s dandy. Older he gets, the more I like him because he knows who he is.

grasshopper rex 4 points 4 months ago*.

I read his autobiography I was impressed with how introspective, brutally honest and self-deprecating it was. That it was humorous is a given.

Scrapper (2023)
grasshopper rex 4 points 4 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Loved this little indie film that was not only the debut offering of Charlotte Regan as director and writer, but also a brilliant performance by newcomer Lola Campbell in the lead role. This reminded me in many ways of the movie that caused me to fall in love with Tatum O’Neal when I was but a wee lad myself, Paper Moon. A scrapper, in many ways, you can’t help but root for her. The “color” commentary from those in her life was genius.

Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story (2018)
grasshopper rex 4 points 2 years ago.

Such a fascinating person. Her beauty was one of the least remarkable things about her.

Real Time with Bill Maher (2003) S21 E13
ibjonnyc -4 points 1 year ago.

Ah one of those that would vote blue no matter the destructive consequences.

grasshopper rex 4 points 1 year ago.

Like many Americans, he will be voting for what he perceives to be the lesser of 2 evils. Harm reduction shouldn’t be a voting strategy, but in what is in practice a 2 party system, that’s where we are at. Too often we are voting against a candidate rather than for a candidate.

Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement (2016)
valaura 8 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

this has got to be the saddest attempt at social justice yet. teach people they are victims and they will grow to believe that the world is against them

grasshopper rex 4 points 3 years ago.

and what if both are actually true? teach them to turn the other cheek?

Twisted Metal (2023)
grasshopper rex 4 points 9 months ago.

Made me miss the 90’s, what I can remember of it. Hanging with my friends smoking weed and playing games. Such a lovely, wasted decade.

Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement (2016)
doctor who 1 points 3 years ago.

Actually burning down some innocent persons house or company, or blocking legal traffic, or any of the other things BLM does to get people to put pressure on the government is what is textbook terrorism.

grasshopper rex 4 points 3 years ago.

freedom fighter/terrorist, depends on your perspective

See (2019) S3 E1
grasshopper rex 4 points 1 year ago.

Final season.

Orphan: First Kill (2022)
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grasshopper rex 4 points 1 year ago.

Do you know what spoilers are? ffs

Love, Death & Robots (2019) S1 E13
SnakePliscan 4 points 23 days ago.

16m views & nearly 50k comments !! its a thing !

grasshopper rex 4 points 23 days ago.

If you knew my 69 Camaro like I knew her…

Poor Things (2024)
Piglet 2 points 4 months ago.

Are we in a time warp? Release date is January 12, 2024. But I see a bunch of links already!

grasshopper rex 4 points 4 months ago.

For some reason, they used the UK release date here. US release was December 8.

Licorice Pizza (2021)
grasshopper rex 4 points 2 years ago.

A decent watch, but my teen years in the Valley were more a mix of Fast Times at Ridgemont High and Corvette Summer.

Foundation (2021)
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grasshopper rex 4 points 2 years ago.

Airs Oct 1st according to the Apple TV website.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2023)
Piglet 2 points 4 months ago.

Is it worth watching?

grasshopper rex 4 points 4 months ago.

It’s good for what it is, a teen fantasy adventure without too much angsty drama.

Los Enchiladas! (1999)
grasshopper rex 4 points 10 months ago.

I love Mitch Hedberg’s stand-up. The shows would start with the audience confused and it looking like he was going to bomb, but slowly they began to catch on to his style and by the end he had usually won them over. Such a unique and humble talent gone too soon.

Fargo (2014) S5 E5
ThinMan 1 points 4 months ago.

With your comment and experience taken on-board, we are gonna give 2 and 3 a go again. Thank you!

grasshopper rex 4 points 4 months ago*.

Season 2 is my favorite to date. Granted, the multiple storylines were kind of hard to keep up with at first though. The list of stars that had recurring roles was impressive, to say the least, with Zahn McClarnon’s powerful portrayal of Hanzee Dent being my favorite of that season. The ending was the most emotional to date, although the setup for the end of season 5 promises to equal that if not surpass it, and the way it tied into season one was masterful. All in all, one of my favorite seasons of television ever.

The U.S. and the Holocaust (2022)
grasshopper rex 4 points 1 year ago.

Another brilliant offering by Ken Burns and a stark reminder of how little of the nasty history of our nation we are taught. He should be in charge of the history curriculum in our public school system.

The Witcher (2019) S3 E8
grasshopper rex 4 points 9 months ago.

Would have loved for this to go on, but I’ll trust that Cavill knows what he is doing and saved us from disappointment.

Firestarter (2022)
grasshopper rex 4 points 2 years ago.
