Euringer's comments

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
Euringer -3 points 4 years ago.

Are you Zoroastrian?

The Atheist Delusion (2016)
Euringer -3 points 4 years ago.

B-A-N-A-N-A-S. A perfect song that proves haters wrong.

Watchmen (2019) S1 E3
Euringer -3 points 4 years ago.

I have no idea where any of this is going and I love it so much.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E4
greyfur 0 points 4 years ago.

Let’s see…over and over, you keep going back to the same thing…’straight white men’, which is all you say I want represented, no where did I even come close to saying or even alluding to that is what I wanted, only that, but yet you claim it, all I said was a ‘same race relationship’. Never said anything anywhere about it mattering one whit about it being any particular race. That’s all you buddy.
The entire conversation you have clearly demonstrated a capacity to clearly make this, or at least attempt the make this a white black thing, but your barking up the wrong tree.
And pretending that the CW does not CLEARLY push both a SJW as well as a LGBTQ agenda is delusional, at best. that being said, it’s clear that all this conversation is going to do is continue to provide more non productive race baiting commentary, which I just don’t have time for. You have yourself a nice day now, as I have better things to do then play the race baiting game.

Euringer -3 points 4 years ago*.

Your opinions seem completely invalid, you’re speaking complete and total nonsense and I don’t respect a single dishonest thing you’ve said.Seriously, just because your worldview is fragile and you’re impotent doesn’t mean tv has to shape itself to your whims. Shape up, stop being a snowflake.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E4
greyfur -1 points 4 years ago.

Arrow has Mr. Terrific, who is gay, and a big part of the cast, in most episodes, and they changed him drastically, just to start, and in Supergirl, there is a Transgender who is integral to the show now who is the love interest on Braniac. Both are main cast members. Might do you well to pay attention to what I am saying before you comment on what I have said.Clearly you are NOT paying attention. Again, Mainly a CW issue, have had to stress this more then once with you, but you seem to keep overlooking this, intentionally, and making this a broader stroke mainstream television issue, which is not what I said.
While I’m at it, how about you stop trying to race bait. Every time you comment, you try and make this a race issue. I never tried to make this an over all race issue, with the exception of noting the CW make relationships in general mixed by and large in many of it’s shows, and you would have a hard time proving that wrong in the shows I have mentioned. Many of the relationships in these shows are same, but many are mixed, but they try to promote it like if a same race relationship is a bad thing, almost like a male female relationship is a bad thing.
This isn’t about race, and the numbers mentioned before had nothing to do with race, so you might want to go back and re read the prior conversations and get some context.

Euringer -4 points 4 years ago*.

I literally only mentioned CW shows. Stop lying. Also you responding to me mentioning that there is a demographic issue in how characters of colors are cast calling it “race baiting” is just plain insulting. The point is that you don’t care about demographics being fairly represented, you care about straight white men being the only people represented. Admit it buddy.

Watchmen (2019) S1 E1
SgtPancake -3 points 4 years ago*.

Maybe you should stop smoking whatever it is you must be smoking. You told me I don’t understand the material facts and then proceeded to give a more detailed version of exactly what I said all the while adding things I never even remotely addressed.

“Rorschach had no decision to make on “killing millions of people”” “and he never had a say in those millions of deaths.” Never said he did in my previous comment so I’ve no idea why you’re mentioning it. All I said was despite Gibbons comparing him to Hitler, the ending suggested none of the sort. You’re the one that started rambling about Rorschach’s character.

“Even if Rorschach had actively saved many lives, which he didn’t” compared to what I said “Far more than Ozymandias” not that the lives he saved were many, only that he took active measures in improving lives. Again, not about the number.

“shows that you thinking he was doing good and Veidt was doing bad reflects your own beliefs, right?” Where did I say Rorschach was good? All I’m saying is Ozymandias is not at all better.

“including lying about going along with the plan and personally exposing it” because Dr Manhattan wouldn’t have seen right through him or Veidt for that matter.

“By allowing Dr Manhatten to kill him, he was admitting there are grey areas” Quite the opposite. He showed there were no grey areas that he was willing to bend to.

At any rate, you’re clearly incapable of properly reading my comments without interjecting your own assumptions into my side of the argument. I’m done.

Euringer -3 points 4 years ago.

You seem to have no argument based in fact or logic, so excuse me if I’m attempting to interject them to make sense of the absolute nonsense you’re spouting.

Watchmen (2019) S1 E1
SgtPancake -3 points 4 years ago.

Lmao, you’re putting words into my mouth and completely ignoring what I actually wrote. I never once stated that Rorschach was right or that I agree with him completely.

I also never said Rorschach had made any decisions himself. I said “willing to die rather than ACCEPT Ozymandias’ decision”.

He also didn’t agree to just die. He said to Dr Manhattan to kill him OTHERWISE he would not be able to keep the secret as Ozymandias had failed in convincing him to do so.

“Actively make it better” after millions died against a made up enemy? Dr Manhattan was never against the world. The only coward I see is Veidt who instead of opting for a slow and methodical approach to making the world better, decided to cause mass genocide like it was some game where you could press the reset button whenever you so chose.

The one who took active measures to improving lives was Rorschach. Yes, his methods were extreme and they could absolutely be improved upon (I’m not out of my mind) but how many lives did he save? Far more than Ozymandias did as he actually destroyed millions of INNOCENTS! Or did that escape your notice?

Furthermore, Rorschach was never about race. He was about the corruption of power and politics. His was the answer to how far was too far in the pursuit of justice. Yet what did the writers of the show do? They made it about race. Ignoring the fact that within the continuation of the Watchmen comics the second Rorschach is actually black.

I had no idea that Gibbons said Rorschach was like Hitler. What the fuck? Was that guy high when he worked on Watchmen or what? Rorschach is more like the Grim Knight from the Dark Multiverse if anything.

Euringer -2 points 4 years ago.

I..never said you said that, now you’re just being defensive and seemingly arguing against your own made up points. The fact that Rorschach is a parody of Randian superheroes -fact, from Alan Moore’s mouth- shows that you thinking he was doing good and Veidt was doing bad reflects your own beliefs, right? Nobody ever said Veidt was a hero or Dr Manhatten was bad, or anything, just that Rorschach -definitely isn’t a good guy-. “Did that escape your notice” oh lord. Even if Rorschach had actively saved many lives, which he didn’t that’s not the point. In the end he could have done any number of things to help in his own way (that doesn’t mean working with Veidt) including lying about going along with the plan and personally exposing it, and in fact doing so would have been him keeping in line with his “Black and white, no grey areas!” philosophy. By allowing Dr Manhatten to kill him, he was admitting there are grey areas, invalidating both the thing that people commend about him and the vital point of parody shared between Rorschach and The Question - moral absolutism. If you’re saying he should be lauded for his final decision to have his life ended, okay, but that decision wasn’t to save anyone. Also yes, if you’re limiting it to comic book characters, there are lots of parallels for Rorschach that are probably a lot better than Margoret Thatcher, but keeping in mind how much Moore hated Thatcher and Ayn Rand it seems quite apt for the co-creator to compare his negative aspects with conservative political figures.

Watchmen (2019) S1 E1
SgtPancake -2 points 4 years ago.

Given Watchmen’s ending with how Rorschach was willing to die rather than accept Ozymandias’ decision to kill millions of people for some greater good I highly doubt he’s anything like Hitler. The writers clearly must have gone purely based on what Dave Gibbons told them (even though he didn’t create the character; it was Alan Moore).

Btw, despite this interview Alan Moore despises the new Watchmen series and wants nothing to do with it so lets not say it’s all sunshine and rainbows.

Euringer -3 points 4 years ago.

Saying Alan Moore despises this series is ignoring context, or perhaps being ignorant of context. Alan Moore wants nothing to do with Watchmen, in comic, movie or tv form - it has nothing to do with the content.

It’s also clear that regardless of what subjective things we can disagree on, you maybe don’t understand the material facts of the matter at the end of Watchmen. Rorschach had already mailed his journal with his suspicions to newspapers, Veidt had already enacted his plan. Rorschach had no decision to make on “killing millions of people” - his decision was to attempt to live in Veidt’s new world order, actively helping make it better, to live in it as he was living (as a toxic avenger, as Moore has stated multiple times - a parody of The Question and Mr A, read up on it) OR to be a coward and commit suicide. He choose the cowardly route, not the heroic route, and he never had a say in those millions of deaths.

Watchmen (2019) S1 E1
SgtPancake -3 points 4 years ago.

Maybe you can provide actual evidence for that?

Euringer -2 points 4 years ago.

The Alan Moore interview has been deleted but quoted in literally dozens of places, for instance:

Here’s the Dave Gibbons quotes:

None of this “proves” anything, but Dave Gibbons saying he contributed ideas, helped with screenplays, saw the show and loves it indicate he doesn’t feel like he’s being slapped in the face with their portrayal of Rorschach, just some very sensitive people.

Watchmen (2019) S1 E1
SgtPancake -2 points 4 years ago*.

a) Because I felt like writing it.

b) It’s a perversion of Rorschach’s line which has nothing to do with race, but the corruption of power and politics. They just rewrote it to suit their narrative all the while completely ignoring the real story.

“All the whores and politicians will look up and shout Save Us! and I’ll look down and whisper No!” is the real line. Theirs is not a reference. It’s spitting in the face of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons.

c) Better than you that’s for sure.

d) Oh no, the lines between hero and villain have been clearly drawn, and are entirely based upon skin color. Which is what most (sane) people would call racist although in clown world where you’re living it’s probably nothing worth mentioning.

Euringer -2 points 4 years ago*.

“I gave them some notes on the screenplay for the first one. I got to see the pilot when I was out in Los Angeles and the writers asked me all sorts of questions to fill in the background. Some of my artwork will show up at various times. I’m really enjoying it. I’m really happy with it. They’re so respectful of the original material. They want to make it as good as they possibly can. It’s really exciting.” - Dave Gibbons
“I wanted to make this like, ‘Yeah, this is what Batman would be in the real world,’” he said in a 2008 interview. “But I had forgotten that actually to a lot of comic fans that smelling, not having girlfriend—these are actually kind of heroic. So actually, sort of, Rorschach became the most popular character in Watchmen. I meant him to be a bad example, but I have people come up to me in the street saying, ‘I am Rorschach! That is my story!’ And I’ll be thinking, ‘Yeah, great, can you just keep away from me and never come anywhere near me again as long as I live?’” - Alan Moore

“I put him in the same kind of bag as Hitler and Margaret Thatcher—you might not like them but you can’t deny that there’s something very attractive about someone who has no grey areas.” - Dave Gibbons

I’m sure the creators appreciate you defending your own view on the character and pretending it’s theirs.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E4
greyfur -1 points 4 years ago.

you might want to pay a bit more attention to whats being said. We were not talking about all the shows on television, but superhero shows, and mostly the ones on the CW, and CW shows in general. A lot of them are frankly quite clearly pushing a SJW and LGBT agenda type programming, Supergirl, Arrow, Batwoman, Legacies (I believe that’s CW, though not Superhero) Legends, just to name a few off the top.
As to Person of Interest, I brought that up (NOT CW, was another channel, can’t remember which one, probably caught it on the old Primewire) to demonstrate the difference between whats done with the shows now, and what was done with shows like Person, as an example of the difference. And how much better done that was in comparison, as well as more tasteful.

Euringer -5 points 4 years ago*.

I’m paying attention but clearly you aren’t. One show out of 5 with a gay main isn’t something to complain about like you have. The Flash has 2 gay -featured characters- Legends of Tomorrow has one gay lead out of 5 leads, Black Lightning has 1 gay lead out of 5 leads, Supergirl has 0 gay leads, Arrow has 0 gay leads. You’re complaining about a slightly disproportionate amount of side characters + a handful of gay leads like it’s a much bigger deal than it really is, while once again, ignoring the actual demographic issues that come up. And pretending that gay people -existing- on television is pushing an “SJW” agenda is obvious political nonsense that shows you don’t actually care about fairness or equal representation. Support equal representation on all fronts, including jobs being given to black and female actors, rather than just complaining about minorities getting -some- of the jobs.

Batwoman (2019) S1 E4
greyfur -2 points 4 years ago.

Actually, I think the whole percentage is a bit less then that, but they try to make it a lot more common place then that, and tell the truth, I totally agree with you, and it’s just getting old. Can’t see why they can’t get back to just telling a good story, having a good plot, with maybe some good sub plots, something you can sink your teeth into, really get interested into, and find a way to really like or even hate some of the people in the show because of the way they develop the story line and the way the people play the parts.
Some good action, of course, as it’s a superhero show, and an adventure to boot, but there needs to be a ripping good story each season; there used to be shows that did that, and not all that long ago. Matter of fact, as I recall, ‘Person of Interest’ was like that, and to of the female cast that were a big deal on the show turned out to have an affair, and actually it never really bothered me, was a bit of a surprise, but first, it was not like they took something like say, Spiderman, and turned him gay, they were totally new characters written for the show, and secondly, it wasn’t overdone. It was part of the story, you knew it was there, but no big overblown deal was made of it.
Was a fantastic show, and hated it when it was over. If you never saw it, I highly recommend it.

Euringer -4 points 4 years ago*.

Pretty much everything you’re saying is nonsense, but I’m glad you’re getting a safe space to say it in. Gay characters in general, not leads, are about 8% on television, which is higher than estimates for LGBT populations - that’s a silly argument though, and one I doubt you really want to make. Otherwise I want to see you going around blasting off comments on each and every television show for having 70% white male leads despite minorities being 40% of the population and women being 50%

Watchmen (2019) S1 E1
kingarco66 1 points 4 years ago.

i do hope this show works out good
its watchmen ffs cant be any half assed thing and be worthy of the name

Euringer -3 points 4 years ago.

Why are you such a knee jerk racist? Did someone hurt you?

Watchmen (2019) S1 E1
[removed by a moderator]
Euringer 6 points 4 years ago.

A show about power. It’s okay to -not- comment on shows you claim to only have watched the trailer of. Otherwise it just seems like racism is a pet project you’re willing to shout about anywhere

Watchmen (2019) S1 E1
Euringer -3 points 4 years ago.

Went in to the first episode thinking this was going to be cheap competition for The Boys with the same energy DC is bringing to the quite disappointing Doomsday Clock. Instead seems like Lindelof has gone out of his way to, for better or worse, start a true televised sequel to Watchmen continuing the themes without being weighted down by beloved characters.