greyfur's comments

Madame Web (2024)
JadeEnigma -1 points 2 months ago.

Thank you. I had really wanted to like this and watch it, but all of the negative reviews were making me doubt if I should. You’ve made me want to again. Much appreciated.

greyfur 1 points 2 months ago.

Yuppers. These critics are a lot like how Siskel and Ebert used to be, if they both gave a ‘thumbs down’ to a movie, I figured I would like it, and that’s what they ALWAYS did to a sci-fi flick, as they just didn’t like those, period. Same with what happened here, but these guys expected a Spiderman kind of movie, and that’s not what this was, so they came into it expecting something else then what they got, and got mad, as they felt let down, and took it out on the movie, which was pretty decent.

I learned to never trust the critics on something like this, for the most part they are a petty and worthless lot…

Madame Web (2024)
Rosie 5 points 2 months ago.

I really liked it but i don’t understand why everyone is being haters

greyfur 4 points 2 months ago.

Yup, never trust the critics on something like this, they have never got these right, as they for the most part don’t understand them.

Madame Web (2024)
greyfur 1 points 2 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Just watched this, and was right, the ‘critics’ were full of crap. Hope this ain’t a spoiler, but they based their whole premise of downing this on the fact that Spiderman was not in this or even mentioned in any way, but the thing was, this wasn’t even ABOUT Spiderman. This was about Madam Web’s Origin story, and when you take this as that, it was actually pretty good. And in a way, it was kinda about the initial origin story (and you will get this from the trailers, so this is not really any kind of spoiler) of how 3 of the spider chicks meet each other as well.

So if you take it in context as that, it really is a pretty decent flick, or so I thought. So once again, the ‘critics’ got it wrong, and had no idea what they were talking about. At least that’s my opinion, for what it’s worth. I liked this for what it was, an origin story, and thought it was decently done. Others will have to make up their own minds, but I liked it. And in truth, I have seen far worse.

Madame Web (2024)
Rosie 2 points 2 months ago.

I agree the actors were good but the script was horrible i watched it in theaters i hope it can gain enough money maybe to make better sequels but i doubt it.

greyfur 2 points 2 months ago.

Would really suck if this actually sucked. That would mean the ‘critics’ were actually right for once. Would really hate that…

Madame Web (2024)
dampyiel2200 2 points 2 months ago.

I try to stay optimistic but I watch reviews from both sides to get an average and this time both sides agree the actors are good but the script is really bad. So don’t get your hopes up. I plan on watching this too. So let’s hope everyone is wrong.

greyfur 0 points 2 months ago.


Madame Web (2024)
greyfur 1 points 2 months ago.

I can’t wait until There are links for this. I have seen a couple trailers for this, and they looked decent, and also, the so called ‘critics’ have all said it sucked, and every single time that they did that for a movie that I wanted to see, esp. if it was a sci-fi or super hero type flick, it turned out that I really liked it, so screw them, I’m betting it’s gonna be pretty good. Just me saying.

S.W.A.T. (2017) S7 E1
greyfur 1 points 2 months ago.

Well, this is going to be the last season, so betting it’s going to be a wild ride…

High Heat (2022)
greyfur 1 points 2 months ago.

Not a bad one time watch…

Act of Valor (2012)
greyfur 1 points 2 months ago.

Good movie, really good.

Halo (2022) S2 E2
Birdsforme 6 points 2 months ago.

It sure becomes addicting quickly! :)

greyfur 2 points 2 months ago.

Yes, yes it does indeed!

Halo (2022) S2 E2
greyfur 6 points 2 months ago.

I already need more…

Halo (2022) S2 E1
greyfur 3 points 3 months ago.

Great first episode, going to really look forward to the rest of the season, this looks very promising…

Wildcat (2021)
greyfur 1 points 3 months ago.

Read the description, and from the one comment of it being so slow, between the two, I know what I need to know. No point in watching now, I already know the movie. Whole description was the movie anyway…

Boy Wonder (2010)
greyfur 1 points 3 months ago.

Just watched this on VidSrc, went to the IMDb and there were a ton on reviews on this, and most of them were really good, so gave it a shot. Was a tad slow in parts, but was worth the watch, and the ending made the whole thing worth it. All I’m gonna say about it.

Grimm (2011)
Alien 3 points 3 months ago.

That’s the Grimm reality of show biz.

greyfur 3 points 3 months ago.

I see what you did there..😂

Grimm (2011)
Alien 2 points 3 months ago.
greyfur 3 points 3 months ago.

Sigh…yeah, but that was six years ago, and thinking that might have been consigned to ‘spin off hell’ some time ago, sadly. I would love to see it, but thinking at this point it probably won’t happen.

Grimm (2011)
chuck1978 2 points 3 months ago.

cant wait for the spin off to get started.

greyfur 2 points 3 months ago.

What spin off???

Back to the Beach (1987)
Alien 4 points 3 months ago.

Don Adams, Barbara Billingsley, Edd Byrnes, Bob Denver, Tony Dow, Alan Hale, Jerry Mathers and Paul Reubens all have cameos. And Stevie Ray Vaughan as Stevie Ray Vaughan, is in here at some point.

greyfur 3 points 3 months ago.

Stevie Ray playing himself in a role? The audacity!🤣

Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (2023)
THEDEVIANTONE 1 points 3 months ago.

pmsl every site is just going to pot,,, what part of this is in HD its got righting on it slot machines and adds i know its streaming and free but if your going to do something do it properly, this will probably get taken down by a moderator

greyfur 9 points 3 months ago.

No, actually, it won’t. We get these all the time, and they for the most part are a pretty good quality. We get to see these without having to pay the movie price, and can hook up and HDMI cable and just watch at home. It’s a small price to pay to watch an ad or two to watch the movie for free. Just pops up once in a while, and you either get used to it, or wait for the TOS rip to come out, or go to the movies and pay for it, your choice.

Really can’t believe how many people want to get in here can complain about something that’s literally just handed to them on a silver platter….

Bring Him to Me (2024)
greyfur 2 points 3 months ago.

Just watched the trailer, and looks like it has potential. And there’s Sam Neill, so there’s that…

Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (2023)
SpontaneousOrder 1 points 3 months ago.

May 2025?

greyfur 1 points 3 months ago.

Honestly I have no idea at this point, but I was reading a day or two ago that Tom got the green light on another Top Gun movie, so we will be getting round 3 on that, and I believe he might already be starting that one, but not really sure, have not tried to look it up to see. I don’t even know if they completed the second half of the Mission Impossible flick, though I think it would be a good bet that they probably did, just have to release it.

Warrior (2019) S3 E10
tardisrider 1 points 3 months ago.

yes ,but if you do a search the info is that it was picked up by netflix who sometimes will revive a show for a season or two to give fans an ending depending on how it does and viewer response.

greyfur 1 points 3 months ago.

Yup, they do do that on occasion, but not going to hold my breath. From what I have read, all of the actors have already been let out of their contracts, and the main one, Koji, has already landed a role in Gangs of London, so it would be almost impossible to do at this point. As much as I want to see it I just don’t expect it realistically.

Wanted Man (2024)
greyfur 2 points 3 months ago.

Going to have to watch this, watched the trailer, and it looked really good. Always felt like both Dolph and Pare were both rather under rated for their work, and esp. Pare, he never really got a decent shot as he never got a decent enough part to give him a shot at doing the kind of work that would have given him that ‘break out’ part.

Then when I saw that Kelsey Grammer was in this, yeah, it was a must watch for me. I honestly don’t ever recall him doing parts like this before. I may be wrong on that, just don’t recall it.

Warrior (2019) S3 E10
tardisrider 1 points 3 months ago.

man i hope netflix does a season 4…..pretty please!!!

greyfur 1 points 3 months ago.

Show got the ax man, no more seasons. Even says ended at the bottom of the thumbnail now. Couple of others got it as well. Winchesters got cut, Blue Bloods will get one more season,then they are done, Magnum P.I. gets to roll out the last couple episodes they have made, I think like 10ish, then they are done. SWAT has one more season, then they get the ax as well. Young Sheldon, can’t remember if that got the ax flat out or if it’s getting one more season. Never watched that.

I was really hoping for another season if this, it was a good show. Seems like they are killing off a lot of really good shows, but all the so called ‘reality shows’ seem to be thriving. Can’t seem to understand that myself.

Warrior (2019)
Alien 1 points 3 months ago.

😆 We’ll live.

greyfur 2 points 3 months ago.

Hey, weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down!

S.W.A.T. (2017)
Alien 2 points 3 months ago.

Damn, you’re the bearer of bad news everywhere. I guess that’s why the phrase “Don’t shoot the messenger” was created. Maybe we should rethink that one.

greyfur 1 points 3 months ago.

Yeah, kind of hating it as well. Winchesters got nailed as well, and was sorta liking that. Bit on the fence with it, but it was growing on me a little bit, thinking it deserved at least a chance. Magnum P.I. is going to be done finally as well once they get the last few episodes in. They were set I guess to get 20 more, and think they have maybe 10ish left to go, and once they have those in, then that’s that, no more. Gonna miss that one.

Is what it is I guess, nothing we can do about it, but at least Blue Bloods got a really good run, so there’s that at least.

Warrior (2019)
Alien 2 points 3 months ago*.

Nooooooo! Not Blue Bloods! 😭

greyfur 1 points 3 months ago.


S.W.A.T. (2017)
greyfur 1 points 3 months ago.

Just so you guys know, season 7 will be the last season from what I just read, got renewed for this one, but it’s looking like it is going to the chopping block after this, it’s supposed to be the final season. Things might change, but kinda doubt it, so they probably wrote some things in the script that will include some things that allow for big changes that let them end this. Just saying.

The Winchesters (2022)
greyfur 1 points 3 months ago.

Snap, ended after one season.

Warrior (2019)
Alien 3 points 3 months ago*.

Noooooooooo! smh But wait: Warrior won’t return for Season 4 on Max. TVLine reported Monday that the series has been canceled after three seasons. Deadline said Netflix has picked up the existing seasons in a non-exclusive deal.

greyfur 2 points 3 months ago.

Got more bad news, just now, depending on what you like. Was just now scrolling through some stuff, and was seeing some shows that were going to be cancelled in 2024 after a final season, and 2 of them are going to be Blue Bloods, and Lois and Clark. Both will get a final season and then that will be the end for them both. Yellowstone also got mentioned, but we already knew about that, as well as Young Sheldon. Gonna miss the first three, watched those, never watched that last one.

Warrior (2019)
greyfur 2 points 3 months ago.

So, they ended this. Shame. Another good one bites the dust…

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) S1 E10
greyfur 1 points 3 months ago.

So, O.K…..

The Bricklayer (2024)
JadeEnigma 3 points 4 months ago.

I’ve never heard of this, but I love the cast, so will definitely give this one a look-see!

greyfur 3 points 3 months ago*.

Hi Jade, I just watched this, and thought it was worth the watch, can’t say if you will like it or not, but was a pretty decent action flick…won’t say spit about anything else, not a ‘spoiler’ person, you will have to make up your own mind. Or lack thereof, depending on however many we have between us…🤣

The Bricklayer (2024)
GeminiSaga 2 points 4 months ago.

Jason Bourne with a trowel! Decent action flick.

greyfur 3 points 3 months ago.

O.K., I’ll give you that…

One More Shot (2024)
greyfur 1 points 3 months ago.

Turned out to be a pretty good movie, worth a one time watch, needed a bit more of Jai white if you ask me, but was worth the watch if you are an Adkins fan, and I am that. Some really decent fight scenes, so there’s that.

The Painter (2024)
grasshopper rex 9 points 3 months ago.

They should get together and form their own operative group named The Trade Union.

greyfur 1 points 3 months ago.

Snap! I LIKE that! Not a bad idea, really. Get the right cast together, make the initial movie, and if it takes off right, then make a first season. You would of course need the right writers, but if you had that, and did it right….

One More Shot (2024)
greyfur 1 points 3 months ago.

Outstanding! Michael Jai White and Scott Adkins both in the same flick! Going to have to come back and check this out later. Glad I stumbled into this.

Echo (2024) S1 E1
grasshopper rex 3 points 3 months ago.

It’s funny that you mention Hawkeye. That’s what Disney+ aired right before Echo dropped.

greyfur 2 points 3 months ago.


Echo (2024) S1 E1
Alien 3 points 3 months ago.

There’s no way it could have had a second season!

greyfur 1 points 3 months ago.

I know, but it’s so sad that it couldn’t…

Echo (2024) S1 E1
greyfur 1 points 3 months ago.

Man, I am so waiting for this to air…right now I’m re-watching episodes of Hawkeye while I’m waiting for this to air, which is by far wasted time. This was an excellent series that should have had a second season, even though it was intended as a one off.

Every episode I watch, I come back to this to see if it has aired. As soon as it had, I’m going to be right here bing watching.

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (2021) S1 E6
greyfur 2 points 4 months ago.

Just got done watching this again over the last couple mornings, and it was just as good the second time around. Too bad they never made a second season, that would have been excellent. Another one I really wish they would have made a second season of would have been Hawkeye, that was also really good. I know they were both intended to be a ‘one off’, but they were just good enough that they should have reconsidered and made another season of both.

Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part One (2024)
ninjasaid13 1 points 4 months ago.

this ending seems familiar, didn’t I watch this in Avengers: crisis on infinity wars or something?

greyfur 2 points 4 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Remember when the CW had Green Arrow and Supergirl and the Flash? They had a ‘Crisis’ kind of thing going on all three shows, and then had crossover episodes, and it involved all the earths possibly being wiped out by an anti monitor as I recall. If you watched any of that it might be that you are thinking about. This kind of reminds me a little of that but done differently and on a grander scale hero wise.

The Beekeeper (2024)
Fargo (2014)
kerfy 2 points 4 months ago.

doesn’t really matter with this series, it’s almost like a bunch of long movies, lol. I would recommend watching the movie, Fargo, first though.. Season 4 was so-so.. as mentioned Chris Rock didn’t really fit the part, a good alt for that season would be to watch Tucker and Dale VS Evil , then do season 5 .. I reckon it fits the headspace , sorta .. heh heh

greyfur 2 points 4 months ago.

Thanks. I did actually find the movie, had the same thought, and stashed it, have not got around to watching it though. Think I watched the Tucker and Dale Verses Evil thing a good while back, was O.K., nothing to brag about but a decent one time watch. Appreciate the info, thanks for the advise…

Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2023)
Piglet 2 points 4 months ago.

Is it worth watching?

greyfur 3 points 4 months ago.

I’ve been liking it so far….

Magnum P.I. (2018) S5 E20
Doto 2 points 4 months ago.

By far not the best series finale but I guess not the worst either….
Funny but I can recall watching the first couple episodes and being a huge MagPi fan back in the day with Selleck I thought this was a joke but it didn’t take long to grow on me. Now, I’m gonna miss it.

greyfur 2 points 4 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I have not watched the last two yet, am about to dive in. Really liked the ones with Selleck, am with you on your reaction to this one. Grew on me. Was not crazy on what they did with Higgins at first, be finally decided I actually liked her, and from there I was good with it, just took me a second to get used to the idea I guess, something different. And facing the facts, she was actually pretty cool.

Sad to see they finally ended this, there was a lot more that could have been done with this, but guess the ratings were just not high enough. Then again, some shows have decent enough ratings, and they still get scrubbed for some unknown reason. Have no idea what these people are thinking with some of these shows.

Seems like now unless it’s like a so called ‘reality show’ or somesuch they just don’t seem to have a lot of longevity anymore. No idea why but with a very few exceptions. Guess 5 seasons is considered a good run these days…

The Valdemar Legacy (2010)
Kurtclearwater 1 points 4 months ago.

Thanks again . you are right , there were no links 10 days ago … the dood link appeared almost immediately after I asked - pretty impressive really. Even back in the day it took a while before the English dubbed versions surfaced . I will keep checking👍

greyfur 1 points 4 months ago.

Yeah, they are getting pretty good at posting links here, but I’m not real impressed with Dood. every time I try and watch something with that one, somewhere near the end, it starts to crap out on me, so I wind up checking the Vid.Src to see if they have it. A lot of the time they will have a series as well, just have to go to the season and episode, and check.

Mostly I don’t try and watch anything that isn’t in English or dubbed myself, I always have had a problem with Subs, I can’t seem to be able to focus on the Subs and watch the movie at the same time like a lot of others seem to be able to. I get too distracted with one or the other…

The Valdemar Legacy (2010)
Kurtclearwater 1 points 4 months ago.

Thanks! So I did try that and there is a full movie on YouTube but it’s in Spanish I try using the settings cog but no subtitles in English …. ( I actually watched the whole thing in Spanish). Thanks for answering me👍

greyfur 1 points 4 months ago.

Hey, no problem. Sorry it wouldn’t give you any subs, but just so you know, anytime you find a movie that has no links to it, try that, a lot of the time there might be the movie there. Not every time, but a decent percentage of the time I have found that if I look, I can watch there. And every time it plays well.

The Valdemar Legacy (2010)
Kurtclearwater 1 points 4 months ago.

Does anybody know where we can watch these two movies? Dood ads don’t stop if I turn off Adblock in iOS.

greyfur 1 points 4 months ago.

Go to where it says ‘search on other sites’ and hit Vid.Src and you can watch it there. You can keep your Adblock on as well. I have 2 of them and have had no problem with them being on there.

Gamera -Rebirth- (2023) S1 E6
grasshopper rex 2 points 4 months ago.

Gamera is the Timex of kaiju.

greyfur 1 points 4 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Is a very badass turtle! Did you see the extras at the end?