kingarco66's comments

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
Mortdecai (2015)
kingarco66 2 points 3 years ago.

I say, this was rather good, wasn’t it?

Waiting for the Barbarians (2020)
Blood Vessel (2020)
somniloquist 5 points 3 years ago*.

Remind me to steer well clear of your next birthday party.

kingarco66 6 points 3 years ago.

awww :)

Blood Vessel (2020)
kingarco66 7 points 3 years ago.

Everything i wanted in a film! Is it my birthday?

Body Melt (1994)
kingarco66 2 points 3 years ago.

creepy, characterful and funny :)

Believers (2020)
etim 2 points 3 years ago*.

You mean there aren’t any Jewish demons? It’s because of Jesus that we have demons?

kingarco66 1 points 3 years ago*.

well it depends what you mean .. in the talmud theres quite a few older semetic gods that have become demonised, like Baal and Astoreth and whatnot .. and folklore speaking all Jinns and Efrits and etc were supposed to have been put in their magic bottles by Solomon .. those count dont they? certainly at least for horror film or game purposes

The Curse of Yig (2011)
kingarco66 1 points 3 years ago.

clearly a low budget “fan-art” affair, but a pretty good go at a story involving a hp lovecraft god, which in his mythology, is actually the origin of all snakes and snakey gods in all religions and myths, from set to quetzalcoatl, probably eve’s talking snake too :) fun

DC's Stargirl (2020) S1 E10
kingarco66 5 points 3 years ago.

GREAT ep :) real superhero stuff :)

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S7 E18
Alien -1 points 3 years ago.

illogical ;)

kingarco66 -1 points 3 years ago.

thats unlogical captain

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S7 E18
Alien 2 points 3 years ago*.

We should thank our lucky stars he is still doing his shows.
Providing level-headed facts that are much needed.

kingarco66 2 points 3 years ago.

it certainly throws some light on why the usa is how it is .. a leading scientific powerhouse, yet seemingly so full of crazy unlogical conspiracy stuff .. unfortunately some quite dangerous ones during a plague .. I especially liked how he addressed this odd impulse to pointlessly call people childish names rather than try to understand why they think what they think

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S7 E18
kingarco66 3 points 3 years ago.

enlightening as ever :)

Danger 5 (2012)
kingarco66 2 points 3 years ago.

Achtung! Australian sense of humour! If youre easily offended .. umm best go watch something else really

Too Late the Hero (1970)
kingarco66 0 points 3 years ago.

remarkably fallible and unheroic commandos :) very good

Machine (2020)
kingarco66 1 points 3 years ago.

nothing new here .. waste of time .. this is just sex robots and trolly problems, you can find a more meaningful discussion of AI in a weekend newspaper

The Eagle of the Ninth (1977)
kingarco66 1 points 3 years ago.

holy CRAP who found this! this strongly affected my mind as a kid I even read the book! Now I can see what nasty tricks memory has played on me :)
Notably remade relatively recently as The Eagle

Greyhound (2020)
BFU 0 points 3 years ago.

it could well be , but his pre war service - in the book was slow.

the point is you have a 64 y.o. actor playing a character who is 20 years younger, if not more.

kingarco66 2 points 3 years ago.

eh i dont really mind, many things in this film have been a bit warped for storytelling purposes .. like ww2 guys didnt say Sonar they said ASDIC .. but if you said that today the audience wouldnt know wtf you were on about .. also, you cant direction find ratzi sub transmissions, they are compressed into a half second burst that would be hard to distinguish from a lightning “pop”, and radio signal direction finding takes time, at least 10 seconds on a good day .. again, storytelling .. so Hanks is meant to be like a father figure to the other sailors, his age doesnt count against this. You can always pretend the character is 45 if you want. If youre interested in facts not stories might I recommend Mark Feltons youtube channel hes really hardcore for the details

The Old Guard (2020)
kingarco66 4 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

a nice surprise :)

Greyhound (2020)
BFU 1 points 3 years ago.

Because he is 64 years old- when the character should be between 30 and 45

kingarco66 0 points 3 years ago.

was 45 a maximum ww2 age for yank ships captains?

Greyhound (2020)
PonderThis 4 points 3 years ago*.

I am an avid WWII movie fan and have watched many over the years. I do believe this movie is more realistic than any WWII movie made prior to the 21st century! Very intense to say the least and at times hard to watch. U-Boats were the bane of the Atlantic and many merchant Marines were lost to them. It was so crucial that an enigma machine be taken off of a sub to help combat the U-Boats.

kingarco66 2 points 3 years ago.

that wasnt really the problem .. the machine was invented in 1923 and freely commercially available for keeping industrial secrets .. capturing code books for the code of the day would have been more useful, but wouldnt last more than the expected length of a sub’s mission .. the real trick was the british invention of electronic computers, that could decode the signal fast enuf for the info to be useful .. but even then if they had taken too much advantage of the ability to listen in, they would have made it obvious the ratzi comms were broken, and the ratzis would have found some other way to encrypt comms .. so in many cases they had no choice but to let the subs have their way, to keep thier cards close to thier chest as it were .. the story that capturing an enigma machine was critical, was pushed for a very long time because the real code breaking methods were under the official secrets act for 50 years after the war

Greyhound (2020)
BFU -2 points 3 years ago.

Tom Hanks is a great actor , with a Peter Pan lack of aging. But at 64 should he be in a part that would have been 40ish. Could they find a suitable aged actor. Write the screenplay - take the lead

kingarco66 1 points 3 years ago.

he seems able enuf to be in command of a ship .. why do you think hes too old?

Greyhound (2020)
kingarco66 3 points 3 years ago.

great job :)

Volition (2020)
kingarco66 6 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

like a good twilight zone ep :)

Irresistible (2020)
kingarco66 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

A church-going Bernie Sanders with better bone density! Brilliant :)

Salvation Street (2015)
kingarco66 1 points 3 years ago*.

actual IMDB rating .. 3.1 .. a record?

Eight Days That Made Rome (2017)
kingarco66 1 points 3 years ago.

always good to see ms Hughes :)

Black Summer (2019)
JadeEnigma 1 points 3 years ago.

I also love that you pronounce Z properly, too.

kingarco66 2 points 3 years ago.

thank you :)

3rd Reich: Hitler's UFOs and the Nazi's Most Powerful Weapon (2017)
Betamax78 -1 points 3 years ago.

Oppenheimer was a nazi

kingarco66 2 points 3 years ago.

lol no .. he was a jew born in new york and a commie .. difficult for him to be a nazi i would think :)

The Rachel Maddow Show (2008) S2020 E121
MarkRowley 1 points 3 years ago.

Yes it begins with two bricks as you state, but to go to such extremes to justify this guy Maddow as a journalist is very… hysterical. It also highlights your lack of knowledge into what research genuinely is if you actually were serious in using that word in the same sentence as the Maddow show.

I’m guessing you don’t believe that good journalism should also retract stories that they publish that are then proven to be baseless and incorrect?

It’s a good job people make sure those two bricks are correctly laid in the foundations before building upon them….

kingarco66 7 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Im guessing you feel you can deflate someones journalistic credibility by insulting their sexual preferences. Why not try some meaning and content rather than ad hominem attacks, a tactic discredited so long ago its actually named in classical latin?

Quest for Fire (1981)
YgraineDance 3 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Great movie; one of a kind. I loved how Rae Dawn Chong’s smart character selected the more intelligent man for her mate, taught him the sound of laughter, and taught him a more loving sexual position in addition to the one he was used to. All that, plus the priceless knowledge of fire. During the movie, you find yourself saying “some of this could have happened this way.”

kingarco66 6 points 3 years ago.

yes and no .. compare ten canoes, a mesolithic level culture we do know a lot about .. their society is much richer than that, stories, songs, customs, laws .. and they take a lot of care over their appearance, haircuts etc .. low tech doesnt mean low or simple culture
not that i hate quest at all its impressive for a wild guess :)

3rd Reich: Hitler's UFOs and the Nazi's Most Powerful Weapon (2017)
Betamax78 1 points 3 years ago.

technically the nukes ,rockets ,anything cleaver and even getting to the moon and all the Apollo missions was done by Nazi scientists Americans hired or kidnapped ,pardoned for war crimes and gave barrels of money .

kingarco66 3 points 3 years ago.

not the nukes .. thats Finemann and Oppenheimer and whatnot .. nasa spaceships up until shuttle yes

3rd Reich: Hitler's UFOs and the Nazi's Most Powerful Weapon (2017)
kingarco66 4 points 3 years ago.

100 years ahead of their time?? thats a bit much .. maybe 5 years? maybe not even that .. and they never did build any electronic computers or nukes like the allies did, so their technical advantages were limited to pretty specific areas .. wont stop silly myths being created about them forever I suppose :)

Quest for Fire (1981)
kingarco66 5 points 3 years ago*.

Ron Perlman did not require makeup for this role :) And the languages are all made up .. you dont need to know what anyone is saying, its obvious. I dont believe for a second mesolithic man in europe was this unsophisticated, but .. its a lotta fun and a great adventure :)

The Portuguese Falcon (2015)
JadeEnigma 1 points 3 years ago.

I suspect AntiGli, a horrible shadow terrorist organisation with glitterful cells around the world and no real leader. Deep state sparkly stuff, honestly. The kind of thing that people might thinks is real, and because they do it probably is.

sprinkles glitter of doom and runs away crying

kingarco66 1 points 3 years ago.

its probably a parody of Falangism type politics :) lots of fascist voters over there still I imagine .. so ripe target for satire

The Portuguese Falcon (2015)
kingarco66 2 points 3 years ago.

Whaaa ..??

The Omen (1976)
Alien 2 points 3 years ago.

Maybe you read my comment wrong. I didn’t believe in God or Satan, either. But I do believe in science fiction. Now, which Stooge are you? Curly? :)

kingarco66 2 points 3 years ago.

none Im clearly a Groucho Marx

The Omen (1976)
Alien 2 points 3 years ago.

I didn’t have the same beliefs you didn’t have but it was still “crapscary” for me. But, like I said, I loved that.
Also, I’m sure all future sci-fi authors hangin’ around in(or is it on?)PW will heed your subtle advice.

kingarco66 2 points 3 years ago.

well its not all that :)
I was thinkin tho, saucer abduction type films usually have no impact on me, but are big with (i presume) ppl that at least half believe in em
YET I love earth vs the flying saucers type 1950s stuff, or ofc Mars Attacks .. belief is not necessary to love those oddly .. because they are not credible to start with (?)
Ack AckAck ACK Ack Ack

The Omen (1976)
PonderThis -1 points 3 years ago.

I have yet to watch this movie or any satanic movie! When I was in junior high when the “Exorcist” was released. I wouldn’t go see the movie and I doubt that my mother would have let me. But the radio station would play the theme song from the movie (I listened to my transistor radio am station, fm radio wasn’t popular at that time)late at night and it unnerved me so much that I would turn the radio off and grab my bible and slept clutching my bible all night. I was so glad that the song finally dropped off the top 25 playlist!

kingarco66 2 points 3 years ago.

heh :) I remember it as well made, well acted, great story and quite amusing .. but scary it was not :) I guess I didnt believe in gods and devils even back then .. but for instance The Fly (the black and white one) had a massive effect on me because silly as it was, I did believe in science :) Probly a lesson in that for folks writing scarey stories

Payback: Straight Up (2007)
kingarco66 3 points 3 years ago.

directors cut of Payback more brutal version

Greyhound (2020)
Jhigh03 0 points 3 years ago.

OMG, face Palm Kingas bald and quite insecure about it.

kingarco66 3 points 3 years ago*.

even if i was bald, I regard haircuts as an opportunity to be absurd .. wherever that haircut happens to be

Greyhound (2020)
kingarco66 1 points 3 years ago.

delayed to July 10th

Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj (2018)
JadeEnigma 5 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I dunno. Millenials are pretty much on the ball these days. Remember, they’re not teenagers or young college kids now. They’re approaching or already in their thirties. I have a great deal of respect for them.

kingarco66 2 points 3 years ago.

I feel ya jade :) Much to my surprise the guy I want to be aussie Prime Minister is 30 and OVERTLY millennial :) No one is more suprised than I :)

Operation Buffalo (2020) S1 E1
kingarco66 2 points 3 years ago.

horrific and funny at the same time :) I think its romanticised but basically the ugly truth of the Oz nuke program .. not as pretty a story as one might like, and the people of Maralinga are still angry about it to this day, with good reason. It routinely gets brought up when Oz discusses its uranium mining and weapons programs, and as one of the most tragic interactions between the original inhabitants of Oz and the “invaders” as it were, and as a criticism of the Menzis’ govts basic callousness towards the locals .. Id like to say its no longer an issue .. but australia still has some long ways to go to rectifying things with the locals, and maybe some things never can really be made right .. our conservative “Liberal” party still refuses to even publicly say SORRY for the many injustices heaped upon them! words cost little, why be such dicks about it .. lol ok .. rant over

Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars (2017)
Trent 1 points 3 years ago.

They are still on a bug hunt!!! A million dollars worth of weapons, and they would be glad to trade it all in for a lousy can of RAID!!!

kingarco66 2 points 3 years ago.

hay thanks for commenting on this i didnt know it existed :)

SuperMansion (2015) S3 E5
kingarco66 1 points 3 years ago.

Leprechauns are real?? lol

Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman's Butler (2019) S1 E6
Alien 0 points 3 years ago.

Yes, it’s a very good show. Bizarre, too. But I’d like to know the backstory of the Alfred in the reality of the movies as opposed to this alternate reality.

kingarco66 1 points 3 years ago.

oh one more thing :) he regularly gives batman parent like orders, and bats grumbles but usually obeys him :)

Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman's Butler (2019) S1 E6
Alien 0 points 3 years ago.

Yes, it’s a very good show. Bizarre, too. But I’d like to know the backstory of the Alfred in the reality of the movies as opposed to this alternate reality.

kingarco66 1 points 3 years ago.

it was always a bit of a rip of dr Watson .. hed been a butler since before brucie was born, but had some kinda british army service history, he often displays fighting know-how and a familiarity with guns (ofc last resort only, defending the manor old chap) .. often played up as an army medic, so he could pull bullets etc out of batman .. he was also clearly never anyones fool .. there was never really much more detail than that, so this show could largely do whatever it liked :)

Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman's Butler (2019) S1 E6
Alien 1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

ok fine.

kingarco66 1 points 3 years ago.

good show innit :) hope they do more young alfred

Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman's Butler (2019) S1 E6
kingarco66 0 points 3 years ago.

oh i know him :) Im not a spiritual fella or anything but hes a character allright