Geogenesis's comments

Squid Game (2021) S1 E3
Geogenesis 1 points 2 years ago.

So good. I feel a binge happening.

Squid Game (2021) S1 E2
Geogenesis -1 points 2 years ago.

Even better than the first episode.

Theo Von: No Offense (2016)
Odie 1 points 2 years ago*.

He is! Love his stuff, he thinks outside the box for the simplest things. New one is called “Regular People” It’s gonna be released on netflix in a few hrs, Usually theres a page for up comming links but havent seen one for this yet. so hopefully its uploaded sooner than later none the less. haha

Geogenesis 0 points 2 years ago.

It’s up. :)

And if you haven’t seen it yet, check out “Theo Von - Me and Darryl Strawberry - This Is Not Happening - Uncensored” on Youtube.

Theo Von: No Offense (2016)
Odie 1 points 2 years ago.

Had to rewatch this sense his new special is out in a few hours. Always loved this dude, His sets on youtube are great.

Geogenesis 2 points 2 years ago.

He is hysterical! Happy to hear a new show is going to be released. Stand-up comedy has not been very active lately in releasing new specials.

Pawn Stars (2009) S19 E3
Geogenesis 0 points 2 years ago.

They should give Rebecca her own show.

Halloween Kills (2021)
Geogenesis 6 points 2 years ago.

That was intense. Felt just like old times.

Survivor (2000) S41 E4
Geogenesis 5 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Great blindside. I think this is the first vote of the season that I agree with.

Hotel Artemis (2018)
magically_delicious 3 points 5 years ago.

I enjoyed this film, though I went in with a head semi-filled with the criticisms others had offered from various sources. I first need to “say” that I love Jodie Foster. She is an accomplished actor who can overcome negative roles and pull films up to a higher standard (for instance Elysium, which I felt was a very predictable film). This film is a wee bit “arty” and has a small element of a “grind house” feel to it, for me. I enjoyed the acting all the way round and all the characters. This was a “fun” film to me and left me feeling satisfied. I felt that there are still some questions at the end, but overall for me, the positive of being entertained by the film on the whole, out weighed the negative. I feel anyone who likes Jodie Foster, or any of the aforementioned elements, will enjoy this film. Thanks a million uplinkers for sharing and having it here! :)

Geogenesis 4 points 2 years ago.

This movie deserves more traffic. And the best part of the movie? The actors who are not even listed here in the cast.

Hotel Artemis (2018)
Geogenesis 2 points 2 years ago.

This is the kind of movie you have to ignore what the critics say and listen to what regular movie-goers says: this is a classic, a hidden gem. Loved every minute of it.

Pawn Stars (2009) S19 E2
Geogenesis -2 points 2 years ago.

I always enjoy watching these guys. The customers however are suspect.

Customer: I want ten thousand!

Rick: I can give you fifty dollars…

Customer: Can you do sixty?


Injustice (2021)
yjkwak2827 3 points 2 years ago.

Can never understand Superman sleeping with Lois.

Geogenesis 3 points 2 years ago.

Depends on the Lois, I guess. Have you seen Teri Hatcher as Lois? You’d have to be a superman to not want to be with her.

Millennium (1996)
Geogenesis 0 points 2 years ago.

Funny, I was just thinking about this show last night…

Injustice (2021)
Fmghost 3 points 2 years ago.

Supposed to be based off the video game

Geogenesis 2 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Earth [insert number here] story. Their version of “What If…”

Injustice (2021)
Geogenesis 3 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Is this for real?

DC animation does it again. So good. Surprisingly high death count. Also, Plastic Man! He really deserves his own movie.

Free Guy (2021)
Geogenesis -1 points 2 years ago.

Wow, this movie never gets old.

In my movie list of all-time greats, this goes up there with Star Wars, Goodfellas and Stand By Me.

The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
Geogenesis 3 points 2 years ago.

April 1st? Ohh, I don’t like that as a release date.

Dallas & Robo (2018)
Geogenesis 1 points 2 years ago*.

Dallas & Robo is an American adult animation comedy streaming television series created by Mike Roberts and starring John Cena and Kat Dennings that premiered on May 30, 2018 on YouTube Premium.

Dang, that ride did not last long…

Dallas & Robo (2018) S1 E1
Geogenesis 0 points 2 years ago.

This. Was. Amazing. Kat Dennings, John Cena and Stephen Root in a SCI-FI animation.

Shazam! (1974)
TopCat1 1 points 3 years ago.

put some links up like that tv show shazam

Geogenesis 1 points 2 years ago.

They are up. : )

Shazam! (1974)
Geogenesis 1 points 2 years ago.

Sometimes this site just brings me to tears.

Wipes away tears of joy

High Class (2021)
Geogenesis 1 points 2 years ago.

Anyone else read the title and then looked at the picture and think it was a joint?

So disappointed after reading the synopsis. LOL

Pawn Stars (2009) S18 E25
Geogenesis 0 points 2 years ago.

Always a fun watch but their use of puns…too much…lol

UFC PPV Events (1993) S2021 E10
Odie -1 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

What a banger. Some people need to finally start putting respect on the Champs name.

Geogenesis 1 points 2 years ago*.

Should edit your comment to “Some people need to finally start putting respect on the winner’s name,” because you’re spoiling it otherwise.

UFC PPV Events (1993) S2021 E10
MixueW 3 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Just wait for it…. What a fight night! Best of 2021!!!

Geogenesis 1 points 2 years ago.

Thanks for not really spoiling it. I dreaded clicking on your comment but was too curious. Going to be tough not hearing who won and who lost until I can watch it myself.

Nine Deaths of the Ninja (1985)
Geogenesis 1 points 2 years ago.

OMG! I can’t believe it’s up! Thank you uploader! One of the best from the 80’s!

One Night in Bangkok (2020)
Geogenesis 0 points 2 years ago*.

Kane Kosugi? I’m in. His father, Sho Kosugi, made my childhood great. Going to watch it mainly for that reason.

The film description is incorrect. Kane is only in the movie for a few minutes and that’s it. He does not play the cop.

Counting Cars (2012) S10 E1
Geogenesis 0 points 2 years ago.

Fun drinking game: take a shot every time someone says “Alice Copper”.

An American Werewolf in London (1981)
Geogenesis 2 points 2 years ago.

First time I watch this and I was pleasantly surprised. Really good movie and a fun watch. The time flew by and before I knew it, it was over.

Night of the Animated Dead (2021)
Geogenesis -2 points 2 years ago*.

This is horrible, and not in the good way. I made it to the six minute mark. Congrats if you made it past that!

Logan's Run (1976)
Drizzt 8 points 2 years ago.

Love this old classic, I am very surprised they have not made a remake yet, Like Soylent Green another great classic :)

Geogenesis 1 points 2 years ago.

As a Vegan I dread the day they remake that one.

You know all the tin-foil hats will be claiming soy is actually “soylent green”!!!! They already claim vegan food changes your DNA. Really, eating an orange will cause me to regress genetically?

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2021) S1 E1
sobitthen 0 points 2 years ago.

2 He-Man cartoons released close to each other and each on NF, makes no sense…

Geogenesis 0 points 2 years ago.

Sell more toys this way?

Dirty Work (1998)
Geogenesis 2 points 2 years ago.

You were a legend and this film is the gem on top of your comedic crown.

RIP Norm.

No Sudden Move (2021)
Geogenesis 1 points 2 years ago.

This movie was great! I liked everything about it: the story, the actors, the cinematography, all top notch!

5 stars. Would give more but can’t.

What If...? (2021) S1 E5
Geogenesis 4 points 2 years ago.

Wow, I was totally blown away. I do not understand the criticism for this episode. It is a stand alone story that is self-contained, in other words, the show needs nothing added or removed to improve it. The series itself is called “What If…?” as it is meant to explore entertaining stories that could not otherwise exist outside a “multiverse”. It was fun to watch and the time went by in a flash. I have no complaints.

Candyman (1992)
Geogenesis 0 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The score was excellent, it keep the suspense, but Candyman is not the scariest of villains. Also, when Helen discovers her husband is cheating on her she doesn’t even call Candyman like she did at the Hospital. The script could have been tighter. The fake Bram Stroker’s Dracula hypnotism and whatnot does not work for me.

Candyman (1992)
Geogenesis -2 points 2 years ago.

Never saw it before but I think I should finally give it a try before I see the new one.

So now that I’ve finally seen it — not bad, but not great either.

The movie has a great atmosphere, like classic ‘70s horror flicks do, however I did find it kind of cheesy. And the ending? Not a fan. It’s a good one-time watch but I expected more than what was delivered.

Pawn Stars (2009) S18 E21
Geogenesis 1 points 2 years ago.

Now honestly, who the heck would pay one million dollars (US$) for a pair of sneakers???

I love this show but sometimes I truly do not get these prices!

Impractical Jokers (2011) S9 E19
donlucs 2 points 2 years ago.

They really have to recover their mojo…

Geogenesis 2 points 2 years ago.

Agree. That punishment was WEAK!

Free Guy (2021)
kahnwiley 11 points 2 years ago.

I think you just accidentally described Ryan Reynold’s entire movie career.

Geogenesis 6 points 2 years ago.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

I wish Ryan Reynold sees that comment one day, epic!

The Ultimate Fighter (2005) S29 E12
Geogenesis 1 points 2 years ago.

This season was okay. Lots of real characters. The next two fights are the ones to watch for.

Also, can’t wait until the coaches square off at the next UFC!

What If...? (2021) S1 E1
Geogenesis 1 points 2 years ago.

Wow, color me impressed!!!

Snake Eyes (2021)
kermit5k50 6 points 2 years ago.

Are you sure it wasn’t a Russian fight movie? Last I checked, Tokyo was in Japan.

Geogenesis 5 points 2 years ago.

For some reason I imagine his comment being said in Foghorn Leghorn’s voice.

Snake Eyes (2021)
Geogenesis 2 points 2 years ago.

Fun ride! Great action sequences and camera shots. The story flowed nicely for a two hour live-action toy commercial. lol

Free Guy (2021)
etim 3 points 2 years ago*.

No need? I wonder—-IMDB says it’s 1:55. These are 1:47. I can always watch the end credits for extras later but I always wonder if other countries have censored parts in a movie too.

Geogenesis 2 points 2 years ago.

There may have been edits but the one I watched had no credits at the end. Maybe that explains it?

Free Guy (2021)
UGuess 4 points 2 years ago.

What does NPC stand for?

Geogenesis 10 points 2 years ago.

Non Playable Character.

Free Guy (2021)
Impractical Jokers (2011) S9 E18
MP8219 2 points 2 years ago.

Dude, this episode was HILARIOUS. Highly recommended.

Geogenesis 2 points 2 years ago.

I couldn’t stop laughing. They hit this one out of the ballpark for sure!

Impractical Jokers (2011) S9 E18
Geogenesis 1 points 2 years ago.

This episode was a blast! Joey has zero #()#$ to give. I wish he’d write a book about his philosophy on life and not giving a #()#.

The Ultimate Fighter (2005) S29 E11
Geogenesis 0 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Mediocre episode. Dumb prank, “Coaches Challenge,” and “emotional” phone calls to family are not worth the time spent on the boring match. Jump right to it this time, you’ll miss out on nothing.

Fight starts @ 35:00

Escape from Mogadishu (2021)
Geogenesis 2 points 2 years ago.

The IMDB rating is incorrect.

This film is highly acclaimed by both critics and movie watchers. It has 89% on Rotten Tomatoes,7.4/10 on IMDb, 89% on Metacritic and 76% of Google users liked this film.