JadeEnigma's comments

The Powerpuff Girls (Short 2021) (2021)
JadeEnigma 4 points 4 months ago.


The Bricklayer (2024)
JadeEnigma 3 points 4 months ago.

I’ve never heard of this, but I love the cast, so will definitely give this one a look-see!

Cirque du Soleil: O (2017)
JadeEnigma 6 points 4 months ago.

Oooh this will be fun! I spent a summer working for the company when they set up in Toronto for the season. As a result I was able to see the show anytime I wanted (and I wanted to a lot) as well as hang with the cast in the little village they had set up out of sight of the public. What a treat that was, and I have been a huge fan ever since.

Leave It to Beaver (1957) S1 E1
Boiler 1 points 4 months ago.

The good ole days of society. Innocence

JadeEnigma 6 points 4 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

They just hid their dirty little secrets better back then.

Moving (2023) S1 E3
McCainiac 1 points 4 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

did I miss something? Does she have the power to put endless poop on the bottom of someone’s shoes?

JadeEnigma 6 points 4 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I think that’s a Zack Snyder DCU power. 😝

Little Fish (2021)
CollideDuhScope 2 points 4 months ago.

This could be compared to Enternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, almost…

JadeEnigma 7 points 4 months ago*.

Funny, I thought the same thing the first time I saw it. They’re both brilliant and thought-provoking, though those are not the only similarities of course.

Wednesday (2022)
Piglet 3 points 4 months ago.

Some news on 2nd season: Netflix officially announced season 2 in January 2023, giving us fans the news we had been waiting for. However, here we are a year later, and production has still not yet commenced. The good news is that it will begin in April 2024, with filming now taking place in Ireland. Unfortunately, that rules out a 2024 release.

JadeEnigma 8 points 4 months ago.

Well that sux. Remember when we only had to wait maybe three months between seasons of our favourite show? And there would be much more than 10 episodes in a season, too.

The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: Natalia Speaks (2024) S1 E6
ThinMan 2 points 4 months ago.

Abused people, especially children, are susceptible to borderline personality disorder (which has dozens of classifications, not all of which are considered serious). I don’t appreciate the way the viewer never sees Natalia’s tears, but then again, I’ve never had to sit in front of a camera with my prolific abuser story-telling endlessly. Michael is a story-teller. He’s abused as well, but the biggest difference is that he was an adult and he is also accountable. The whole Orphan saga is kind of disgusting, unless the viewer realises it’s pure capitalistic propaganda.

JadeEnigma 7 points 4 months ago.


Poor Things (2024)
CollideDuhScope 6 points 4 months ago.

Simply that it I hope it becomes a heartfelt classic for this day and age.

JadeEnigma 6 points 4 months ago.

I honestly didn’t understand. Sometimes I am not that quick 😳

Swimming with Lesbians (2009)
JadeEnigma 6 points 4 months ago.

If you use the Google search above, you can find a link to what seems to be a production company website where this film is available for viewing, among others like it. Worth exploring! 💝

Silo (2023) S1 E10
chubbyhampster 2 points 4 months ago.

ok so can any one tell me where are the people who left gone too

JadeEnigma 8 points 4 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

They all died, just as shown on the screens in the silo. The outside is as toxic as they always said it was, however the video showing it as a green and life-filled biome was just for the people going outside to make it easier for them. What a twist. We cried!

Tulsa King (2022)
Gnostic_Alchemist -2 points 4 months ago.

Awesome show, great job by Stallone

JadeEnigma 7 points 4 months ago.

I agree. We quite liked this. Waiting eagerly for the next season!

Prosecuting Evil with Kelly Siegler (2023) S1 E7
grasshopper rex 4 points 4 months ago.

Every developed nation on the planet has abolished the death penalty, except for the US. Pretty much the only ones still doing so are oppressive regimes and Islamic states. The death penalty is a barbaric practice that has no moral or logical value. Most of the world understands this to be true.

JadeEnigma 8 points 4 months ago.

One more thing we agree on.

Poor Things (2024)
CollideDuhScope 6 points 4 months ago.

Simply that it I hope it becomes a heartfelt classic for this day and age.

JadeEnigma 6 points 4 months ago.

AH, of course, okay. Sorry for that. Yes, me too!

12 Angry Men (1957)
Dante89 3 points 4 months ago.

Always wondered about this movie and yup it is an amazing piece of film. The acting is on top and you get into the drama pretty quickly. Great picture ! :D

JadeEnigma 6 points 4 months ago.

A classic, and studied in universities, too! Good choice!

America Under Siege: Antifa (Short 2017) (2017)
grasshopper rex 1 points 4 months ago.

Right wing propaganda playing on the fear that Americans have been programmed to dread most, communism/socialism.

JadeEnigma 5 points 4 months ago*.

Isn’t that something?

I love it when they don’t know the meaning of the word fascist.

Love & Death (2023)
JadeEnigma 4 points 4 months ago.

This is surprisingly entertaining. It’s certainly not deep drama or even a thriller in the more typical definition, but the performances are great and the relationship dynamics are fun to watch as a fly on the wall.

I haven’t seen the Hulu production of this true story yet, but I will certainly look that one up too.

Zombieland (2009)
etim 4 points 4 months ago.

Not quite but still fun—and also worth watchin’.

JadeEnigma 7 points 4 months ago*.

Yeah, I agree, but still worth watching if only to have a visit with some beloved characters.

On Location: George Carlin at Phoenix (TV Special 1978) (1978)
random000 4 points 4 months ago.

Uncle Georgy would have plenty to say about that. He famously didn’t like those who compensate for their little winkies ¯(°_o)/¯

JadeEnigma 7 points 4 months ago.


On Location: George Carlin at Phoenix (TV Special 1978) (1978)
grasshopper rex 3 points 4 months ago.

slaps Alien with a rubber chicken

JadeEnigma 5 points 4 months ago.

Give me back my rubber chicken!

Captain Voyeur (2016)
grasshopper rex 4 points 4 months ago.

1969 John Carpenter student film that was rediscovered in the USC archives in 2011. Only notable because it contains the seeds of what would become the highest grossing horror series of all time, Halloween.

JadeEnigma 8 points 4 months ago.

Oh COOL! Thank you!

On Location: George Carlin at Phoenix (TV Special 1978) (1978)
random000 6 points 4 months ago*.

Peak 70s Carlin just before Cheech Marin & Rick Moranis attacked him for being irrelevant, causing him to ramp everything up & transition into the comedy god. But yeah, we all know who’s going after J & the rest of us by signalling their lack of virtues. Neocon clowns. Hilarious!

JadeEnigma 5 points 4 months ago.

I’ve got a pretty good idea. I triggered a few tender egos.

Gorky Park (1983)
JadeEnigma 6 points 4 months ago.

This was surprisingly well-done adaptation of an excellent novel. William Hurt (RIP) did a great job as a Soviet-era Moscow police officer caught in a web of corruption and official lies while just trying to do his job. Classic.

On Location: George Carlin at Phoenix (TV Special 1978) (1978)
Alien 5 points 4 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

No, I meant people going around down voting for no reason. Jade’s comment wasn’t up more than 10min and received 3 down votes. I know they don’t mean anything and the option should be removed but wtf is wrong with people?

JadeEnigma 1 points 4 months ago.

hugs I’ve been lobbying to remove the downvote function for a long time.

Fargo (2014) S5 E8
grasshopper rex 3 points 4 months ago.

Season one? Wtf!?

JadeEnigma 6 points 4 months ago.

I suppose maybe I should start watching it, then.

Zuma Beach (1978)
JadeEnigma 7 points 4 months ago.

Oh my gosh, an absolute classic. RIP Suzanne.

On Location: George Carlin at Phoenix (TV Special 1978) (1978)
Alien 6 points 4 months ago.

wtf is wrong with people? smh

JadeEnigma 6 points 4 months ago.


On Location: George Carlin at Phoenix (TV Special 1978) (1978)
Alien 4 points 4 months ago.

A real “wham bam, thank you, ma’am!” time.

JadeEnigma 6 points 4 months ago.

Alrighty then!

Big Top Pee-wee (1988)
Kurtclearwater -2 points 4 months ago*.

Hahahah! Those were gunshots *that “identified” as fireworks . Nutbag.

LISTEN ! being the delightful enchantress that you are…if you DO hear gunshots you better put that poor dog in the tub and hit the deck! !! ✊🙄🤣. Ps. That lady on your wall is not a NASTY bitter 60 year old lunch lady on pcc 🤣✊ but she IS a a terrorist from the March on Washington 2017- silly wabbit -
Pee wee rocks! Mecca lecca hi mecca hiney ho - Jambi please’ Rid me of the green gobin —
🪥 Rrrr— mad dog — Rrrrrr- 🪥

JadeEnigma 3 points 4 months ago*.

Personal attacks on other Primewire members are against the rules and may result in having the comment removed and/or having your account muted.

Dirty Girl (2011)
grasshopper rex 2 points 4 months ago.

Milla Jovovich, Juno Temple and “a bag of flour called Joa”. I’d love to check it out, but Mixdrop is on the fritz.

JadeEnigma 6 points 4 months ago.

It does look good, doesn’t it?

Beyond the Trek (2017)
trillianregina 3 points 4 months ago.

This looks like perfect unplug-the-brain and have-a-soda watching.

Wish me luck, I’m goin’ in!

JadeEnigma 4 points 4 months ago.

So what did you think? I’ve been considering this.

Echo (2024)
grasshopper rex 4 points 4 months ago.

Really excited for this. Marvels first adult rated project and not a single wisecrack in the trailer.

JadeEnigma 6 points 4 months ago.

Me too. Should be pretty good!

Doctor Who (2023) S1 Special
tabularascal 3 points 4 months ago.

No reasonable person would dispute this.

JadeEnigma 4 points 4 months ago.

Not me. I agree completely.

Unconditional Love (2012)
JadeEnigma 1 points 4 months ago.


Poor Things (2024)
CollideDuhScope 3 points 4 months ago.

Let us hope this is the “wizard of oz” or Edward scissorhands?

JadeEnigma 3 points 4 months ago.

I am unsure what you mean.

Poor Things (2024)
augusts1 5 points 4 months ago.

Love Yorgos Lanthimos’ movies. I’ve seen quite a few of them. ‘Dogtooth’ was my first & it’s a very strange film but I loved it. So much going on in it. He’s moved in more mainstream directions since ‘The Lobster’ which was excellent but not for everyone due to it’s oddness. ‘Killing Of A Sacred Deer’ was quite good, creepy & quirky & ‘The Favorite’ was excellent & quite a bit more accessible. Looking forward to seeing what’s in store w/this latest film once a good copy shows up.

JadeEnigma 6 points 4 months ago.

Well I don’t believe you will be disappointed. This is almost his magnum opus, I think.

What If...? (2021) S2 E9
ThinMan 2 points 4 months ago.

Stand together! (* ̄▽ ̄)d

JadeEnigma 4 points 4 months ago*.

I don’t know what the point is when abuse and homophobic slurs are allowed to stand when they’re pointed at someone the only moderator left doesn’t like. Arbitrary enforcement of the community rules mean no rules at all.

Hell Camp: Teen Nightmare (2023)
Derp_Jergin 1 points 4 months ago*.

Thanks. You guys really saved me. There’s no way I could have handled this, and also no way I could have stopped once I started watching. I thought this was a teen horror comedy.

Thanks again for the heads up.

JadeEnigma 6 points 4 months ago.

My pleasure.

What If...? (2021) S2 E9
greyfur 2 points 4 months ago.

Thank you. And you’re nice as well. And notice you got a down vote just for saying something nice to someone, so gave you an up. Someone else will probably come along and knock it out, but never know, it might stay. Always helps to try and be decent with others when we can. Makes the time go by a bit better.

JadeEnigma 5 points 4 months ago.

That seems to be happening a lot lately.

Poor Things (2024)
yellow_rose1 1 points 4 months ago.

you have made a brilliant synopsis of this film and spot on, I would also like to add. This film was so odd that I couldn’t find the words to break it down without revealing too much. Great job once again.

JadeEnigma 5 points 4 months ago.

Thank you so much!

Poor Things (2024)
ThinMan 2 points 4 months ago.

okay and thanks. It doesn’t help. our fam watched 46 minutes and that was all. We’ll wait for the HD. Thank you, Alien.

JadeEnigma 7 points 4 months ago.

Yeah, I would wait for the good copy. We saw it in the theatre, and the colours, the scene settings, the props…all are important and have meaning.

Wonka (2023)
x.x 6 points 4 months ago.

Just came back from watching Wonka on MAX & honestly, it was the silly movie I needed. Lots of fun & music with the cartoony expressions & character. I absolutely loved it! I was not expecting Timothée to do the best as Wonka, as his other roles are more serious, but he nailed it. He was enjoyable & funny. He still has a long way to go for such a role, but this is a great start. I highly recommend it if you wanna watch something goofy, silly & just pure fun :)

JadeEnigma 2 points 4 months ago.

After reading this, we just may do that! Thank you!

Lessons in Chemistry (2023)
grasshopper rex 2 points 5 months ago.

It’s remarkable that a previously unpubished author could have a series on the air just 18 months after the book dropped.

JadeEnigma 3 points 4 months ago.

And now the book is the most borrowed in libraries across the country. Would that I could…

Poor Things (2024)
yellow_rose1 10 points 4 months ago.

This is truly the craziest movie I have ever witnessed. It was genius. I loved every minute of it. Emma Stone will win an award for this role, no doubt and Dafoe was incredible too. I loved the ending. It was long but well worth every second. A true masterpiece

JadeEnigma 7 points 4 months ago.

OMG right? SO GOOD!

The Misfits (1961)
random000 1 points 4 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

That’s the bomb! When we lived in Colorado Springs, we were determined to find the place where he did his research for wireless transmission that JP Morgan shut down, but didn’t find it.

JadeEnigma 4 points 4 months ago.

Oh cool! Would it not be memorialised or something?

Poor Things (2024)
JadeEnigma 9 points 4 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

We saw this last night and wow, what an impression it made! I can see how it would be polarizing in the extreme, and its lack of ‘splody pew-pew will immediately alienate a large chunk of the movie-going audience. But with some thought and attention, one can find a real message and a wonderful exploration of the human condition here. It is rife with metaphor and representations of various philosophies and ways of thought, and the main character, Bella (played wonderfully by Emma Stone) is the tabula rasa left to absorb them all. She comes out the other side an amalgam of most, the best parts of each and not all of any one. It’s that last point that finds her at odds with some, who cannot stand the idea that she has made up her own mind and not adopted their own rigid forms of thinking.

Brilliant. Had us talking for hours afterwards.

The Misfits (1961)
random000 2 points 4 months ago.

Lucky you! Anyone remember the old Three Stooges bit? NIiiiagara FAaallls! Slowly I turn! Step by step! Inch by inch! And besides… Niagara Falls is where Tesla had his triumph over Edison & AC conquered DC. It’s a magical place.

JadeEnigma 4 points 4 months ago.

Yes, I used to show off the statue of Tesla and the first power generating station he installed there.

Lessons in Chemistry (2023) S1 E3
ThinMan 1 points 4 months ago.

I wish they hadn’t done that. Geesh. ( ´•︵•` )

JadeEnigma 4 points 4 months ago.


Jesse Stone: Lost in Paradise (2015)
JadeEnigma 1 points 4 months ago.

The Jesse Stone series is pretty good. Robert B. Parker was one of my favourite authors when I was younger, and these adaptations do not disappoint.

Hell Camp: Teen Nightmare (2023)
[removed by a moderator]
JadeEnigma 1 points 4 months ago.

Notice the reference to kids as “it”. Not worth engaging with.