YgraineDance's comments

Blade the Iron Cross (2020)
YgraineDance 1 points 11 months ago.

Okay, okay, I admit to being a diehard fan of the franchise. I loved Puppet Master from the very start, from the premise of evil killer dolls that sometimes weren’t so evil, to that memorable waltz theme nearly every movie in the series used in some form. Often, the movies had you rooting for the little dolls, as they often behaved as protectors of their humans. I liked that there were attempts, especially in the early days, to follow some continuity in the saga even as events moved through time and the puppets found themselves in many hands.
Fan favorite “Blade” has his own movie here, and although he looks a bit different, he still has his weapons and his sense of right and wrong. The special effect weren’t too great, nor were the actors, but this is Full Moon Studios so you know going in what you’re going to get. I imagine more of the puppets will be coming along soon - I’d love to see “Six-Shooter” and “Pinhead” one day; they’re both fun.

The Equalizer (2021) S3 E16
YgraineDance 3 points 11 months ago.

Donal Logue is sure looking good these days. I like his recurring character here.

Mrs. Davis (2023)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Yup, I remember. And yeah, sure enough would fit in. I kinda liked ‘Preacher’, which really surprised me more then a little. The Earp thing lost me though after the first season, started out pretty good, then kinda crapped the bed. Same thing with the Van Helsing one that they had going that had the female lead. Started off really good, then just got stupid.

Yeah, shoulder is doing a lot better now, but when I get done doing my time with this, I will be going back for another round for the tendon issues in my left leg. Been getting pretty rough, and has progressed. Got the recommendation, but they couldn’t let me do both the same day, and can’t do PT 4 days a week.

The guy doing my shoulder is pretty cool though, gave me 6 exercises to do for the lag at home one day, extra duty, and have been doing that for about a week, and it’s really helped, leg pain has gone down a lot and am walking better. Should be in a lot better shape by the time I get done with the shoulder and then can work on the leg.

I really got to stop getting older. I get any worse, I’ll be like the freaking Crypt Keeper, little hunks dropping off herer and there..🤣

YgraineDance 1 points 1 year ago.


Human Zoos (2019)
YgraineDance 1 points 1 year ago.

I wonder if this documentary shows the tribe of Igorots, who were brought to the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair and placed in “authentic habitats” for fairgoers to observe…?

Mrs. Davis (2023)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Have you acquired it? we tend to agree on most shows, tough no on all. I bypassed this show on a lot of occasions, just figured it was not for me, but only looked at the thumbnail, but now that I looked at the thumbnail, I’m thinking I might just get a kick out of it.

My PT recently got upgraded to the point where they are really working my arm/shoulder for real now, and the first time was right painful, second time was not quite so bad, but 5 more weeks of that, and they said I can start trying to work on my writing again, doing some of the stuff I was doing prior to the surgery again, so starting Monday early I might give that a shot, see what happens.

Will mean a bit less watching time eventually, after I’m totally healed, but some of the few shows that I do still watch are coming to an end and need replacements, and this might be a good one. I like the premise….

YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

Hi, Grey. I’m so happy to hear that your shoulder is coming along well. Rehab is painful AF but yeah, there’s no way around it and it does pay off! I know you must be antsy for it to be over…!

As for this show, a lot of it is the writers trying hard to surprise and sometimes shock, but it manages to be satirical through it all. I keep being reminded of “Preacher” with its absurdity and odd characters you really couldn’t pigeonhole in any satisfactory way. I guess I have to say that, while I’m not in love with the characters, I’m going to stay with the show to learn more about the social-media angle that’s such a big part of the plot.

LOL I wouldn’t mind seeing The Saint of Killers show up here (remember him from Preacher? He was a blast. He’d fit right in with this lunacy.)

FBI: International (2021) S1 E20
torrac 1 points 1 year ago.

All right yeah!

YgraineDance 1 points 1 year ago.


The Flash (2014) S9 E9
YgraineDance 1 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Stephen Amell looks even better, now that he has a few more years on him. Nice seeing him here.

Luther: The Fallen Sun (2023)
grasshopper rex 2 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Sorry, there is no Luther without Alice. She was the best part of the show.

YgraineDance 1 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

YES Luther and Alice were the BEST couple ever. Straight fire!

Mrs. Davis (2023)
YgraineDance 6 points 1 year ago.

This is a nutty, crazy dark sendup of religion, social media, and herd mentality, if that combo makes any sense at all. I get whiffs of shows like “Preacher” and “Wynonna Earp” which included magic, absurdity, kooky characters, and flashbacks, all of which made the viewer wonder who, and what, was legit. I’ve watched four episodes and each one is more surreal than the last. I think I’d call it an acquired taste.

Star Trek: Picard (2020) S3 E10
BUDDHA 1 points 1 year ago.

Q was the whole reason for the borg in the first place, they had to complete the circle.

YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Only, it doesn’t FEEL complete, not with the way they hinted that he’s still considering meddling….

Star Trek: Picard (2020) S3 E10
YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

It was so wonderful visiting with all these “old friends” from back in the day, all with some years on ‘em, just like us fans. There were many emotional moments; a kind of sorry-it’s-over-but-happy-we-had-it kind of show, capping off a great series. I was well pleased by the conclusion of this episode but why the fork they included the loathsome Q coming to stick his nasty nose in is a mystery to me. I thought I had read that this was the final season - and it had an excellent ending right until then.
Anyway, very high marks from me for the show, the actors, the sets, and the glorious music!

Bunker (2022)
YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

I’ll generally watch a horror-in-German-bunker flick (there have been many) so I decided to give this one a go. I’d read a few reviews, so I had some expectations of this being a slow burner, which it is. I liked how the film began, with a retro feel to the opening credits, hearkening back to the scary movies of decades ago. I didn’t know anyone in the cast, but they made for quite a motley bunch of soldiers, some experienced and some green. The lieutenant was especially chewing his scenery - which worked for his character arc. I thought the music added to the retro-suspenseful mood as well. Others in forums have said this could have really benefitted from a better budget, and I absolutely believe this, as more money could have provided better horror effects all around. The cast did their best to show the ratcheting up of their terror and hysteria, but the movie needed to give them more to react TO, IMO.

65 (2023)
YgraineDance 3 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I thought the story had a lot of potential, what with the premise of an alien pilot’s ship crash-landing here on Earth in the time of dinosaurs. There could have been a LOT of backstory right there, delving more into his home, his mission with the shipload of people, their destination, and his leaving a very ill child to earn a payday that (apparently) was never going to help get her the treatments she needed anyway.
I liked Driver here, but they wrote some pretty wooden dialogue for him at times. The young girl Koa was strong, as was the daughter. There was quite a bit of action, even though some scenes tended to drag a bit. the movie concluded with many things left to the viewer to conjecture. In other words, just when things took off (literally!) the credits rolled. Ah, well…

Blue Lights (2023) S1 E1
greenguy86 3 points 1 year ago.

The frantic nature of the first episode is enough to get me hooked. I liked most everything about it except a few things which you will see for yourself. Definitely worth checking out.

YgraineDance 1 points 1 year ago.

I hadn’t even heard of this new show until seeing your review - will try it out, thanks.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S10 E6
CaptKSKS 4 points 1 year ago.

Hot damn and wow; shots fired.

This is a complex episode and a fantastic one at that.

YgraineDance 3 points 1 year ago.

Glad to hear it. I LOVE this guy; he only gets better with time. I’m gonna tear myself away from the ongoing ‘Trump Floorshow’ for awhile and watch Oliver.

Plan B (2023)
YELLOWbird 1 points 1 year ago.

Hmmm, Duchess Meghan’s former TV husband plays the main character in this! Not sure if that is a + or - 😳

YgraineDance 1 points 1 year ago.

…and the co-star Troian Bellisario is married to him IRL

Rabbit Hole (2023) S1 E1
CaptKSKS 3 points 1 year ago.


Enemy of the State, fantastic film, hadn’t thought about it in years.

All of which has me recalling the series from the 90’s called Nowhere Man; photographer captures a massacre on film and ends up being hunted by shadowy forces that want to keep it a secret.


YgraineDance 3 points 1 year ago.

YES thank you, Captain. I remember the frantic pace; couldn’t quite recall the title.

Rabbit Hole (2023) S1 E1
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

just checked ‘eagle eye’, and remembered it. was a really good flick, non stop action all the way through. another good one is the ‘source code’if you ever get to check it out. not quite as much action, though there is a good amount, but you really want to pay attention to this one, it gets complicated.

YgraineDance 3 points 1 year ago.

YES I saw “Source Code” too, and liked it. Also, never forget “Person of Interest” which did the same kind of no-one-is-safe-from-tech scenario to chilling ends. And what was that one with Will Smith, who I think was also on the run from surveillance? I forget the name.
Glad you can catch up on your saved stories! Keep feeling better!

Rabbit Hole (2023) S1 E1
YgraineDance 6 points 1 year ago.

Wow this looks like it’s gonna be a real ride! The first episode is fast-paced and keeps you guessing right from jump. I’m very glad to see Kiefer Sutherland in a series again; he brings his patented I’m-in-a-pressure-cooker appeal once again, in this tale of corporate hijinks (which apparently run very deep here) - and we aren’t sure just what is on the level. On any level.

Though not your run of the mill show, I’m feeling vibes of “The Capture” as well as a little bit of “Scandal”, “Eagle Eye”, and “Leverage” - only darker. A special shout-out to the music, which caught my ear right away, with its unusual and evocative tones during various scenes. It’s quite effective. I’m looking forward to more of this show; hope they keep up with the surprises and twists.

Moonshiners (2011) S12 Special
YgraineDance 1 points 1 year ago.

This fun episode is one of their “American Spirit” series, released under the flagship Moonshiners header. We learn from local historians about the special red corn used as the mash, with Tim and Tickle gathering enough information to attempt a run of the classic recipe themselves. Fellow moonshiner Howard adds to the fun, as he builds a working still in the style of past setups.

Andromeda (2022)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

thanks. not really painful, just hard to sleep with the contraption they got me wearing, so finally started to take it off at night to sleep. only really hurts any when i’m laying down, but doubt that will be for very long.

will get the few stitches i got out on the 23rd, and will probably get out of this thing as well. won’t start pt until the 3rd of next month, which i need to get to, as the use of the arm is pretty limited at the moment.

thanks for the prayers, can use all of those i can get.

YgraineDance 1 points 1 year ago.

I can imagine one-arming everything is very hard. Stay positive; one thing about living now is, medicine and tech can do a lot more for us now than in the past. Even though the shoulder sucks right now, you can look forward to a good outcome.

Andromeda (2022)
greyfur 5 points 1 year ago.

sorry about all lower case, just had a shoulder surgery, so using one hand at the moment…

just watched this little gem, found it at random, and it was some pretty good science fiction. decent acting, good story, great effects, a bit off the beaten path which i liked as well.

not very long, a bit over an hour, but if you have been missing a decent sci-fi watch for a while, this might scratch the itch if you give it a chance…

YgraineDance 4 points 1 year ago.

Thanks, Greyfur. This one slipped past me; I’ll watch since you recommend it. Hope that shoulder isn’t too bad for too long as it heals! (My bro just had a knee done and he is not a happy camper just now.) Praying for you.

Poker Face (2023) S1 E10
YELLOWbird 4 points 1 year ago.

Season 2 has been confirmed due early 2024.

YgraineDance 4 points 1 year ago.

I’m happy to know that, thanks. Here’s hoping Maya Rudolph et al can keep up this level of creativity and fun!

The Last of Us (2023) S1 E8
Alien 4 points 1 year ago*.

This should work for everyone. Search The Last of Us in Google. A mushroom icon should pop up at the bottom of the page. Click on it and keep clicking it.
Tell me if you see anything amazing.

EDIT: after a couple hundred clicks your peripheral vision is called upon

YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

That’s very clever:-) Creepy AF - but clever! LOL

The Last of Us (2023) S1 E8
KdubZ22 2 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Don’t forget about the amazing sets and the real frozen snow that poor Ellie had to fall into! My son was one of the carpenters/set builders for this show, which was filmed in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Freeeeezzzing temps, for sure!

YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

Yes, you’re right. The locations feel very authentic. Very well done by the set designers and builders!

The Last of Us (2023) S1 E8
Alien 1 points 1 year ago*.

Holy cannibals, Batman! That was so riveting I didn’t want it to end.
I don’t want the next episode to end, either.

YgraineDance 1 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Wasn’t that something? All kinds of ‘ick’ in here, especially that “offer” made by that character. You know who I mean. Saw it coming, but still, nauseating.
This show is what Walking Dead WISHES it had been able to reach, but never really did. I like that they don’t waste episodes here; every plot point matters and leads to something central to the saga. It never feels like ODTAA (one damn thing after another) even though it is episodic in its nature. I’m sure it’s helped by 1) the fine acting, and 2) wisely refraining from having millions of characters doing billions of things. We get to focus, and think.

Beyond Paradise (2023)
YgraineDance 1 points 1 year ago.

Lovable, clumsy but shrewd Det. Humphrey, who left Ste. Marie Island (in “Death in Paradise”) a few years ago to follow his ladylove back to London has now gotten his own spinoff show here, called “Beyond Paradise.” He’s joined a small police force in a town called Shipton Abbott, where he impresses all there, in both good and not-so-good ways. He’s still with the ladylove, now his fiancée, and they want to build a life here in England, but away from the bustle of London. They have big plans on several fronts.

I like Humphrey a lot, and I’m more than happy to see this character go forward in his own show. The locale is pretty and picturesque, as was the island in his previous show (which I am continuing to watch.) Another bit of fun: every now and then, the music score gets clever and gives us a few bars of the island’s theme song, which you’d miss unless you knew what to listen for. Happy viewing!

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999) S24 E15
YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

Very sweet, poignant episode, imaginatively animated, starring versatile Bradley Whitford and capped off by an end-credit acknowledgement of the loss of Richard “Munch” Belzer. Yes, all the L&O sibling shows are formulaic (Dick Wolf thing, I guess) but this one wasn’t bad.

Condor's Nest (2023)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Grief, I remember scanners from when that first came out! I was freakin’ 19 man! Holy smokes that goes back, just escaped N.J. a year before and was living in Clearwater Florida, workin’ 2 jobs, which I really didn’t need to do, but was trying to keep myself out of trouble, but was not far from the Clearwater Causeway, on Ft. Harrison. Was actually a couple rock chucks from the Scientology building.

Showing my advanced age I guess…but I also remember back then you could walk home from work (day job for me) with a tall boy in a brown wrapper, actually, think it might have been a .40, can’t really remember that far back accurately anymore, and could be drinking it, and as long as you were acting right, the cops wouldn’t bother you.

I had just enough time to walk home, get a little time to chill and get ready for the other job, was cleaning work on the inside of another building, easy work, about 4 hours a day, 5 days a week, and the occasional part time on a random Saturday. Was a nice extra check.

Bad thing was, you would get a nice, hard rain for about 2 minutes on the way home, and you could about set your watch by that, so there was this one place I would stop and duck into with my beer and light a smoke that had an awning, would wait it out. They were pretty cool about it, knew what I was doing, got used to me, and as soon as the rain stopped, I would wave and move on.

Kind of miss those days. I walked a lot better then, Sciatica was decades down the road, and weight gain was never on my mind,as between all the walking and working I did I burned so many calories it was never a consideration…

Glad to see you’re still up here and paying attention. We should chat sometime, I miss our talks.

YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

Hahaha good memories. I hear ya, my friend. Growing old should come with prominent warning labels, that’s for sure! LOL yes, hit me up anytime; love to talk. Happy viewing!

Condor's Nest (2023)
greyfur 2 points 1 year ago.

Ahhh,that’s too bad. I was giving this a bit of consideration, actually, based on the fact that Ironside was in it, and always kind of liked him. Especially liked him in ‘V’, he did a great job in that. Trailer looked pretty good too, but then, they are supposed to, aren’t they?

Anyway, I just don’t have the time anymore to watch as much as I used to, and even though I have a bunch of stuff backed up movie wise, I’ll never watch all of it, should try and take some time here and there and cull most of it. Just keep the few I would actually like to get to at some point.

Going to take your word that this would not be worth the time, you have never led me wrong in the past, so trusting your judgment once again. Thanks for the heads up kiddo!😉

YgraineDance 3 points 1 year ago.

Hey, my dude, glad to offer some insight. I am a longtime lover of Ironside, way back to “Scanners” and “Visiting Hours.” but they just misused him this time. Arnold “The Mummy” Vosloo does what he can, but the story is weak and the actors you WANT to see front and center aren’t the ones you get. Kind of a letdown IMO.

Condor's Nest (2023)
YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

Very little of fun here. I like Vosloo, Davison, and Ironside, but this film didn’t do much for their bodies of work. Ironside in particular was woefully underused. I’m accustomed to some major-league badassery from him! Not a lot of that here, and he looked pretty tired. And Davison, with the accent LOL no, just no. “Himmler” hammed it up well enough—-but frankly, he’d have been a lot more fun in one of those Zombie-Nazis-on-the-moon-and-with-sharks movies. Saban Films churns out grade-B and C movies kind of like Asylum does—-but Asylum stuff can at least be funny. Unfortunately, this picture was actually trying for some gravitas.

I stuck with this to the end, but it wasn’t easy.

My Landlord Wants Me Dead (2023)
YgraineDance 1 points 1 year ago.

A,K.A. “My Landlord Hates Me.” By either title, this Lifetime entry doesn’t offer much. Many highly unlikely things happen, the chief one being the main character’s lack of normal common situational sense, and the movie suffers on account of them. The living situation the heroine finds herself in would never in a zillion years go on in the way it did. The overused trope of phones that work/don’t work is present throughout. The aunt would not behave as she did; the boytoy got a little close a little fast; and the uncle, well…let’s just say he was something of a hilariously ditsy actor who either ruined the movie, or was the only bright spot in it, depending on your point of view. I mean, he was wild! Think Eric “Dr. Albert Beck” Roberts-wild. I like Lifetime dreck, and I’m fully onboard with the idea that they’re supposed to be silly, but one crazy-funny performance just can’t make this one memorable enough to recommend. 3/10 mainly for “Uncle Paul.”

Poker Face (2023) S1 E7
YgraineDance 5 points 1 year ago.

This series continues to be one of the most cleverly-written we’ve gotten this season. Turns out it IS more episodic than I first assumed. Each standalone outing takes Charlie to a new place, with completely new, interesting folks to meet and interact with. Charlie remains fun, quirky, frank and endearing in her scruffy way, sometimes surprised by events, but missing nothing. I’m at ep. 7 and, though she travels a lot, we do get a less-frantic vibe - so far. I’ve read several viewers’ comparisons of this character to the old Lt. Columbo, and that’s pretty apt in a lot of ways, even down to the gravelly voice - but Lyonne makes this her own with her profane, very funny asides and innocent-until-they’re-not gotcha questions. A real winner of a show IMO.

The Chemistry of Death (2023)
Alien 3 points 1 year ago.

That is a wonderful and helpful review, YgraineDance. Thank you for bringing this to our collective attention.

YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

Glad to offer my thoughts:-) Enjoy.

Better (2023)
YgraineDance 1 points 1 year ago.

I got through this (ultimately unsatisfying) miniseries in two nights. I think I was hoping this was going to be something riveting, along the lines of Happy Valley or Line of Duty, but sadly, no, not even close. I love British accents, but I swear, too much of this dialogue was either mumbling or colloquial slang, so that didn’t help things.
The chief offender here though is the wildly unbelievable plot. A bent cop? Sure. A bent cop going to all these lengths, over who knows how many years? Nope. Villains that vacillate; crazy decisions and promises made and unmade; etc. And sadly, it’s hard to root for anyone, really. I wasn’t moved by the families on either side of the law. The standout IMO was the retired cop, an actor I know and love from Endeavour. He should have had more to do here, but alas, no.

The Chemistry of Death (2023)
YgraineDance 3 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This series had its moments, for sure. It’s quite slow-going in many ways, with a seemingly endless number of flashbacks to establish the main character’s sense of running in place emotionally. Yeah, we get it - he’s brilliant in forensics but he’s got issues. His issues are made worse by the nature of the crime(s) as well as by the feelings of claustrophobia we’re getting, not only from the terrible storm but also from the isolated location itself (Hebrides). The countryside has a stark beauty that the camera loves, even though all around us is the storm.
Some of the townspeople are interesting, if more than a little insular and mistrustful. Most of them view the doctor with some degree of scepticism, and you’ll see this played out as the story progresses. I’ve seen all six episodes, and every now and then something happens that mixes things up and puts a twist on the story that you might not have seen coming. Very dark tale, all things considered. Be sure to stay during the end credits of episode six (last).

Happy Valley (2014) S3 E6
Alien 3 points 1 year ago.
YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

Yep. I like nearly every actor on that show:)

Happy Valley (2014) S3 E6
YgraineDance 5 points 1 year ago.

What a gripping series, right up to the amazing finale! It took nine years for them to complete three seasons, but what great seasons they were. You really got to know these characters (even though sometimes those very thick accents forced a little playback at times!) and felt their struggles. I liked Lancashire’s tough, no-nonsense cop, whose instincts were spot-on about so many cases and perps. She’s such a fine actress that this show was created specifically for her by the writer, according to an article I’ve read. I’ll miss the show, but I cannot complain one bit about the explosive finale, in which everybody let it all hang out - all the pain, resentment, fury, fear, and regret they felt. I think fans will feel a LOT of satisfaction with this conclusion. I know I do. 10/10!

Vera (2011) S12 E2
YgraineDance 5 points 1 year ago.

Another fine episode of “Vera”, with a truly twisty-turny plot that keeps you on your toes. Every year I wait patiently for the next season, and I dread the day when Blethyn hangs up her overcoat and olive-green scarf for good. I’ll miss the superb cast, which has of course changed somewhat over the many years, but has somehow remained a wonderful, close-knit cohesive unit which, with the zeal of a hunter’s dog, never stops until every tiny aspect of the crime has been investigated and the facts sussed out. When the mystery is fully unraveled, Vera’s team (Kenny, Aiden, Mark, and Jac) as well as we the viewers, feel like the long, sometimes red herring-filled journey was well worth all the effort. All the legwork, interviews, and long hours paid off. This episode in particular had TONS of things going on. Loved it.

Poker Face (2023)
grasshopper rex 2 points 1 year ago.

If you want to see her at her epic best watch this from the 2018 White House Correspondent’s Dinnner. It’s a bit dated now, but still relevant in so many ways and hilarious. https://youtu.be/DDbx1uArVOM

YgraineDance 3 points 1 year ago.

Thanks. Now, if only they’ll give the great Michelle Wolf something more to do!

Poker Face (2023)
alexisbits 5 points 1 year ago.

Both are great shows! She was also fun in “All About Evil”.

YgraineDance 4 points 1 year ago*.

Thanks all of you for the links; I’ll add to my list:-)

Poker Face (2023)
YgraineDance 4 points 1 year ago.

I’m liking this. Episode 1 introduces an unusual character, fleshes her out a bit, and gives us some intriguing basics outlining her special skills. Yes, Charlie is a bit over the top in some ways, but she’s fun, and quite perceptive and plainspoken. Prior to reading much info, I assumed this was going to be a show with standalone episodes, in the vein of “Mysteries of Laura” from a few years ago, but I was wrong; this will be a saga that unfolds from the starting premise (and the initial crime) which apparently will play a big part in all her future adventures. I know little to nothing about this actress, but she seems very assured in this role so I’m looking forward to more.

Creep (2005)
YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

Never saw this before, but when I saw that the talented Sean Harris, a fave actor from many other works was in it, I watched for him. He nails his role, makes you feel it - but the rest of the film feels more like a 70s-era movie than a 2004 one. Characters mostly doing silly, pointless running; idiotic decisions happening at every turn; emotions veering so wildly that they appear to be fake, etc. Several key plot points don’t make any logical sense at all. I know this is fantasy, but still…how did…??

IMO the better movie would have been the one we DIDN’T get - the backstory of the creature, which is just hinted at but not given. Now THAT would have gone somewhere! Oh, well.

Father Brown (2013) S10 E1
Alien 1 points 1 year ago*.

I DLed all the episodes of the new season earlier.
I like to save them for a rainy day.

I have two episodes left to watch of Sister Boniface.
She made her first appearance in an ep of Father Brown a few years back.
It’s more light-hearted than Father Brown and it’s a lot of fun.
Aaaaaand, it’s been renewed for a second season.

YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

Cool! I don’t quite remember her, but I bet I will once I get a look at her show. Please let me know how you like the new season of Father Brown, with all the, er, um, changes!

Father Brown (2013) S10 E1
YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

Dear Father Brown is back, and the title of this first episode of the season is very apt. Change is the word of the day here, as nearly all the beloved characters have exited (with brief in-story explanations) and new ones have signed on. I don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes, or what the plan going forward is going to look like, but this first episode went well, with Father Brown once again showing his investigative chops, making sense of some pretty far-out clues and red herrings. I love this sweet show and will stay with it even with the changes. It appears that this entire season of Father Brown has dropped at once, so you can binge if that’s your thing.

*I understand there is a similar new Brit show about a nun, Sister Boniface(?) who is something of a sleuth as well, but I haven’t watched any episodes yet so I’ll have to look it up. Enjoy!

He Belongs to Me (2021)
YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

I have no words for how awful this movie is. Amateur hour all the way! Terrible acting, over-the-top nonsensical plot, and some of the worst sound-mixing I’ve heard. Dialogue is often whispery-quiet, then, when action and/or music starts, it cranks WAY up and shatters your eardrums if you have on headphones! Yikes.

This is very much an “I might look like I have some class but make me mad and I’ll slap yo’ ass right into next week” kind of movie. No one looks good here on account of that.
NOT recommended unless you’re looking for a clown show - and this review is coming from someone who sometimes enjoys goofy Lifetime idiocy. This dreck is way less fun than any Lifetime movie.

Lullaby (2022)
YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This flick was up next on my list, so I gave it a shot today. I have to say, I wasn’t wowed by anything here. None of the main characters were very engaging; a couple of the supporting cast members had more memorable moments. The sound was somewhat uneven also, that is, until the kid was shrieking - THEN the sound was loud and (too) clear.😒 When the kid wasn’t going at it, the pet cockatoo was.
All in all, not much of a watch.

A twist in the plot came as no real surprise, but this then rushed along toward an unpleasant, unsatisfying non-ending, given all that we had seen with this family in prior scenes. Are the writers seriously intending to head for a sequel? Why couldn’t they have told THIS story well and wrapped it all up in a better film?

Girl at the Window (2022)
Alien 1 points 1 year ago.

Haha. I haven’t seen this film but I can agree that Harrow’s daughter is unlikable.

YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

You’ll roll your eyes at her here. :-/

Stalked Within (2022)
YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

This one rises above the generic stalker flick by virtue of its actors, who really maintain interest. Side characters who might, in other movies, contribute little or nothing of interest are instead well-used and memorable, backing up the principals, propelling the plot, and making the most of their screentime. The movie’s premise is a scary one, asking the viewer to question just how safe you are when those trusted persons you’ve hired to protect you are worse than criminals with obvious bad intent. Some deranged people (and some not so deranged at all) seem driven to subjugate and control women at all costs. And this has little to do with attraction; it’s pure rage and obsession that drives this.
A decent watch.