grasshopper rex's comments

The Gentlemen (2024) S1 E2
Fugitive 3 points 2 months ago.

Im really loving this show ……

grasshopper rex 0 points 2 months ago.

Same. Finished the 1st episode and now I’m settling in to binge the rest.

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
grasshopper rex 1 points 2 months ago.

It’s looking like 6 episodes that will air sometime late 2025.

Das Signal (2024)
Researcher 3 points 2 months ago.

Wondering how many “Constellation” watchers know about this? Was I the last to know?!

grasshopper rex 2 points 2 months ago.

This one is pretty good or you can wait for the Netflix version that drops in 2 weeks
Lots of mind-bending, physics-defy stuff going on in it, plus metaversal gaming and 1st contact. I’m working on finishing up the links for the Chinese version.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S11 E3
grasshopper rex 0 points 2 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

No one is going to mention that Roy Wood Jr made an appearance?

Shōgun (2024) S1 E1
kerfy 2 points 2 months ago*.

You should read the rest of Clavells books. shogun to king rat, noble house to whirlwind.. If I recall right Angi-san is the ancestor that runs through em all.. ?? Clavell calls islamists the most dangerous people on earth.. That would tweek some noses today .. lol It has been 30 years since I read them all.

grasshopper rex 0 points 2 months ago.

Blackthorne is only mentioned a couple of times in other books. Dirk Struan, the main character in Tai-Pan, and his descendants are a large part of Clavell’s Asian Saga. His books were filled with racist stereotypes, but given that he was a Japanese POW during WW2, it’s not surprising that his views of that part of the world are a bit complicated.

Shōgun (2024) S1 E1
Gnostic_Alchemist 0 points 2 months ago.

No wonder so many people got triggered it depicts accurately how horribly Christian Caucasians were treated back then, and no I’m not Christian I’m just stating fact. Good show love seeing how it’s portrayed correctly

grasshopper rex 1 points 2 months ago.

Missionaries were often the 1st wave in colonizing new lands.

The Crow (2024)
kronickurves 3 points 2 months ago.

So the reimagined Crow 2024 has a Viking mullet : ( For Me the long hair around his face is a part of The Crows character. It’s how he hides from the world…

grasshopper rex -1 points 2 months ago.

I see no reason for this remake. There is no way they could do anything but screw it up.

Invincible (2021) S2 E5
grasshopper rex 1 points 2 months ago.

It’s been so long that I’ll have to rewatch the 1st half of the season.

J.R.R. Tolkien's the Hobbit (2015)
grasshopper rex 0 points 2 months ago.

Not the best fan edit out there, but it does a pretty good job of removing the bloat from Jackson’s trilogy.

Calamity Jane (2024)
Alien 1 points 2 months ago.

Came for Tim Rozon but I stayed for……Tim Rozon.

grasshopper rex 0 points 2 months ago.

Intentional wording or Freudian slip?

The Zone of Interest (2024)
Poker Face (2023)
grasshopper rex 0 points 2 months ago.

Natasha Lyonne had revealed that season 2 is in the writer’s room.

Elsbeth (2024)
Researcher 2 points 2 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

My love of TV crime drama stems from the ‘70s. In fact, the only time I was allowed to stay up past my bedtime was for the “Mystery Movie” that alternated between “Columbo,” “McCloud,” “McMillan & Wife,” and “Banacek” (all my faves!)…and only because my Dad and I both loved the fledgling TV crime drama genre!
To me, the beginning of the pilot seemed reminiscent of “Columbo” in that the killer is seen committing the crime at the beginning of the episode and then we see how the investigator (here it’s an outsider-lawyer) connects the dots while getting under the skin of everyone around them. Nostalgia for that TV era means I’ll stay put for this!
Besides, I enjoy Carrie Preston in this type of role as I think she does quirky genius very well.

grasshopper rex 3 points 2 months ago.

It’s an inverted detective story. Most recently we’ve seen it with Poker Face, which I loved.

The Zone of Interest (2024)
The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin (2024) S1 E1
grasshopper rex -2 points 2 months ago.

Felt like a sketch comedy bit that went on way too long, but it did make me want to go rewatch The Mighty Boosh.

grasshopper rex -1 points 2 months ago.

y’all didn’t like the mighty boosh? or is it me? bats eyelashes

Your Honor (2020)
ThinMan 1 points 2 months ago.

I think you’re probably spot on, but still… he’s such an underrated talent and such a pleasure to watch.

grasshopper rex 1 points 2 months ago.

Besides a voice role in Kung Fu Panda 4, he has Everything’s Going to be Great with Allison Janney in post-production, and Jackpot with Jennifer Garner and Mila Kunis in pre-production.

Your Honor (2020)
ThinMan 1 points 2 months ago.

No third season for this limited series with the extremely talented Bryan Cranston.

grasshopper rex 1 points 2 months ago.

I don’t know where they would have gone with it. It felt like it wrapped up pretty neatly.

H. P. Lovecraft's the Old Ones (2024)
grasshopper rex 0 points 2 months ago.

Low budget, practical effects Lovecraft flick.

The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin (2024) S1 E1
grasshopper rex -2 points 2 months ago.

Felt like a sketch comedy bit that went on way too long, but it did make me want to go rewatch The Mighty Boosh.

The Daily Show (2023) S2 E9
Alien 1 points 2 months ago.

You missed this part. Fk you, Jon Stewart, for that!

grasshopper rex 1 points 2 months ago.

damn it! the episode dropped and i watched this part again. i’m a glutton for punishment.

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba - To the Hashira Training (2024)
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba - To the Hashira Training (2024)
Shōgun (2024)
grasshopper rex 12 points 2 months ago.

It would be nice if folks could comment on the show instead of arguing about inconsequential crap. That’s why comment sections keep getting disabled.

The Daily Show (2023) S2 E9
Alien 1 points 2 months ago.

You missed this part. Fk you, Jon Stewart, for that!

grasshopper rex 1 points 2 months ago.

why would you do that to me? ffs

Cops Gone Bad with Will Mellor (2024)
grasshopper rex 3 points 2 months ago.

Now there is a cop show I’ll watch.

Earthsounds (2024) S1 E1
grasshopper rex 1 points 2 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Avian EDM

Constellation (2024) S1 E3
mkmikas 1 points 2 months ago*.

reminds me of when they confirmed the higgsboson but there was a moment when we thought there might have to be a new physics and we were all holding our breath, but then they confirmed the higgs boson.. i guess they figured something about dark gravity or something afterwards.

grasshopper rex 1 points 2 months ago*.

or when they were doing the Trinity test and feared it might set off a chain reaction that would destroy life on earth. experimenting with forces we don’t fully understand does have risks. i can see a future where it makes a lot of sense to do those in space or even on Phobos and Deimos, where they would pose less risk to our planet.

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live (2024)
etim 1 points 2 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Did Rick’s brain get turned to mush when that bridge exploded?
He had that big axe…why on Earth did he chop his hand off when it would have been so much easier to just whack that little cable-leash in two???

Is his zombie hand now crawling around in the woods?
Will it eventually find Rick again in a future ep?

grasshopper rex 0 points 2 months ago.

Oh, the places it will go!

Secret World of Sound with David Attenborough (2024)
Alien 3 points 2 months ago.
grasshopper rex 1 points 2 months ago.

I wonder who stole whose idea?

Secret World of Sound with David Attenborough (2024)
grasshopper rex 3 points 2 months ago.

Eagerly awaiting this. I’ll never tire of listening to Attenborough.

Poacher (2024)
fl4g0ndry 1 points 2 months ago.

I forgot how foreign this film felt to me at first and had an emotional ride with this series. Don’t forget it was based on a true story. The incredible beauty of the forest, the ingenuity of the wild animals who live in the cities overflowing with humanity. The punch to the gut and the anger at the slaughter of magnificient creatures. Moments of serenity and a little laughter. It left me sitting in sadness with the fact that the country where Ganesha origanates care more for the almighty dollar (rupie?) than the symbol that represents Ganesha. Just MHO…

grasshopper rex 0 points 2 months ago.

Colonialism tends to have a negative impact on local populations.

Society of the Snow (2024)
Arcangel2020 1 points 2 months ago.

Ah, but twice is more than technically it IS “several”

grasshopper rex 1 points 2 months ago.

determiner · pronoun
more than two but not many.

Tetsuo (1989)
grasshopper rex 0 points 2 months ago.

This experimental, body horror masterpiece is not for the squeamish or faint of heart.

Longlegs (2024)
grasshopper rex 0 points 2 months ago.

This looks excellent. July 12, trailer

Civil War (2024)
trillianregina 7 points 2 months ago.

I can not wait to see how they explain that one.

grasshopper rex 3 points 2 months ago.

There is a clue in the trailer that I think might explain the California and Texas alliance.

Reefer Madness (1938)
grasshopper rex -1 points 2 months ago.

A comedy classic.

The Gentlemen (2024)
grasshopper rex 4 points 2 months ago.

yes, please

Arcane: League of Legends (2021)
grasshopper rex 1 points 2 months ago.

A release date for season 2 has been narrowed down to sometime in November.

Borderlands (2024)
RSX 2 points 2 months ago*.

I’m fan of the game. Agree could’ve had better actors here and there but it looks good. Animated simply wouldn’t sell and be straight to streaming.

grasshopper rex 1 points 2 months ago.

We’ll see. I’m not going to shit on it before I’ve watched it, but I have my doubts. Most of them I can’t express here just yet because there would be a whole bunch of spoilers involved for people that haven’t played it. I will say that there is no way they could do justice to 20+ hours of gameplay story in just 2 to 3 hours. I’ve looked at the entire cast list that’s been released on IMDb and there are notable characters not mentioned. I don’t know why an animated, streaming series would be a bad thing. Think Arcane, that was awesome.

Baddies East (2023) S1 E19
Borderlands (2024)
grasshopper rex 1 points 3 months ago.

Fans of the game are not going to be pleased with this. Nice cast, but they aren’t a good fit for this. Animated would have worked so much better.

First Contact: An Alien Encounter (2022)
booger 4 points 3 months ago.

“You either believe there are other forms of intelligent life in the universe, or that there aren’t. Either way, it’s a pretty staggering thought.”
—painter Christiane Kubrick— news article from “The Independent” of Pasadena, California December 1966

grasshopper rex 3 points 3 months ago.

I’m not convinced that there is ANY intelligent life in the universe.

First Contact: An Alien Encounter (2022)
ThinMan 1 points 3 months ago.

You’re entitled to that opinion, but historically, it’s completely false, as far a humans go. Technology (case in point, all those on the internet who troll and belittle and harass) is not in any way a means of non-violence or peace. Best to you.

grasshopper rex 2 points 3 months ago.

to be able to focus all our energy on the problem of galactic travel we have to first solve all the problems that plague humanity and we’re nowhere close to doing that. happy people that have all their needs met would be much less inclined to engage in all the negative activities that they do now. fear and uncertainty are powerful deterents to achieving peace. happy people are far less inclined to succumb to the manipulations and propaganda of agencies that stoke division, usually for the benefit of the wealthy, such as governments, religions etc. technologically, we’ve advanced much further than we have societally, but eventually you hit a wall where the advances you make on the 1st front slow until you’ve solved the problems on the 2nd front or we will destroy ourselves and all of it will have been for nothing. having been raised on the utopian ideas of the science fiction masters, i hold on to hope that we may yet figure out what we are doing and achieve that ideal future. i still don’t think we’ll ever really be able to explore the universe in any significant way. ftl travel is most likely impossible and without that it’s pretty much just a pipe dream.

First Contact: An Alien Encounter (2022)
ThinMan 1 points 3 months ago.

I’ve always felt very antagonistic toward that oft quoted philosophy of Clarkes. It’s simply his opinion, not a fact. Personally, neither frightens me, unless the dominate species is more like human “explorers” of old. Then, we will be the less evolved and advanced and that always spells out annihilation.

grasshopper rex 2 points 3 months ago.

it stands to reason that any species that has overcome the technical difficulties of intergalactic travel would have, long before that, figured out how of to live peacefully with their own kind and would most likely be peaceful in nature. i could go on and on about why i think that would be the case, but that’s the crux of it. yes, i’m a sci-fi nerd. :)

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S11 E1
JadeEnigma 0 points 3 months ago.


grasshopper rex -1 points 3 months ago.

don’t start with me, young lady

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S11 E1
grasshopper rex 3 points 3 months ago.

18 US Code 201, which prohibits public officials from accepting bribes or gratuities to influence their Government actions, would only apply if Oliver’s offer had been made in an attemppt to corrupt Thomas in his decisions or actions as a Supreme Court justice and it wasn’t. Oliver has a team of lawyers that advise him on every show they do.

First Contact: An Alien Encounter (2022)
Alien 1 points 3 months ago.

The brave Ulysses!

grasshopper rex 2 points 3 months ago.

I love Clarke, but that quote is nonsense. What is terrifying about us being alone in the universe? The prospect of other intelligent life is only scary if you think that a species advanced enough to traverse the immense distances of space to get here would be as base as humanity currently is.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S11 E1
grasshopper rex 5 points 3 months ago.

Paying him to quit wouldn’t be bribery.