greyfur's comments

Beacon 23 (2023) S1 E8
grasshopper rex 6 points 5 months ago.

While I’m not a huge fan of ratings, they do give a pretty good idea of what the general public thinks about a show. TVMaze has a 6.7. IMDb a 5.5 from 1.7K users. Rotten a 61% audience score. That is an overall favorable rating from 3 different sites. Those numbers aren’t great, but they do indicate that there is far more than a miniscule fan base. I hate to think of all the great stories I would have missed out on just because they didn’t immediately galvanize my attention.

greyfur 1 points 5 months ago.

That’s assuming those ratings can be trusted. Kind of like trusting polls. You might be right, but those ratings might well be off a tad as well, so well see if it gets renewed or not. I think a lot more will be based on if people actually watch the show versus other shows in the same time slot. I think that has a lot more to do with it then anything else, though I could be wrong.

Beacon 23 (2023) S1 E8
kraichgau 3 points 5 months ago.

agreed,its boring as hell

greyfur 4 points 5 months ago.

I love Sci-Fi, even what Rex calls ‘Cerebral Sci-Fi’, but in all honesty, I couldn’t get past the first episode. Even though they have the second season already filmed, I’m willing to bet this gets canceled without it being aired. While there might be a small following for this, I’m willing to bet that it’s pretty minuscule. ‘Boring as hell’ seems to be a pretty apt description…

The Witcher (2019)
grasshopper rex 3 points 5 months ago*.

There has been alot of speculation and many accusations made on REDDIT. Nepotism and cronyism run wild in Hollywood. Without acknowledgment from the players involved, not likely, none of it can be proven beyond doubt.

This was showrunner Lauren Hissrich’s 1st directing gig. Her husband is Michael Hissrich, director of West Wing and Shameless. The writer that a great deal of the fingerpointing has been directed at, Hailey Hall, is a Wittenberg grad as is Lauren Hissrich. Whether they knew each other at school is unclear, but in an interview, Hall did say that the two had attended a summer screenwriting class together and both of them worked on Power (2014).

As to why someone would take on a project they had no love or respect for? Hollywood is filled with huge egos. In this particular case, some of the accusations walk the line between having merit and being sexist. I’m going to avoid speculating there and just say that unproven talent might think it a good way to make a name for themselves by taking a product that has a large fan base and putting their own stamp on it.

greyfur 1 points 5 months ago.

2 things you just said here that covers a lot of ground. Huge egos and ‘taking a product that has a huge fan base and putting their own stamp on it’. I believe this is often referred to as ‘artistic license’.
That being said, in a lot of cases, when they do something like this, a little can go a long way, and might well actually improve on something if done right, but at the same time, if the writers and directors go too far with it, and make too many changes, then what they wind up doing is taking the original story line and instead of doing what the original writer did, which is what the fan base expected and wanted to see brought to life, they wind up seeing what the writers and directors had a ‘vision’ of…

And the end result is totally different from what the fans expected, not at all even close to what the original was, and it tics of the fan base, does bad in the box, or on the TV if it’s a series, and winds up bombing badly.

With this, Henry, from everything I have read, and I have read quite a bit from articles concerning this, he really wanted to continue, but there was so much that they wanted to change that he simply refused to do it. Guy loved this, and was a purist concerning it. He spent hours training with that sword every day just to be able to do what he did with it, to bring realism to the show, and he really worked hard on it. Played it to a ‘T’, just because he loved it so much.

For the people that have read the books and played the games, and I am not one of them, I’m willing to bet that they are going to be really ticked off about all of the changes that are about to be seen. Clearly Henry was. Clearly he’s not having any problem finding work, but he will be sorely missed in this, and I really believe the people writing and directing this will soon find that they made a terrible mistake…

The Witcher (2019)
HarryDurden 5 points 5 months ago.

Hard to imagine anyone other than Cavill being Geralt. As I read in an IMDB comment about characters of books/video games into screen adaptations someone stated Cavill “is THE GOLD STANDARD”. I never read the books nor played the video games, but even from the cheap seats I have to concur he IS Geralt. All you have to do is an online search for the site GH Rex mentioned along with “Witcher” and you’ll find it along with this:
Andrzej Sapkowski himself said about Henry Cavill: “I was more than happy with Henry Cavill’s appearance as The Witcher, he’s a real professional. Just as Viggo Mortensen gave his face to Aragorn, so Henry gave his to Geralt and it shall be forever so.”

Henry isn’t leaving The Witcher because of Superman, Netflix executives have once again made a grave decision against delivering for their fans. The reason why The Witcher is such a popular show is the fans’ love of the source material of books and games, that are hated by and have actively been mocked by the writers and showrunner. Henry Cavill is one of those big fans, he knows all of it inside out and wanted to stay true to Sapkowski’s world, which is why Netflix wants to replace him.
Such a shame when screenwriters and producers think they know better when everything is already written for them.
Thanks, Rex.

greyfur 1 points 5 months ago.

What you just said matches me as well, never read any of it or played the games, but everything I have read concerning this, and there have been several articles, matches exactly what you have said here, so I agree fully.

Reacher (2022) S2 E2
greyfur 1 points 5 months ago.

I can see that this is going to pan to be a really good season.

Reacher (2022) S2 E1
greyfur 2 points 5 months ago.

Reacher’s out!

Fallout (2024)
tardisrider 3 points 5 months ago.

loved the offbeat character he played in sons of anarchy.

greyfur 3 points 5 months ago.

He was in a show called Deep State, which unfortunately got cancelled, which was really good. Was hoping it would get another season, but nope. Seems like all the good ones get knocked off the box too soon. He was good in Anarchy.

Euringer 6 points 5 months ago.

Haven’t seen MI myself, but have you seen The Man From U.N.C.L.E.? I think he was good in that.

greyfur 1 points 5 months ago.

Neither did I, thanks for the heads up, just put that on my watch list!

Fallout (2024)
tardisrider 1 points 5 months ago.

I think it’s a series not a movie

greyfur 1 points 5 months ago.

I believe you’re right. I as soon as I saw Walton Goggins I remembered that he was in something like this, read something about it, but won’t say anything else as I would have to make it a spoiler, and what I remember might not be totally accurate, but I will say that anything he is in usually is pretty good, guy is a great actor.

Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (2023)
trillianregina 3 points 6 months ago.

All signs still point to Dec 22, 2023.

greyfur 2 points 5 months ago.

I sure hope your right, really like the Aquaman movies, to me they have been among the best ones. Growing up I never really paid much attention to the guy in the comics, but Jason really brings something to the role that makes you really like the guy and you just want to root for him. He just makes you really LIKE Aquaman…

Reacher (2022) S2 E1
Tiger8me 6 points 5 months ago.

So happy to see this one pop up in my schedule…something to look forward to.

greyfur 3 points 5 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I am so looking forward to this. From what I hear this season is supposed to be a lot more hard core then the first one. I saw a little bit of something, can’t remember much of it, was just little snaps, but there was this one piece that I do remember, where Reacher did something, and this chick looks at him and said something, can’t remember what, and he just looks at her and said, ‘I don’t know how to punch soft’.

Man, I kinda cracked up. This is gonna be a great season. Guy even looks a bit more buff then normal, think he’s been working out a bit more for the show, so there’s that as well.

The Marvels (2023)
ribbet29 7 points 6 months ago.

You can say you loved, liked or hated this, opinions very wildly… In my opinion, it’s garbage… I will say this though; The Marvels has the WORST opening weekend debut in MCU history… See that for what you will…

greyfur 0 points 5 months ago.

Yeah, I didn’t much care for it either. Didn’t outright hate it, but had hoped for much better then this, tell the truth. Really wanted to like this, or at least like it more then this, I ‘sort of’ liked it, but they could have done a lot better with this i think then what they did. Story idea was a good one, but thinking they kinda dropped the ball somehow, just can’t really put my finger on it. Like you said, opening weekend box tells a big story there.

Themoo 6 points 5 months ago.

Honestly, I think even Adrian Paul was a better Highlander than Lambert. Cavill has got this easy =)

greyfur 4 points 5 months ago.

I liked Lambert in the movie, but really think Paul knocked it out of the park in the series, and was a good addition to the movies as well as Lambert’s (what, was it his distant cousin?), though I really didn’t like how they did that last season of the series. Could have done a better job on that, was a bit disappointing.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) S1 E5
ThinMan 2 points 5 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I think that Godzilla fans, which we (me and the wife) are, will find too much relational stuff, without any Godzilla a bit contrived. It’s just our feelings based on the traditional stuff. Godzilla and all his monster counterparts, always had relational stuff, but never without seeing Mr. G in every bit of the production. We hope to see a difference in the next episode!

greyfur 2 points 5 months ago.

Agreed, we need to get there sooner or later…

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023) S1 E5
ThinMan 3 points 5 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Even Kurt Russell couldn’t save this monster/Godzilla free episode. It can only be hoped that the name of this episode - The Way Out - isn’t a foretelling for the series that is supposedly about Godzilla and company, not pure drama. 1/5 is being generous.

greyfur 3 points 5 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Does seem to be a lot more drama in this then there is really needed. I don’t mind some good build up, sand a bit of back story, as that tends to tell one quite a bit sometimes, and can be a big part of the story overall, but this can just drag at times…And for something that’s actually supposed to be about Godzilla, I have hardly seen the big guy at all, 5 episodes in, which does not bode well for the first season.

Merry Little Batman (2023)
greyfur 1 points 5 months ago.

Nope. I. Just. Can’t…..

Mr. Monk's Last Case: A Monk Movie (2023)
Alien 1 points 5 months ago.

Are you saying the VidSrc icon disappeared from the search engine list?

greyfur -1 points 5 months ago.

It’s there…

Magnum P.I. (2018) S5 E17
greyfur -2 points 5 months ago.

What happened to Magnum? Never aired?

Godzilla vs. Megalon (Short 2023) (2023)
greyfur 1 points 5 months ago.

Every time I watch one of these, I can’t help but think, man, construction worker must love these guys, they create a lot of job security…🤣

Godzilla vs. Megalon (Short 2023) (2023)
trillianregina 3 points 5 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I love this stuff.

Quite good CGI. Godzilla lets loose with the radioactive breath, and it’s just pure destruction. It’s goosebumps inducing. Yet all I can think to say is “No Tic Tac is helping that”.

greyfur 0 points 5 months ago.

I really like how you put that at the end, got a good ‘out loud’ chuckle from that, thanks man!😂

Riese: Kingdom Falling (2010)
mike1616 0 points 5 months ago.

You have to open EACH episode and ask for EACH episodes links.
As there are none for the full series, I thought this would be better.

greyfur 1 points 5 months ago.

Actually, you don’t. There is a spot there where you post the link for what you want to get where you can comment. In that spot, if you let them know, and ask real nice, you can often get the attention of a good linker that will help you out.

I have asked once or twice for a whole series of something all at once and got all the links, just posted the link to the series here that was relevant to what I wanted the links to. Sometimes it can happen pretty quick, sometimes it can take a while, really no idea why.

Riese: Kingdom Falling (2010)
mike1616 0 points 5 months ago.

I was hoping to watch this series.
Is it possible for some one to post some links please.
Thanks :-)

greyfur 1 points 5 months ago.

You don’t ask for links here, you will just get ignored, there is a section for asking for them, easy to find if you look for it.

The Artful Dodger (2023) S1 E8
greyfur 0 points 5 months ago.

I know they made this to be a one shot, but it really does deserve an encore….

The Artful Dodger (2023) S1 E1
greyfur -1 points 5 months ago.

Wow! Whoever it is has certainly been busy ticking people off, that’s for sure. Appreciate the information, thanks. Sad someone has to resort to that though. Must be a really dull life.

Obliterated (2023) S1 E6
greyfur 1 points 5 months ago.

I’ve been semi binge watching this, and catching up on a few other things while I have had the time, but would up watching this just because it turned out to be a fun watch just because of the element of the absurd that they tossed into it, along with a little bit of humor. I just would up liking it for what it is, and I think they intended it to be this way, just so people can let their brains melt a little, and be distracted from all the garbage going on in the world at the moment…

Tell the truth, this worked for me as far as that goes. I made it this far, and found it to be more then a little distracting, and a fun watch. If you let it, you can get a bit involved in a fun kind of way, and there on occasion (like with this episode) can be the occasional twist or turn that you really don’t expect.

But if your looking for something to watch that’s just kind of fun with a little of the absurd, this is for you, then again, if you want something more serious, you might want to look for something else, as this is far from that…but personally, I think this is worth watching just for farts and grins…

Accident Man (2018)
Alien 1 points 5 months ago.

I can praise him in one comment then criticize him in the next. He’s been in plenty of stinkers.

greyfur 0 points 5 months ago.

Yeah, been a couple that weren’t his best movies, but overall, he’s done pretty good. Not everybody get’s to bat 1,000, but he’s done pretty good.

Accident Man (2018)
Alien 1 points 5 months ago*.

Scott Adkins is badass. This was a very cool movie.
But the bonus part for me was Ray Stevenson. I will miss him.
On to “Accident Man: Hitman’s Holiday.”

greyfur 1 points 5 months ago.

Adkins is awesome! I think I have seen everything he has been in.

For All Mankind (2019) S4 E4
greyfur 1 points 5 months ago.

This is ticking me off, and right tired of it. Half of the show anymore is in Russian now, and been watching on Streamtape, so can anyone tell me if there is a link that has subs that give an English translation for people that are clueless? No point in watching something you only understand about 1/2 of….

The Artful Dodger (2023) S1 E1
expresso 3 points 6 months ago.

Yeah, of course you got downvoted for saying something wholesome and nice that managed to offend no one.

greyfur 3 points 6 months ago.

It would appear that someone is following me and another person around and giving us downvotes. was talking to someone else on another thread a day or so ago and he noticed it as well. We were both getting hit for no reason, just to hit us it would seem. I told him sometimes it was just like that with some people in places like this with comments sections.

There’s gonna be that one person no matter where you go that just has no intention of playing nice with others no matter what. All you can really do is just take a deep breath, remember you’re the adult in the room, and move on…

Obliterated (2023) S1 E1
Alien 3 points 6 months ago.

Really? For me, not even C. Thomas Howell can save this.

greyfur 0 points 6 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I liked it for what it was, silly comedy. The one chick, the sniper, kind of reminded me of M. Rodriguez a little bit, rather liked her. Was also just the first episode, might get a little better as it goes. Also might get a bit dumber too, so there’s that…

Kane (2023)
Alien 2 points 6 months ago.

uh, thanks, anyway.

greyfur 0 points 6 months ago.


Obliterated (2023) S1 E1
greyfur 0 points 6 months ago.

Well, first episode was pretty good, lets see how they do with the next couple…

Kane (2023)
Alien 1 points 6 months ago.


greyfur 0 points 6 months ago.

I have ointment I would share with you guys, but I can never find the stuff when I need it..😂

Kane (2023)
TheFreakyRobber 1 points 6 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Thanks, yes I seen that movie, it was ok. Funny thing is, somebody came and downvoted all your comments and mine. Sheesh somebody upset over what?? 🤷🏾‍♂️

greyfur 2 points 6 months ago.

Who knows? The butt hurt can be massive in places like this that has a comments section, can be just anybody that simply wants to be a ‘Richard’ for no reason at all, generally….

The Artful Dodger (2023) S1 E1
greyfur 3 points 6 months ago.

Just watched this first episode, and this is really good!

Destination Moon (1950)
random000 3 points 6 months ago*.

George Pal was a celebrated effects guy, so his stuff was a big deal for sure, but when he worked directly with Heinlein on this film, it was pretty prophetic as to how space exploration would go. They explained the science to the public real well in this film & even put the little rich boys in the private sector ahead of the government. Good stuff.

greyfur 1 points 6 months ago.

They knew what they were talking a about, that’s for sure. NASA turned into a vacuum cleaner for cash, and the private sector turned out to be able to do a lot more with satellite launches and cargo launches and limited manned launches then NASA was ever able to do. Might well with a little time be able to do other things better as well, and for less cash, a lot less.

Destination Moon (1950)
random000 4 points 6 months ago.

Before Kennedy’s mandate was the Robert Heinlein book at the dawn of the Atomic Age. Oops! The guy who did Woody Woodpecker, Walter Lance did the animation.

greyfur 1 points 6 months ago.

I believe I have read every Heinlein book their is from when I was a kid growing up as a kid. Was my favorite author at the time, and I think he still might be, though there are a couple of close seconds. Going to have to put this on my ‘to watch’ list just on general principles.

That and just the fact that this is from George Pal productions. Have not seen that name is a long time…

Kane (2023)
TheFreakyRobber 1 points 6 months ago.

What was the other flick?

greyfur 1 points 6 months ago.

Was this one here. Was a Vampire flick, was all right for what it was, if they had a couple more bucks to work with, it would have been a lot better, but it was still worth watching for what it was. Slight cut above the average Asylum movie.

Due Justice (2023)
greyfur 0 points 6 months ago.

This turned out to be O.K., but it moved a bit slow…

Kane (2023)
greyfur 2 points 6 months ago.

This turned out to be pretty decent…

Kane (2023)
TheFreakyRobber 3 points 6 months ago.

Hmmm, I thought this was the other “Kane” but anyway the trailer looks good. I’ll give it a look.

greyfur 1 points 6 months ago.

Just watched another flick that I found while discovering this, and now am about to check this one out. Thinking this one might be better then the one I was watching earlier. Other one was O.K., but could have been better.

Bloodthirst (2023)
Alien 1 points 6 months ago.
greyfur 0 points 6 months ago.

Yuppers! Waiting to see if they come out with the second season, really liked this one, those cray cray Aussies have been coming out with some right dinkum good stuff!

Bloodthirst (2023)
greyfur 0 points 6 months ago.

As luck would have it (and I did watch this) this was a bit better then an Asylum film only because they simply didn’t have the budget for the movie, but aside from that they still did a decent job. I was able to watch the whole thing, and would rate this as a solid 3.8 over all. If you’re the kind of person that don’t mind a decent Asylum movie from time to time, then you would probably like this one…

Bloodthirst (2023)
greyfur 0 points 6 months ago.

Oh, snap! Here’s another one I lucked into, gonna have to add this to the list, might even watch this first! Have not seen a decent Vampire flick in a long while, and this looks like it might be good. Even has a couple decent actors (matter of taste of course) in it, and the trailer looked good as well. And better, it’s not the Asylum…always a plus.

Kane (2023)
greyfur 1 points 6 months ago.

Just checked out the trailer for this, and added it to my already long list of ‘going to watch for sure’, and might come back in a bit and actually watch this one. Actually looked right good. A lot of these Aussie movies I’ve noticed tend to pan out rather well.

Faraway Downs (2023)
Alien 2 points 6 months ago.

Good on ya!

greyfur 1 points 6 months ago.

Wow! I had no had no idea how many people here were bilingual!😂

Due Justice (2023)
greyfur 1 points 6 months ago.

I just watched the trailer for this, and it looked pretty good….

The Island (2023)
Alien 1 points 6 months ago*.

Killed by a celebrity death hoax.

greyfur 0 points 6 months ago.

Ahhh,sooo good to know!

The Island (2023)
greyfur -1 points 6 months ago.

Can someone tell me if Jai is really alive or dead? I have heard that he died in a plane crash, but then this movie came out, which could have been after he died, but am wondering if he’s still alive. Am really hoping he’s still kicking, as I would like to see more movies from him, and from all I have heard and seen, he’s a pretty decent guy, and would hate to hear that he died in a plane crash…