augusts1's comments

Fargo (2014) S5 E5
ThinMan 3 points 4 months ago.

Just wait until you get to episode 8. This series builds and builds and builds. It’s outstanding viewing due to some really good writing, direction, editing and acting!

augusts1 2 points 4 months ago.

Oh great to know. Thanks for your comment!

The Truman Show (1998)
jew_squirrel 7 points 3 years ago*.

A fascinating and mind-bending classic!! Jim Carrey is incredible!! So is the hot babe he chases after!! I sometimes wonder if I’m a secret A-list star of a tv show because I’m obviously such an interesting and cool person and some really strange things have happened to me over the course of my glorious, sex-soaked life!! Like the other day I had a squirrel “walk” up to me and start to glitch out, and I coulda sworn it spoke to me!! Summing up: Great movie!! Recommeded for people who like to wonder and think about the meaning of it all!!

augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

@jew_squirrel LMFAO

Harold and Maude (1971)
augusts1 2 points 1 year ago*.

Classic! Grew up watching this twisted movie. Equally funny, dark, endearing, sweet & sad it’s a quirky odd couple movie. Cat Stevens’ soundtrack is perfect too.

Irma la Douce (1963)
Vigile 4 points 3 months ago.

Severely underrated at 7.4. This film is a lot of fun and one of the treasures that Billy Wilder gave us all.

augusts1 2 points 3 months ago.

It is fun. I watched most of it last night & going to finish the rest tonight. Definitely a different cheesy, over the top style of acting so I think the rating is probably just about right since I think it’s rather long at 147 mins. It could do w/some editing of scenes that I think go on far too long. I get that Wilder was allowing McClaine & Lemmon license to emote & do their thing but in this it just seems the story could have been told in a shorter time span imo.

The Boulet Brothers' Dragula (2016) S4 E10
augusts1 2 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

YESSSS!!!! Was so hoping Dahli would win the crown!

Sense8 (2015)
augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

Directed by The Wachowskis who did the Matrix series. This far outdoes The Matrix in my opinion since it’s consistently phenomenal throughout the series. It starts off slowly, building the characters & world. But I was mesmerized & hooked from the 1st epi. Amazingly acted, written & filmed & the global sets are incredible. Sadly cancelled after season 2 but a 2 hour wrap up movie occurred a bit over a year later due to a fan lead fund raiser, thankfully. Worth the watch if you enjoy emotionally engaging & in depth characterizations.

True Detective (2014) S4 E4
augusts1 2 points 3 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Twist N Shout! LOL. Another incredible epi. That poor woman is going THROUGH IT, losing her sister, fighting a gang of men alone, etc. Such a great actor. I need to find out who she is IRL. I’d say she’s every bit as great as Jodie Foster. Love her.

Severance (2022) S1 E5
Birdsforme 2 points 2 years ago.

Getting stuck in a building that would not let me out. But I still like the show

augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.


RuPaul's Drag Race (2009) S14 E14
alexisbits 0 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I hated Daya’s runway look. But her performance in the challenge was great And she listened. Willow as a rodent was adorable! Though she said “rat” and everyone thought “mouse” (probably because of the ears). Angie’s black dress was amazing! But she didn’t listen to direction. Camden was the clear winner, obviously. Bosco was forgettable, in spite of the runway outfit. Yet made it to the top. That final lip sync, there’s no way it couldn’t be a tie. Shout out to RuPaul’s Dress of Many Colors.

augusts1 2 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I hated Ruples outfit. It was an elevated yet still trashy version of Maddy Morphosis’ hideous patchwork outfit lol.

I liked Daya’s burnt look though. Camden was living her best life in both the challenge & runway. Poor Angie, she’s doubting herself so much but I’m glad of the outcome of the lip synch. I had a feeling they’d both stay since Ruples loves them both so much.

True Detective (2014) S4 E2
Boilup4T 1 points 3 months ago.

All your guys comments are giving me mixed feelings. Its like staring down at a deep dark and scary hole idk whether to join in or not. I haven’t seen any eps or even a trailer of this program. Should i start from season 1 or shell i just dive in now on the 4th season.

augusts1 2 points 3 months ago.

I decided to dive into season one a few months back, watched one episode, loved it but got distracted by other shows I’m watching & didn’t get back to it yet. So I decided to just start w/this season & SO glad I did because it’s excellent. Like eTim said it’s different every season so you can start anywhere. Go for it!

Insecure (2016)
augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

So sad this 5th season is the final one. Loved it from the start.

Dexter (2006)
SheWatches 1 points 2 years ago.

Was checking back to see if episode 2 was up and now I see that the first episode is no longer showing. What happened with that? It just disappeared? I’m pretty sure I watched it here and its been some time ago so what’s up? Anyway, looking forward to episode 2 whenever it goes up - guess I’ll have to keep checking back.

augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

@SheWatches I did the same & even requested the 2nd epi in the request forum. Then did a search for it another day & found they have a separate page for the new season. So here it is:

The Pantry Ghost Documentary (2013)
amz1369 2 points 2 years ago.
augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

@amz1369 Thank you so much. Guess I didn’t spell Osbournes correctly when I did a search lol.

Soap (1977)
augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

I didn’t get to watch this when it 1st aired due to my parents not allowing it. It was too controversial so I forgot about it & finally started watching today thanks to a youtube video I watched about the show. I can see why it was controversial since the subjects it addresses were considered pretty wild back then. This was written by the same team that wrote ‘Golden Girls’ 4 years later in ‘85 that addressed the same topics, but was much better received due to Soap’s influence helping to change the TV landscape.

Fresh (2022)
augusts1 2 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This was ‘well done’ LOL. Great performances & production design but there’s definitely some issues w/the story line as it was fairly predictable, although I didn’t see the twist of the wife’s involvement coming. I also wondered what happened to the guy the wife showed up with at the end. I guess he got tf out of there once he saw the couple were dead. I still have more questions but overall it was worth a one time watch.

The Blair Witch Project (1999)
tabularascal 2 points 2 months ago.

How did this ever come to define a genre? Music at end is creepy. Only good part.
Sad thing is, I know I’m going to waste even more time watching the sequel thinking, “It’s got to be better than the first one.”

augusts1 2 points 2 months ago.

The sequel is not at all better. Glad I saw it due to my curiosity but a complete waste of funds.

Whatever It Takes (2023)
eyelash 1 points 3 months ago.

Please we need links for this movie. Thank you

augusts1 2 points 3 months ago.

Request them under the ‘Free Links’ section where it says ‘Currently there are no links. Request links’.
Hit the ‘request links’ to make your request known. Then wait & periodically check the page to see if links have been found.

That's My Jam (2021)
augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

I don’t know why the score for this show is a 1 on this site? It’s 7.0 on IMDB & it’s a fun game show. I really enjoyed it & the various games they play are creative. It’s just a great show to forget your troubles for awhile.

Insecure (2016) S5 E10
augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

Nooooo! Loved the ending. I can’t believe this series is over. Just. So. Excellent. ❤❤❤

Zombie Roadkill (2010) S1 E6
Alien 2 points 1 year ago*.

Animal zombies are hilarious!
This final episode gets cut off before the end. Here’s the complete one:

augusts1 2 points 1 year ago.

Thank you A!

The Man Who Sold His Skin (2021)
augusts1 2 points 2 years ago*.

Beautiful & dark film that has a lot to say about the value of human life, immigration, the price that is paid for art & the art world itself. This was nominated for best foreign film Oscar last year & it’s obvious why. The performances are nuanced & emotional by the two leads & the entire cast is excellent. Certainly not a film for everyone though since it is a layered movie that not everyone will understand or enjoy. But if you like well done foreign films you might enjoy this one.

Firebite (2021)
augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

First epi was quite good. Created some good intrigue & the 2 main characters are interesting & layered. Nice start, I hope they can build on the momentum in this pilot.

Schmigadoon! (2021) S1 E2
augusts1 2 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

‘It’s like The Walking Dead was also Glee!’ OMG I couldn’t stop laughing at the He said/She said argument the 2 leads have while they sing the “Lover’s Spat” song. Hysterical.

Alex vs America (2022)
augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

Really wished there were more epis than 5. I look forward to the 2nd season.

Squid Game (2021)
ezl88 2 points 2 years ago.

Anyone know if there’s another page/link for the subtitled version? The English dub is pretty awful.

augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

Agreed, it is awful. Glad I tried again w/subs.

Addams Family Reunion (1998)
alexisbits 3 points 2 years ago.

Since the 19th was Tim Curry’s birthday, I wanted to watch one of his movies. But I’d recently seen Rocky Horror and “Clue”. “IT” was too long. I wasn’t in the mood for “Legend” or “Gingerclown”. So, I went for this. I’d forgotten how funny it can be at times. Is it the best Addams portrayal? No. But Tim Curry as Gomez worked.

augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

Thanks for the comment. I forgot about this movie. Going to watch it tonight.

Strays (2023)
augusts1 2 points 8 months ago.

I’m not usually into dog or animal movies but this looks hilarious from the trailer. Swearing dogs? Count me in!!!!

Atlanta (2016)
33madlib 4 points 2 years ago.

How are there no comments on this amazing show? Looking forward to Season 3

augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

IKR? It is an amazing series. So surreal yet real.

Dexter: New Blood (2021) S1 E1
JoeAgora -1 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Dexter: New Blood, commits the worst crime ever…it’s terminally boring. Yes. They made a show about a serial killer boring. Think about that for a second. Don’t even get me started on the CGI deer. Oy vey. So bad. As for those who dunk on people reviewing the 1st episode…if they can’t bother to make an interesting 1st episode…how good can the rest of the series be?

augusts1 2 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I enjoyed it, except for the fake looking deer lol. They had to spend time establishing the new characters & the locale. His struggle to not kill was intriguing to me. I could watch MCH do anything, he really is such an amazing actor & the rest of the cast is great too.

Killing It (2022)
greenguy86 2 points 1 year ago.

Its tense and stressful to watch but I’m pretty much laughing the entire episode.

augusts1 2 points 1 year ago.

Why stressful? Please keep it spoiler free if you reply. Thanks.

Fargo (2014) S3 E2
starphlo 2 points 4 months ago.

Surprised to find someone who knows them! They were so much fun live….still touring, probably.

augusts1 2 points 3 months ago.

They were pretty popular on the alternative scene in the early to late ‘00s. I know they recently tried to make a comeback last year but didn’t I didn’t hear anything else about it.

Schmigadoon! (2021)
augusts1 2 points 1 year ago.

Used to love musicals growing up but grew tired of them the older I got due to the ridiculousness. This totally spoofs the genre hilariously & does so brilliantly w/absurdity to the max. Really amazing acting, writing, costumes & sets. This just might get me back into musicals or maybe solidify my distaste for them lol.

Addams Family Reunion (1998)
alexisbits 2 points 2 years ago.

Long before Raul played Gomez, John Astin had the role (the TV show from the 60s).

augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

Yup, I watched it as a kid! Great show.

Saltburn (2023)
augusts1 2 points 3 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Genius. I didn’t see that ending coming at all. Keoghan is fantastic in the lead role as are all the cast. I thoroughly enjoyed this. It was so well done. It reminded me a lot of the movie The Talented Mr Ripley w/the obsession facet being a huge component that compels characters. I have a few questions though like did Keoghan’s character kill the husband too or did I miss that? Wouldn’t forensics have done tests in the autopsies of the brother & sister? And also notice that Pike’s character’s tubes had been pulled out? He surely would not have walked away scott free w/a fortune like that without some scrutiny from police and any remaining relatives. Still an amazing film though. I loved that last dance sequence to the song ‘Murder On The Dance Floor’. Very clever.

Wicked Little Letters (2024)
Derp_Jergin 1 points 1 month ago.

Did this one come out? Did I miss it!?

augusts1 2 points 1 month ago.

You can see the release date under the IMDB rating under the movie description. The ‘request links’ link under the ‘Free Links’ section is to request the movie since they can’t get to uploading everything released.

Baby Reindeer (2024)
augusts1 2 points 26 days ago*.

Creepy & frightening. The 1st epi sets things up & the leads are both great & convincing. Looking forward to the rest of the series. I can relate to this scenario since I was the one being stalked when it happened to me. Just an awful feeling. (Shivers)

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2002)
augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

Just so good. Definitely a slow burn but the payoff is worth it. This was my 2nd time watching this & I enjoyed it even more this watch. It will keep you guessing. Some very twisted scenarios & violence/torture which might put off some people.

Day Shift (2022)
greyfur 3 points 1 year ago.

Finally watched this, mostly because the other poster said it was generic, and didn’t believe it on account of the trailer I saw. Now that I watched it, I doubt that the person posting even watched it, was anything close to generic, and was actually a solid 4 out of 5 stars for me, and was actually pretty different as far as vampire movies go. I have watched a lot of them over the years, and while stuff has been done that might have been similar to this in some way or another, it has never been done (in my opinion) nearly as well.

Jamie did an excellent job as always in this, and overall I think it was well worth the watch, even if you are just looking to kill some time, or if you just like vampire movies in general.

augusts1 2 points 1 year ago.

It was pretty generic. It incorporated several overdone genres like vampire horror, buddy team ups & action films. Still was entertaining w/some good laughs.

Reacher (2022)
Themoo 4 points 2 years ago*.

Blue Mountain State was mine - and you need to see it if you haven’t =)

augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

@Themoo I started watching Blue Mountain State & it’s hilarious. Thanks for the reco.

Legendary (2020) S3 E1
alexisbits 2 points 1 year ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Absolutely. It just wasn’t the same without a live audience (though it was understandable). Even with the masks, the cheers of support were amazing.

That’s true. I still miss her being in the show. But having seen all three episodes, KeKe (apparently that’s how it’s spelled, I wasn’t familiar) is a good replacement. Still, I will miss Megan’s in your face attitude and revealing outfits. lol.

augusts1 2 points 1 year ago.

Yes Megan’s energy is fun & undeniable. She has that Bronx or Jersey vibe even though she’s from Houston originally. Keke has a softer approach but still quite personable.

The Boulet Brothers' Dragula (2016) S4 E6
alexisbits 5 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I get that they didn’t want to cut Jade a break, but they talked about how “behind the scenes counts” with Hoso. Jade lost her cat and couldn’t even be there. That’s hard! Yet she didn’t say a word to anyone, for fear of “bringing them down”. She just focused on her work and did a pretty good job. That should’ve kept her out of the bottom. Now, as much as I love Sigourney Beaver, she deserved the bottom.

augusts1 2 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Jade was quite a drama mama behind the scenes prior to this epi & her looks have been consistently underwhelmingly unhorror imo. They’ve booted most of the other drama mamas too (except La Zavaleta but she’s turned out some incredible horror looks, so I can see why she’s still there) so it really was Jade’s time to go despite losing her cat & doing the best she’s done so far as far as her horror drag this epi. Unfortunately it was a little too late!

And Sigourney needed that swift kick of being in the bottom. The judges were correct saying she’s too glamour & not enough filth, horror & griminess w/basically too similar silhouettes week after week (even though many were beautiful but this is not RPDR).

My Year of Dicks (Short 2022) (2023)
Alien 3 points 1 year ago.

This was nominated for an Academy Award. It was cute. A case of art imitating life.

augusts1 2 points 1 year ago.

I saw the title & got ‘interested’ bahahahaha.

The Box (2021)
augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

Wow, intense first episode that kept my interest & built some good anxiety inducing drama. Performances were quite excellent. I’m hooked.

Red Rocket (2021)
augusts1 2 points 2 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Very interesting slice of life movie. It reminds me a lot of The Florida Project & it is directed by the same director. Definitely a character study. No real plot to speak of, just mainly the everyday lives of people struggling to make it in the world & seemingly on the downhill slope of their lives. Simon Rex is great in it as is the rest of the cast. Was rather surprised by the ending I might add though. It seemed quite out of the blue. Other than that I enjoyed it.

Raised by Wolves (2020) S2 E4
dread 1 points 2 years ago.

Next season?? Your saying this season is only 4 episodes? That can’t be right.

augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

It isn’t. There are 8 epis in this season.

Simulant (2023)
greyfur 9 points 1 year ago.

Well, I’ll be darned! Usually, in the morning, it’s become kind of a habit of mine to pop in here first thing with my first shot of coffee and see what’s up, what new movies have posted, and if anything has come up on my watch list. Something easy enough for what’s left of the mush in my skull to deal with until the coffee kicks in, and low and behold, I see this has links!

Had an air date of June 2nd, 2023, and we are not even there yet, and had this on my ‘Plan to watch list’, as the trailer looked pretty good, and I like my Science Fiction.

I honestly couldn’t be happier. Not sure when I’m going to be able to watch it, and have no idea how the linkers pulled it off, but not going to ask questions either. Don’t need to know how the magic worked, sometimes it’s best to just not ask questions, and just say ‘thank you’ and be happy..🥳

augusts1 2 points 1 year ago*.

US movies are often released in foreign countries before the US to see the public’s response, how they will fare there in the box office & to tweak the marketing ahead of US releases among other reasons.

Fargo (2014) S5 E1
DownrightDebonaire 1 points 4 months ago.

I think you and YR1 might like The Fall of the House of Usher if that’s how you feel. Different drama, but it really unfolds nicely.

augusts1 2 points 4 months ago.

I watched the 1st epi when it 1st came out but wasn’t impressed enough to keep watching, although it was decent enough. I do like Mike Flanagan though. I’ll try the 2nd epi.

Moon Knight (2022)
Davidleefl43 5 points 2 years ago.

gaspart Ulliel died recently sadly :(

augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

It was today from a skiing accident & yes quite sad. Such a talented man.

Ridiculousness (2011)
etim 0 points 2 years ago.

Click the ones you want and click on ‘request links’.

augusts1 2 points 2 years ago.

Is there a way to request a whole season instead of individual epis?

Renfield (2023)
augusts1 2 points 1 year ago.

Looking forward to this, looks like it should be pretty fun.